16:39:17 RRSAgent has joined #webappsec 16:39:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-webappsec-irc 16:39:19 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:39:19 Zakim has joined #webappsec 16:39:21 Zakim, this will be WASWG 16:39:21 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:39:22 Meeting: Web Application Security Working Group Teleconference 16:39:22 Date: 16 December 2015 16:39:58 wseltzer has changed the topic to: WebAppSec 16 December: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2015Dec/0035.html 16:40:01 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2015Dec/0035.html 16:48:14 gmaone has joined #webappsec 16:48:56 yoav has joined #webappsec 16:54:46 present+ 16:56:11 estark has joined #webappsec 17:00:07 bhill2 has joined #webappsec 17:00:40 present+ 17:00:48 present+ bhill2 17:00:53 present+ estark 17:01:03 present+ 17:01:06 Meeting: WebAppSec Teleconference 16-Dec-2015 17:01:12 present+ 17:01:12 Chairs: bhill2, dveditz 17:01:19 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2015Dec/0035.html 17:02:00 zakim, who is here? 17:02:00 Present: wseltzer, francois, bhill2, estark, terri, gmaone 17:02:02 On IRC I see bhill2, estark, gmaone, Zakim, RRSAgent, francois, bblfish, slightlyoff, tobie, mkwst, timeless, Josh_Soref, dveditz, terri, schuki, Mek, mounir, xiaoqian, trackbot, 17:02:02 ... wseltzer 17:02:20 In another meeting, will be dialing in fairly soon. 17:02:58 present+ Michael_Irwin 17:03:10 present+ Ted_Dinklocker 17:04:03 teddink_ has joined #webappsec 17:04:55 Good morning 17:05:00 present+ dveditz 17:05:18 scribenick: bhill2 17:05:20 TOPIC: Agenda bashing 17:05:33 present+ mkwst 17:05:42 no new agenda topics 17:05:50 TOPIC: Minutes approval 17:05:56 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/draft-minutes/2015-11-16-webappsec-minutes.html 17:05:59 TOPIC: Minutes approval 17:05:59 http://www.w3.org/2011/webappsec/draft-minutes/2015-11-16-webappsec-minutes.html 17:06:19 hta has joined #webappsec 17:06:39 dveditz: any objection to unanimous consent to approve? 17:06:43 no objections 17:06:47 dveditz: minutes approved 17:06:54 TOPIC: News 17:07:12 dveditz: CSP Cookie Controls and CSP Embedded Enforcement specs started calls for exclusions this week 17:07:36 q+ 17:08:13 bhill2: FIDO Alliance has made it's member submission of their 2.0 APIs 17:08:30 wseltzer: and we will shortly be sending a proposed charter for review for web authentication related to this 17:08:36 dveditz: different from credential WG? 17:08:43 wseltzer: entirely separate 17:08:50 https://w3c.github.io/websec/web-authentication-charter 17:08:53 dveditz: seems like overlapping concerns 17:09:25 q- 17:09:46 bhill2: I don't think it does overlap much, but a good reason for people here who know and care about security to take a look at the charter 17:10:05 wseltzer: also want to thank the group for lots of good work over the year 17:10:11 TOPIC: Teleconference 2016 meta 17:10:12 TOPIC: Teleconference 2016 meta 17:11:30 Continue with a spec rotation schedule or go to an "as-needed" 17:11:30 schedule like WebApps/WebPlatform? 17:11:54 mkwst: seems nice to have a forcing function to ensure that specs are acutally moving, there are a few that have not moved in a long time 17:12:00 ... valuable to revisit on a periodic basis 17:12:12 ... not clear we need to structure our calls around that, things may pop up that are more important 17:12:26 ... but at some point it is helpful to have a forcing function to ensure we still want to be doing something 17:12:49 terri: agree, also easier to justify to my management all the specs we are working on, appreciate even null update 17:14:06 bhill2: those were some of my motivations for the approach, I will nominate the specs that have gone the longest time for the early part of next year and fill out the calendar from there 17:14:28 dveditz: seems like unanimous agreement and that as we work on more specs that approach has helped 17:14:36 TOPIC: UI Security 17:14:38 TOPIC: