16:29:57 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:29:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/25-aria-irc 16:29:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:29:59 Zakim has joined #aria 16:30:01 Zakim, this will be WAI_PF 16:30:01 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG()12:30PM scheduled to start now 16:30:02 Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference 16:30:02 Date: 25 June 2015 16:30:07 chair: Rich 16:30:20 Meeting: W3C WAI-PF ARIA Caucus 16:30:28 RRSAgent, make log public 16:32:14 present+ janina 16:32:21 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:32:33 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pfwg/2015Jun/0168.html 16:33:16 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:37:28 jongund has joined #aria 16:37:39 newtron has joined #aria 16:37:57 jamesn has joined #aria 16:38:42 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#attrs_widgets 16:39:44 "This section contains attributes specific to common user interface elements found on GUI" 16:39:55 scribe: jamesn 16:40:06 agenda? 16:40:14 TOPIC: aria-describedat 16:40:44 RS: have told the DPUB folks that by mid August need something 16:41:05 JS: lets see if they can make a Thursday 16:41:14 q+ To suggest we schedule something so James Craig can be present 16:41:23 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 16:41:44 JS: they understand they need to come on this meeting to discuss. Also will send a formal mail about describedat to this group in the next week 16:41:55 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 16:41:59 RS: would like to make 1 point they talked about on the call 16:42:29 RS: 1 think they said and must be cogniscent of this. Know how hard it is to get product teams to do a11y. 16:42:57 RS: they said if we pull this now could be a problem. They have p[eoples attention at the moment 16:43:08 RS: we have to think about the strategy 16:43:44 JS: notes that they are aware of annotations but that is not a rewality yet 16:43:52 JS: they are looking for something in the next several months 16:44:13 JS: the fact that it can pertain to any element makes it more useful 16:44:29 ack joanie 16:44:29 joanie, you wanted to suggest we schedule something so James Craig can be present 16:47:50 RS: hoping will get something set up soon 16:47:57 TOPIC: keyboard shortcuts 16:48:32 RS: for some reason people getting confused with accesskey. (1) it is for activation. (2) as a spec we don't define user agent behaviour 16:48:56 RS: if the UA host language wants to do more with it then they can but we don't require them to do it 16:49:27 RS: accesskey module has sat for 6 years. Can't say need to synchornize with accesskey 16:49:51 RS: other than getting vocab correct don't see how this should be confused with accesskey 16:52:30 JN: like the keyboardshortcuts proposal. It tries to allow an author to state what is happening today programiatically. It is not trying to solve the bigger issue of how to specify shortcuts across platforms etc. 16:52:53 TOPIC: discuss a freeze date for the heartbeat draft 16:53:02 RS: would like to get it out 16:53:20 RS: what needs to be merged 16:53:30 JD: dont think i haver any not merged stuff 16:53:54 Action-1493? 16:53:54 Action-1493 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Propose spec text allowing ¨implicit value for role¨ to provide default values for required properties -- due 2014-10-06 -- OPEN 16:53:54 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1493 16:53:56 clown: one of mine i want to get in 16:54:25 Action-1606? 16:54:25 Action-1606 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Create proposal to modify aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax, and aria-valuenow to have reasonable default values when they are missing, similar to HTML5 spec on -- due 2015-06-11 -- OPEN 16:54:26 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1606 16:55:08 JG: how would shortcut keys be mapped to accessibility APIs 16:55:20 JD: ATK has an action interface 16:55:33 JD: if IA2 follows that there would be a way there 16:55:45 JD: there is no such thing as a keyboard interface 16:55:59 https://developer.gnome.org/atk/unstable/AtkAction.html#atk-action-get-keybinding 16:57:06 http://accessibility.linuxfoundation.org/a11yspecs/ia2/docs/html/_accessible_action_8idl.html 