14:59:03 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 14:59:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/08/14-DPUB-irc 14:59:10 rrsagent, make logs public 14:59:17 scribe: clapierre 14:59:34 present+ Tzviya 15:00:10 present+ Mia 15:00:17 present+ Deborah 15:00:28 present+ Charles 15:01:17 dkaplan3 has joined #dpub 15:01:37 present+ Deborah_Kaplan 15:13:48 mia, chartml is something we need to be on our radar as well 15:14:11 deborah, haptics is also very interesting 15:14:32 liam has joined #dpub 15:17:17 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Publisher_requirements_for_extended_descriptions 15:17:33 tzyvia, next step for aria-describedat is to create a list of requirements 15:21:32 deborah, I don't care on what the mechanics are, I just want to add some attribute that points to additional data either embedded or external with semantic information associated with it to know what type of external data this is. 15:23:04 tzviya, when the matrix is implemented we need to review it. 15:23:13 everyone, agreed. 15:26:21 tzviya, it is very difficult to write "good" alt-text 15:28:13 tzviya, indi-UI is being absorbed into another group, it is not dead. 15:29:05 deborah, worries that basic semantics exists. 15:29:49 mia, agrees we need to be engaged int he details of how this will evolve 15:36:42 charles, aside http://caniuse.com a great utility 15:37:26 topic: A11Y Note 15:38:27 charles, spent morning working on Note fixing hrefs and html issues. also added Diagrammar support. 15:39:01 mia, hasn't worked on anything yet, too busy with prep for call yesterday 15:39:06 deborah, same. 15:40:30 tzviya, had made changes a few weeks ago but nothing lately, but hasn't done anything additionally that is on my plate. 15:41:33 charles, we should ping George on his portions (skipability, and one other) 15:42:41 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-accessibility/ 15:43:29 tzviya, we should all read this document by next week's meeting so we can discuss what is missing. 15:46:31 everyone, will try to get their piece done but lately the amount of time that we all spent on this has maxed out. 15:50:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:50:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/14-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 15:59:52 fjh has joined #dpub 16:01:44 shepazu has joined #dpub 17:14:54 Zakim has left #dpub 19:25:42 dauwhe has joined #dpub 19:29:49 liam has joined #dpub 20:14:13 dauwhe has joined #dpub 21:13:39 dauwhe has joined #dpub 22:02:03 clapierre has left #dpub 23:43:38 dauwhe has joined #dpub