UI Security 17:14:45 https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-uisecurity/ 17:16:08 q+ 17:16:34 bhill2: will send a CfC after making some typo corrections, would hope that Googlers can encourage the folks working on Intersection Observer to give feedback 17:16:35 q- 17:16:51 mkwst: working to ensure that there is a single point of contact at Google for brad and dan on this topic 17:17:06 TOPIC: CSP Level 3 17:17:35 mkwst: would be nice if folks would look at it 17:18:04 ... very few behavioral changes 17:18:26 ... lots of clarifications re: integration of spec with other specifications like fetch and html to make it clear how it integrates with browser internals 17:18:40 ... what hooks are necessary and where those hooks are called 17:19:17 q+ 17:19:29 ... need to upstream some hooks to WHATWG and W3C, but most are present in the CSP3 spec already as a sort of todo list 17:19:39 ... need to know how that will work for HTML at the W3C 17:19:49 wseltzer: maybe we can arrange a chat with Web Platform WG chairs 17:20:20 https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/ 17:20:26 tanvi has joined #webappsec 17:20:33 mkwst: other set of changes is to make CSP more modular 17:20:44 ACTION: wseltzer to schedule conversation with Web Platform WG chairs and WebAppSec re CSP3 17:20:44 Created ACTION-215 - Schedule conversation with web platform wg chairs and webappsec re csp3 [on Wendy Seltzer - due 2015-12-23]. 17:20:44 ... CSP2 took an incredibly long time to move, would like CSP3 to move faster 17:21:14 trackbot, action-215 due 2016-01-15 17:21:14 Set action-215 Schedule conversation with web platform wg chairs and webappsec re csp3 due date to 2016-01-15. 17:21:18 ... at TPAC, discussed breaking out features so things can move quickly, independently of the core 17:21:46 ... mostly directives and algorithms associated with directives 17:21:53 ... and CSP algorithm will call it at the right time 17:22:08 ... hopeful it will also work for new kinds of directives we are coming up with 17:23:35 teddink_: hello from Microsoft Edge team, taking over for Kevin Hill 17:23:46 ... also looking forward to some quality time with CSP3 spec and getting up to speed 17:24:56 mkwst: also working with Ilya Grigorik and web performance WG to define a more generic reporting mechanism 17:25:16 ... not specified inside CSP for broader set of things like xss auditor, error reporting, perf, etc. 17:25:18 yoav has joined #webappsec 17:25:38 ... this is important to Google because we are DDoSing google front end servers with CSP violation reports 17:26:00 ... want to be able to coalesce requests at a minimum and hope it will be a one stop shop for this kind of reporting 17:26:09 bhill2: Web Telemetry WG? 17:26:28 webperf 17:26:57 +1 universal telemetry/reporting system would be awesome 17:27:50 q? 17:27:52 q- 17:27:53 zakim, who is on the queue? 17:27:53 I see no one on the speaker queue 17:28:43 dveditz: folks at Mozilla are unhappy about deprecating frame-src, want separate control from workers 17:28:49 mkwst: I want to do the same thing 17:29:05 ... know brad had qualms about that, would be good to revisit 17:29:45 well, not happy, b/c it would've created a lot of work :( 17:31:17 hta: has been approved and is just waiting for publication process to complete 17:31:24 (hta is Harald Alvestrand) 17:32:01 TOPIC: Signatures 17:32:39 dveditz: Sean Palmer has proposed a mechanism to support detached signatures for SRI 17:32:58 ... proposed mechanism was in a separate attribute, not sure how he thought they would be combined 17:33:09 ... signatures and an integrity check seem fairly distinct 17:35:07 bhill2: there is also a third proposal that was floated by Dev about using keys where we currently specify hashes in CSP to shorten policy declarations 17:35:46 ... another distinct use case from trusting a remote signing key but yet another approach to trusting content with keys 17:36:36 mkwst: suggest poking SRI editors in new year is a good way, volunteer