17:58:41 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 17:58:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/15-shapes-irc 17:58:43 webex is twirling - is the phone line working? 17:58:43 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 17:58:43 Zakim has joined #shapes 17:58:45 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 17:58:45 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 17:58:46 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 17:58:46 Date: 15 October 2015 18:00:13 present+ hknublau 18:00:22 present+ Arnaud 18:01:50 Dimitris has joined #shapes 18:01:51 present+ TallTed 18:01:56 present+ ericP 18:01:57 present+ ericP 18:02:46 present+ kcoyle 18:03:37 present+ dimitris 18:05:30 present+ aryman 18:06:05 scribenick: dimitris chair: Arnaud agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.10.15 18:06:05 aryman has joined #shapes 18:06:22 present+ aryman 18:06:33 regrets: pfps, simonstey, hsolbrig topic: Admin 18:07:32 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 8 October Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/08-shapes-minutes.html 18:07:40 arnaud: propose to approve minutes of last week 18:07:45 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 8 October Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/08-shapes-minutes.html 18:08:33 Labra has joined #shapes 18:08:44 pfps has joined #shapes topic: Raised issues 18:09:37 PROPOSED: Open ISSUE-102 18:09:44 +1 18:09:44 issue-102 18:09:44 issue-102 -- Some defaults cannot be explicitly coded -- raised 18:09:44 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/102 18:09:52 +1 18:09:53 +1 18:10:21 q+ 18:10:24 +1 18:10:24 +1 18:10:27 arnaud: this is a reasonable question to ask 18:10:30 present+ labra 18:10:30 ack aryman 18:11:22 aryman: I don't like the title, we shouldn't imagine that every template should have a default value 18:11:43 ... most of the constraint are similar 18:12:15 ... default only makes sense if something is required 18:12:54 tallted: by declaring this cardinality we say that by default it is 0 - unbound 18:13:24 aryman: we also do not have default constraints 18:14:18 arnaud: how should we rename this issue? 18:14:59 q+ 18:15:08 aryman: we also have min length, max length 18:15:22 ack kcoyle 18:15:36 kcoyle: happy to change the title a bit 18:15:56 ... i would like to say my max count is unbounded 18:17:26 how about: missing a way to explicitly state unbound cardinality and open shapes 18:18:07 +1 as amended 18:18:35 RESOLVED: Open ISSUE-102, changing the title to: missing a way to explicitly state unbound cardinality and open shapes 18:19:17 q? topic: Test Suite status 18:19:21 arnaud: Eric can you give an update on the test suite? 18:19:53 http://shexspec.github.io/test-suite/ 18:20:11 https://github.com/shexSpec/test-suite 18:20:28 ericp: Jose gathered a test suite for ShEx some time ago. there are two test suites and I checked which one is applicable to SHACL ... most of the tests are but I have a question 18:20:57 { :p1 xsd:integer, :p2 xsd:float } 18:20:59 ... what is the representation of ShEx in SHACL and I was trying to figure out a simple conjuction 18:21:27 q+ 18:21:34 ... and not sure how to translate in SHACL 18:21:47 ack aryman 18:22:12 aryman: they mean the same. Should we say that a given property can appear only once? 18:22:47 { :p1 xsd:integer | :p2 xsd:float } 18:22:56 ericP: do I represent them as a constraint with an AND? 18:23:25 ... do I split that in two shapes? 18:24:14 aryman: I think yes. This is related to issue-95 18:25:37 Arnaud: so the status is you investigated how you can re-use the existing tests and you are looking how to translate automatically 18:26:45 WebEx just dropped my line. 18:26:50 ericp: once these things get resolved it will be easier to translate them in SHACL and have variations 18:26:50 Back in now. 18:28:57 arnaud: the use of and does not need to be explicit 18:30:11 ... karen, are you also importing tests? 18:30:32 kcoyle: we don't have people that know shacl and no way to test our shacl 18:31:19 q+ 18:32:08 ack aryman 18:32:10 arnaud: how many people are planning to implement shacl ... TopQuadrant is doing it, Open Link Software will but not sure when, anyone else? dimitris: I am also working on an implementation 18:32:27 aryman: I know Clark&Parsia might be interested 18:33:51 q+ 18:33:57 ack aryman 18:34:54 topic: ISSUE-95 arnaud: Peter isn't here so this will have to wait 18:34:54 issue-95 -- Proposed simplification and clean up of template mechanism -- open 18:34:54 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/95 18:34:57 why use sh:scopeClass for injection? 18:35:01 aryman: holger uses the term scopeClass to inject contraints, is this overloaded? 18:35:37 hknublau: sh:scopeClass is consistent to the validation tools 18:36:09 ... with the same logic they can validate a constraint or an instance 18:36:51 aryman: you are arguing on code-reuse but scopeClass has a very different meaning 18:37:44 ... and these are very different use cases 18:38:14 ... the re-use of code shouldn't affect the language design 18:38:29 pfps has joined #shapes 18:39:36 hknublau: it is consistent and affects a very small number of people 18:40:42 aryman: can you provide the meaning of sh:scopeClass in the spec? 18:41:28 arnaud: Arthur's request is reasonable, can you please provide it, either as link to the spec or on mail 18:42:07 ... let's leave it for next week 18:42:19 topic: ISSUE-86 18:43:36 issue-86 18:43:36 issue-86 -- Associating shapes with ontologies or vocabularies -- open 18:43:36 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/86 18:45:02 arnaud:Dimitris made a proposal to resolve but Peter objected. 