17:58:25 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 17:58:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/08/06-shapes-irc 17:58:27 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 17:58:27 Zakim has joined #shapes 17:58:29 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 17:58:29 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 17:58:30 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 17:58:30 Date: 06 August 2015 17:58:34 kcoyle has joined #shapes 17:59:47 present+ Arnaud 17:59:50 present+ 18:00:00 pfps has joined #shapes 18:00:04 present+ pfps 18:00:09 present+ kcoyle 18:01:32 regrets: simonstey 18:01:47 chair: Arnaud 18:02:08 present+ dimitris 18:02:18 present+ hknublau 18:02:21 Labra has joined #shapes 18:02:28 present+ labra 18:04:13 aryman has joined #shapes 18:05:03 present +aryman 18:07:42 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.08.06 18:08:22 present+ TallTed Topic: Admin 18:10:00 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 30 July Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/07/30-shapes-minutes.html 18:10:01 minutes look fine to me 18:10:01 scribenick: hknublau 18:10:15 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 30 July Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/07/30-shapes-minutes.html Arnaud: F2F is in a month, please, make sure you update the page if there is any change in expected participation ... looking into the schedule, trying to accommodate for remote participants 18:10:56 What are the goals for the F2F? 18:11:42 I will not be 9 hours behind - I will be on the EDT then. 18:13:52 q+ 18:13:54 10-6 sounds fine 18:14:02 ack aryman 18:14:12 Arnaud: Discussion about whether we can shift French meeting time to maybe 10 to 6 Arnaud: As for the goals, we should try and close as many issues as possible ... but also discuss what it will take to get to FPWD ... as well as discuss other work items like the test suite 18:19:08 Topic: Disposal of raised issues 18:19:12 I have no problem opening either of these two issues 18:19:13 PROPOSED: Open ISSUE-77: sh:pattern flags, and ISSUE-78: sh:abstract 18:19:21 +1 18:19:21 +1 18:19:25 +1 18:19:37 +1 18:19:46 +1 18:20:09 RESOLVED: Open ISSUE-77: sh:pattern flags, and ISSUE-78: sh:abstract 18:20:11 (None of them are urgent) 18:20:11 +1 18:20:38 Topic: ISSUE-3 18:20:44 Eric commented on ISSUE-3 18:21:18 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/3 18:21:26 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-3, specifying that a SHACL processor is invoked with an RDF dataset (or RDF graph) as its data and a shapes graph for control, per Holger's email 18:21:38 +1 18:21:39 +1 18:21:43 +1 18:21:44 + 18:21:47 +1 18:21:48 +1 18:21:53 +1 18:22:06 +1 18:22:16 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-3, specifying that a SHACL processor is invoked with an RDF dataset (or RDF graph) as its data and a shapes graph for control, per Holger's email 18:24:09 Topic: ISSUE-26 18:27:05 issue-26 -- Can extensions invoke the high-level language? -- open 18:27:05 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/26 18:27:33 pfps: One way of reading this is would be putting expressions into the middle of SPARQL code. We probably don’t want this. 18:27:52 … All that is needed in the SPARQL to get back to named shapes. 18:27:59 q+ 18:28:50 ack aryman 18:28:50 … sh:hasShape is one implementation mechanism. 18:29:34 aryman: Is it true that you can wrap any SHACL string into a named shape? 18:30:11 One thing would to allow a, for example, conjunction inside SPARQL code. Another thing would be to allow only names of shapes inside SPARQL code. 18:30:42 hknublau: I think named shapes are sufficient. 18:30:48 Whether the former is more powerful than the later would require a close examination of the current document - I'm not sure what the answer is. 18:31:42 Arnaud: Can we limit this to named shapes? 18:32:22 hknublauc: Any conjunction etc can be wrapped into a named shape if needed. 