18:50:19 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 18:50:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/06-aapi-irc 18:50:21 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:50:21 Zakim has joined #aapi 18:50:23 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 18:50:23 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 18:50:24 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 18:50:24 Date: 06 October 2015 18:50:52 chair: Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:50:59 agenda: this 18:51:07 agenda+ ACTION-1717: (Joseph) Remove the MSAA plus UIA express column. 18:51:13 agenda+ ACTION-1706: (Cynthia) Compose a statement regarding the "deprecation" of UIA express mappings in the core-aam, referencing the aria 1.0 mapping spec. 18:51:18 agenda+ ACTION-1309: (Cynthia) UIA mappings for aria-colindex and aria-rowindex. 18:51:24 agenda+ ACTION-1531: (Joseph, Alex, David) IA2 mapping of role="text". 18:51:33 agenda+ ACTION-1528: (Alex, David) IA2 mapping for aria-current. 18:51:39 agenda+ ACTION-1585: (Cynthia) Add to the section on differences among aapis highlighting the features of UIA. 18:51:44 agenda+ ACTION-1585: (Cynthia) Add to the section on differences among aapis highlighting the features of UIA. 18:51:50 agenda+ ACTION-1668: (Rich, Alex) Add a IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK to IA2. This will tell ATs to look at the xml-roles value for landmarks. 18:51:55 agenda+ ACTION-1686: (Joseph) Drive mapping of aria-errormessage to AAPIs. 18:52:03 agenda+ ACTION-1692/1693: (Joanie, Alex) Propose ATK/AT-SPI mapping for aria-errormessage. 18:52:08 agenda+ Action/issue triage (https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/products/23) 18:52:14 agenda+ be done. 18:56:55 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:02:37 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aapi 19:02:58 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 19:03:35 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aapi 19:04:39 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 19:05:19 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 19:05:22 scribe: joanie 19:06:18 Zakim, take up item 1 19:06:18 agendum 1. "ACTION-1717: (Joseph) Remove the MSAA plus UIA express column." taken up [from clown] 19:09:40 JS: My action was to remove the MSAA plus UIA express column. 19:09:50 JS: I removed the columns from the tables. 19:10:07 JS: I removed other little notes that mentioned UIA express, so it's now gone from the mapping spec. 19:10:22 JS: Cynthia was supposed to write a statement about this. 19:10:39 JS: Because she knows the status, I would prefer for her to write it rather than my doing so. 19:10:58 JS: I think the columns are still in the HTML-AAM. Do they need to be removed too? 19:11:12 RS: What we're doing is for ARIA 1.1. 19:11:34 RS: We're in different shape. 19:11:48 RS: If they're going to do a mapping guide, I'm thinking it will be for HTML 5.1. 19:11:57 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html 19:12:04 RS: If there are any problems, they won't be going back to IE because it won't be fixed there. 19:12:13 JS: I can confirm it is for HTML 5.1. 19:12:20 RS: Do they have a UIA column? 19:12:22 JS: Yes. 19:12:38 RS: I'll write a note to Steve Faulkner to remove the UIA express column. 19:13:01 JS: I noticed that in many cases, the HTML mapping spec now points to the core mapping spec. 19:13:48 s/write a note to/ping via Skype/ 19:15:13 action-1717? 19:15:13 action-1717 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Remove the MSAA plus UIA express column -- due 2015-09-08 -- OPEN 19:15:13 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1717 19:16:24 JS: And I guess you'll (Rich) need to remove this column from the SVG mapping guide. 19:16:33 RS: Yes. I also need a UIA column. 19:16:55 Zakim, take up item 3 19:16:55 agendum 3. "ACTION-1309: (Cynthia) UIA mappings for aria-colindex and aria-rowindex." taken up [from clown] 19:16:59 action-1309? 19:16:59 action-1309 -- Cynthia Shelly to Determine the best place to map aria-colindex and aria-rowindex for UIA. -- due 2015-08-01 -- OPEN 19:16:59 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1309 19:17:09 JS: I asked Cynthia to update her action items. 19:17:15 JS: There are no notes for this action item. 19:17:22 Zakim, take up item 4 19:17:22 agendum 4. "ACTION-1531: (Joseph, Alex, David) IA2 mapping of role="text"." taken up [from clown] 19:17:31 action-1531 19:17:31 action-1531 -- David Bolter to Bolter to investigate ia2 mapping of role="text" -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN 19:17:31 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1531 19:20:55 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-text 19:21:02 JS: There was some emails back and forth last week. 19:21:22 JS: It looks like James Teh wants TEXT_FRAME for IA2. 