05:02:11 RRSAgent has joined #pub 05:02:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pub-irc 05:02:15 Zakim has joined #pub 05:02:20 agenda? 05:03:01 meeting: Automatic publication of specs 05:03:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pub-minutes.html tripu 05:03:18 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', tripu. Try /msg RRSAgent help 05:03:33 q? 05:04:49 chair: tripu 05:04:53 scribe: vivien 05:07:56 vivien has joined #pub 05:19:53 tripu has changed the topic to: Slides: http://www.w3.org/2015/Talks/echidna/?full#Cover 05:37:05 astearns has joined #pub 05:42:40 shepazu has joined #pub 05:44:00 plh has joined #pub 05:44:31 scribe: plh 05:44:36 scribe: vivien 05:44:54 katsu has joined #pub 05:45:03 tripu: goal of this system is to make publication easier 05:45:17 tripu: goal of this system is to make publication easier 05:45:55 SimonSapin has joined #pub 05:45:56 antonio: appart to the API we have email notification (simply says if it was published or not, if not the issues) 05:46:18 antonio: more and more groups working on github are joining 05:46:20 fantasai has joined #pub 05:46:38 ... making it possible for you to publish as often as you wish without human intervention 05:46:51 ... so far only handling WDs 05:47:02 shepazu has joined #pub 05:47:10 r12a has joined #pub 05:47:49 antonio: echidna is the core of the systeam, we you only want to publish you should only care about echidna and specberus (the new pubrules checker) 05:48:32 ... if you contain more than one file, you can use echdna-manifester that from your file find all resources to generate a manifest file 05:48:52 s/echdna-manifester/echidna-manifester/ 05:49:01 antonio: echidna has a REST API, you can now also use echpub wich is a CLI 05:50:33 antonio: recent changes: Process 2015, emails when things are failing with more detailed about errors, now handling joint publication, also better handling of same-day publications 05:51:02 antonio: Now basic support basic for exceptions 05:51:30 ... eg use of css that is not yet known by the CSS Validator 05:51:51 dom has joined #pub 05:51:55 ... contact us if you need for some exceptions 05:52:09 https://github.com/w3c/specberus/pull/261 05:52:13 antonio: coming in the next months 05:52:40 ... new type of documents 05:52:50 ... user friendly error messages 05:53:21 ... by next year specberus as the only official pubrules checker 05:54:15 ... smarter retrieval of information less relying on metadata 05:54:31 ... integration with linkchecker 05:54:48 ... richer API 05:55:08 dom has joined #pub 05:55:21 ... nice to have: dashboard and stats 05:55:47 antonio: the new types of specs 05:56:08 ... other types of WDs like non normative ones, then Notes and FPWDs 05:57:10 antonio: thx to the one of you that helped us with early feedback that greatly helped us shape the tool 05:57:42 q+ 05:57:51 ack r12a 05:57:56 Topic: questions 05:58:11 richard: how soon is soon for FPWD ? 05:58:31 antonio: I am hoping it will be done in a matter of a few weeks 05:59:08 richard: in i18n we want to have the TR drafts and the editor drafts be the same 05:59:34 richard: interested by non normative WDs 05:59:49 speaker1: I'm trying to understand the REST API 05:59:50 curl 'https://labs.w3.org/echidna/api/request' --data 'url=http://w3c.github.io/ime-api/W3CTRMANIFEST&decision=https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2014JulSep/0627.html&token=4972101275c6850.96930607' 06:00:33 ... requiring a URL rather than the data seems strange, as you need to generate the TR version and can't directly use the editor draft 06:01:06 https://labs.w3.org/spec-generator/?type=respec&url=http%3A%2F%2Fw3c.github.io%2Fhr-time%2Findex.html%3FspecStatus%3DWD%3BshortName%3Dhr-time-2 06:01:18 plh: if you happen the manifest of this spec, it tells you it is a respec document, when echidna sees that it is going to require a service to generate the draft 06:01:33 plh: and that creates the html it will use for the publication 06:01:42 ... it is similar for bikeshed 06:02:15 speaker1: the api does not allow you to specify the version of the document you want to publish 06:02:37 ... how do you know I want to publich a WD or NOTE ? 06:02:51 s/publich/publish/ 06:03:08 plh: you are right we don't handle that currently we only deal with WDs, we will have to add a parameter to set a differnt type 06:03:34 speaker2: could we use zip files that contain the generated files 06:03:59 antonio: the reason we did not accepted that was security concern, like you can upload big files 06:04:13 s/speaker1/TabAtkins 06:04:16 ... I like to see echidna as being generator agnostic 06:04:16 s/speaker1/TabAtkins/ 06:04:25 index.html?specStatus=WD;shortName=navigation-timing-2 respec 06:04:48 s/speaker2/SimonSapin/ 06:04:58 fantasai: so what would be an example of publishing a document that does not use any specific generator 06:05:09 plh: the html document itself 06:05:36 plh: what I pasted above comes from a manifest 06:05:56 antonio: I can show an example 06:06:00 shepazu has joined #pub 06:06:04 s/speaker1/TabAtkins/g 06:06:09 s/speaker2/SimonSapin/g 06:07:04 antonio: 1st parameter a url, then decision to publish which is another url (link to minutes or mailing list email), then the token 06:07:23 ... it returns a job id 06:07:45 ... and with this job id I can get its status to see if the document was published 06:07:57 ... any step of echidna will return a status 06:08:25 antonio: it does not matter if you are using travis so it makes it easy to integrate with other tools 06:08:32 fantasai: @@@ 06:08:54 fantasai: what about images ? 06:09:28 TabAtkins: bikeshed can generate a manifest 06:10:49 fantasai: we would want the manifest to be on a server and the files being on another server 06:11:06 plh: today links are relative and needs to be on the same server 06:11:15 TabAtkins: can it be on a higher level ? 