18:33:06 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-26, stating that extensions can invoke the high-level language referring to named shapes 18:33:16 +1 18:33:23 +1 18:33:28 +1 18:33:42 +0.5 present+ ericP 18:33:44 +0 18:33:49 +1 18:33:53 -0.1 I think that this is going to be OK, but I'm not completely sure 18:34:11 +1 18:34:46 pfps: The design is getting more and more complicating. Harder to find gotchas. 18:34:55 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-26, stating that extensions can invoke the high-level language referring to named shapes 18:35:14 topic: ISSUE-51 18:35:14 issue-51 -- What types of validation results should be returned -- open 18:35:14 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/51 18:36:32 Arnaud: Dimitris made a suggestion, iterating with Holger on a proposal, then Peter suggested simplification 18:36:47 q+ 18:37:49 ack pfps 18:38:38 pfps: We are getting more and more stuff packed into the results. Would be much better to only thing to get back is a set of violations. 18:39:23 … handling severity levels etc outside of SHACL 18:39:23 q+ 18:39:28 ack kcoyle 18:40:03 kcoyle: In that case what do you see SHACL returning? Gradation is needed. 18:40:45 pfps: Example: Each person must have one name. Result is either OK or a set of violations. 18:42:01 … this could be a SPARQL result set. 18:42:27 … no need for Info, Fatal, Error 18:43:16 … controlling code can find the severity itself. 18:43:20 q+ 18:44:39 +q 18:44:42 … start as simple as possible 18:45:28 Arnaud: Then there would not be a way to specify levels per shape 18:45:31 The results of trying to validate a shape is just a set of violations - the calling code gets to decide to do what with the violations - the calling code can do this for each shape, or for groups of shapes, or for entire documents of shapes 18:45:45 ack hknublau 18:46:32 My proposal is to have none of this in the high-level language, not error levels, not severity levels - so no sh:severity, no sh:Error, no sh:Warning, no [lots of other stuff] 18:48:08 ack Dimitris 18:48:36 hknublau: When you invoke the engine on a graph, there may be multiple severity levels coming back. 18:48:44 q+ 18:48:49 … each violation at least needs a pointer back to the shape. 18:49:56 ack pfps 18:50:09 Arnaud: we should do a straw poll 18:50:36 pfps: Work-around using two shapes, one for warning, one for error 18:51:38 q+ to ask about non SPARQL impls 18:52:05 STRAWPOLL: a) keep super simple, one type of violation, b) define two or three severty levels, c) define an open model providing with several levels and extensions 18:52:27 q- 18:52:40 a: -1 b: 0.5 c: 0.6 18:52:42 a +1 b 0 c -1 18:52:49 a: 0; b: +1; c: -0.5 18:53:04 a:+1 b:0 c:0 18:53:14 a) -0.5 b) +1 c) 0+ 18:53:21 On b) Maybe Info, Warning, Error? 18:53:30 a -0.75, b +0.5, +1 18:53:42 a: 0.5 b: 0.5 c: ?? (depends on the magical user-friendly language) 18:53:45 a: +1, b: 0, c: 0 18:53:55 An "informational" violation seems like a contradiction in terms. 18:54:49 I like pi and e as severity levels. 18:56:00 q+ to ask about the scope of the errors 18:56:07 ack ericP 18:56:07 ericP, you wanted to ask about the scope of the errors 18:56:20 Arnaud: b) seems to be compromise 18:57:31 q+ to ask how summarization of results could work? 18:57:40 hknublau: Clarified that each constraint can have severity level 18:58:07 ack pfps 18:58:07 pfps, you wanted to ask how summarization of results could work? 18:58:39 q+ 18:59:08 q+ 18:59:19 q- 18:59:32 pfps: How would we count results 18:59:33 ack aryman 19:00:19 https://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#violations-types 19:00:45 aryman: Each engine may stop and return different errors. 19:00:50 q+ 19:00:58 ack aryman 19:01:21 Arnaud: Do we really need Info messages? They don’t sound like violations. 19:01:22 I would hope that SHACL processors would not just give up when it encounters the first information violation 19:01:48 aryman: Info messages are useful, compilers and other tools have them. 19:02:06 q+ to say that i don't know how to combine this with multi-occurance 19:02:11 optimal/suboptimal/minor error/major error... 