19:55:32 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 19:55:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-irc 19:55:34 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:55:34 Zakim has joined #sdw 19:55:36 Zakim, this will be SDW 19:55:36 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 19:55:37 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 19:55:37 Date: 11 November 2015 19:55:39 zakim, code? 19:55:39 I have been told this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m57409f4a882794f437fc8ca01a46ba45 +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number Access code: 648 510 221, pw: vrh6qs24 Host key: 19:55:42 ... 703609 19:57:41 present+ kerry 19:57:53 frans has joined #sdw 19:59:31 eparsons has joined #sdw 19:59:44 LarsG has joined #sdw 19:59:44 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #sdw 19:59:53 present+ frans 19:59:54 present+ LarsG 20:00:15 KJanowicz has joined #sdw 20:00:31 Payam has joined #sdw 20:00:33 Linda has joined #sdw 20:01:06 ClemensPortele has joined #sdw 20:01:16 present+ ClemensPortele 20:01:17 zakim, code 20:01:17 I don't understand 'code', kerry 20:01:32 zakim,code? 20:01:32 I have been told this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m57409f4a882794f437fc8ca01a46ba45 +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number Access code: 648 510 221, pw: vrh6qs24 Host key: 20:01:32 present+ Linda 20:01:35 ... 703609 20:01:37 zakim, code 20:01:37 I don't understand 'code', kerry 20:01:44 present+ Payam 20:01:47 zakim, code? 20:01:47 I have been told this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m57409f4a882794f437fc8ca01a46ba45 +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number Access code: 648 510 221, pw: vrh6qs24 Host key: 20:01:50 ... 703609 20:01:57 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 20:02:16 regrets+ rachel heaven 20:02:30 regrets+ Jeremy Tandy regrets+ Scott Simmons regrets+ Jon Blower regrets+ Simon Cox regrets+ Matt Perry 20:02:56 present +eparsons 20:03:10 KJanowicz has joined #sdw 20:03:52 scribe: clemens 20:04:03 scribenick: ClemensPortele 20:04:27 TOPIC: last meeting minutes 20:04:37 http://www.w3.org/2015/10/25-sdw-minutes 20:04:45 http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-sdw-minutes 20:04:56 +1 20:04:57 +1 20:04:58 +1 20:05:01 +1 20:05:04 +1 20:05:05 kerry: approving minutes... 20:05:07 billroberts has joined #sdw 20:05:12 0 (wasn't there...) 20:05:26 present+ billroberts 20:05:27 kerry: minutes approved 20:05:34 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 20:05:35 TOPIC: Patent call 20:05:55 (nothing declared) 20:06:07 I think we just approved the sapporo minutes but not the minutes last weeks meeting? 20:06:14 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 20:06:56 +1 20:07:08 http://www.w3.org/2015/10/26-sdw-minutes 20:07:22 TOPIC: approve Sapporo minutes 20:07:31 +1 20:07:36 http://www.w3.org/2015/10/25-sdw-minutes 20:07:37 +1 20:07:39 Proposed : Approve F2F Meeting Minutues 20:07:47 +1 20:07:48 +1 20:07:53 +1 20:07:54 present+ AndreaPerego 20:08:03 Approved : Approve F2F Meeting Minutes 20:08:20 phila has joined #sdw 20:08:30 TOPIC: Call for editors for Time and SSN 20:08:41 kerry: asks for volunteers 20:08:50 Happy to help editing the SSN 20:08:53 zakim, code? 20:08:53 I have been told this is https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m57409f4a882794f437fc8ca01a46ba45 +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number Access code: 648 510 221, pw: vrh6qs24 Host key: 20:08:54 kerry: contact Kerry or Ed, if you are interested 20:08:57 ... 703609 20:09:32 kerry: there is interest already, but please come forward, if you are interested 20:09:43 topic: UCR: Strategy to resolve issues for PWD approval 9 December 20:10:06 kerry: goal is clean up and new public draft 20:10:24 kerry: ...then OGC and W3C processes 20:10:47 kerry: ...should take roughly 9 days to get them through both organisations 20:11:14 q+ 20:11:26 kerry: ...reminder this is not the final version, but should become more and more stable 20:11:44 ack next 20:11:52 BartvanLeeuwen: is there room for new use cases? 