16:22:57 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:22:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/09-aria-irc 16:22:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:22:59 Zakim has joined #aria 16:23:01 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:23:01 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:23:02 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:23:02 Date: 09 July 2015 16:23:13 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Jul/0045.html 16:23:16 chair: Michael_Cooper 16:23:23 regrets: Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:23:34 meeting: ARIA TF 16:23:37 scribeOptions: -final 16:23:54 agenda+ Announcements 16:24:03 agenda+ Issue 722 and Actions 1676, 1677, 1675 Inheritance Cleanup 16:24:12 agenda+ Action 1678 aria-readonly should support most form field role types 16:24:29 agenda+ Issue 669 and Action 1674 Need ability to differentiate errors and reference error messages 16:24:37 agenda+ Action 1642 aria-keyshortcut 16:24:45 agenda+ Review Open Action Items and Issues 16:28:13 newtron has joined #aria 16:31:28 fesch has joined #aria 16:31:50 present+ Janina 16:32:05 present+ Fred 16:33:30 clown has joined #aria 16:34:34 Stefan has joined #aria 16:34:41 regrets+ Joanie_Diggs 16:34:49 present+ MichaelC, Stefan 16:35:33 present+ Joseph 16:35:47 scribe: fesch 16:35:52 zakim, next item 16:35:52 agendum 1. "Announcements" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:36:32 mc: heartbeats scheduled for next Tuesday 16:37:01 mc: pubs won't have commits from last week or today 16:37:03 JF has joined #aria 16:37:11 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2015JulSep/0002.html AC Review of WAI Charters 16:37:22 jamesn has joined #aria 16:37:53 mc: please work with your advisory committee to get their vote in 16:38:44 mc: sent pings to everyone 16:38:59 mc: any other announcements? 16:39:04 zakim, next item 16:39:04 agendum 2. "Issue 722 and Actions 1676, 1677, 1675 Inheritance Cleanup" taken up [from MichaelC] 16:39:11 issue-722? 16:39:11 issue-722 -- Inheritance cleanup -- raised 16:39:11 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/722 16:39:21 acttion-1676 16:39:25 action-1676 16:39:25 action-1676 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Remove directory as a superclass of tablist -- due 2015-07-07 -- PENDINGREVIEW 16:39:25 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1676 16:40:19 https://github.com/w3c/aria/commit/94a5a93939 16:41:20 mc: reviewing action-1676 16:42:14 Present+ JF 16:42:31 mc: related to issue-722 16:42:50 mc: any concerns about edits for 1676? 16:43:29 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 16:43:49 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 16:46:34 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/94a5a9393988b7c15162edb441739669e8dba060/aria/aria.html 16:48:01 stephan: has the changes been tested? 16:48:07 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Jun/0178.html 16:48:09 mc: no 16:48:21 s/stephan/stefan 16:48:45 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/taxonomy/aria/aria.html 16:50:27 mc: in-spite of the points Joanie makes, I recall that we had a reason for that structure... looking for class diagram 16:51:29 js: is it possible people make list boxes from... is that why we had the hierarchy? 16:52:27 mc: a list box has a list so it inherits from list and select... now we are getting questions on it... 16:53:27 rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html#el-select-listbox 16:53:37 bg: what do multiselectable items get mapped as? 16:54:04 http://w3c.github.io/aria/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-listbox 16:55:14 mc: ATK exposes a list box as a menu 16:55:56 mc: we don't understand why Joanie wants to make this change, we shouldn't accept it for now 16:56:28 s/ATK exposes a list box as a menu/ATK exposes a list box as a menu when the listbox is associated with a combobox/ 16:56:29 stephan: what happens when you remove directory? 16:57:40 mc: list and directory don't have any properties.... however we did it for conceptual grouping not inheritance, so we originally said listbox is a list 16:58:16 bg: a listbox looks like a standard select item, with a list inside of it 16:58:48 mc: I think we should not accept Joanie's edits at this time, needs discussion 16:58:59 s/stephan/stefan/g 16:59:09 mc: Joanie's 3 rd item 16:59:43 stefan: would be helpful to see before and after the change 17:00:36 bg: would it be helpful to this delay this topic? 