14:44:22 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:44:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/21-annotation-irc 14:44:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:44:24 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:44:26 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:44:26 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:44:27 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:44:27 Date: 21 October 2015 14:44:29 Chair: Rob 14:44:57 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Oct/0102.html 14:45:09 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:45:51 Regrets+ Frederick, Paolo, Dinesh 14:46:20 azaroth has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Oct/0102.html 14:47:04 TPAC Agenda page: https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Meetings 14:55:46 chrisbirk has joined #annotation 14:57:34 Kyrce has joined #annotation 15:00:03 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:00:50 Jacob has joined #annotation 15:01:03 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:01:08 Chair: Rob_Sanderson 15:01:21 Present+ Tim_Cole, Kyrce_Swenson 15:01:58 Present+ Ivan 15:02:23 Present+ Jacob_Jett 15:02:40 Present+ Kyrce_Swenson 15:03:05 Present+ Chris_Birk 15:03:30 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:03:32 signing in 15:03:45 s/signing in// 15:04:46 takeshi has joined #annotation 15:05:30 Scribe: Tim_Cole 15:05:36 scribenick: TimCole 15:05:38 ScribeNick: TimCole 15:07:01 azaroth: no conference call next week because of TPAC 15:07:26 ... will decide about post-TPAC call (1st week of Nov) while at TPAC 15:07:37 Topic: Minutes 15:07:39 proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 21 September approved: 15:07:39 http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-annotation-minutes.html 15:07:41 present+ shepazu 15:08:02 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 21 September approved: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/14-annotation-minutes.html 15:08:26 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:08:41 Topic: State proposal (Benjamin) 15:09:07 Present+ Takeshi_Kanai 15:09:34 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Oct/0106.html 15:11:39 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 15:11:44 bigbluehat: hypothes.is we render pdf through pdf.js, will do same with EPub or may use Readium 15:11:58 present+ davis_salisbury 15:12:12 ... the DOM layout in the PDF rendering has changed several times, requiring us to fall back to fuzzy anchoring, etc. 15:12:36 ... but if we recorded the viewer used when annotating we could fall back better 15:12:43 q+ to ask if the "state" is about the annotation creation state, or the representation state of the resource 15:13:07 ... in html we use an XPointer approach, but even there you might want to know that viewer being used 15:13:28 ... if all you record in the annotation is the selector with out regard to viewer you could have issues 15:13:36 q? 15:13:37 ... know the viewer allows you to do more 15:13:40 ack azaroth 15:13:40 azaroth, you wanted to ask if the "state" is about the annotation creation state, or the representation state of the resource 15:14:25 azaroth: the state that you're interested in is the state of the renderer of the resource when the annotation was created 15:14:47 ... not the state of the resource at a particular time, or the representation provided to the viewer 15:15:01 ... could hasState be used to record this? 15:15:27 bigbluehat: it is not really request state, but it is rendered resource state (i.e., client side) 15:15:55 azaroth: regardless of how the information is recorded in the annotation, what would a subsequent client use this information for 15:16:21 ... so if you used a particular version of pdf.js and htat was recorded, a client could revert to that version? 15:16:43 ... or have some other intelligence to help recreate the proper anchoring. 