16:57:40 http://accessibility.linuxfoundation.org/a11yspecs/ia2/docs/html/interface_i_accessible_action.html 16:57:44 JD: it is the same one 16:58:29 RS: might need to clarify for JC some of the vocabulary in there 16:58:58 RS: dont know anbout mac 16:59:29 s/anabout/about/ 16:59:49 RS: one of the things JC was concerned about was the vocab. s/anbout/about/ 17:00:02 s/anbout/about/ 17:00:18 RS: freeze date 17:00:35 RS: can you have 1606 ready for next thursday 17:00:44 clown: ready now 17:01:24 RS: lets see what else we need for a heartbeat and lets freeze it 17:01:33 Stefan has joined #aria 17:01:39 JD: strictly for this hearbeat freeze? 17:01:44 RS: yes 17:02:09 newtron has joined #aria 17:02:30 MC: I was targetting the 14th so July 6 is fine 17:04:18 JF has joined #aria 17:05:07 RS: trying to get 1.1 out of the door 17:05:13 TOPIC: annotationsd 17:05:15 issue-655 17:05:15 issue-655 -- Consider creating annotations roles for comments, spell-check errors, etc -- open 17:05:15 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/655 17:05:25 issue-670 17:05:25 issue-670 -- Need to support remote annotation -- raised 17:05:25 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/issues/670 17:05:36 RS: the person who requested it has left MSFT. getting no response on questions 17:05:52 RS: this is not under the scope of aria 1.1 17:06:07 RS: could be better to look at it in the ARIA 2.0 timeframe 17:06:20 RS: don't want to lose them but feel they should be ARIA 2.0 17:06:25 JN: +1 to that. 17:06:39 JG: +1 17:06:47 RS: status is that are waiting for a response from CS before can do anything 17:06:48 JD: +1 17:07:12 RS: I would rather us deal with more serious issues like error handling 17:07:26 clown: does errors belong in annotations? 17:07:48 q+ To explicitly state that annotations seems like it's meaty enough that we don't want to rush it 17:08:01 RS: have a concern that this is a big problem. all forms have this issue today 17:08:23 RS: there is also a remote annotation that is brought up 17:08:28 q? 17:08:28 ack joanie 17:08:30 joanie, you wanted to explicitly state that annotations seems like it's meaty enough that we don't want to rush it 17:09:01 RS: i feel the same way 17:09:12 +1 to Jpoanie 17:09:22 s/Jpoanie/Joanie 17:09:35 Proposal: Move Office Suite Annotation Issues and Actions to ARIA 2.0 to provide more time to develop 17:09:37 s/does errors belong/do error messages for invalid input belong/ 17:10:17 Rich: This would cover issues 655, 670, and actions 1455 1n 1454 17:10:34 +1 17:10:37 +1 17:10:40 +1 17:10:41 +1 17:10:43 +1 17:10:43 +1 17:10:48 +1 17:10:48 +1 17:11:13 RESOLUTION: Move issues 655, 670, and Actions 1454 and 1455 to ARIA 2.0 17:12:29 \o/ 17:13:38 TOPIC: ACTION-1591 17:13:42 action-1591 17:13:42 action-1591 -- Joanmarie Diggs to checkbox role doesn't list aria-readonly -- due 2015-03-04 -- OPEN 17:13:42 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/1591 17:14:01 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/semantics.html#the-readonly-attribute 17:14:18 clown: if you read the html5 spec on its readonly property. It lists that only text controls can be made readonly 17:14:54 q+ 17:14:54 +q 17:15:32 JN: One use case where, based on a role that someone has assigned, they don’t have the permissions to modify something but it is not disabled 17:15:55 JN: Where they have disabled it is based on something you can do to enable it. Where you have aria-readonly it is based on a privilege 17:16:20 q+ To ask about focusable versus not 17:16:46 JN: On a transactional flow where you have a sumary screen, you have a wizard, and you have a summary of what has been done but they are not disabled and they are read-only 17:17:08 JS: Visually it is greyed out 17:17:29 JD: Readonly controls are still focusable where disabled controls are not 17:17:30 JD: if you can tab to a checkbox but not change its state then it is readonly 17:18:00 -q 17:18:09 Rich: I have seen controls where items are disabled but are focusable 17:18:12 JD: if there is a use case. JN was describing conceptual reasons where something is changeable 17:18:27 JD: screen readers have commands to move between different control types 17:18:30 jD: If you press X in Orca you go to the next check box 17:18:58 JD: If the checkbox is not something you can tab to you should skip it 17:19:37 JS: you are on a summary page and you are about to submit but you can’t change them 17:21:10 Rich: disabled items in menus are often in the navigation order but are marked disabled 17:21:13 https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/test-resources/sap/ui/commons/demokit/CheckBox.html 17:21:24 q? 17:21:36 q+ to mention how VO handles disabled menu items. 