them for the next call ;) 17:37:03 francios: the Martin Thompson proposal is being implemented at Mozilla for internal purposes (not exposed to web content yet) 17:37:15 ... but will get some implementation experience and be able to talk about it later if it's appropriate 17:37:33 s/francios/francois/ 17:38:28 dveditz: should we resume in the new year on the 6th or the 13th? 17:38:33 thanks wseltzer 17:38:46 mkwst; suggest 4 weeks is better, not much will happen 17:38:51 more comfy chair time 17:39:20 TOPIC: WebRTC/MediaCapture permissions 17:39:37 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webappsec/2015Dec/0030.html 17:39:42 https://docs.google.com/document/d/13c4hTlm2XgVYpxfGL1a8fcvI1CAUdIgd662DfElk_ow/edit 17:39:59 hta: some background, when we were doing WebRTC and especially data capture 17:40:10 ... a number of places where we say " and then you grant permission " 17:40:14 ... very ad-hoc 17:40:25 ... questioned why not use the permissions manager module? 17:41:09 ... WebRTC and MediaCapture groups favorably received the idea 17:42:03 dveditz: we want the Permissions spec to be extensible and voluntary, in general happy you've come to us 17:42:57 mkwst: things being done with WebRTC seems very much in the same vein as what else is happening in this document 17:43:33 ... would be a good idea to talk directly with the editors of that document. Mounir and Marcos 17:43:55 dveditz: technically we own the spec but are sort of midwife for WebAPI group but didn't fit their charter 17:44:51 Michael_ has joined #webappsec 17:44:57 mkwst: convince implementers it makes sense and you are good to go 17:45:19 q+ 17:45:32 ack wseltzer 17:46:04 wseltzer: if anyone is willing to take on some description and evangelism of the work happening here 17:46:27 q+ 17:46:27 ... particularly developer focused and success stories that we can share to get these technologies into broader circulation, that would be fantastic 17:46:48 ... also TAGs documentation of "what's next after Keygen" is also looking for a home 17:47:44 q? 17:47:47 bhill2: I've looked at that, joined the last TAG call and owe some PRs there 17:48:16 ... think API work that comes out of that doc maybe ends up in proposed Web AuthN WG 17:48:30 terri: I'm working on getting approval to do developer docs 17:48:38 ... will have a better idea in january 17:48:41 q+ 17:48:43 yay! 17:48:45 ack terri 17:48:50 ack mkwst 17:50:13 wseltzer: more groups are requiring security and privacy considerations explicitly in charters now 17:50:28 q? 17:50:29 q? 17:50:55 dveditz: adjourned, see you all on Jan 13 17:51:05 zakim, list attendees 17:51:05 As of this point the attendees have been wseltzer, francois, bhill2, estark, terri, gmaone, Michael_Irwin, Ted_Dinklocker, dveditz, mkwst 17:51:13 rrsagent, make minutes 17:51:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-webappsec-minutes.html bhill2 17:51:19 rrsagent, set logs public-visible 17:51:53 Thanks for the questionnaire link, mkwst, I hadn't noticed that came out 17:52:23 dveditz: Nick put together a blog post as well with some links to the PING work. 17:52:33 I can't find that at the moment, but perhaps wseltzer has a link? 17:53:10 https://www.w3.org/blog/2015/12/tools-to-ensure-security-and-privacy-of-the-open-web-platform/ 17:53:17 thanks mkwst 19:14:53 yoav has joined #webappsec 19:30:51 tanvi has left #webappsec 19:48:07 yoav has joined #webappsec 19:51:51 Zakim has left #webappsec 20:33:43 trackbot, end teleconf 20:33:43 Zakim, list attendees 20:33:51 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:33:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-webappsec-minutes.html trackbot 20:33:52 RRSAgent, bye 20:33:52 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-webappsec-actions.rdf : 20:33:52 ACTION: wseltzer to schedule conversation with Web Platform WG chairs and WebAppSec re CSP3 [1] 20:33:52 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/12/16-webappsec-irc#T17-20-44 20:33:52 Zakim has joined #webappsec