17:01:18 mc: scrollbar - sometimes not an input field, but it could be considered a input 17:01:39 mc: need to talk through the edits with Joanie 17:02:15 stefen: maybe someone observed a scrollbar could be used for input 17:03:16 joanie's email: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Jun/0178.html 17:03:21 mc: we will leave the item open for now, look at messages on the list, will put back on agenda for next week (hopefully Joanie will attend for discussion) 17:03:46 zakim, next item 17:03:46 agendum 3. "Action 1678 aria-readonly should support most form field role types" taken up [from MichaelC] 17:04:05 action-1678? 17:04:05 action-1678 -- Joanmarie Diggs to aria-readonly should support most form field role types -- due 2015-07-15 -- PENDINGREVIEW 17:04:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1678 17:04:18 bg: I have a problem with that, it sounds weird 17:04:38 stefan: not so weird we have read-only check boxes... 17:05:01 mc: this comes from Joanie from an HTML face - to - face 17:05:04 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13390 17:05:27 mc: we were talking about readonly recently 17:05:56 bg: I can see that readonly for radio buttons and checkboxes, but 17:06:18 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Jul/0046.html 17:06:19 bg: some things can't be selected and readonly 17:06:29 js: I replied on list 17:06:59 js: I had a question on slider and spinbuttons... if you can't change it? 17:07:14 stefen: you may not have the right to do so... 17:07:28 +1 to Stefan 17:07:38 stefen: so you may disable a particular control for a particular user 17:08:41 stefen: want to support a readonly state for an input item. 17:09:05 js: you can have a disabled state, but usually you can't focus on a disabled control 17:09:29 js: so an active readonly control - what would it do? you could move it but snap back? 17:10:02 mc: readonly text field might exist until you fill in another text field 17:10:43 stefen: it makes sense to distinguish between roles and readonly, and we need to define those now 17:11:05 bg: how do you apply it to a multi select widget? 17:11:26 mc: I think in most cases, it would be readonly some of the time not all of the time 17:11:49 bg: for radio buttons you can't do it without breaking the button. getting focus selects 17:12:07 mc: isn't readonly the same as disabled? 17:12:15 several: NO 17:13:16 stefan: you could have readonly on a container, and it would make everything in the container readonly 17:13:56 js: I thought the distinction is you can't navigate to a disabled control 17:14:34 mc: disabled - it is perceivable, but may not be in the tab order 17:15:11 bg: readonly should make it disabled but in the tab order.... 17:15:39 stefen: it should not be in the tab order... otherwise violates HTML... 17:16:02 is this not possible in html? 17:16:07 mc: Bryan's example of a menu... where you want to move through it... 17:16:26 bg: idea of having a readonly attribute does not make sense 17:16:51 jn: the needs of a screen reader user is different from a keyboard user... 17:17:24 jn: tabs don't go to disabled input items, but screen readers do 17:17:55 bg: if you propose doing something different for screen reader users vs keyboard users, you will get pushback 17:18:20 jn: right, doing so can cause all sorts of problems... talking fundimentally 17:19:12 mc: from the ARIA spec perspective - we may need to be permissive... but we have a lot of confusion about disabled vs readonly... the rest of the world will be as lost... 17:19:34 mc: do we need a white paper on disabled vs readonly? 17:20:05 stefan: can we give you examples? 17:21:01 mc: I think this will be a problem going forward and with the HTML WG... 17:21:51 action: clown to start exploring content for a potential whitepaper on the difference between readonly and disabled 17:21:52 Created ACTION-1679 - Start exploring content for a potential whitepaper on the difference between readonly and disabled [on Joseph Scheuhammer - due 2015-07-16]. 17:22:52 trackbot, associate action-1679 with product-17 17:22:52 action-1679 (Start exploring content for a potential whitepaper on the difference between readonly and disabled) associated with product-17. 17:23:29 mc: can we accept Joanie's edits on readonly? 17:23:59 js: trying to figure out whether there is any danger in being permissive and then reversing later? 17:24:43 RESOLUTION: accept edits from action-1687 17:25:07 zakim, next item 17:25:07 agendum 4. "Issue 669 and Action 1674 Need ability to differentiate errors and reference error messages" taken up [from MichaelC] 17:25:19 issue-669? 17:25:19 issue-669 -- Need ability to differentiate and reference error messages on invalid form elements -- raised 17:25:19 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/669 17:25:25 action-1674? 