15:01:53 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:01:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-hcls-irc 15:01:55 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:01:55 Zakim has joined #hcls 15:01:57 Zakim, this will be HCLS 15:01:57 ok, trackbot; I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM scheduled to start now 15:01:58 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 15:01:58 Date: 24 June 2015 15:06:30 Topic: FHIR element ordering 15:06:38 Tony has joined #HCLS 15:07:11 Comparison of approaches: https://goo.gl/DKcm0U 15:07:26 Marc has joined #HCLS 15:07:49 https://goo.gl/DKcm0U 15:09:42 Lloyd has joined #HCLS 15:16:50 https://goo.gl/DKcm0U 15:25:51 rdf:rest / rdf:rest / rdf:rest / rdf:first 15:30:36 +1 +0 -1 15:30:43 Who prefers which option? 15:30:53 option 1 15:30:53 +1 +0 -1 15:31:04 +1 -1 -1 15:31:25 paul: +1 0 -1 15:31:26 +1 -1 -1 15:31:57 rob: option 1? (abstain) 15:32:07 +1 +0 -1 15:32:32 AGREED: Option 1 for ordering 15:33:38 tony: what namespace to use for fhirRdf:index ? 15:34:04 marc: good to have one namespace 15:34:40 ISSUE: What namespace to use for fhirRdf:index ? 15:34:40 Created ISSUE-13 - What namespace to use for fhirrdf:index ?. Please complete additional details at . 15:35:33 lloyd: within repeating elements, the structure definition allows repetition, and round tripping must retain ordering. 15:35:51 egonw_ has joined #HCLS 15:37:16 lloyd: suggest fhirRdf:_index , because we might have the word "index" in several places. 15:38:00 ... also calls out that this is a special beast. 15:39:57 AGREED: Start fhirRdf:index with 1 15:41:27 lloyd: everything else would have a class prefix on the local name, like fhir:Observation.code , whereas this would not have a class first. 15:41:45 ... We could say this is a property of Element. 15:42:13 ... there's a certain appeal to saying fhir:index 15:43:56 eric: when we start relating property names between classes, when two properties have the same meaning, how would we name them? 15:45:04 dbooth: My initial thought is that we wouldn't rename properties that are in common -- the ont would just indicate that they are the same. 15:45:54 AGREED: Use fhir:index (and change later if we need to) 15:46:31 Topic: Side-by-side example of two FHIR RDF approaches 15:46:41 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=File:FHIR_RDF_Sample_side_by_side_comparisons.pdf 15:47:01 http://wiki.hl7.org/images/2/25/FHIR_RDF_Sample_side_by_side_comparisons.pdf 15:47:12 egonw__ has joined #HCLS 15:49:40 egonw__ has joined #HCLS 15:54:24 lines 459 and 464-465 15:57:07 dbooth: on line 459, if you're using FHIR XML and you do an HTTP GET of http://record#PeterPatient , what are you supposed to receive? FHIR XML? 15:58:12 tony: you get back a patient resource, in FHIR XML or whatever format you requested 16:00:39 dbooth: on line 463, where did fhir:Reference.display come from? It isn't in the FHIR XML? 16:00:40 16:00:45 16:01:21 tony: I'll add that after line 459 16:01:25 16:01:29 16:01:34 16:03:43 egonw__ has joined #HCLS 16:04:05 dbooth: When you GET http://record#PeterPatient , does the FHIR RDF that you get back identify the patient using that same URI? We need to nail that down. 16:05:07 ... At the moment on line 465 it looks like you are assuming that the patient will NOT be identified using the same URI. 16:05:09 http://piratepad.net/hcls 16:06:27 eric: What if you get back a bundle? 16:06:53 ... How do we know if a bundle is permitted? 16:07:02 tony: Don't know. Haven't got to bundles yet. 16:09:27 eric: There's raging debate in the RDF world about whether to distinguish between a document URI and the thing it describes. 16:12:45 eric: The people who care about making a distinction do it in two ways: 1. frag ID (with media type). 2. Use a 303 redirect. 16:13:35 tony: Recommendation? 16:15:13 eric: we should be able to compose the RDF URI for the patient from the info in the FHIR XML 16:15:43 tony: why would the resource ID in the document be different from the document ID? 16:16:38 eric: When there is some logic in the object model, and that logic allows you to deref a URI, then we need to emulate those semantics in RDF. 16:16:46 tony: agreed 16:20:46 eric: If I get RDF for a patient problem, I think there's some glue in the protocol that says that if I do a GET on a URI, the FHIR data you get back is that thing at the top of the XML hierarchy. 16:22:14 ... If we say that FHIR RDF is isomorphic with FHIR XML, then we need a way to identify the starting node, analogous to the top level node in XML. 16:24:17 ... If I get some FHIR XML, with a reference, I need to be able to compose the URI for Peter Patient from it. 16:24:39 ... That link needs to point to either something in the graph or something that's created by the conversion process. 16:27:14 dbooth: When has a to http://record#PeterPatient , the system that does a GET is expecting a Patient to be returned. That expectation is what allows the system to look for a Patient in the data that's returned. 16:28:28 eric: what if there are two patients in the data returned? 16:29:05 ... The FHIR RDF will need to contain a pointer to its root element. 16:29:31 ... I believe a resource ID can also be served from multiple URLs. 16:30:21 ... With FHIR XML, when you get back FHIR XML you know what the root element is. 16:31:13 ... Normally the URL at which you GET some RDF is not a URL in the returned document. 16:33:33 Paul: Suggest unpacking the GET problem in to a small example, as specific as possible and grounded in some content. Hard to follow. 16:35:36 eric: I'll implement it in the translator and show you. 16:36:07 ADJOURNED 16:38:54 Present: David Booth, EricP, Lloyd McKenzie, MarcT, Paul Courtney, Rob Hausam, Tony Mallia 16:39:17 Chair: David Booth 16:39:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:39:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:01:16 egonw__ has joined #HCLS 17:30:01 Zakim has left #hcls 17:45:48 egonw__ has joined #HCLS