19:02:15 ack ericP 19:02:15 ericP, you wanted to say that i don't know how to combine this with multi-occurance 19:03:35 ericP: Example: I have an Observation with a related Observation and another related property pointing at an Observation 19:04:00 … same predicate expressed twice 19:04:01 q+ 19:04:11 ack hknublau 19:04:49 hknublau: Results can include subject, predicate, object 19:08:09 … error level is associated with sh:minCount etc 19:08:27 q+ 19:09:27 ericP: still seeing problems with multi-occurrence 19:09:28 ack pfps 19:10:24 pfps: High level language can only produce Errors 19:11:00 q+ 19:11:08 ack kcoyle 19:11:28 hknublau: Yes, how else could this be done? Reifying sh:minCount etc? 19:11:39 q+ 19:11:54 I'm finding the current document very mixed up with respect to violation reporting. Some parts say one thing and some parts say something contradicting that. 19:12:11 kcoyle: There should be support to override this per occurrence 19:12:32 ack aryman 19:13:07 hknublau: not override -- always related to the occurrence 19:13:11 aryman: I thought we have sh:severity at each constraint 19:13:48 https://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#sparql-constraints-variables 19:13:52 example 37 19:13:58 look at Example 37 19:14:24 But then there is "An sh:Error must be reported if there is no triple that has the focus node as its subject, the sh:predicate as its predicate and the sh:hasValue as its object. Each produced sh:Error must have the focus node as its sh:root and sh:subject, and the sh:predicate as its sh:predicate" 19:14:41 q+ 19:15:12 ack pfps 19:17:43 I think that we are again running into a vocabulary mismatch problem here - there are two meanings of "constraint" being used 19:18:30 Well, I'm happy only having sh:Error! 19:18:38 Arnaud: Unless there is a way to override, then the current spec would be too limiting. People want different levels per occurrence 19:19:16 We should be able to define severity in shapes and facets 19:19:55 Arnaud: Holger, could you send clarification email about this? 19:21:22 … Eric could you clarify your use case in email too? 19:22:31 +1 19:22:49 sure, and here's an example inline: 19:22:51 a sh:Shape; 19:22:51 sh:property 19:22:51 [ sh:predicate sh:observation; sh:valueShape ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ], 19:22:52 [ sh:predicate sh:observation; sh:valueShape ; sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ]. 19:23:08 that's a good model for multi-occurance 19:23:20 s/model for/example of/ 19:23:58 Arnaud: ISSUE-75 not a big issue 19:24:16 Topic: ISSUE-23 (Punning) 19:24:39 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/23 19:25:23 Arnaud: What is currently in the draft is already a compromise between classes and shapes 19:25:34 q+ 19:25:35 … Holger stated punning as a must-have 19:25:43 q+ 19:25:54 ack kcoyle 19:27:04 q+ 19:28:03 kcoyle: Can we leave this out of the language, e.g. owl:sameAs? 19:28:21 ack pfps 19:28:24 Arnaud: Outside would not be standard 19:28:47 pfps: The term punning is probably not related. 19:28:59 … where was this “compromise” discussed? 19:31:22 The only relevant resolution I can find is from 18 February, which is "Start from Eric's Revised LDOM proposal, and explore ways to combine shapes and classes such as punning" 19:31:45 My understanding is that in this proposal shapes are not classes 19:32:33 pfps: Has it been decided that shapes can be classes? 19:33:02 Arnaud: The draft was accepted as starting point, and this includes sh:ShapeClass. 19:33:25 aryman: We cannot prevent people from making a shape also a class. 19:33:50 … impacts sh:scopeClass 19:34:12 The editor's draft has been accepted as a starting point but doesn't mean agreement to particular bits of it 19:35:09 Arnaud: Credits to Holger for working on a compromise. 20:16:00 pfps has joined #shapes 20:30:50 hknublau has joined #shapes 20:34:55 hknublau has left #shapes 21:07:09 Arnaud1 has joined #shapes 23:27:39 Zakim has left #shapes