01:44:00 RRSAgent has joined #websigns 01:44:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-irc 01:44:08 scribenick: kaz 01:44:18 Meeting: Digital Signage Breakout 01:44:36 Tanaka: Web signage is not operated by audeiences, but owners 01:46:07 StephanS_ has joined #websigns 01:46:21 subscribenick: shigeya 01:46:28 i/Tanaka:/scribenick: shigeya/ 01:46:54 (repeating previous messages) 01:46:55 Requirements for Embedded Browsers needed by web-based signage 01:47:04 Presentation by Kiyoshi Tnaka 01:47:10 resentation API 01:47:14 s/Tnaka/Tanaka/ 01:47:24 Agenda: Presentation -> Discussions -> Wrap-up 01:47:31 Tanaka: What is web-abased signage? 01:47:38 Tanaka: BG Defineds web-based sinage player as web runtime and JavaScript lib. 01:47:47 Tanaka: Embedded browsers such as TV sets used 01:48:09 Tanaka: TV set with web-based browser is useful for signage 01:48:09 Tanaka: Embedded browser embed at the factory 01:48:10 Tanaka: embdeded browser's resrouce is limited. 01:48:16 (end repeat) 01:49:05 Tanaka: discussions on Power Management API 01:49:26 s|Tanaka: Web signage is not operated by audeiences, but owners|| 01:49:38 i/end repeat/Tanaka: Web signage is not operated by audeiences, but owners 01:49:46 rrsagent, make log public 01:49:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 01:49:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 01:50:31 Chair: Kiyoshi_Tanaka 01:50:37 Tanaka: For trobule shooting purpose, restarting/rebooting needed 01:51:26 ?: power management API (controlling embedded borwser) needed, thus proposing this API. 01:51:33 ats has joined #websigns 01:51:47 Hatano: I'd like to propose more functionality, You propose shutdown only, but we need a wake-up functionality 01:52:01 Hatana: to achieve this .. machine, task scheduleing API is needed. 01:52:03 minami has joined #websigns 01:52:03 s/?:/Fujimura:/ 01:52:25 Tanaka: We think about discussing in web signage BG. 01:52:54 Hatano: Everyone want task scheduling like CRON (like the one in Unix system) - timer capability 01:53:37 Tanaka: where is this API discussed in what kind of working group? there are none yet. any working group discussing such kind of a API? 01:53:43 Tanaka: no idea? 01:53:58 Tanaka: I want to discuss this api in BG. 01:54:08 Hatano: Maybe mozilla? 01:54:19 Tanaka: not Standard, but not Implementation 01:54:34 Tnaka: Next one is Web NTP Client API 01:54:40 s/Tnaka/Tanaka/ 01:55:17 Tanaka: NTP is OS level function, but this is need from browser issue. Browser directly conect to NTP Server it is convininent to adjusiting time 01:55:20 stakagi has joined #websigns 01:55:29 Tanaka: Timestamp object provides the same functions 01:55:48 Hatano: This is explain to difficult. let me show you a demo. 01:56:19 Hanano: I don't speak about NTP protocol, but simplified .. for signage 01:56:40 (demo on screen) 01:56:57 Hatana: This application run on Chrome. JavaSciript based signage player 01:57:03 s/Hatana/Hatano/ 01:57:24 Hatano: Typically, one sinage includes several panels. 01:58:27 ?: I'm audio working, using Audio, think about . Important to synchronize between browsers. 01:58:37 s/web-abased/web-based/ 01:58:48 NTP is important for us 01:58:53 s/Hanano/Hatano/ 01:59:02 s/Tnaka/Tanaka/ 01:59:09 s/Hatana/Hatano/ 01:59:28 Hatano: Multiple panels run on a signage, and synchornization betweens are needed. 01:59:48 ㅂ+ 01:59:53 q+ 01:59:59 Hatano: if browser have time synchornization machanism, it is useful. 02:00:16 s/ㅂ+// 02:00:26 ? : multi terminal or single? 02:00:34 s/synchronization mechanism// 02:00:46 s/?/Fujimura/ 02:01:20 s/if browser have time/if browser has a time synchronization mechanism/ 02:01:27 Takashi : NYC team of google run signage at TimesSquire. Each chromium runs each screen. 02:01:43 s/TimesSquire/Times Square/ 02:01:50 Takashi: they have implemented synchoronization mechanism between them 02:02:02 s/synchoronization/synchronization/ 02:02:22 Takashi: TCP/UDP Socket API... If they publish API, then, you can use NTP. 02:02:41 ?: Web NTP. NTP itself is UDP. This might not work on TCP. 02:03:11 s/?/Sangwhan/ 02:03:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:03:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html sangwhan 02:03:22 Sangwhan: Require to define the userland level protocol, which might use TCP, that might not work. 02:03:39 q- 02:04:17 Kawana: one commnet, Web.. TV IG, they will present ... tomorrow, 02:04:31 sangwhan: Signage group will meet tomorrow, 02:04:31 s/Kawana/Kawada/ 02:05:03 Tanak: I want to know the status of specification 02:05:07 Present+ Hiroyuki_Aizu 02:05:37 s/Tanak/Tanaka/ 02:06:08 Tanaka: any comments? 