17:57:08 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 17:57:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/02-shapes-irc 17:57:10 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 17:57:10 Zakim has joined #shapes 17:57:12 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 17:57:12 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 17:57:13 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 17:57:13 Date: 02 July 2015 17:57:43 kcoyle has joined #shapes 17:58:45 pfps has joined #shapes 18:01:37 hknublau has joined #shapes 18:01:40 scribenick: kcoyle chair: Arnaud agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.07.02 18:01:42 present+ Arnaud 18:02:22 present+ kcoyle 18:02:26 present+ pfps 18:02:31 Dimitris has joined #shapes 18:02:38 present+ aryman 18:03:43 regrets: ericp, simonstey 18:05:01 present+ dimitris 18:05:03 present+ hknublau 18:06:58 present+ TallTed 18:07:54 topic: Admin 18:07:59 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 25 June Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/06/25-shapes-minutes.html 18:08:15 +1 18:08:20 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 25 June Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/06/25-shapes-minutes.html 18:08:36 The minutes look OK, but it took me quite a bit of effort to figure out that the change was actually made to ISSUE-72. I got an old version days after the change was made. 18:08:36 Next meeting 9 July 18:09:19 Arnaud: Should we go to lighter schedule for summer? hmmm, we're already behind, let's go on! 18:10:06 ok by me :-( topic: SHACL FPWD 18:10:59 What document are we discussing? 18:11:05 Arnaud: SHACL 1st public working draft - where are we? 18:11:31 Labra has joined #shapes 18:11:37 q+ 18:11:41 ... what would it take to publist 1st draft? 18:11:58 ... should makr issues that are open; status can be made clear 18:12:11 ... s/makr/mark 18:12:31 q+ 18:12:32 ack aryman 18:13:00 aryman: would like to have 2 week lead before it goes public so group can review a stable draft 18:13:07 Editor*s*??? 18:13:10 ack pfps 18:13:32 pfps: not sure when I got to be an editor... am I? 18:13:45 aryman: thought Peter ahd Holger working together 18:13:51 pfps: Not so 18:13:51 +q 18:14:07 pfps: things that need to be in place: 18:14:12 ... well-founded semantics 18:14:21 ... has to have notion of what direction is 18:14:25 ... latter is not yet true 18:15:02 ... what would it take? we still have issue that would negate bulk of the document: access to shape graph 18:16:12 ... even more important, recursive shapes, which is not on our radar (not issue-22) 18:16:23 ack hknublau 18:16:54 hknublau: so many open issues that document is somewhat frozen; would welcome other editors 18:17:05 the issue that needs to be worked in is ISSUE-66 non-convergence 18:17:07 ... need to get shape graph issue out of the way 18:18:01 ISSUE-68 should also be resolved, and this one can be done by Holger 18:18:37 pfps: issue 68 could be done; editorial 18:18:39 q+ 18:18:46 hknublau: am looking at that; more than just editorial 18:18:52 ack pfps 18:19:29 pfps: issue 68 is just missing from spec, doesn't need decisions. Go ahead and add it 18:20:58 ... needs to be done for 1st public working draft 18:21:09 pre-binding is a significant part of the document and needs to be done before FPWD 18:22:15 There are holes that can be filled in later and there are sink-holes that can consume an entire document. 18:22:27 Arnaud: FPWD will get more comments from folks outside the immediate group 18:22:46 ... Holger - time estimate? 18:23:06 hknublau: can put in placeholder in the next few days 18:23:53 q+ 18:24:13 Arnaud: re:annotating the spec with the open issues -- is there still a respec problem? 18:25:23 hknublau: respec adds numbering; so I'm adding link to documents; any help welcome 18:25:49 ack aryman 18:26:19 aryman: is it worth freezing the doc the way it is now; do a round of review? is it stable? would a detailed review be good now? 18:26:51 The document has been stable for a while now. 18:26:52 hknublau: has been stable for a while; and reflects my prototype 18:27:31 aryman: can there be revision bars on changes? makes it easy to see what's changed 18:27:54 There used to be a way to see revision changes in W3C WDs. That was very useful. Source diffs are very much less useful. 