23:42:43 RRSAgent has joined #auto 23:42:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/08/04-auto-irc 23:42:45 RRSAgent, make logs ab 23:42:47 Zakim, this will be 23:42:47 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 23:42:48 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 23:42:48 Date: 04 August 2015 23:57:29 QingAn has joined #auto 00:02:21 wonsuk has joined #auto 00:04:08 Present: Paul, Dave, Hira, Kaz, QingAn, Ted, Wonsuk 00:04:28 Present: Paul, Dave, Hira, Kaz, QingAn, Ted, Wonsuk, Adam 00:04:39 scribenick: ted 00:04:52 Paul has joined #auto 00:05:04 wonsuk has joined #auto 00:05:09 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-automotive/2015Aug/0000.html 00:05:37 Agenda+ Seattle F2F Recap 00:05:37 Agenda+ F2F Sapporo 00:05:37 Agenda+ Use Case Process and Progress 00:05:40 Agenda+ Spec Issues and Progress 00:05:43 zakim, next agendum 00:05:43 agendum 1. "Seattle F2F Recap" taken up [from ted] 00:06:59 Paul: we spent quite a bit of time on security at the F2F 00:07:21 -> https://www.w3.org/2015/07/28-29-auto-minutes.html draft minutes from Seattle meeting 00:07:36 ... Craig Smith presented, minutes were being reviewed and will be announced 00:07:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:07:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/04-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:07:52 ... we spent a fair amount of time flushing out use cases 00:08:19 ... I wrote a short process for reviewing use cases 00:08:26 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-automotive/2015Aug/0002.html High Level Use Case Process Overview 00:08:35 zakim, next agendum 00:08:35 agendum 2. "F2F Sapporo" taken up [from ted] 00:08:37 Present+ Wonsuk_Lee 00:08:55 Paul: for the BG F2F we'll look to having it in Seoul in Genivi 00:09:23 junichi has joined #auto 00:09:23 Adam: Genivi wondered if we want to give an update at the All Member Meeting in Seoul 00:09:36 Present: Paul, Dave, Hira, Kaz, QingAn, Ted, Wonsuk_Lee, Adam, Hashimoto 00:10:42 ... some combination of Paul, myself, Ted and Kaz could present but would encourage others from the group to contribute 00:10:51 Paul: I registered already 00:11:06 Wonsuk: I can join 00:11:30 s/already/already and can chime in/ 00:12:41 -> http://genivi.org/amm-2015-october Genivi 13th all member meeting - 20-23 Oct. 2015 00:12:54 Adam: I'll send something to the mailing list 00:13:32 \join kddi 00:15:28 Ted: I can help too. Is this a breakout session like last time or in front of their full membership? 00:15:37 Paul: it looks like it will be the same as last time 00:15:58 q+ 00:16:07 Ted: OK, I'll also follow up with Genivi inviting them to Sapporo 00:16:28 Adam: The BG meeting is set for Friday of that week 00:16:39 Kaz: the 23rd? 00:16:46 Paul: correct 00:17:00 q- 00:18:10 [There will be a presentation to Genivi during a breakout session on W3C Auto activity on Thursday the 22nd of October] 00:18:26 q+ 00:18:28 [The BG will have F2F meeting in Seoul on the 23rd of October] 00:19:08 Kaz: Osamu Nakamura would prefer the BG meeting in Sapporo 00:19:34 Paul: what we settled on during the F2F in Germany was the BG in Seoul and WG in Sapporo 00:20:30 ... there are many people involved in Genivi who are in the BG 00:20:44 Adam: I am fine with it as well 00:21:44 ... having the BG people join us in Sapporo is fine too 00:24:23 Ted: we did agree to have it this way with inviting BG to be observers in Sapporo. This gets us the broadest exposure to both audiences 00:24:46 q- 00:25:26 Hira: how many OEM tend to join Genivi based BG meetings? 00:25:50 Paul: we tend to get 20-30 and have had in the past PSA, GM, BMW, Honda and JLR 00:26:22 i/Honda/Honda, Nissan/ 00:26:27 Adam: we can propose to Genivi having a breakout session on privacy and security work taking place at W3C 00:27:11 ... that way we can get additional perspective on our work 00:27:38 ... we might get a fair number of people and there is an entire security section within Genivi 00:27:51 Hira: thank you and I agree that would be a good idea 00:28:26 Adam: I would be happy to and would like people to help propose an outline agenda for such a discussion 00:33:44 Ted: I like Adam's idea too. We hope to have some OEM join us in Sapporo and believe Kaz and Osamu are working on that 00:34:24 ... I will reach out to Steve Crumb and Philippe Robin on filling their open seats, potentially with Philippe from PSA for LBS work we want to further in the BG 00:34:40 agenda? 