20:12:25 frans: yes, until the document is final there is room, but the sooner the better 20:12:30 q? 20:13:08 BartvanLeeuwen: hopes to have it before the end of the year, so probably after the 2nd PWD 20:13:44 BartvanLeeuwen: it is already recorded as an action (ACTION-89?) 20:14:21 kerry: match the use case and the products 20:15:24 frans: tracker has matches, some issues are still open - with a discussion thread 20:15:56 frans: proposing to shift responsibility for resolving from UCR editors to the editors of the other deliverables 20:16:23 ISSUE-15: time 20:16:23 Notes added to ISSUE-15 Time req. not clear - represent past, present and future. 20:16:24 ISSUE-18: coverage 20:16:24 ISSUE-19: coverage 20:16:24 ISSUE-20: SSN 20:16:24 Notes added to ISSUE-18 Model Reuse. 20:16:24 Notes added to ISSUE-19 Multiple types of coverage requirement. 20:16:24 Notes added to ISSUE-20 Reference external vocabularies. 20:16:25 ISSUE-23: BP 20:16:25 ISSUE-24: SSN 20:16:25 Notes added to ISSUE-23 phrasing of the spatial operators requirement. 20:16:25 Notes added to ISSUE-24 clarification of lightweight APIs requirement. 20:16:26 ISSUE-26: time 20:16:26 Notes added to ISSUE-26 clarification of temporal vagueness requirement. 20:16:27 frans: ... these editors need to look at the use cases anyhow 20:16:28 ISSUE-28: BP 20:16:28 Notes added to ISSUE-28 That a default crs is a requirement. 20:16:30 ISSUE-29: BP 20:16:30 Notes added to ISSUE-29 Add a requirement for linking geometry to CRS. 20:16:32 ISSUE-30: BP 20:16:32 Notes added to ISSUE-30 UCR: missing requirement -- local/contextual spatial references. 20:16:51 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 20:17:14 regrets+ chris little 20:17:18 frans: any comments on the proposal? 20:17:33 eparsons: a sensible way forward 20:17:36 regrets+ andreas harth 20:17:55 regrets+ alejandro llaves 20:18:25 frans: we could create actions for each deliverable / issue pair 20:18:39 phila has joined #sdw 20:18:59 q? 20:19:20 kerry: sounds good 20:20:10 ACTION: frans to create actions that matches UCR issues and deliverables 20:20:10 Created ACTION-93 - Create actions that matches ucr issues and deliverables [on Frans Knibbe - due 2015-11-18]. 20:20:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:20:34 q? 20:20:38 Thank you Frans !!! 20:21:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:21:39 kerry: anything else for UCR, frans? 20:21:42 Payam has joined #sdw 20:21:53 frans: join the discussions 20:22:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:22:33 topic: UCR: Issue-16 Time req. out of scope - Valid time 20:22:50 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/16 20:23:12 frans: special attention on ISSUE-16, is not related to a particular deliverabke 20:23:22 s/deliverabke/deliverable/ 20:23:42 issue-16? 20:23:42 issue-16 -- Time req. out of scope - Valid time -- open 20:23:42 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/16 20:24:01 frans: should we discuss now? 20:24:16 +1 20:24:20 frans: problematic without Simon etc 20:24:38 (agreement to move to next week) 20:25:01 kerry: follow the list and let's try to get to a conclusion next week 20:25:12 q? 20:25:25 BP: Expanding best practice topics 20:25:33 topic: BP: Expanding best practice topics 20:25:48 kerry: not much time until 9 December 20:26:08 q? 20:26:29 Linda: in Sapporo most of the meeting was spent on BP 20:27:02 Linda: ...discussion on narratives, took notes during discussion 20:27:32 Linda: ...currently post-processing the notes to prepare topics that other could provide content or examples 20:27:46 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#bp-linking 20:28:44 Linda: linking data is the firs topic 20:28:51 s/firs/first/ 20:28:56 - How to make the links within a dataset discoverable 20:29:41 q+ 20:29:44 Linda: anyone who could provide input how to create good links, get the right granularity, etc? 20:29:58 ack next 20:29:58 ack BartvanLeeuwen 20:31:22 BartvanLeeuwen: is working on a demo for bridging WFS and linked data 20:31:35 BartvanLeeuwen: Is that something that is relevant for this topic? 