17:00:13 RRSAgent has joined #social 17:00:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/19-social-irc 17:00:15 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:00:17 Zakim, this will be SOCL 17:00:17 ok, trackbot; I see T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM scheduled to start now 17:00:18 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 17:00:18 Date: 19 May 2015 17:00:37 hey harry - we're considering cancelling the telcon for this week 17:00:37 there's only two explicitly added agenda items 17:00:57 SIP is down for me 17:01:00 Happy to reconvene next week. 17:01:02 dialing in via phone 17:01:03 and both of them are ok by elf-pavlik to be postponed to next week 17:01:04 T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM has now started 17:01:08 let's start the meeting and discuss canceling all together? 17:01:10 didn't we have some leftover by last week? 17:01:12 +Sandro 17:01:17 +Ann 17:01:18 cwebber2: not according to the agenda 17:01:19 However, I know we have a backlog of ActivityStreams issues from jsnell 17:01:23 so if we want to go through those 17:01:31 +jasnell 17:01:46 We could maybe just do a quick meeting and go over open issues and next steps on the API 17:01:53 as aaronpk and rhiaro have done some good work 17:02:02 +[IPcaller] 17:02:08 Zakim, IPcaller is me 17:02:08 +wilkie; got it 17:02:08 harry - before you joined - that can be done async 17:02:10 +aaronpk 17:02:10 Zakim, what's the code? 17:02:11 no need for telcon for that 17:02:11 the conference code is 7625 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), harry 17:02:25 harry - is there anything that you need a resolution for today 17:02:29 okay I"m just getting service unavailable for SIP 17:02:40 I think we should ask jsnell that? 17:02:40 harry - that's a horrible excuse to spend time 17:02:49 harry, I've been asking in here for past 15 minutes 17:02:54 so far no objections to cancelling 17:02:55 There's a huge backlog of ActivityStreams items 17:02:55 oh 17:02:56 right 17:02:57 rhiaro: me too 17:03:03 oh no, zakim is dying :( 17:03:06 but I'm happy to leave that to editor's discretion, but if there's anything he wants input on, happy to do that 17:03:07 and postponing the two explicit agenda items to next week 17:03:09 I thought we wanted to talk about whether or not webid was FYN 17:03:13 i'm also geting service unavailable 17:03:16 cwebber2: but no evan 17:03:19 cwebber2: not on the agenda 17:03:21 ah yeah 17:03:32 if tantek is too busy or caught unawares re: chairing, perhaps Harry could do it 17:03:32 is SIP working for anyone? seems not 17:03:45 (noting that tantek is in CSS WG meeting) 17:03:47 Ok folks, proposal 17:03:48 +Marilyn 17:03:48 cwebber2: I'm getting an unavailable error I"ve never seen before 17:03:52 cwebber2: webid is FYN, using web standards, http and rdf (turtle) 17:03:57 I'm happy to step in if James Snell or any of the other editors 17:04:04 +[IPcaller] 17:04:06 poor zakim 17:04:19 PROPOSAL: Postpone the two explicit agenda items from this week to next week, and ACTION ALL read https://github.com/w3c-social/Social-APIs-Brainstorming/ by next week 17:04:26 please +1 / 0 / -1 17:04:34 in IRC 17:04:37 0 since I can't dial in 17:04:41 I'm on 17:04:42 i also can't 17:04:47 keep meeting 17:04:48 +0 17:04:52 on postponing 17:04:53 can't dial-in is a good reason to +1 17:04:54 +0 17:04:57 since nobody can dial in it seems like 17:05:05 AnnB: keep only if others can connect 17:05:07 that's enough reason 17:05:11 cwebber2: yes 17:05:16 so maybe +1 even 17:05:24 there are a bunch of people on already though 17:05:24 seems like we'll be scrambling to keep it going 17:05:38 maybe people on the phone should say something 17:05:39 hm well I can call in via phone 17:05:48 Zakim, who is here? 17:05:48 On the phone I see Sandro, Ann, jasnell, wilkie, aaronpk, Marilyn, elf-pavlik 17:05:50 Harry's going to check quickly with SysTeam 17:05:50 jasnell: happy to go throught the AS2 issues 17:05:51 On IRC I see RRSAgent, harry, jasnell, Zakim, elf-pavlik, AnnB, tilgovi, melvster1, tantek, shepazu, cwebber2, KevinMarks, melvster, oshepherd_, slvrbckt, rhiaro, Arnaud, aaronpk, 17:05:51 ... wilkie, kylewm, raucao, bret, ben_thatmustbeme, tsyesika, tessierashpool_, mattl, dwhly, Loqi, tommorris_, ElijahLynn, JakeHart, bigbluehat, trackbot, sandro, wseltzer 17:05:58 jasnell is in both places 17:06:18 do we need a scribe then? 17:06:23 one action done :) 17:06:27 action-43 17:06:27 action-43 -- Pavlik elf to propose *lightweight* inference based on RDFa Vocabulary Expansion -- due 2015-04-14 -- OPEN 17:06:27 http://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/43 17:06:33 action-49 17:06:33 action-49 -- Pavlik elf to Publish as2.0 data on one's own website -- due 2015-03-24 -- PENDINGREVIEW 17:06:33 http://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/49 17:06:35 sorry this one :) 17:06:36 if you can't dial-in, then I'd suggest +1 17:06:41 + +1.773.614.aaaa 17:06:52 There does seem to be a SIP issue - we're tracking it down folks 17:07:00 but it won't be figured out within the next few minutes :( 17:07:05 aww, cheer up 17:07:07 SIP issue asside, it does look like there are enough people for a call 17:07:14 yes, I agree 17:07:14 rhiaro: that wasn't the question 17:07:19 too much to do to canc3l 17:07:26 also not a good reason to spend them time 17:07:31 s/canc3l/cancel/ 17:07:33 AnnB - not according to the agenda 17:07:42 we could touch on How to relate as:Profile to as:Object it describes? 