17:25:25 action-1674 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Write proposal to the list for error message referencs to live region -- due 2015-07-09 -- OPEN 17:25:25 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1674 17:27:23 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Jul/0022.html 17:27:39 stefan: can show a related error message, like a tooltip role... 17:28:21 stefan: want to have an error msg string... a separate error message 17:28:41 js: thats part of it, wants an id that points to a live region 17:29:27 stefan: there are multiple ways to display errors, is this flex enough to support multiple ways to expose errors 17:29:50 stefan: 1) message post popping up 17:30:38 stefan: describes multiple ways errors may be presented ... 17:31:14 stefan: how to implement directly - to know better what goes on 17:31:24 js: those are APG questions 17:31:29 close action-1678 17:31:29 Closed action-1678. 17:32:13 stefan: where does the error property be set? on the element input field? 17:32:18 js: yes 17:33:12 stefan: should this be implemented this way? or supported this way? 17:33:16 message text here 17:33:36 stefan: what should happen? 17:34:19 js: describes markup example 17:35:12 stefan: this is already happening, if you use JavaScript... what is the purpose of aria-errormessage? why is this needed? 17:35:59 js: the intended use is to describe the relationship between the input and the error message 17:36:26 " Typically, this would require the AT user to follow the reference to the error message if needed." 17:36:27 js: that allows AT to follow the error message back to the field, 17:36:46 bg: if you have a description and error message, they may not be the same.... 17:37:10 js: errormessage and describedby are similar 17:37:38 mc: so Rich's proposal is - if you have aria-invalid, then you can get why it is invalid 17:38:24 mc: I assume the errormessage would only be present when aria-invalid is true... 17:38:48 mc: do we favor the general approach? 17:39:08 mc: does this solve it more elegantly than other approaches? 17:39:41 js: the errormessage might be in the DOM with display none... 17:40:21 js: I assume if you switch display none to block, that is the same as a live region 17:40:44 mc: how will this be mapped in the current accessibility API? 17:41:36 mc: If we don't have a mapping, then we can put it off until ARIA 2, but if it is a important use case, then we can try to put it in 1.1 17:42:00 mc: any objections to put it off to 2.0? 17:42:20 js: I think James N. wanted to expand aria-invalid... 17:42:48 mc: aria-invalid is not true false, rather a set of tokens... 17:43:50 mc: does James consider this critical for the 1.1 timeframe or not and which is more important expanding the tokens or this? 17:44:04 stefan: we also have warning 17:44:49 mc: invalid id is a major feature, but expanding tokens is less 17:45:39 stefan: HTML has no concept of warnings, doesn't mean we shouldn't do it here 17:46:26 mc: we are here to fill gaps... so that is not a problem... does anyone know if it could have mappings? Having a mapping would make it more comfortable for ARIA 1.1. 17:46:58 stefan: who is doing the mappings? 17:47:11 mc: Joseph is leading the mapping.... 17:47:27 issue-651? 17:47:27 issue-651 -- Allow aria-invalid to specify more types of errors including custom errors -- raised 17:47:27 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/651 17:49:23 mc: big worry - if we take it on, will it be supported in the 1.1 timeframe? 17:49:52 mc: if there is no mappings, then there is no reason to have this (in 1.1) 17:50:21 mc: need to stick in spec as a straw proposal... 17:52:22 action: clown to draft aria-errormessage property for review - may be at risk in ARIA 1.1 though 17:52:22 Created ACTION-1680 - Draft aria-errormessage property for review - may be at risk in aria 1.1 though [on Joseph Scheuhammer - due 2015-07-16]. 17:52:37 trackbot, associate action-1680 with issue-651 17:52:37 action-1680 (Draft aria-errormessage property for review - may be at risk in aria 1.1 though) associated with issue-651. 17:53:50 close issue-669 17:53:51 Closed issue-669. 17:55:28 mc: next agenda item may be long, will save for next week 17:56:28 rrsagent, make minutes 17:56:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/09-aria-minutes.html fesch 17:57:15 present+ JamesN 17:57:22 rrsagent, make minutes 17:57:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/09-aria-minutes.html MichaelC 19:05:13 newtron has joined #aria 19:31:43 newtron has joined #aria 20:42:14 clown has left #aria 22:38:58 newtron has joined #aria