13:58:28 RRSAgent has joined #xproc 13:58:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-xproc-irc 13:58:34 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 13:58:35 Meeting: XML Processing Model WG 13:58:35 Date: 8 July 2015 13:58:35 Meeting: 275 13:58:36 Chair: Norm 13:58:36 Scribe: Norm 13:58:37 ScribeNick: Norm 14:06:02 Topic: Accept this agenda? 14:06:02 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2015/07/08-agenda 14:06:05 Accepted. 14:06:09 Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 14:06:09 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2015/07/01-minutes 14:06:14 Accepted. 14:06:21 Topic: Next meeting, 22 July 2015 14:06:43 Norm: I propose to skip 15 July; any regrets for 22 July? None heard. 14:07:22 Topic: Bind variables from a map, issue 180. 14:07:27 jfuller has joined #xproc 14:07:30 -> https://github.com/xproc/specification/issues/180 14:08:24 Norm: I don't think this is practical because I think variable names need to be known statically. 14:09:08 Jim: This seems like something for V.next (i.e., 3+) at the very least. 14:09:39 Norm: I propose we close this. 14:09:56 +1 14:10:00 Any objections? 14:10:01 None heard 14:10:49 Topic: Wildcard matches in p:catch, issue 165. 14:11:05 -> https://github.com/xproc/specification/issues/165 14:11:44 Jim: I think I've come to the conclusion that we shouldn't do this. 14:12:14 Norm: I'm not going to push for it. 14:12:30 Jim: I looked for analogues in other languages and couldn't find any. We don't need to blaze new ground. 14:12:35 Norm: Any other comments? 14:12:44 Norm: Ok, I propose we close this without action. Any objection. 14:12:49 s/ion./ions./ 14:12:56 None heard. 14:13:22 Topic: Any other business? 14:13:27 None heard. 14:13:42 Adjourned. 14:14:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:14:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-xproc-minutes.html Norm 14:14:24 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 14:14:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:14:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-xproc-minutes.html Norm 15:12:02 jfuller has joined #xproc