00:34:44 zakim, next agendum 00:34:44 agendum 3. "Use Case Process and Progress" taken up [from ted] 00:35:42 i/Process and/kaz: how to get registered with the Genivi meeting? At least we need to reserve the hotel, don't we?/ 00:36:00 i/Process and/paul: will circulate the information to the group/ 00:36:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:36:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/04-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:36:38 Paul: after cleaning up the use cases we will find a permanent home for them. should we try to review them on this call? 00:37:00 rrsagent, make log public 00:37:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 00:37:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/04-auto-minutes.html kaz 00:37:10 Ted: I believe separate, offline reviews with email summaries would make the most sense. I think I saw Wonsuk send such an email to other editors 00:37:32 ... I'm willing to do a review too and have thoughts on a few more 00:37:35 Paul: that makes sense 00:37:49 agenda? 00:37:51 zakim, next agendum 00:37:51 agendum 4. "Spec Issues and Progress" taken up [from ted] 00:37:53 Paul: Wonsuk any progress on the open issues related to the spec? 00:38:17 Wonsuk: Kevron thought we were reaching concensus on issue 37 but I am not convinced 00:38:29 ... I would like more feedback from outside the group 00:39:06 ... that is the current status 00:40:36 ... there was a separate discussion on fuel type and need to look at Adam Crofts' proposal 00:42:04 ... we need to keep in mind server side eg node.js instead of just browser in an ivi 00:42:47 Paul: I see our primary platform being a web runtime in an ivi system but it doesn't have to be 00:43:25 Adam: I agree it is typically a web runtime application in eg crosswalk or browser on ivi 00:43:58 ... Genivi has a group looking at different environments 00:44:20 ... they are settling on Chromium as stable and extensible 00:44:44 ... it could be used from a headless browser 00:45:17 ... JLR has done a fair amount of work on crosswalk for instance and pushed some work to Auto grade Linux project 00:46:06 Dave: if you are writing a html5 app for one of these head units how do you handle background processes? 00:46:13 Adam: crosswalk can handle that 00:46:41 Paul: there are web workers in Tizen where apps are running in their own processes 00:46:59 ... with crosswalk there is one in the foreground at a time and rest can be in bg 00:47:22 Wonsuk: service workers provide backgroup processing and a push API 00:47:55 ... geofencing specification from geolocation working group is based on service worker because it requires background processing 00:48:04 ... we can also use that mechanism for our applications 00:48:17 Paul: yes 00:49:35 Ted: I imagine we'll see people use our API in a number of different environments 00:49:46 ... and not just in the head unit 00:50:31 Kaz: we can have a joint session with Geolocation working group at Sapporo since they will be around then 00:50:34 -> http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/schedule.html TPAC schedule page 00:51:03 Adam: can you (Kaz and Ted) come back to the group with the various groups we might want to liaison with in Sapporo? 00:51:42 Kaz: I already am seeing if Geo wants to coordinate 00:53:01 -> http://www.w3.org/2014/automotive/charter#coordination list of related groups on the Charter 00:53:15 Ted: Yes, Privacy IG comes to mind if they are meeting then and I'll take another look at our charter of all the different potential liaisons listed 00:53:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/04-auto-minutes.html ted 00:53:51 junichi has left #auto 06:32:58 kaz has joined #auto