18:45:40 ... we should recognise that people have different use cases 18:46:22 q+ 18:46:26 ack hknublau 18:47:01 hknublau: looked into this yesterday and even the design with sh:shapesGraph is difficult with users 18:47:53 ... imitris suggests to add another keyword for another scenario. I am not totally against this but it get's compicated 18:48:25 ... class definitions need to exist in the shapes graph and this is already too much to explain 18:50:56 ... you can use owl:imports and a tool can identify it is a shapes graph 18:52:14 arnaud: a diagram can show this operations. 18:52:43 ... dimitris make a more simplified proposal 18:53:21 topic: ISSUE-98 18:53:21 s/imitris suggests/dimitris suggests/ 18:53:25 issue-98 18:53:25 issue-98 -- Can property constraints also apply to focus nodes? -- open 18:53:25 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/98 18:54:33 hknublau: my proposal is to allow constraints on focus nodes as well 18:55:39 ... (summarizing the proposed changes) 18:57:20 q+ 18:57:34 arnaud: Peter proposed that it would be simplified further if we look at ShEx 18:57:49 ack aryman 18:57:54 ... but this is not a stopper for now 18:58:31 aryman: I like where this is going. regarding syntaxt we shoudn't declare sh:constraint 18:59:08 hknublau: we examine that later, not sure about it now 18:59:19 q+ 18:59:38 ack aryman 19:00:55 aryman: this is similar to ResourceShapes. We should stop considering code but make language simpler 19:01:10 hknublau: code helps me identify consequences 19:02:37 arnaud: that's fair, we can agree to this and then Arthur can raise different issues 19:03:05 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-98, adopting Holger's proposed changes 19:03:11 +1 19:03:25 +1 19:03:27 +1 19:03:30 +0 19:03:33 +0 19:03:35 +1 19:03:37 0 19:04:11 +1 19:04:38 - Rename sh:allowedValues to sh:memberOf (or sh:oneOf) 19:04:54 q+ 19:04:57 ack aryman 19:04:57 q+ 19:05:13 hknublau: we also need to decide how we rename sh:allowedValues 19:06:04 Propose sh:in 19:06:18 aryman: sh:in can be used 19:06:21 q- 19:06:25 ok for me 19:06:36 q+ 19:06:41 ack Dimitris 19:07:36 dimitris: what will in check in the case of focus nodes? 19:07:45 +0 19:07:49 "in" sounds good 19:07:50 hknublau: focus nodes can be literals as well so it can be any value 19:08:02 +1 to sh:in 19:08:14 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-98, adopting Holger's proposed changes, renaming sh:allowedValues to sh:in 19:09:06 topic: ISSUE-61 19:10:14 q+ 19:10:27 ack aryman 19:11:15 aryman: one of the oslc use cases is to use http get to a resource. that triple has to be in the data graph 19:11:29 q+ 19:11:51 ... we need a triple in the data graph and we don't care about the direction 19:11:51 ack hknublau 19:12:15 q+ 19:12:51 the OSLC use case requires that the triple linking the resource to the shape be in the data graph 19:12:51 q+ 19:12:55 q+ 19:13:20 ack TallTed 19:13:24 hknublau: we can call that triple pollution, this triple should go in the shapes graph, it has nothing to do with the data. it also consistent with the design of scopeClass 19:13:56 q+ 19:14:01 tallted: This makes the shape less re-usable 19:14:30 ... it seems odd to have it in the shape definition 19:15:00 arnaud: people have different use cases 19:15:36 ack kcoyle 19:16:27 kcoyle: there is a number of different meanings 19:16:39 ack aryman 19:17:47 +1 aryman's comments 19:18:19 aryman: the shape is a type definition for data. how can the shapes graph contain links to the resources since resources can be created / deleted dynamically? 19:19:21 ... the triple has to be present in the data graph 19:20:58 ack hknublau 19:21:39 hknublau: I raised it after peter's proposal 19:22:18 ... shapes can be in separate graphs and combined with owl:iimports 19:23:05 so this is an inverse-relation for sh:nodeShape -- but does not *belong* in the shape itself (though there *might* be a use case of which we're unaware, so we should perhaps not prohibit that) 19:23:33 I'm OK with having sh:shapeNode inverse of sh:nodeShape -- that's fine -- sometimes expression can only be in one direction 19:24:04 this statement can be made in any graph -- using sh:shapeNode does *not* mandate that the triple be in the shape (or shape graph) 19:24:20 arnaud: let's stop for now and wait for Peter who raised this issue 19:26:39 aryman: the notion of reversing the relation doesn't make sense 19:26:51 tallted: some tools have direction limitations 19:27:45 aryman: this adds complexity to get data and need to always create union sparql queries 19:28:51 tallted: you can build a reasoner to handle the reverse. there are lot's of ways to handle this 19:28:58 I generally dislike inverse properties. 19:29:11 +1 to +1 19:29:38 sorry, +1 to Aryman's point 19:29:57 arymam: rdf is a way of encoding statements, why do we need to use inverse predicates for everything 19:31:17 trackbot, end meeting 19:31:17 Zakim, list attendees 19:31:17 As of this point the attendees have been hknublau, Arnaud, TallTed, ericP, kcoyle, dimitris, aryman 19:31:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:31:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/15-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 19:31:26 RRSAgent, bye 19:31:26 I see no action items