15:16:48 q? 15:17:25 bigbluehat: the client could choose the right viewer, decide when to go to fall back, etc. 15:17:44 q+ 15:17:57 azaroth: it seems like to me that a generator might be sufficient, so hypothes.is and the version of pdf.js used 15:18:28 bigbluehat: perhaps, you need to understand the selector in light of the generator 15:18:46 ack shepazu 15:18:49 ... you need to understand from the generator (or whereever) that this resource was rendered this way. 15:20:32 shepazu: generator makes sense, but is the annotation being created through a component of hypothes.is rather than the whole thing 15:21:01 ... the generator of that annotation as a whole is a package, but the component doing the work may be external to the package 15:21:13 q+ to agree re !generator 15:21:32 ... sensible to think about multiple strings for generator, but it is not exactly a good fit to current understanding of generator 15:21:49 ... but seems state-like as well 15:22:17 ... people are going to use non-standard states, and arbitrary values in generators, making it hard for other engines to adapt to it 15:22:54 agree on the !generator stuff 15:23:00 ack azaroth 15:23:00 azaroth, you wanted to agree re !generator 15:23:17 http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/#h.sfczx2yhse91 15:23:30 azaroth: I am convinced about state rather than generator 15:23:43 ... equivalent to EPub rendention state 15:24:09 ... EPub clients make use of rendition state in a similar fashion to what's wanted here. 15:24:32 ... perhaps there is a generic rendering state property, but not sure what that would be 15:24:33 q+ 15:24:36 ack shepazu 15:24:45 ... perhaps we want to discuss DPub folks during TPAC 15:25:11 +1 to avoiding "Best Viewed in X" 15:25:22 shepazu: i do get uncomfortable talking about having to use a particular generator product 15:25:32 agreed. this can also totally be ignored by the consumer--and should be speced as such 15:25:43 ... so would prefer not to say 'this is best viewed in IE' (or whatever) 15:25:51 the other states can also be ignored, fwiw, if someone wants to attempt reanchoring on the "latest" etc 15:26:05 ... something more generic would be better, and avoid browser-sniffing 15:26:30 ... some mix of standard rendering state values and custom values 15:27:02 q+ to note HTML rewriting? 15:27:08 ack azaorht 15:27:14 bigbluehat: this should be optional, and should not change our understanding of selectors in general. Mostly for optimization and should be safe to ignore. 15:28:02 azaroth: I noted that different browsers and toolkits will rewrite HTML to insert extra nodes, etc. Maybe we could align with that sort of thing 15:28:17 ... and say here is a transformation of the original resource on which the annotation was made. 15:28:26 ack azaroth 15:28:26 azaroth, you wanted to note HTML rewriting? 15:28:34 ... less about the agent and more about the format and structure on which the annotation was made. 15:29:37 So. It strikes me that all of this is actually Selector related 15:30:01 shepazu: we could say that the resource was modified like html5 is modified when rendered, and this is what you need to know to understand the annotation 15:30:12 ... the question is where do we put this in the data model 15:30:58 bigbluehat: a lot of our original use cases from DPub were about optimizing the selector 15:31:33 ... and a lot of this needs to be about optimizing the selector and deciding when to fall back (when you can't reconstruct the rendering state) 15:32:00 ... we want to be careful not to invite viewer-specific fragment identifiers 15:32:28 shepazu: are you suggesting it needs to be on the selector not on the resource state? 15:33:23 bigbluehat: yes, if I knew that the XPath selector was for the PDF, and then made an equivalent anchor in another format, that's what I want to make sure is possible. 15:33:32 ivan: what's the next step 15:33:51 +1 to discussing with EPUB 15:33:56 +1 15:33:59 q+ 15:34:07 azaroth: we should discuss with DPub at TPAC, and potentially also without other folks (e.g., HTML 5 rewrite) 15:34:08 ack ivan 15:34:28 s/EPUB/DPUB 15:34:38 ivan: must be careful not to mix up EPub and DPub in our discussions next week 15:34:53 ... DPub has not really looked at details of annotation in EPub. 15:35:27 azaroth: Benjamin, can you work up a proposal such that we can discuss at TPAC internally and on the mailing list? 15:35:31 +1 15:35:45 q+ 15:35:45 q? 15:35:54 ack Kyrce 15:36:35 ACTION bigbluehat to create draft proposal for Rendering state/selector 15:36:36 Created ACTION-29 - Create draft proposal for rendering state/selector [on Benjamin Young - due 2015-10-28]. 