19:21:30 JS: The mapping is at the link above. 19:21:34 JS: I think we're done. 19:23:56 JS: Can we close this action? 19:24:44 JS: The full mail thread occurred in wai-xtech. 19:24:57 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2015Sep/0014.html 19:25:09 JS: The first email in the thread is at the URL above. 19:25:50 JS: (Reads portions of the thread) 19:26:53 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2015Sep/0020.html 19:28:03 RS: Why would you use the role="text" on the example in that email? 19:28:19 http://w3c.github.io/aria/aria/aria.html#text 19:28:20 JD: Ask James Craig. I believe it's one of his examples added to the spec. 19:28:34 JS: (Reads from the spec link above) 19:28:53 RS: I know when we had the meeting, it was about putting it on an image. 19:29:20 RS: This example seems like it was something we didn't discuss at the meeting. 19:30:06 RS: What if you put an image in the middle of that example? 19:30:30 RS: And then there's SVG. Do you put it on the individual letters, or the collection of drawings? 19:31:07 RS: I think you'd want to put it on the individual characters. 19:31:52 JD: Why? 19:32:51 … svg element describing strokes … 19:38:15 … svg elements describing strokes … 19:40:34 (Group discusses examples) 19:41:24 RS: Looking at the heart example, the heart becomes a single piece of text. 19:41:36 JS: And the heart becomes a single piece of text. 19:41:44 JS: But the caret navigation would be completely bogus. 19:41:59 RS: So he's saying whatever is in there has to be treated as a single entity. 19:42:21 RS: So given multiple entities, I'd treat it as a single object rather than individual characters. 19:44:34 (Discussion on how this might or might not be searchable) 19:45:53 JS: About searching CSS content, the reason you cannot search it in the browser is because it's not in the DOM. 19:47:39 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1096071 19:48:54 JS: If you have a text string, like "hello," it's made of strokes too. But that's not really important. 19:49:04 JS: That text string winds up in the accessibility APIs as 19:49:24 s/as/as "hello"/ 19:49:40 JS: And character navigation works. 19:50:57 (More discussion of text, groups, strokes, and SVG) 19:51:49 RS: The big thing we're trying to do is charts and things like that. 19:52:15 RS: Do you see why I think the text frame mapping is kind of confusing? 19:52:38 RS: You almost have to -- unless there's actual text -- treat it like a single image/object. 19:53:26 RS: Joanie, when you run across an image with alt text, what happens? 19:53:41 JD: The alt text is displayed in braille; it's not caret navigable. 19:54:05 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2015Sep/0020.html 19:54:09 JS: To go back to what James said, if there is navigable text then the text interface should be supported. 19:54:29 JS: James asked if ATs should expect accessible text or not? 19:54:42 JS: But he indicated NVDA should be able to handle either case. 19:56:09 JD: Orca can also handle it either way. 19:56:51 JD: What is lacking is user agent guidance regarding when to implement the accessible text interface or not. 19:57:17 not for 19:57:38 not for role='text' with images or image-like glyphs. 19:57:52 but for role="text' when there is nothing but text. 19:58:03 what about svg text defined by strokes? 20:02:40 (Discussion between JD and JS regarding where in the spec(s) determining caret navigability belongs) 20:02:50 JS: I'm convinced it needs to be in both specs. 20:03:01 JD: Ok. 20:03:20 JD: The user agent's implementation is what determines if it's caret navigable or not; not the author. 20:03:32 JS: But the author needs to know if it is or not. 20:03:35 JD: That's fair. 20:03:46 RS: And we need to be very prescriptive, or authors will be lost. 20:04:53 JS: But how to we clarify this? 20:05:05 RS: We need language in both the spec and the authoring guide. 20:14:36 "I love turtles" 20:17:19 "An element whose entire subtree should be exposed to accessibility APIs as plain text." 20:25:53 Zakim, part 20:25:53 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Joseph_Scheuhammer, Bryan_Garaventa, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joanmarie_Diggs 20:25:53 Zakim has left #aapi 20:26:05 scribeOptions: -final 20:26:09 RRSAgent, stop