18:28:24 Arnaud: maybe a history of changes section at the end for significant changes 18:29:55 ... Holger will create a marked draft that represents current stable version 18:30:02 Another problem with ReSpec is that it is not easy to see old versions of the document - the Wiki is very much better in this regard. 18:31:15 topic: ISSUE-47: Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how? 18:31:15 Notes added to ISSUE-47 Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how?. 18:32:31 Arnaud: had 3 different proposals; this should be a yes/no question: access or not? 18:32:44 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2015Jun/0159.html 18:33:19 what picture? link pls? 18:33:19 hknublau: 2 ways that SHACL can be used with SPARQL 18:33:25 aha 18:33:56 ... 1- dataset with shacl; enterprise system with controlled set of named drafts and sparql functions; a kind of closed world 18:34:35 ... 2 - sparql end point and shacl engine live in different environments; no control over endpoint 18:35:12 ... solution 1: restrict language to only features that can be supported with sparql 18:36:04 ... solution 2: go beyond limitation of sparql endpoints by encouraging implements to implement "shacl endpoint" where you send shacl graph to a server that applies shacl constraints on the graph 18:36:28 ... solution 2 would be ideal, having shacl implemented natively in databases 18:36:46 ... sparql solution is bridge until solution 2 is available 18:37:18 There was quite an echo. 18:37:50 ... implement by allowing different types of shacl language; create a subset that is not supported by sparql 18:38:29 ... would not implmenet custom functions; requests outside of the subset could be detected 18:39:56 pfps: view: access to shpaes graph gets you a little but prevents a lot of functions 18:40:41 +q 18:40:51 ... shacl engine allows access to graph; not true that blank nodes are problematic for this proposal; well-handled by sparql endpoints 18:41:30 ... access to shapes graph when evaluating constraints on data graph permits a jparticular execution methodology that is inefficient 18:42:03 ... because of top-down implementation there is redundancy that can be costly 18:42:40 +q 18:43:05 ... gain little by access to shapes graph except for recursion, which you may have to give up; preferably where you cannot load data locally, e.g. dbpedia 18:43:19 q+ 18:43:40 q+ 18:43:47 ack Dimitris 18:44:40 q- 18:44:53 Dimitris: agree with Peter; blank nodes not a problem; looking for use case for access beyond core language 18:45:01 ack hknublau 18:45:36 q+ 18:45:40 hknublau: blank nodes not handled because not persistent; only work locally; 18:45:50 +q 18:46:18 ... peter's proposal would be a re-write of the document, and may have efficicency issues -- so details will be needed. 18:46:21 The details have been worked out *and* implemented! 18:46:27 ... also need alternative to shapes graph access 18:46:46 the SHACL engine of course needs to access the SHACL program, so are we talking about having the SHACL in the same dataset as the data graph? 18:46:51 ack aryman 18:47:25 aryman: shacl engine obviously needs to read the shacl program - are we debating whether shacl program in same dataset as datagraph? 18:47:30 ack pfps 18:48:23 pfps: if shacl control graph is in dataset, then you can access it using sparql and everything is easier; but you might say that the shacl control graph is not part of target dataset, but is accessible using some sparql extension 18:48:43 ack Dimitris 18:49:15 q+ 18:49:22 Dimitris: suggestion was to use holger's proposal but limit some things outside of core until we get use cases to support 18:49:42 ack pfps 18:49:42 q- 18:49:47 Arnaud: let's stick just to the two options 18:52:00 ... straw poll (binary) or third way, to have it as an optional feature (which isn't great for interoperability) 18:52:11 +q 18:52:18 ack hknublau 18:52:24 q+ 18:52:25 q+ 18:52:28 hknublau: third option is what I am proposing 18:52:46 ack aryman 18:52:47 ... it's an optional feature 18:53:43 q- 18:53:45 aryman: from a pragmatic point of view if we have close tie between shacl and sparql engine we will limit shacl use; needs to be the shape graph, but cannot require that shape graph be in same dataset as