20:31:43 Linda: Yes 20:32:03 +1 20:32:20 q+ 20:32:23 action: bart to write about make the links within the dataset discoverable 20:32:23 Created ACTION-94 - Write about make the links within the dataset discoverable [on Bart van Leeuwen - due 2015-11-18]. 20:32:31 Bart: wrt WFS and Linked Data, see http://carsten.io/jones-kuhn-kessler-scheider-agile2014.pdf (and other implementations) 20:33:27 kerry: clarification about the process? email ok or change Github directly? 20:33:38 ack next 20:33:41 Linda: Both fine, as long as we get the content 20:34:05 frans: what kind of links? all links or spatial links? 20:34:19 q+ 20:34:28 ack next 20:34:32 Linda: not specified, but should be related to spatial aspects, eg also links into spatial datasets 20:34:33 q+ 20:35:19 ack next 20:35:22 eparsons: could be linking to a thing or the spatial representation, there may be a difference 20:35:32 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#h-bp-clear-semantics 20:36:37 Yes, it was Linksets 20:37:30 q? 20:37:47 +1 20:37:48 BartvanLeeuwen: need to clarify what's in scope, what's spatial 20:37:51 +1 20:37:58 +1 20:38:14 eparsons: need to clarify that something without a geometry may be considered spatial and within scope of our work 20:38:17 q+ 20:38:36 action: linda to add to scope and link data section -- comment o spatail data without a geometry is in scope here 20:38:36 Created ACTION-95 - Add to scope and link data section -- comment o spatail data without a geometry is in scope here [on Linda van den Brink - due 2015-11-18]. 20:38:36 Linda: will add this to the BP 20:38:44 ack next 20:39:28 frans: where one is coming from will influence how that topic is understood 20:39:49 frans: ...different audiences may require a different wording 20:40:01 +1 to serve both groups of readers in same doc 20:40:07 Linda: not clear yet how to address this 20:40:23 +1 for one document 20:40:25 +1 to serve both may need to be more explicit as a result.. 20:40:28 q+ to say reduce your assumptions 20:40:37 ack phila 20:40:37 phila, you wanted to say reduce your assumptions 20:40:37 ack me 20:41:02 phila: agrees with frans 20:41:21 q+ 20:41:56 phila: one document, we just need to be clear and make no assumptions about prior knowledge 20:42:10 Or: make liberal use of the ability to link to definitions 20:42:29 W3C 20:42:59 q? 20:43:02 phila: maybe use abbr mechanism in more cases 20:43:05 ack kerry 20:43:35 kerry: this is about more than just acronyms 20:44:11 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 20:44:14 kerry: need to think how to present the different viewpoints, likely after 9 December 20:44:15 q? 20:44:32 - Making your spatial data more useful by including links to wellknown spatial resources (things like GeoNames, Wiki/dbPedia, OSM etc) 20:45:13 Linda: any volunteers for this topic? 20:45:55 billroberts: I can have a go at that 20:46:15 action: billroberts to write on make the links within the dataset discoverable 20:46:15 Error finding 'billroberts'. You can review and register nicknames at . 20:46:43 actio 20:46:54 - Example of how you could link to a particular version of a thing 20:46:55 q? 20:47:09 action: roberts to write on make the links within the dataset discoverable 20:47:09 Created ACTION-96 - Write on make the links within the dataset discoverable [on Bill Roberts - due 2015-11-18]. 20:47:21 Linda: any volunteers for this topic? in particular an example... 20:47:39 +q 20:47:51 frans: what is the spatial aspect? 20:47:54 q+ 20:48:01 q+ 20:48:14 q+ to talk about Annette Grainier 20:48:24 q- 20:48:25 eparsons: not particularly spatial, but occurs often with spatial data 20:49:02 q+ 20:49:22 frans: I experienced it more as a temporal than a spatial problem 20:49:23 ack phila 20:49:23 phila, you wanted to talk about Annette Grainier 20:49:39 q+ 20:50:17 phila: discussed with DWBP group whether that group has subsetting use case that is not spatial 20:50:27 q+ 20:50:37 q- 20:50:39 phila: will follow up on this to clarify relationship between groups 20:50:40 action: phila to work on subsetting links 20:50:40 Created ACTION-97 - Work on subsetting links [on Phil Archer - due 2015-11-18]. 