12:48:06 RRSAgent has joined #coga 12:48:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/25-coga-irc 12:48:12 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 12:48:12 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Lisa_Seeman 12:49:52 regrets: Steve Lee 12:50:20 agenda: this 12:50:21 agenda+ next weeks call times and dates 12:50:23 agenda+ review actions, and timelines 12:50:24 agenda+ TPAC - when can we join a call? 12:50:26 agenda+ personlization questions with Rich's changes 12:50:27 agenda+ Issue papers - GA 12:50:29 agenda+ Techniques - GA 12:50:30 agenda+ Next ftf ideas (TPAC and Katie suggestion)agenda+ Other issue papers 12:50:32 agenda+ be done 12:58:26 Chaohai_Ding has joined #coga 12:59:02 JohnRochford has joined #coga 12:59:35 Mike_Pluke has joined #coga 12:59:39 can you hear?> 13:01:56 scribe: JohnRochford 13:02:13 next items 13:02:17 next item 13:02:50 next item 13:04:44 maryjom has joined #coga 13:05:11 ddahl has joined #coga 13:05:32 next item 13:05:34 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page#General_To_do 13:05:52 EA has joined #coga 13:05:53 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #coga 13:06:03 debbie are u joing us on webex 13:06:06 ? 13:07:24 LS: ddahl, anything left for your action item on Voice XML? 13:07:47 ddahl: Will have to review. 13:07:53 action ddahl to review 13:07:54 Created ACTION-135 - Review [on Deborah Dahl - due 2015-10-02]. 13:08:08 action ddahl to review voice issu pager for gap analisis 13:08:08 Created ACTION-136 - Review voice issu pager for gap analisis [on Deborah Dahl - due 2015-10-02]. 13:09:49 LS: 10/26 and 10/27, Rich wants us to have a joint meeting with ARIA about our extensions, etc. 13:10:43 Ayelet_seeman has joined #coga 13:13:01 LS: Let's determine when we can meet those days. 13:14:47 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 13:19:02 this is a good tool for finding meeting times http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html 13:21:32 LS: Steve, Ayelet, Chaohai should be key people to meet with ARIA people in Japan 13:23:34 LS: 10/26, 7 AM to 9 AM London time is when the ARIA meeting will occur 13:24:25 JR: That's 2 AM to 4 AM, Boston time 13:24:55 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2015Sep/0044.html 13:25:54 LS: maryjom, please walk us through the graded help 13:26:53 MJ: Is reviewing the feedback she supplied via email message forwarded to listserv by Lisa 13:27:58 MJ: Anything needed that is unique to mobile space? 13:28:14 MJ: For example, F1 is unavailable on mobile. 13:29:15 LS: Really important that help is included in personalization. 13:32:20 JR: Perhaps we should recommend a universal help feature for the web and mobile. 13:33:58 Mike: Pressing F1 provides help for Chrome, not for a website. 13:34:42 LS: I think this should be an open issue we reserve for the next working draft 13:36:36 MJ: What can we do for people with cognitive disabilities that would be good for them? For example, reviewing techniques for developers. 13:37:45 MJ: Another item to address is searching within help. 13:38:08 MJ: Search terms have to be spelled correctly for the right help to be found. 13:38:50 JR: A model for searching may be: https://clearhelper.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/improving-web-searching-for-people-with-cognitive-disabilities/ 13:39:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2015Jul/0068.html 13:40:07 LS: This conversation is directly related to the work Mike and me (Lisa) are meant to think about: human help. 13:41:20 LS: How is extra help provided vs. more info is provided? 13:42:11 Q? 13:44:42 EA: Something that is very confusing for people with ID (LD in UK) is how to get to help, for example, when watching consuming multi-media content. They may not remember how to get to help. 13:47:43 JR: Idea: Perhaps help for a video player could invoke help for it, and/or for help from the website. 13:48:37 Mike: Perhaps there should be sign posts throughout a video. 13:49:39 LS: Labeling and sign posting throughout a video would help people navigate them. 13:51:12 EA: Video transcripts could be tagged for key points. 13:52:03 LS: We can include recommendations for user agents as part of a 5-year plan. 13:52:54 Mike: I agree with EA that content creators would have to enable such capabilities. 13:53:02 ddahl has joined #coga 13:53:53 EA has joined #coga 13:54:51 Try this link for Synote with a YouTube video http://linkeddata.synote.org/synote/recording/replay/52593 13:56:18 LS: Renewing ARIA conversation from last week. 14:00:27 ddahl has left #coga 14:01:03 rrsagent, make logs public 14:01:08 rrsagent, create minutes 14:01:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/25-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 14:02:17 zakim, please part 14:02:17 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Rich_Schwerdtfeger 14:02:17 Zakim has left #coga 14:02:28 rrsagent, please part 14:02:28 I see no action items