02:06:15 Tanka: next one: system context. 02:06:21 s/Tanka/Tanaka/ 02:07:30 Takagi: Originally mozilla people.... I have discussed with Mozilla's Asai-san 02:08:29 Tanaka: System Events 02:08:37 kawai has joined #websigns 02:10:04 Sangwhan: Is that possible, with some security issues like access system properties? 02:10:29 Sangwhan: when WD is released is unknown. 02:11:26 ?: Service works are lmited to some domains. But in signage, there is a remote owner, that's very specifc model to signange. we need some special workers 02:12:10 s/?:/Miyazaki:/ 02:12:13 Miyazaki: I'm not sure because this issue is very related to a specific model. 02:13:00 Hatano: we possibliy design a new API, but I'm not sure. we don't need ... to service worker for now.. 02:13:10 shoko has joined #websigns 02:13:22 sangwhan: not need to be as a service worker, outside of rendering process. 02:14:23 Takashi: could be part of service worker. In that case, you may be better to inject API to specific access. 02:14:48 Hatano: Are you talking about chromax(?) 02:14:54 s/chromax/chrome apps/ 02:14:55 Roy has joined #websigns 02:15:03 s/(?)// 02:15:20 Hatana: we need to discuss in BG on usecase 02:15:31 Tanaka: next one: Multipel resource for videos 02:15:35 s/Hatana/Hatano/ 02:15:47 s/Multipel/Multiple/ 02:16:02 present: Kiyoshi_Tanaka(NTT), Shigeru_Fujimura(NTT), Futomoi_Hatano(Newphoria), Katsuya_Hino(Toshiba), Oley_Mezhvynskyi(IQP), Tomohiro_Yamada(NTT), Roy_Kawada(KDDI), Atsushi_Nakadaira(NTT), Hiroki_Watanabe(NTT), Shinji_Fukatsu(Keio_Univ.), Hiroto_Inoshita(Keio_Univ.), Hiroyuki_Aizu(Toshiba), Stephan_Steglich(Fraunhofer_FOKUS), Ryoya_Kawai(AMEI), Yoshiharu_Dewa(Sony), SungHei_Kim(ETRI), Wook_Hyun(ETRI), Takashi_Toyoshima(Google), Yasuhiko_Miyazaki(NTT), 02:16:03 Jay_Kishigami(AB), Kaz_Ashimura(W3C), Satoru_Takagi(KDDI), Motoharu_Watanabe(TT), Tadashi_Adachihara(Sony), Koichi_Maruyama(NTT), Kazuhiro_Hoya(Fuji-TV), Yoshiaki_Ohsumi(Panasonic), Riko_Yahyu(Observer), Kei_Takegami(NTT), Toshiro_Kubota(NTT), Yasuji_Eguchi(DSC), Yoshiyuki_Kato(Mitsubishi), Atsushi_Hori(Mitsubishi), YoungJae_Shin(SoftBank), Takeshi_Katsuno(Softbank), Sangwhan_Moon(Opera), Youngha_Kim(TTA), Hyejin_Lee(HTML5_Convergenced_Technology_Forum) 02:16:36 present+ Jay_Kishigami(AB), Kaz_Ashimura(W3C), Satoru_Takagi(KDDI), Motoharu_Watanabe(TT), Tadashi_Adachihara(Sony), Koichi_Maruyama(NTT), Kazuhiro_Hoya(Fuji-TV), Yoshiaki_Ohsumi(Panasonic), Riko_Yahyu(Observer), Kei_Takegami(NTT), Toshiro_Kubota(NTT), Yasuji_Eguchi(DSC), Yoshiyuki_Kato(Mitsubishi), Atsushi_Hori(Mitsubishi), YoungJae_Shin(SoftBank), Takeshi_Katsuno(Softbank), Sangwhan_Moon(Opera), Youngha_Kim(TTA), Hyejin_Lee(HTML5_Convergenced_Technology_Foru 02:16:36 m) 02:16:40 Hatano: There are several signage product in this hall, we develop 02:16:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:16:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:17:03 Hatano: Why do you think this fucntionality need an API? 02:17:29 Tanka: Signage needs ... attractive, ... 02:18:23 Tanaka: I think this kind of work... covered by some WGs? 02:18:31 sangwhan: DASH 02:18:47 s/_Foru/_Forum)/ 02:18:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:18:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:19:00 s/audeiences/audiences/ 02:19:27 Tanaka: this kind of APIs can be discussed at DASH, if we have specifics, we can ask... Anyway, we'll discuss in BG meeting 02:19:33 s/sinage/signage/ 02:19:48 Tanaka: Next one is multicast video playback 02:20:06 s/?: I'm audio working/Ryoya/ 02:20:34 Tanaka: You can see a video streming application on signages in the hallway 02:20:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:20:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:20:48 Tanaka: at 10Mbps, shared with our local network. 02:20:51 s/streming/streaming/ 02:21:23 s/Ryoya, /Ryoya: / 02:21:40 Tanka: MMF technilogy might help. 02:21:57 s/Ryoya, /Ryoya: I'm working on audio/ 02:22:09 sagwhan: ATSC3 02:22:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:22:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:22:41 s/sagwhan/sangwhan/ 02:22:49 s/? : multi terminal or singleFujimura/Fujimura: multi terminal or single?/ 02:22:50 Hatano: what is MMT? 02:23:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:23:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:23:32 massu has joined #websigns 02:23:32 Tanaka: time-coded, synchornization among multiple streams 02:23:43 s/synchorn/synchron/ 02:23:45 s|s/Ryoya, /Ryoya: I'm working on audio/|| 02:24:01 airmash has joined #websigns 02:24:09 Tanaka: broadcasting company (plan to?) adapts these specifications 02:24:39 Tanaka: This kind of issues are common among media implementations. 