15:36:43 q? 15:37:04 Topic: Agenda for TPAC 15:37:10 https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Meetings 15:37:59 azaroth: first day mostly meeting with other groups and talking about client side issues 15:38:13 q+ 15:38:21 ... and coming to grips with the second half of our deliverables 15:38:29 q+ 15:38:34 ... second day will be more about protocol and other issues. 15:38:44 ... this accommodates Doug's schedule. 15:39:00 ... there are some open, unstructured times to discuss other issues as needed. 15:39:17 ... but want feedback from those who are going to be there. 15:39:33 ack shepazu 15:39:41 ... in particular are there other joint meetings needed. 15:40:09 shepazu: only the last quarter of the day would be focused on findText 15:40:26 ... not sure how much we can get done on clientAPI if Nick isn't there 15:40:52 ack ivan 15:40:58 azaroth: will update agenda accordingly, but need at least a brief discussion of what we need to do and how we're going to get there. 15:41:26 ivan: on social web slot, do we have people from the social web grouop? who will be around? 15:41:39 azaroth: at least ??? and Amy Guy 15:42:05 s/???/Sarven/ 15:42:37 ... if it turns out we don't have enough from social to make it useful, we will still have other protocol issues, e.g., search, to make progress on. 15:42:57 I will not be able to make it there, correct 15:43:07 ivan: at some point we have to begin discussing about testing 15:43:33 ... we need to start by looking at what do we want to test? What are the things in the spec that have to be tested. 15:43:36 q+ to suggest testing at 1:30 Monday ? 15:43:50 ack azaroth 15:43:50 azaroth, you wanted to suggest testing at 1:30 Monday ? 15:43:53 ... in some cases relatively clear, in other cases not so much. 15:43:58 +1 to talking more about testing in general 15:44:36 chrisbirk: will not be at TPAC, but happy for conversation to start at TPAC and then come in with first call after TPAC. 15:44:54 azaroth: suggested a specific slot for this discussion. 15:45:00 q? 15:45:46 azaroth: one more topic -- priroritization for notification 15:46:08 ... should we work on search or notification first? will social deal with this well enough for us? 15:46:18 q+ 15:46:24 ack shepazu 15:46:45 ... notification, for example, is about the publisher of a target gets notified that an annotation has been made 15:47:29 shepazu: are we encompassing notifications of annotations of annotations, they might have different mechanisms for subscriptions (for example) 15:47:49 ... seems like there are a whole bunch of potential channels for notification, etc. 15:47:58 use cases ++ :) 15:48:05 yeah...those 15:48:08 ... we should start by spelling out what we mean by notification 15:48:19 azaroth: having use cases should be one of the first steps 15:48:45 ... this is definitely something to discuss when we have social WG members in the room 15:49:03 ... distinguishing between annotation requriements and social requirements. 15:49:30 ... propose to put notificaiton in same slot as social, search right after lunch, model after the break... 15:50:17 ivan: comment - there are 2 issues with social. 1) notification, 2) design choices that each of the groups have made and there is feeling that these decisions should align 15:50:29 ... not sure if we'll have right people there 15:51:04 azaroth: James Snell would best on this topic, but he won't be there. We can still bring the issue up and then move to email. 15:51:13 q? 15:51:42 good, scribe has to leave in 4 minutes 15:52:05 azaroth: Reminder no call next week, may be a call in 2 weeks 15:52:18 shepazu: calling into TPAC? 15:53:39 shepazu: no infrastrucutre in place, but we could set up skype or some other ad hoc method 15:54:11 ivan: and a WebEx room is available if we need it (assuming someone at TPAC has a computer with WebEx). 15:54:24 adjourned 15:54:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:54:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/21-annotation-minutes.html ivan 15:55:25 trackbot, end telcon 15:55:25 Zakim, list attendees 15:55:25 As of this point the attendees have been Rob_Sanderson, Tim_Cole, Kyrce_Swenson, Ivan, Jacob_Jett, Chris_Birk, shepazu, Benjamin_Young, Takeshi_Kanai, davis_salisbury 15:55:33 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:55:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/21-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 15:55:34 RRSAgent, bye 15:55:34 I see no action items