07:44:24 RRSAgent has joined #pa 07:44:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pa-irc 07:46:54 Bert1 has joined #pa 07:47:09 ddahl [~ddahl@team.cloak] entered the room. 07:47:09 ddahl 07:47:09 many mobile assistants are based on natural language 07:47:09 siri, cortana, google now 07:47:09 why concede this space to proprietary solutions? 07:47:09 what about enterprise specific 07:47:09 doesn't scale 07:47:10 ddahl 07:47:10 bert: thing on the web that's not a browser 07:47:10 ddahl 07:47:10 ...doesn't need speech interaction but maybe gestures 07:47:10 ...natural language is too chatty for typing 07:47:10 debbie: there could be much more dialog-like 07:47:11 ddahl 07:47:11 bert: would like to control the output 07:47:11 ddahl 07:47:11 debbie: Siri often gives you just Wikipedia 07:47:11 ...maybe an open source platform that you could customize, e.g. load the sports module 07:47:11 ...good for accessibility 07:47:12 ...skip advertising 07:47:12 ...would like to be able to ask for links on the page 07:47:12 debbie: could index conversations by location, time, topic 07:47:12 ...should be able to encode data visualization 07:47:12 ...in a way that you like or different ways 07:47:13 ddahl 07:47:13 bert: saw something that looked at the links and several levels of links past that 07:47:13 ddahl 07:47:13 debbie: EMMA 2.0 can support multimodal fission to allocate levels of concreteness to an output 07:47:13 ddahl 07:47:13 bert: regularize navigation in a web page, e.g. a standard table of contents 07:47:14 ddahl 07:47:14 ..could generate table of contents from a web page 07:47:14 debbie: browers haven't become user-friendly 07:47:14 ddahl 07:47:14 bert: often uses text browsers or curl to just get information, or just uses atom or rss feed 07:47:21 rrsagent, make minutes 07:47:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pa-minutes.html Bert1 07:47:31 rrsagent, make logs public 07:50:16 debbie: bert's requirements -- doesn't need speech, more interested in desktop, not really interested in natural language 07:54:33 ...could be interested in a history of interactions and then bringing them back 07:55:21 bert: Opera allows user style sheets 07:55:41 ...but Opera doesn't have per-site style sheets 07:56:19 ...possible with Mozilla 07:56:33 ...but can't reorder 07:58:00 ...would also like to do this with non-web info like mail 08:00:17 debbie: could also go to REST API's, for example Best Buy 08:00:34 bert: mobile sites are sometimes better 08:01:17 ...also easier to scrape 08:03:03 debbie: this isn't what I expected, but interesting 08:04:00 ...more interested in accessing semantics of page 08:06:48 debbie: would be nice to also integrate best practices from other sites with information 08:06:58 rrsagent, format minutes 08:06:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pa-minutes.html ddahl 08:12:56 meeting: Standards for Personal Assistants 08:13:03 chair: Debbie_Dahl 08:13:18 present: debbie, bert 08:13:27 rrsagent, format minutes 08:13:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-pa-minutes.html ddahl 08:22:24 Bert1 has joined #pa 09:25:43 Bert1 has joined #pa