IRC log of webperf on 2015-06-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

19:00:43 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #webperf
19:00:43 [RRSAgent]
logging to
19:00:45 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
19:00:45 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #webperf
19:00:47 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be web-per
19:00:47 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot, I see RWC_web-per()3:00PM already started
19:00:48 [trackbot]
Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference
19:00:48 [trackbot]
Date: 24 June 2015
19:00:53 [Zakim]
19:01:16 [plh]
zakim, ??p8 is Ilya
19:01:16 [Zakim]
+Ilya; got it
19:01:45 [Zakim]
19:02:23 [plh]
zakim, ??p9 is Bernhard
19:02:23 [Zakim]
+Bernhard; got it
19:03:14 [Zakim]
19:03:23 [ToddReifsteck]
ToddReifsteck has joined #webperf
19:04:23 [plh]
Regrets+ Yoav
19:04:43 [plh]
agenda+ eview charter feedback and proposed process updates
19:04:50 [plh]
agenda+ time origin & workerStart
19:04:57 [plh]
agenda+ attribute filtering
19:05:05 [plh]
agenda+ revise "return copy"
19:05:12 [plh]
agenda+ credentials in URLs
19:05:24 [Zakim]
+ +1.310.460.aaaa
19:05:37 [plh]
zakim, aaaa is Michael
19:05:37 [Zakim]
+Michael; got it
19:05:43 [mpb]
mpb has joined #webperf
19:05:47 [plh]
zakim, move to next agendum
19:05:47 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "eview charter feedback and proposed process updates" taken up [from plh]
19:06:17 [plh]
19:06:25 [plh]
Plh: I'll make it official tomorrow
19:07:07 [igrigorik]
19:07:41 [plh]
/TR/performance-timeline would be in sync with the github draft.
19:08:01 [plh]
19:09:03 [plh]
19:10:54 [plh]
todd: should we have a branch in the repo that also contains that snapshot?
19:12:00 [plh]
Ilya: yes, snapshot with a branch seem reasonnable
19:12:32 [plh]
.. so the most recent would be gh-pages?
19:12:34 [plh]
plh: yes
19:13:43 [plh]
Resolved: Performance Timeline 2 can be published as a FPWD
19:14:18 [plh]
Resolved: User Timing 2 can be published as a FPWD
19:14:40 [plh]
Resolved: Server Tming can be published as a FPWD
19:15:02 [plh]
Resolved: Preload can be published as a FPWD
19:15:55 [plh]
/TR/performance-timeline -> /TR/performance-timeline-2
19:16:06 [plh]
19:17:08 [plh]
Resolved: adopted the new versioning and branching
19:17:52 [plh]
Resolved: WDs should be automatically published
19:17:55 [plh]
19:19:08 [plh]
zakim, move to next agendum
19:19:08 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "time origin & workerStart" taken up [from plh]
19:19:18 [igrigorik]
19:20:07 [plh]
Ilya: we should deprecate workerStart in favor of a translated time based approach
19:20:43 [mpb]
mpb has joined #webperf
19:20:49 [plh]
Todd: didn't get feedback from Justin yet, makes sense from him.
19:21:05 [plh]
... we should wait for Boris to give a +1 as well
19:22:06 [plh]
plh: you don't need to deprecate workerStart. it never made it into a REC. just removing it is fine.
19:23:05 [plh]
zakim, move to next agendum
19:23:05 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "attribute filtering" taken up [from plh]
19:23:17 [plh]
19:23:17 [igrigorik]
19:25:15 [plh]
Ilya: [summarizing the history].
19:25:53 [plh]
Todd: ok to merge
19:26:09 [plh]
Ilya: I'll merge and ping the list
19:26:17 [plh]
zakim, move to next agendum
19:26:17 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "revise "return copy"" taken up [from plh]
19:26:25 [plh]
19:26:55 [plh]
Ilya: Chrome and Firefox do not return a copy of the array
19:26:57 [plh]
... IE does
19:27:41 [plh]
... can we remove the "copy"? it's still ok to return a copy
19:27:47 [plh]
Todd: looks good to me
19:28:49 [mpb]
Do we need to change language on the Performance Observer interface too?
19:29:40 [plh]
19:31:22 [plh]
Ilya: yes, perf observer shouldn't return a copy either
19:31:34 [plh]
zakim, move to next agendum
19:31:34 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "credentials in URLs" taken up [from plh]
19:31:43 [plh]
19:32:47 [plh]
Todd: it's been suggested that exposing credentials in URLs through RT makes it easier to capture the credentials
19:33:17 [plh]
... the move to Fetch will disallow this and fetch will speak to it
19:34:10 [plh]
Ilya: we can drop the credentials, but you won't get the same value for the url. and if you use different credentials, you won't be able to differentiate it
19:35:23 [plh]
.... I propose to close it as "wontfix"
19:35:52 [plh]
... and let the browsers make their own decision (ie do as IE by disallowing that type of request)
19:37:02 [plh]
Resolved: wontfix
19:37:50 [plh]
Topic: linkNegotationStart
19:37:53 [plh]
plh: drop it?
19:37:56 [plh]
19:38:06 [plh]
Ilya: we haven't been successful at implementing
19:38:24 [plh]
... we could ressurect it in the future if we have access to the data.
19:38:36 [plh]
Resolved: drop linkNegotiationStart
19:38:51 [plh]
Topic: Navigation Timing 2
19:39:24 [plh]
Todd: ALPN id / nextHopProtocol . has value and no plan for implementation
19:39:30 [plh]
... ditto for redirectCount
19:39:43 [plh]
... should we do a snapshot of NT2?
19:41:27 [plh]
plh: pb is that only IE supports it on top of performance timeline
19:45:25 [plh]
[discussion on the need to do snapshots of HRT2, PT2, and RT first]
19:46:05 [plh]
Ilya: open question related to nextHopProtocol into exposing too much networking information
19:46:13 [plh]
Todd: didn't think of that yet
19:46:46 [plh]
Ilya: redirectCount. was about making resource timing multi-fetch friendly
19:47:11 [plh]
... if NT2 gets defined on top of RT, we won't need that
19:47:41 [plh]
Todd: also some concerns about security/privacy of that one
19:48:35 [plh]
Topic: Call schedule for the summer
19:49:07 [plh]
Ilya: next one is 07/15
19:49:19 [plh]
... then 08/15
19:49:34 [plh]
19:50:17 [Zakim]
19:51:52 [plh]
19:51:53 [Zakim]
19:51:54 [Zakim]
19:51:55 [Zakim]
19:51:57 [Zakim]
19:51:59 [Zakim]
RWC_web-per()3:00PM has ended
19:51:59 [Zakim]
Attendees were Plh, Ilya, Bernhard, [Microsoft], +1.310.460.aaaa, Michael
19:52:07 [plh]
rrsagent, generate minutes
19:52:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate plh
19:52:31 [plh]
Chair: Ilya
19:55:48 [cristi]
cristi has joined #webperf
20:17:48 [newtron]
newtron has joined #webperf
20:24:26 [newtron]
newtron has joined #webperf
20:36:49 [yoav]
yoav has joined #webperf
22:22:10 [yoav]
yoav has joined #webperf
22:33:25 [newtron]
newtron has joined #webperf