06:11:19 plh: I think so 06:12:29 fantasai: [explaining on the whiteboard what the file manifest would be for CSS documents] 06:13:22 plh: Echidna knows about bikeshed so will do thing correctly 06:14:20 plh & antonio: we need to check regarding relative uris 06:14:31 https://github.com/w3c/echidna/blob/master/lib/document-downloader.js 06:15:26 TabAtkins: can I sent that manifest directly to your API isnetad of having to commit it to my repository 06:16:06 SimonSapin: I think we want echidna to obtain a set of files, currently it needs a manifest. You don't you directly send the list of files like in a server 06:16:26 antonio: there are issues in unzipping files on a server 06:16:52 fantasai: how is it less of a problem than if I give you a link to a 600MB file 06:17:14 TabAtkins: the less we have to rely on another server the better 06:17:54 antonio: we had not received that feedback so far 06:18:04 fantasai: ahve you talked to the XML folks ? 06:18:55 fantasai: allowing a tar file seem easier, and that would answer our use case 06:19:28 SimonSapin: I said zip file but it could be any format 06:20:05 fantasai: you are doing extra work for people using respec, but it should be also easy for people using other tools 06:20:30 TabAtkins: people would simply need to do bikeshed echidna arguments then done 06:20:47 SimonSapin: @@@2 06:21:23 TabAtkins: most people run bikeshed locally so they already have the generated stuff locally for you, they should not have to put it remotely 06:21:42 s/ for you// 06:22:20 antonio: it is good you are here guys because most people we talked with were respec users 06:23:23 SimonSapin: I prefer we don't invent a new format as it will require several lines of codes, so use standard formats 06:23:30 ted: I was opposed to zip 06:23:38 TabAtkins: we are fine with any format 06:23:50 SimonSapin: what about uncompressed tar files 06:24:56 plh and antonio: ok we will consider it 06:25:07 antonio: any otehr things missing ? 06:25:19 ... BTW on the wiki you have examples 06:25:43 TabAtkins: question about the spec token, I assume it should be kept private 06:25:47 plh: correct 06:26:41 antonio: the token is associated with the source URI 06:26:50 vivien: so with tar files ? 06:27:07 plh: would still be a file URI 06:27:40 SimonSapin: the important part of what I said earlier is inventing a new format for the manifest 06:27:55 plh: if you give us a tar file we would no need the manifest 06:28:20 plh: if someone gets your token it will only be able to republish your document 06:28:40 plh: the team contact has a way to get the token 06:29:05 TabAtkins: so not a security concern if it is in a public repo 06:29:25 plh: we would rather not to avoid possible DoS attacks 06:30:56 TabAtkins: the naive ideal I expect is to put the pub token in the document meta data, so that bikeshed reads the metadata and launch the publication 06:31:00 https://github.com/w3c/hr-time/blob/gh-pages/.travis.yml 06:31:12 TabAtkins, so what we'd do is store the tokens in a mapping file that's not in the repo, but is stored on another server 06:31:13 SimonSapin: travis ci allows to have private files 06:31:32 that can be any server, but in our case it would be /Style/Group/pub-tokens.txt or something 06:31:56 bikeshed then needs to know only the URL to that token list, and it can then find the token it needs based on the shortname 06:32:10 antonio: you can also handle branches 06:32:11 if we use /Style/Group/, it's behind an http password check, so it's not public 06:32:25 and every CSSWG member has an account for accessing that; it's their W3C account 06:32:33 plh: the pb we have today is it is opaque you ahve to monitor the mailing list 06:33:00 antonio: today you have to poll the API to get the status let's say every 5 minutes 06:34:40 fwiw, a request should be processed in less than 1min 06:35:32 antonio: I suggest you look at the other groups that are using travis to see how they handle that 06:35:38 s/handle/handled/ 06:37:17 antonio: groups that are using one repository for multiple specs have some issues 06:38:13 antonio: you could guess it based on the files that were modified 06:38:28 SimonSapin: not easy to guess that from git 06:38:43 s/you could/travis could/ 06:38:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes 06:38:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pub-minutes.html vivien 06:39:20 speaker4: is it possible to edit multiple specs in a single commit ? 06:39:29 TabAtkins: should work 06:40:10 plh: we lower the bar for entry by using echidna, meaning eg echidna does not runs linkchecker for WDs 06:40:38 ShaneM has joined #pub 06:40:48 fantasai: you could run the linkchecker once a day on drafts and complain to people 06:41:30 qntonio: you could mark those links are broken 06:41:38 s/speaker4/zcorpan/g 06:41:39 plh: we could had exceptions for this 06:42:05 s/qntonio/antonio/ 06:42:51 antonio: I would rather mark which links are going to be broken in case of cross publications 06:42:58 antonio: break time 06:43:30 TabAtkins: I am going to spend time on bikeshed in the upcoming months for that 06:43:48 fantasai: it would make us happy if we use echidna 06:43:55 [session adjourned] 06:44:19 +1 to TabAtkins :) 06:44:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 06:44:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pub-minutes.html vivien 06:52:13 shepazu has joined #pub 06:52:16 ShaneM has joined #pub 07:05:48 dom has joined #pub 07:06:12 shepazu has joined #pub 07:10:42 plh has joined #pub 07:12:37 ShaneM has joined #pub 07:27:44 shepazu has joined #pub 07:46:22 guillaume has joined #pub 07:49:47 SimonSapin has left #pub 08:10:46 shepazu has joined #pub 08:22:38 ShaneM has joined #pub 08:23:37 Zakim has left #pub 08:23:50 RRSAgent, bye 08:23:50 I see no action items