17:07:42 ok I'll action folks to add to next week's agenda accordingly then 17:07:45 we need to get better re: agenda 17:07:59 AnnB - those that say "too much to do" need to add that "too much" explicitly to the agenda 17:08:01 elf-pavlik: correct 17:08:04 otherwise it might as well not exist 17:08:11 (Jasnell looking at open issues .. ) 17:08:38 Harry asks jasnell if this is a good time to review the open issue 17:08:55 q+ re: will update draft include as:Profile ? 17:09:04 jasnell: actually, might be better to spend his time getting an updated working draft 17:09:19 Alright, we've given the proposal 5 minutes, and there are +0s and +1 maybe. No objections. Proposal passes and this week's telcon is canceled. Please if you have urgent or "too much to do" items add it to the agenda for next week. 17:09:32 RESOLVED: Postpone the two explicit agenda items from this week to next week, and ACTION ALL read https://github.com/w3c-social/Social-APIs-Brainstorming/ by next week 17:09:44 -1 17:09:48 you may have the remainder of your hour 17:10:01 elf-pavlik: I concluded that based on your earlier "no objection" remark 17:10:40 fyi... Harry is wanting to have elf discuss raised issues despite resolution 17:10:55 REMINDER ALL: If you have "urgent" (needs resolution by today, or your implementation is blocked) items, or if you think (or *said* in IRC "too much to do" - "lots to talk about") it is your responsibility to add it to the Agenda *BEFORE* the call. 17:11:09 We'll do a quick meeting (given they are both on phone) while we have elf and jasnell on the phone but save formal resolutions for next meeting when we have quorum. 17:11:22 harry - the meeting has been canceled for today 17:11:32 please feel free to use any mediums you wish for informal discussions 17:11:35 So the meeting is formally cancelled but we can use the hour to discuss some open issues, which we can formally resolve next meeting. 17:11:38 especially if it gets people to align. 17:11:44 Sound like a plan tantek? 17:11:55 I'm going to add to next week's agenda - re-opening IP licensing of PuSH 0.4 17:11:57 jasnell: we have as:Profile but not way to say that it is about this as:Person or as:Event 17:12:08 AnnB - that also wasn't the question 17:12:18 meeting for the sake of meeting is insufficient 17:12:47 scribenick: AnnB 17:12:55 elf asked to remove profile or clarify it 17:12:55 tantek has changed the topic to: Social WG: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg - Next meeting agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-05-26 - logs: http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/today 17:13:22 jasnell: we have a week or 2 to figure profile object, how it's used, before Working Draft published 17:13:27 ... need some proposals 17:13:33 -aaronpk 17:13:36 q? 17:13:42 ack elf-pavlik 17:13:42 elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss will update draft include as:Profile ? 17:13:51 action-49 17:13:51 Zakim, who's on the phone? 17:13:51 action-49 -- Pavlik elf to Publish as2.0 data on one's own website -- due 2015-03-24 -- PENDINGREVIEW 17:13:51 On the phone I see Sandro, Ann, jasnell, wilkie, Marilyn, elf-pavlik, cwebber2 17:13:51 http://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/49 17:14:00 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Deployments#Activity_Streams_2.0 17:14:57 elf-pavlik: wants people to publish AS 2.0 data on their sites 17:15:08 ... rhiaro, elf, and jasnell have done so 17:15:11 OK, happy to see implementations and a wikipage to track them. 17:15:33 ... that way people can be consuming each others' feeds and see how it works 17:15:35 q? 17:16:08 harry: any other technical issues to discuss? 17:16:26 nothin' 17:16:28 good to close out 17:16:33 nope. good call. haha 17:16:40 ... notes that neither rhiaro or tsyesika are on phone (due to SIP probs) 17:16:54 ... thanks for very brief meeting; will reconvene next week 17:16:54 thanks!! 17:16:56 -jasnell 17:16:58 Informal meeting closed. 17:16:59 -elf-pavlik 17:17:00 -Sandro 17:17:02 -wilkie 17:17:08 -Marilyn 17:17:12 -cwebber2 17:17:13 trackbot, end meeting 17:17:13 Zakim, list attendees 17:17:13 As of this point the attendees have been Sandro, Ann, jasnell, wilkie, aaronpk, Marilyn, elf-pavlik, +1.773.614.aaaa, cwebber2 17:17:13 -Ann 17:17:15 T&S_SOCWG()1:00PM has ended 17:17:15 Attendees were Sandro, Ann, jasnell, wilkie, aaronpk, Marilyn, elf-pavlik, +1.773.614.aaaa, cwebber2 17:17:21 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:17:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/19-social-minutes.html trackbot 17:17:22 RRSAgent, bye 17:17:22 I see no action items