14:49:30 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 14:49:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/27-dpub-irc 14:49:43 RRSagent, this is #DPUB 14:49:43 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this is #DPUB', tzviya. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:50:44 Meeting: DPUB IG 14:53:34 mgylling has joined #dpub 14:54:54 ayla_stein has joined #dpub 14:56:36 clapierre has joined #DPUB 14:57:42 trackbot, start telecon 14:57:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:57:46 Zakim, this will be dpub 14:57:46 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:57:47 Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 14:57:47 Date: 27 July 2015 14:58:20 regrets: Ivan, Thierry, Chris, Brady, Dave, Laura, Nick, Luc, Phil, Michael, Vladimir, Zheng 14:58:33 present +clapierre 15:00:14 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub 15:00:17 TimCole has joined #dpub 15:00:23 pkra has joined #dpub 15:00:46 +present Peter Krautzberger 15:00:56 scribenick mgylling 15:00:57 present+ Tzviya_Siegman 15:01:00 present+ Deborah_Kaplan 15:01:02 chair: Tzviya 15:01:06 present+ astearns 15:01:13 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 15:01:17 present+ Peter Krautzberger 15:01:22 scribenick: mgylling 15:01:26 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/2015Jul/0064.html 15:01:38 present+ Markus Gylling 15:01:43 Julie has joined #dpub 15:02:19 pbelfanti has joined #dpub 15:02:23 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:03:11 zakim, who is here? 15:03:11 sorry, mgylling, I don't know what conference this is 15:03:13 On IRC I see pbelfanti, Julie, pkra, TimCole, Bill_Kasdorf, clapierre, ayla_stein, mgylling, RRSAgent, Zakim, tzviya, Karen_, shepazu, liam, astearns, mihnea_____, iank, rego, 15:03:13 ... dkaplan3, plinss, trackbot 15:03:25 Bert has joined #dpub 15:03:26 Present+ Julie_Morris 15:03:37 rrsagent, make minutes 15:03:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/27-dpub-minutes.html mgylling 15:04:06 zakim, who is here? 15:04:06 sorry, mgylling, I don't know what conference this is 15:04:07 On IRC I see Bert, pbelfanti, Julie, pkra, TimCole, Bill_Kasdorf, clapierre, ayla_stein, mgylling, RRSAgent, Zakim, tzviya, Karen_, shepazu, liam, astearns, mihnea_____, iank, 15:04:07 ... rego, dkaplan3, plinss, trackbot 15:04:14 zakim, this is dpub 15:04:15 sorry, mgylling, I do not see a conference named 'dpub' in progress or scheduled at this time 15:04:40 http://www.w3.org/2015/07/13-dpub-minutes.html 15:04:44 topic: approval of minutes 15:05:01 tzviya: any comments? 15:05:17 … minutes approvied 15:05:24 s/approvied/approved 15:05:42 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShvCn3roYENFMAqYhFL169nTeov1f-1OL6rsJa6nDZk/edit 15:05:43 topic: draft of requirements for packaged/portable state 15:06:06 tzviya: just a draft in google docs for now, I’ll walk through where we are 15:06:46 … we’ve talked about it being an abstraction, at least in the online mode. In the online mode, scripting and service workers can handle lots of this stuff 15:07:11 … I’ve divided the document into online and offline state, the only thing unique to offline is portability 15:07:41 q+ 15:08:38 tzviya: it becomes unclear in my mind if this is part of packaging requirements, or if its requirements on the content, e.g. navigation 15:09:22 q+ 15:09:32 ack Bill_K 15:09:36 ack bill 15:10:47 BillK: small comment, strikes me that as we struggle with the global unique identifier, most sectors of publishing industry is struggling with work identifier, it strikes me that from a functional pov, maybe package identifiers are what we need 15:11:25 tzviya: right, I dont think its this group’s task to solve work identifiers 15:11:37 q+ 15:12:15 ack cla 15:12:49 charles: we may have certain pieces optional when going to the offline state, e.g. video may or may not be included 15:13:02 ack Tim 15:13:41 Tim: I basically agree with the value and importance of the package identifier, but we also need to keep in mind that items within a package may have preexisting identifiers 15:13:59 … e.g. DOIs on articles within the package 15:14:27 BillK: thats exactly what I meant, the components are gonna have all kinds of identifiers, thats fine, what we are after is the package itself 15:14:56 tzviya: one section in the doc says package within a package, we should add a note there about retaining identifiers 15:15:36 q? 15:15:41 q+ 15:15:45 ack mg 15:16:45 markus: Should be make a clearer distinction between offline and portable? 15:17:04 transferable 15:17:24 ...offline may use service workers to create a temporary cache 15:17:56 ...portable is completely network-free 15:18:22 q+ 15:18:39 ack Bill 15:18:53 q+ 15:20:47 tzviya: can't the portable document come from the online version? 15:21:13 markus: yes, but let's clarify what this document is describing 15:21:30 q? 15:22:04 q+ 15:22:06 raising hand wildly... 