15:05:57 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:05:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/29-hcls-irc 15:05:59 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:05:59 Zakim has joined #hcls 15:06:01 Zakim, this will be HCLS 15:06:01 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:06:02 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 15:06:02 Date: 29 September 2015 15:06:11 topic: Report from last week's CTS Ontology Workshop 15:07:05 Lloyd has joined #HCLS 15:10:23 http://ncorwiki.buffalo.edu/index.php/CTS_Ontology_Workshop_2015 15:27:34 dbooth: good workshop; made steps in building bridges 15:29:49 lloyd: what do we want to achieve in this bridge building? 15:30:52 dbooth: ideally, get Barry working with us 15:32:55 ... Chris ____ wanted to ensure that the FHIR ont is compatible with BFO 15:33:11 ... I encouraged him to join the calls and help. 15:34:17 s/____/Stoeckert/ 15:34:46 Topic: Approval of minutes 15:34:48 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=ITS_RDF_Concall_Minutes_20150922 15:35:16 Minutes of Sep 22 approved! 15:35:46 Topic: Atlanta HL7 face-to-face meeting preparation 15:36:42 Rob: Good to do a brief overview 15:38:15 Paul: Suggest 10 minutes overview 15:40:47 Topic: FHIR ValueSets -- draft by Tony Mallia 15:41:19 Tony: Problems with named classes for coding systems and named classes for concepts 15:41:47 ... An OWL restriction statement is a subclass of OWL class, so everytime we put one in square brackets, we're declaring a class. 15:42:10 ... In the next version i made them named classes. 15:42:51 ... Concerned that we may be negating that approach, because it's more efficient than declaring the same anonymous class multiple times. 15:44:01 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=File:ValueSet_approachesv3.pdf 15:46:42 Tony: Line 97 has a code system represented as a class. 15:49:38 CONSTRUCT { ?x a fhircs:allergy 15:49:38 - 15:49:38 intolerance 15:49:38 - 15:49:39 lloyd: CodeSystem should not be a class -- it's not merely the collection of codings. 15:51:33 tony: a restriction is always a class. 15:51:52 lloyd: the problem is line 105: rdfs:subClassOf fhir:CodeSystem . 15:52:28 ... It's defining a set of legal CodingBase instances 15:52:39 TallTed has joined #hcls 15:55:43 tony: agreed -- line 105 should be rdfs:subClassOf fhir:CodingBase . 15:55:47 lloyd: agreed 15:57:28 CONSTRUCT { 15:57:28 ?x a fhircs:allergy-intolerance-status ; 15:57:28 a fhir:CodingBase 15:57:28 } WHERE { 15:57:28 owl:onProperty fhir:CodingBase.system [ 15:57:30 fhir:value 15:57:33 ] 15:57:35 } 15:57:56 CONSTRUCT { 15:57:56 ?x a fhircs:allergy-intolerance-status ; 15:57:56 a fhir:CodingBase 15:57:56 } WHERE { 15:57:56 ?x fhir:CodingBase.system [ 15:57:59 fhir:value 15:58:01 ] 15:58:04 } 15:58:49 s//"http://hl7.org/fhir/cs/allergy-intolerance-status"/ 15:59:20 s||"http://hl7.org/fhir/cs/allergy-intolerance-status"| 16:00:56 tony: Line 24 uses this allergy-intolerance-status class 16:09:57 dbooth: Reason for representing these all as classes is so that when we express a fhir:Observation for a patient, we can say that that observation is an instance of class allergy-intolerance-status:confirmed, and potentially some other classes too. 16:10:39 lloyd: Nervous about having these as classes, because they are ripe for abuse. People will think of them as semantic classes and try to do equivalent testing on them. 16:11:28 ... Someone might say that these two codes are equivalent, and say that they are equivalent classes and that will lead to wrong semantics. 16:11:50 ... These classes are not semantic classes, they are just about the strings. 16:13:03 ... Alternative is to be verbose: don't define named classes for things that specify both code system and code. 16:13:17 tony: But that's what SNOMED is doing. 16:13:53 CONSTRUCT { 16:13:53 ?x a allergy-intolerance-status:confirmed ; 16:13:53 a allergy-intolerance-status:active ; 16:13:53 a fhircs:allergy-intolerance-status 16:13:53 } WHERE { 16:13:56 ?x a fhircs:allergy-intolerance-status ; 16:13:58 fhir:CodingBase.code [ 16:13:59 lloyd: But that's outside of our stuff. Bridging ont will have to do that. 16:14:01 fhir:value "confirmed"^^xsd:token ] } 16:16:57 q+ Maybe we can mitigate Lloyd's concern by how we name these syntactic classes 16:17:25 q+ to say Maybe we can mitigate Lloyd's concern by how we name these syntactic classes 16:18:59 eric: Another way to look at this. If you give people names for these, they might make erroneous statements about them. 16:19:37 ... Safer thing is to name them, but document them warning not to make semantic statements about them. 16:20:41 ack dbooth 16:20:41 dbooth, you wanted to say Maybe we can mitigate Lloyd's concern by how we name these syntactic classes 16:20:49 let's name them with names that use unicode characters that make their eyes bleed 16:22:14 dbooth: For example, in programming, internal entities are often named starting with underscore: _foo 16:24:53 eric: everywhere you would otherwise write the class name, you write the whole anonymous expression. 16:26:31 lloyd: When we map to an external ont, we're mapping using the concepts, not the codes that signify the concepts. 16:26:55 ... I think we can do this having names for the concepts but not for the CodingBases. 16:32:33 ADJOURNED 16:37:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:37:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/29-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:32:48 Zakim has left #hcls 19:11:18 Chair: David Booth and Paul Knapp 19:13:07 Present: Adam (webex only), Bill Kleinebecker, Rob Hausam, Darrell Woelk, Lloyd McKenzie, Paul Knapp, Steve (webex only), Tony Mallia 19:13:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:13:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/29-hcls-minutes.html dbooth