02:24:46 s/This/These/ 02:25:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:25:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:25:29 Fujimura: on multicast, IP multicast or applicaiton level multicast.. whichi is better?? 02:25:49 s/whichi/which/ 02:26:35 Tanaka: Multicast implemented on Sony Bravia 02:27:00 sagwhan: with Object tag? 02:27:17 s/Object// 02:27:29 Present+ Roy_Kawada(W3C/KDDI) 02:27:36 sagwhan: video tag require source, requires magic URL, mutlicast content does not have URLs. might not be favored 02:28:18 s/sagwhan/sangwhan/ 02:28:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:28:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:28:49 Tanaka: Next one: access cotrol of external storage 02:30:44 sangwhan: two groups try to standardize and failed. 02:31:05 i/sangwhan:/adachihara: would skip the detail today/ 02:31:22 ?: I think, one of the issue is security issue. We can limit. 02:31:36 sangwhan: This way donesn't fly, since we're at W3C. 02:31:47 kawai has joined #websigns 02:31:53 s/?:/kawada:/ 02:32:26 Kawada: hardware security working group proposed some kind of hardware token to be used. 02:32:36 sanghan: these are crypto processors? 02:32:46 s/sanghan/sangwhan/ 02:33:23 http://www.w3.org/2015/hasec/2015-hasec-charter.html 02:33:52 Takashi: R/O or R/W? 02:34:29 Hatano: Signaage require R/W 02:34:47 StephanS_ has joined #websigns 02:34:54 ? : for caching (or implementing download functionalities) 02:35:11 s/? /adachihara / 02:35:18 atsushi_n has joined #websigns 02:35:34 s/Kawada/Roy/ 02:36:13 Tanaka: last one: Double buffering API 02:36:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:36:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:37:07 s/Kawada:/Roy:/g 02:37:09 q+ 02:37:17 s/kawada:/Roy:/g 02:37:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:37:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:37:32 sangwhan: do you need render surfaces? confusing with tab switch 02:37:39 s/Tanka:/Tanaka:/ 02:38:37 Miyazaki: Want audiences to see black screen for 3secs. 02:39:02 s/Want audiences/Audience do not want/ 02:39:04 s/MMF/MMT/ 02:39:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:39:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:39:38 Hatano: Black screen shown due to the processor resouce or other reasons. 02:40:11 s/resouce/resource/ 02:40:12 q? 02:41:21 Takashi: Network latency is one of the issue? or need a cross-fade? 02:41:47 Takashi: If network latency is the issue, service worker helps. 02:42:57 sangwhan: This have to be previledged API (to prevent AD comapnies to create pop-ups) 02:44:25 Jay: please use speaker queue. 02:44:28 s/previledged/privileged/ 02:45:18 q? 02:45:20 ack j 02:45:33 Jay: BG for gathering of requirements. There are lot of stake-holders. 02:45:33 Jay: We have to standarize quickly 02:45:56 s/stake-holders/stakeholders/ 02:46:19 Jay: My proposal is thiis kind of kick-off of web-based signage pre-meeting. And also to generate a charter, quickly accelerate as WG or standardazation, should have relationship with existing WGs 02:46:31 Sungmin has joined #websigns 02:46:32 Jay: such kind of movement required for us. 02:46:40 s/thiis/this 02:46:47 Jay: This is a just breakout session, but we need WG. 02:47:17 Tanaka: We will discuss in BG meeting. also we will talk about this in parallel. 02:48:20 Tanaka: We have presented several APIs. 02:49:09 Hatano: (some of the API need to chage name) 02:51:20 Jay: You can expereience digital-signage prototypes in hallway. Also visit the demo booth. 02:51:43 rrsagent, make minutes public 02:51:43 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', sangwhan. Try /msg RRSAgent help 02:51:47 rrsagent, make minutes 02:51:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html sangwhan 02:52:05 [ adjourend ] 02:52:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:52:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 02:53:09 ats has joined #websigns 02:53:09 StephanS has joined #websigns 02:54:11 present+ Tetsuro_Tokunaga(NTT) 02:54:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 02:54:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-websigns-minutes.html kaz 03:37:06 stakagi has joined #websigns 03:59:46 skim13 has joined #websigns 03:59:49 skim13 has left #websigns 04:07:12 shigeya has joined #websigns