20:51:23 kerry: there is a topic in the DWBP, but high level - we probably need to go deeper 20:51:53 phila: either provide DWBP with better text or we add it in our own 20:51:59 q- 20:52:02 q? 20:52:03 kerry: probably in our own for now 20:52:13 ack next 20:52:20 ack billroberts 20:53:17 billroberts: versioning should be in scope, but reference elsewhere and put it in a "spatial context" using an example 20:53:41 Linda: agrees, it should be an example 20:54:49 ack frans 20:55:31 (discussion about whether a best practice on this topic already exists) 20:56:15 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:56:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:56:35 chair: Kerry 20:56:38 frans: how to match requirements 20:57:06 Linda: but should be done without loosing the narrative flow 20:57:12 - A list/matrix of the common formats (GeoJSON, GML, RDF, JSON-LD) and what you can or can't achieve with it. 20:57:38 RDF is a format? 20:57:45 present+ ahaller2, KJanowicz, Payam, phila 20:58:27 Linda: any volunteers? 20:58:28 ahaller2_ has joined #sdw 20:59:15 phila: this will require input from more than one person and may trigger quite a bit of discussion 20:59:46 kerry: maybe a first attempt for now? 20:59:52 frans: not in a strict sense 21:00:29 action: clemens to look at A list/matrix of the common formats (GeoJSON, GML, RDF, JSON-LD) and what you can or can't achieve with it. 21:00:29 Created ACTION-98 - Look at a list/matrix of the common formats (geojson, gml, rdf, json-ld) and what you can or can't achieve with it. [on Clemens Portele - due 2015-11-18]. 21:01:03 topic: Reminder: next F2F Netherlands 8-10 Feb 2016 21:01:15 kerry: put Feb 8/9/10 in your calendar 21:01:21 8th of february? Bring your ice skates 21:01:32 q+ 21:01:38 Looking forward to being in NL again 21:01:39 where exactly will the meeting take place? 21:01:48 Amersfoort 21:02:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:02:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html kerry 21:02:23 We have one hill, no mountains 21:02:40 action: to BartvanLeeuwen create a wikipage with information and participants 21:02:40 Error finding 'to'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:02:45 -> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Amersfoort,+Netherlands/@52.1590355,5.0976695,10z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47c65a9d79977bf1:0x3c16cc2a7f76991e Amersfoort 21:02:48 action: to Bart create a wikipage with information and participants 21:02:48 Error finding 'to'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:02:51 action: to bart create a wikipage with information and participants 21:02:51 Error finding 'to'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:03:02 q? 21:03:18 action: Bart to create a wikipage with information and participants 21:03:18 Created ACTION-99 - Create a wikipage with information and participants [on Bart van Leeuwen - due 2015-11-18]. 21:03:21 Thanks and bye 21:03:23 meeting location: http://www.geonovum.nl/contact/adres-en-route 21:03:25 thanks bye ! 21:03:27 thanks, bye bye 21:03:28 thanks, bye 21:03:28 ths bye 21:03:29 thanks and bye! 21:03:30 bye! 21:03:31 thanks, bye 21:03:32 thanks, bye 21:03:35 thanks, bye 21:03:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:03:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html phila 21:11:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:11:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/11-sdw-minutes.html kerry 21:13:24 ahaller2_ has joined #sdw 21:34:53 ahaller2_ has joined #sdw 21:55:41 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 22:29:38 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 23:33:55 Zakim has left #sdw 23:35:36 ahaller2 has joined #sdw