05:55:50 RRSAgent has joined #swot 05:55:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-swot-irc 05:56:35 Meeting: SWD meets WoT 05:56:47 Chair: Kerry 05:56:48 sebastian: thing description needs to deal with contrained devices e.g low bandwidth, low memory 05:57:02 ...description needs to be minimal description of capability 05:57:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-swot-minutes.html jcdufourd 05:57:30 ...thing description needs to be on the device itself 05:57:49 ....displays TD mdoel developed 3 months ago in california 05:57:58 scribe: kerry 05:58:06 ... play around with this and do some implementations 05:58:16 ...plugfest tomorrow in WoT meeting 05:58:25 .... do we need more description? 05:59:15 ...TD contains metadata ,three kinds of interaction (property, action, events) 05:59:17 before rrsagent was invited, kerry introduced spatial data on the web http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Main_Page 05:59:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-swot-minutes.html jcdufourd 05:59:58 ...metadata is used to provide some generic information which may not be relevant at runtime e.g. for setting up communication 06:00:09 ...property actions and events are used at run time 06:00:37 taisuke has joined #swot 06:00:41 e.g. temperature value name, output data type, writeable true/.false 06:00:53 ...stability (e.g. each 5 mins) 06:01:22 ...ACtions invoke actions which might take a while === actuation 06:01:31 ...using json-ld for representing data 06:01:42 ...show exampkle for a tradffic light 06:03:18 oonishi has joined #swot 06:03:20 ...includes list of protocols, ranked, encodings (e.g. json), turn green, turn red, actions 06:03:48 ...how to bind thing description to a protocol? 06:05:11 ...plufest show that thing description is easy to interact with, without implementation 06:05:30 ...how to enrich with further context? 06:05:45 ....how to show the meaning of more properties... 06:06:05 ... have more semantics in next plugfest? 06:06:24 ...e.g. location could go in metadata... 06:07:17 ....very constrained to work on small devices 06:07:42 ....some experience eith ssn that it is too big (30 triples for one property)... 06:08:04 .... maybr just somje subsets... 06:08:07 ....data is missing... 06:10:38 DarkoAnicic: need best practices for scale up from the minimal to more context 06:11:20 armin: do you have a memory limit for metadata? that could be used to say describe temp sensor? 06:11:35 DarkoAnicic: difficult -- that depends what derialisation comes back woth 06:11:49 s/woth/with/ 06:12:17 akeranen: 80 kb or multiple thereof 06:12:44 ...20kb ram 100kb flash (internet class 1) 06:13:14 DarkoAnicic: we son't necessarily need to use ssn on the device --- just an additional layer 06:13:48 s/80 kb/80 b/ 06:13:51 DarkoAnicic: so it does not have to be ssn on the device -- only the TD 06:14:03 q+ 06:14:50 Sebastian_Kaebisch: goal is to have as much as possible on the device but only what is really really required, including protocool and encoding 06:15:08 Sebastian_Kaebisch: just first working assumption 06:15:26 s/20kb ram/10 KiB ram/ 06:15:42 q+ 06:15:54 jcdufourd has joined #swot 06:16:06 ....exi and binary json-ld will ber important 06:16:17 ...only a few bytes 06:16:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-swot-minutes.html jcdufourd 06:17:42 Present: DarkoAnicic Sebastian_Kaebisch akeranen armin jcdufourd oonishi sebastian taisuke 06:19:45 DarkoAnicic: offer this extraction capability as an approach then 06:20:04 ....examples of how this might be used 06:20:25 .... ssn needs protocols and "wrtiable" and "encoding" etc 06:20:54 Sebastian_Kaebisch: may need a standard for encoding (discussion) using json-ld 06:21:59 deb: ask to finsd out protocol before you know what the protocol is? 06:22:35 Sebastian_Kaebisch: can use a uri to request it from (or another way) not yet resilved, but relying an a bootstrapping defualt 06:22:47 ...eg always start with http to get started 06:23:14 akeranen: binary json is? 06:23:26 Sebastian_Kaebisch: exi will also be supporting json 06:23:37 ddahl has joined #swot 06:23:54 Present+ Debbie_Dahl 06:24:14 ....exi will provide support for schema... semantics have a lot of strings and exi does this well (seborg(?) does not) 06:24:37 ...if you want a simple encoder complexity is same --- getting the data is the priority 06:26:08 Sebastian_Kaebisch:lets have a look ath this approach to extract from ssn 06:29:02 armin: we could also play with identifiers to reduce the space 06:30:03 DarkoAnicic: may need to redesign ssn and then build up 06:30:32 akeranen: discovery.... one standard mechanisim for doing discovery 06:31:27 DarkoAnicic: interest group needs tech landscape suvey to provide to WG 06:34:07 ddahl has left #swot 06:35:11 DarkoAnicic: plugfest attndance -- next plugfest meting in January 06:36:05 rrsagent, make minutes` 06:36:05 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes`', jcdufourd. Try /msg RRSAgent help 06:36:09 rrsagent, make minutes 06:36:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-swot-minutes.html jcdufourd 06:36:31 The standard mechanism: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6690#section-4 06:36:46 gm_kou has joined #swot 06:36:49 CoRE weblinks and .well-known/core 06:38:05 jcdufourd has joined #swot 06:43:42 summary: keep in conact. SDW can accommodate wot requirements for ssn. Key requirement is minimal space simplicity 06:44:06 rrsagent, make logs public 06:44:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 06:44:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-swot-minutes.html kerry 06:59:10 oonishi_ has joined #swot 07:00:28 oonishi__ has joined #swot 07:01:35 oonishi__ has left #swot 07:05:38 kto has left #swot 07:09:34 gm_kou has joined #swot 07:15:09 gm_kou has joined #swot 07:52:22 jcdufourd has joined #swot 08:16:56 jcdufourd has joined #swot 09:21:24 knagano has joined #swot 10:59:44 knagano has joined #swot