17:22:09 JD: what i am trying to suggest is that yes we do not to want to be the same as HTML. I would go further in that HTML has a bug... 17:22:16 +q 17:22:22 q? 17:22:23 JD: I think it does make sense to allow focus to these things 17:22:27 ack joanie 17:22:27 joanie, you wanted to ask about focusable versus not 17:22:49 clown: about menu item example. on the mac it skips disabled menu items. if you have VO turned on you can arrow to them 17:23:31 https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/test-resources/sap/ui/commons/demokit/CheckBox.html 17:23:34 ack me 17:23:34 clown, you wanted to mention how VO handles disabled menu items. 17:23:39 Stefan: we have other states for checkboxes too. 17:27:08 JN: A disabled state indicates to the user that they can do something to enable it 17:27:32 -q 17:27:41 JN: a read-only checkbox indicates that the state it out of their immediate control 17:29:13 BG: I don't see the point really. When something is disabled then i know I can't interact with it. 17:35:49 JD: can imagine a case where there is a menu item where you can't change it 17:36:06 JD: I agree with the notion that checkboxes should be able to be readonly or disabled 17:36:32 JD: the text that Joseph pasted from the HTML spec is why we need to explain it 17:36:48 newtron has joined #aria 17:37:14 RS: a checkbox in a menu I can see read-only. I don't think it is terrible that it inherits 17:37:46 RS: if we are ok with the inheritance I dont think it is terrible 17:37:59 clown: doesn't inherit into treeitem 17:40:25 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#treeitem 17:40:41 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#option 17:45:58 JN: need radio buttons too 17:46:07 JD: think they inherit from checkboxes 17:46:24 JD: switch is fine. Think it is a silly UI 17:46:29 JN: +1 :) 17:46:55 it goes checkbox -> radio, menumitemcheckbox, switch. 17:47:20 and menuitemcheckbox -> menuitemradio 17:48:37 Proposal: Add aria-readonly to roles checkbox wich will inherit into, radio, menuitemradio, menuitemcheckbox, and switch 17:48:48 s/wich/which/ 17:49:49 Q+ to ask about adding it to fieldset? 17:50:16 ack JF 17:50:16 JF, you wanted to ask about adding it to fieldset? 17:50:29 JF: my experience that generally in a fieldset.... (or group) 17:51:01 RS: do people want to take it off radio? 17:51:38 JD: we have this right now with the mixed state where switch and radio don't inherit checked=mixed 17:51:49 JD: have ugly notes 17:52:09 JD: are you ok with the situation right now where mixed is inherited by radio 17:52:50 I see Stefan has a readonly radio button https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/#test-resources/sap/ui/commons/demokit/RadioButton.html 17:54:43 JD: I will come up with a proposal 17:56:36 rrsagent, make minutes 17:56:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/25-aria-minutes.html jamesn 17:57:06 present+ James_Nurthen 17:57:10 Propsal: aria-readonly should apply to checkbox, check menu item, switch, and radio menu item. It should not apply to radio. This will require a corresponding taxonomy change. 17:57:16 present+ Stefan 17:57:31 present+ JonGund 17:57:42 present+ JF 17:57:52 rrsagent, make minutes 17:57:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/25-aria-minutes.html jamesn 17:59:31 newtron has joined #aria 18:01:03 RRSAgent make log public 18:01:14 RRSAgent: make log public 18:39:51 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 18:49:14 newtron has joined #aria 18:56:07 asurkov has joined #aria 19:09:42 newtron has joined #aria 19:55:23 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:02:00 clown has joined #aria 20:15:55 Zakim has left #aria 20:22:49 asurkov has joined #aria 20:41:58 clown has left #aria 20:42:21 newtron has joined #aria 20:59:39 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 21:09:42 newtron has joined #aria 21:28:42 newtron has joined #aria 21:56:33 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria