16:56:31 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 16:56:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/16-DPUB-irc 16:56:39 scribe: clapierre 16:57:08 present+ Charles LaPierre 16:58:43 present +Tzviya 17:00:39 present +George 17:00:45 present +Mia 17:02:55 Topic: Extended Description Analysis 17:03:03 dkaplan3 has joined #dpub 17:03:24 present +Deborah 17:04:39 deborah, had some discussions on the mailing list over the past few weeks. 17:04:54 …, need to figure out how to merge in Ivan's changes 17:05:30 …, are we happy with this? 17:05:54 george, there are 900 rows? 17:06:26 deborah, the link you are using is the raw html text not the rendered final webpage 17:06:49 tzviya, we need an HTML code for line or ARIA role… off topic 17:07:15 the table: http://w3c.github.io/dpub-accessibility/extended-description-analysis.html 17:07:15 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-accessibility/extended-description-analysis.html 17:09:23 tzviya, we could add to the TPAC agenda this idea of lines in HTML (code/pre/aria role?) 17:09:45 deborah, most of the work we did was in 2nd table 17:09:58 …, also added a 3rd table of use-cases 17:11:03 …, I wanted to pull out the existence of can you do it now vs. some future version that is currently in draft possibly within the W3C 17:12:03 …, is there anything that we say here that might be too strong and need to tone down? 17:16:33 deborah, web components is not really available today , so we need to adjust table 2. 17:17:26 …, last week Doug S. joined us on Accessible SVG and was very useful for filling out this table. 17:19:07 mia, a link which describes what other media files are that we want to link to. 17:20:47 george, D. Weck and Redium are adding this "About" notion which is a human readable description of what this link to alternative representation of the additional content. 17:21:17 tzviya, Daniel will be at Mondays DPUB meeting to discuss this further. 17:22:48 charles, work has been done this summer from a Benetech Volunteer to allow non-linear linking and back to the place left of in Readium. 17:23:07 tzviya, 1. Deborah will inc. Ivan's comments 17:23:17 …, define "meaningful" 17:24:15 …, add explanation "add structured content" to UA 17:25:14 …, update Web Components to what is possible today 17:26:23 …, we may add a property / or HTML attribute to add additional information on "what" this link is to the additional conent 17:27:03 mia, there may be ways to structure the link so that it describes what this is. 17:27:58 deborah, its not the link to the pdf file which tells you what it is… 17:28:34 …, but that is handled with mime-types and the UA can figure that out and bring up a browser/Acrobat reader etc… 17:29:17 …, if the idea is we want to be able to get the extended description and return back 17:29:42 tzviya, we should remove the mimetype from this conv. 17:31:33 deborah, if we used describedAt that is just a link out to foo.html we won't have context of what it links to. 17:32:52 …, what we are talking about, "by the way this is a 3d doc, braille doc, text, pdf, etc…" we should not include at TPAC since this is a bigger discussion. 17:34:20 george, its too complicated to identify all the different types of things you may want to include, so instead the "About" attribute which is a human readable text to know what this is. 17:34:43 tzviya, we need a "description" of what the external link is 17:35:46 deborah, the requirement involves AT to show/hide the extended descriptions. 17:36:16 george, descriptions is the largest sense of the word. 17:36:43 deborah, once I make those edits… is there anything else to do? whats next 17:37:12 tzviya, on Monday we will go over this on DPUB call, then we will send it onto PF 17:37:24 …, I leave for TPAC later on Tuesday 17:38:36 …, DPUB ARIA F2F meeting Midnight on the eastcoast (on Friday) 17:39:18 …, 2 hour meeting, any of you can join, will send out details on callin # 17:39:58 …, looks like PF is details/summary 17:40:09 …, george can details wrap any kind of content 17:40:27 …, as long as it is in an i-frame 17:41:38 deborah, I am fine with an answer of details / iframe as long as some ARIA-role happens then we are good 17:41:58 george, so you can add role=extendeddescription... 17:42:37 tzviya, but browsers would have to adapt to this and thats an issue with IE. since they are not working on that anymore 17:43:36 deborah, two level, browsers have to buy into this, and so does the AT manufacturers. but that means we need a new role that there is an extended descriptions 17:44:28 george, so if we use details/iframe / src (hidden / show) AT can discover it with the new role. 17:44:43 …, couldn't you use it on a normal A then? 17:45:01 tzviya, this hasn't been written yet so we don't know how it may be implmented. 17:45:56 mia, we need this new role to exist first and then we can see how it can be extended out afterwards. 17:46:10 …, shouldn't be hard to extend 17:46:23 george, would be great for annotations as well. 17:46:55 deborah, I will make all these changes. and verify the link. 17:47:41 …, then we will have a 10 min. meeting on Monday asking to see if anyone has comments, and hopefully we will be saying that the A11Y is happy with this, and then we will send it to PF and M. Cooper. 17:48:04 Topic: TPAC A11Y meetings 17:49:05 https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Oct_2015_F2F_Logistics_and_Details#Schedule 17:49:07 tzviya, its a bit late to schedule other meetings but there is still time. I know PF is meeting with CSS but that overlaps with DPUB meetings. 17:49:39 …, meeting with annotations is at 3PM (formally scheduled) 17:50:11 …, PF is breaking up into 2 WG 17:52:38 charles, Mark H, and Jason W. will be there as well which would be great to talk to them about Web Components and how that can be used to link out to multiple renderings for additional descriptions 17:53:10 mia, they are also heavily involved in Test Taking and we may want to get an updated on where they are 17:54:06 tzviya, we can always have them on a DPUB weekly meeting… and could be a great informal discussion. 17:56:05 charles, ARIA, PF, Annotations are the 3 groups i am interested in attending on Monday / Tuesday 17:57:25 george, BISG A11Y / DPUB A11Y / EPUB 3.1 A11Y can we combine any of this ? 17:58:17 tzviya, IDPF / W3C could merge possibly but George talk to Bill McCoy 17:58:36 george, there is an appetite for this because of all the meetings. 17:58:45 topic: A11Y EPUB 3.1 TF Update 17:59:50 george, Charles is co-chair of DPUB with Deborah, and charles / Avneesh co-chairing of new A11Y TF for EPUB3.1 18:01:16 tzviya, there are some overlaps but metadata may not be one. 18:03:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:03:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/16-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 18:05:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:05:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/16-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 18:05:39 rrsagent, make logs public 18:55:51 fjh has joined #dpub 18:57:34 Zakim has left #dpub 19:17:09 clapierre has left #dpub