dataset 18:53:59 STRAWPOLL: a) allow access to the shape graph, b) do not allow access to the shape graph, c) allow access to the shape graph as an optional feature 18:54:31 a +0.5 b -1 c +1 18:54:33 a:-1,b:+1,c:-1 18:54:42 a: -1, b: +1, c: maybe - it really depends on how it plays out - the version that Holger appears to be promoting would be a -1 18:54:43 a) +1 b) -1 c) +1 18:54:44 a: -1, b: +1, c: -0.5 18:55:05 a)-0.9, b)+1, c)0 18:55:12 a +0.5, b -0.5, c +0.5 18:55:31 -.5, +1, -.5 18:55:46 +q 18:55:55 ack hknublau 18:56:26 I'm OK with the semantics being expressed in terms of the SHACL graph 18:56:50 hknublau: need to keep in mind that some of this is implementation details 18:57:07 If in c access to the SHACL control graph was *truly* optional, and not specified throughout the document, then it would be much more palatable 18:57:50 +q 18:57:50 aryman: we should focus on defining things for remote sparql end point case first, since that's the most important case; a matter of priorities 18:57:56 I agree that there is currently only *one* worked-out specification for SHACL. It is https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Shacl-sparql 18:58:21 ack hknublau 18:58:25 Arnaud: spec would have to allow that you may not have access 18:59:02 q+ 18:59:09 q+ 18:59:17 ack pfps 18:59:19 Arnaud: discuss online - what would it take for option c to work 18:59:41 pfps: there is only one worked out proposal, and that is not current editor's draft 18:59:58 +q 19:00:13 ... current editor's graph has holes in it; other doc (linked above) is fully worked out 19:00:29 ... and is the way it is done in startdoc ICV 19:01:32 ack aryman 19:02:24 aryman: would like to see compelling use case for not having access to graph; 19:03:00 Having an implementation is not sufficient to show well-foundedness. 19:03:09 ... Peter asserts that the spec isn't founded; but there is an implementation, so we should focus on areas where spec needs work; tighten spec before we add features 19:03:18 ack hknublau 19:03:54 hknublau: feature is already there, and isn't a big issue 19:04:06 q+ 19:04:57 ack aryman 19:05:25 +q 19:05:36 aryman: that it is in the spec has implications for developers 19:05:48 hknublau: right hand picture already works 19:07:00 ack hknublau 19:07:21 ... if you want to run against remote endpoint, that works. option B would require re-writing draft 19:08:00 There is lots of noise. 19:08:15 aryman: recursion should not be linked to access to data graph; there are lots of things tied together here that are muddying the discussion 19:09:29 Both a and b use SPARQL as their specification language. Both a and b could have the core implemented without access to a full SPARQL implementation. 19:10:51 a triple API is not a SPARQL endpoint 19:12:29 it must be possible to implement core SHACL without SPARQL 19:12:36 pfps: "sparql" here means any access to the data graph 19:15:22 kcoyle: should we really call it sparql if it doesn't acutally use sparql but has its own software 19:16:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2015Jun/att-0159/SHACL-Engines.png 19:17:48 +q 19:18:25 q+ 19:18:41 ack hknublau 19:19:24 question: does the SHACL graph just contain the SHACL program, or are you allowing arbitrary other triples in it? 19:20:17 ack aryman 19:20:46 aryman: in the shapes graph, are you assuming that the graph is closed, that it just contains what is in the shacl language? 19:21:17 ... e.g. xslt - xslt doc is an xml document, can be used to get to arbitrary other data 19:22:19 hknublau: main reason to access it is to query the shapes; uses formalisms eg classes, members of rdflist. Those are stored in the shapes graph 19:24:17 It would be nice to get more people involved in the discussion. There are at least two WG members who were not present today. 19:24:38 Arnaud: that's enough for today 19:25:05 hknublau has left #shapes 19:25:13 present+ labra 19:25:25 trackbot, end meeting 19:25:25 Zakim, list attendees 19:25:25 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 19:25:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:25:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/02-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 19:25:34 Dimitris has left #shapes 19:25:35 RRSAgent, bye 19:25:35 I see no action items