15:22:11 ack pk 15:22:55 pkra: main difference in the discussion just now seems to be the transferability, being able to take whats in the browser and run with it 15:23:46 … just a rough idea, somewhat unfortunate discussion on mailing list that I cause by pointing to save as PDF in iOS 9, this is the same use case 15:23:54 ack bill 15:24:27 BillK: key concepts that I would associated with the packaged state are persistence and independence of any particular browser or browser cache 15:24:55 +1 15:25:04 :( 15:25:14 O:-) 15:25:19 typo. 15:25:28 tzviya: I think we all agree, should clarify terminology in the document 15:25:36 topic: STEM survey update 15:26:29 pkra: the work has been progressing nicely, we have been processing the comments by hand, 3/4 done 15:26:39 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Uvg0ile7qiygyDBocnN882cMmIub5wR200fFIoMFUs/edit?usp=sharing 15:26:45 … that will be an important part of the note we are creating 15:27:05 … the spreadsheet gives an idea of the slicing and dicing that we can do 15:27:17 … get a more detailed look and dive into the data a bit more 15:27:31 … we welcome feedback 15:28:08 q+ 15:28:15 ack Tim 15:29:10 TimCole: one thing thats interesting about the survey was how many people wear multiple hats, when you slice the data by subject domain you get many apparent responses 15:29:41 … the slices are now anonymized… will soon have a graphical update with bar charts 15:30:28 … a lot of concern with the issues we expected 15:31:29 pkra: a couple of questions where the data essentially shows that we dodnt get the point across in the question 15:31:36 s/dodnt/didnt 15:31:58 … when people talk browser implementations when we asked about standards, things like that 15:32:28 topic: math and the role attribute 15:32:31 q? 15:33:21 pkra: the basic interest on my end developed when MathJAX had a call with AT vendors, somebody noted that the math role doesnt serve any purpose at the moment, I looked into more detail 15:33:23 http://w3c.github.io/aria/aria/aria.html#plain-html-or-polyfill-dom-result-of-the-mathml-quadratic-formula 15:33:30 http://w3c.github.io/aria/practices/aria-practices.html#math 15:34:16 … this is the one from the current workning draft, both of them are very empty when it comes to the math role itself, the main use case is on the math element where it is implicit so its meaningless 15:34:56 … the problem is that the actual standard that we have, MathML, exists but isnt widely implemented, really sketchy browser support 15:35:28 … the only two implementations is entirely volunteer driven 15:35:54 … native support isnt something that seems to be happening, that makes the need for ARIA really necessary 15:36:53 … there is no polyfill in the modern sense for MathML 15:37:18 … since there really aren’t any advanced layout polyfills out there 15:37:40 … what we do have instead is “converters” such as MathJAX 15:38:08 … in that situation, ARIA roles would fit very well, you should be able to use e.g. SVG and expose the underlying structure 15:38:54 … so thats basically the problem and I am interested in solving it, limited interest in Math WG 15:39:08 q+ 15:39:13 ack mg 15:40:06 markus: are you envisioning an entire vocabulary of math terms? 15:40:10 q+ 15:40:18 pkra: that might be one of the answers, but I don’t know 15:40:46 … right now a good solution could be to dump mathml source into an aria-mathml element 15:41:48 … chromevox just exposes the underlying MathML 15:42:00 … having a vocab might be the right thing 15:42:18 tzviya: I did mention to PF, Janina had hoped to join 15:42:44 ack Bill 15:44:02 pkra: if you wanted to do a polyfill in the modern sense, you could use web components + shadow dom, but you couldnt do this without client-side javascript 15:44:47 I believe another problem is that web components still won't have enough glyph layout capabilities to do better than SVG 15:45:06 Bill_Kasdorf: I am struggling with the issue, a sense of proportion, what are you targeting here, at one end of the spectrum, the close to meaningless math role, and on the other side, all terms from MathML 15:45:46 … how could this be done in a sufficiently useful way without duplicating MathML? 15:46:08 pkra: if we were to duplicate MathML, we could generate HTML that looks like MathML and could behave to AT as MathML 15:46:51 pkra: the motivation is that we can’t use MathML because browser wont render it, we need a way to put MathML out there 15:47:25 … a static realization of Math in HTML or SVG 15:47:51 q? 15:48:00 … on role value for each MathML element would be total overkill obviously… trying to find what the sweet spot would be 15:49:16 topic: design survey 15:49:18 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/tr-design-survey-2015/ 15:50:11 tzviya: we can look at latinReq to see what our current styles look like 15:50:22 … no we can’t! 15:50:27 http://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-metadata/ 15:51:00 … thats what our current styles look like, the survey asks what we like about current styles 15:51:01 https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/ 15:52:19 q? 15:52:20 (Funny, the maximum line length is exactly what I dislike. :-) It requires me to make a user style sheet if I want to see more text at the same time.) 15:52:21 q+ 15:52:31 ack cla 15:52:43 Julie has joined #dpub 15:53:19 clapierre: noticed there’s the section 4.1.1 where they have these different colored blocks, for me is hard to see, issue with contrast 15:53:20 that's custom to that doc though? 15:53:33 max width is the main thing I do like. I don't want to have to change my browser width to be able to read with proper line lengths :) 15:53:41 q+ 15:53:59 both 15:54:00 ack pkra 15:54:27 pkra: looks like its not part of the styling package, but document-specific 15:54:51 q? 15:55:20 good :) 15:56:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2015JulSep/0021.html 15:56:08 topic: charter votes for AC reps 15:56:36 tzviya: we encourate verybody to vote, we need 20 votes to be renewed, please ask your AC rep, vote ends August 20 15:56:51 s/verybody/everybody 15:57:03 .. so far we have seen only three votes 15:57:14 q? 15:57:30 you will have my vote 15:57:36 rrsagent, make minutes 15:57:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/27-dpub-minutes.html mgylling 15:57:37 thanks 16:03:10 clapierre has left #dpub 16:07:52 clapierre has joined #DPUB 16:10:01 clapierre has left #dpub 16:59:25 ShaneM has joined #dpub 18:20:17 Zakim has left #dpub 18:55:10 pkra has joined #dpub 19:11:28 pkra has joined #dpub 20:50:44 pkra1 has joined #dpub