15:39:01 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:39:01 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/18-coga-irc 15:40:32 regrets:Chaohai Ding , Tim Boland,E.A. Draffan,John Rochford,Deborah Dahl, Jamie Knight,Anthony Doran ,Michael Pluke 15:41:07 agenda: this 15:41:09 agenda+ review of agenda, new items, actions, and timelines 15:41:10 agenda+ SVG meeting follow up 15:41:12 agenda+ right term for aria "function" 15:41:13 agenda+ Proposal for Dementia and mci 15:41:15 agenda+ Issue papers 15:41:16 agenda+ be done 15:57:24 MichaelC reminder we can not start the webex without you! 15:57:36 or check the audio etc 15:57:42 you should be able to 15:57:46 5 minutes before the call 15:58:11 ayelet_s has joined #coga 15:58:53 not giving em audio 15:59:03 ayelet are you on webex 15:59:48 audio is not working 16:00:20 i think we might need michael to join to have audio 16:00:40 only see Ayelet on it 16:02:25 I lgged back in 16:02:32 now i seem to have audio 16:03:25 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #coga 16:05:14 maryjom has joined #coga 16:05:21 scribe:ayelet_s 16:07:08 waiting for quorum 16:07:18 present+ Janina 16:08:19 next item 16:08:49 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/techniques/index.html 16:08:55 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/user-research/aging.html 16:09:19 LS: updated the techniques and aging. 16:10:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/track/actions/open 16:10:47 LS: mid June, techniques should be ready for the next draft 16:11:38 ..... but we need E. A. and Niell's contributions, who aren't on the call 16:12:04 ... could we close action items that were open for over a year? 16:12:22 MC: if they are no longer needed 16:14:04 LS: action 10 - is needed. will see if she could ping Suzanne to do it 16:14:30 ...action 13 - review of aria - not needed, will be closed 16:14:32 q? 16:15:23 ...action 17: usability review, still needed 16:15:58 ... Review daisy and epub - unneeded 16:16:21 Ryladog has joined #coga 16:16:43 ... dyscalculia and numbers, neill and E.a. will add 16:18:04 ...interoperable paper - Mike wrote 2 drafts, will consult before closing 16:19:29 ... rich will Ask gotfreid if we can review urc 16:20:04 ... Ayelet did initial check on harmonizing taxonomies, will continue working on the harmonization 16:20:47 ... Check that litral or mefor is in the page of suggested aria sematics done 16:21:03 next item 16:22:13 zakim, take up item 2 16:22:13 agendum 2. "SVG meeting follow up" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:22:22 LS: had a concern - priority of helping SVG vs. giving the WCAG support deliverables 16:23:18 June 7th: Release of 2nd editors draft of techniques - to include more techniques including for numbers and restructuring 31st July - Frease 1st Working Draft to go to WCAG and PF for approval for: Issue papers, Techniques, Gap analysis 31st August Editors draft of the roadmap 1st November Editors draft for information for WCAG 1st November 2nd Working Draft of user research module 1st... 16:23:20 ...December Editors draft of the glossary 16:24:11 q? 16:24:34 ... deadlines are important because WCAG put in their deadlines having a COGA extension by november 16:24:35 q+ 16:24:39 ... 16:25:50 ack m 16:26:11 RS: SVG might go slowly, and take pieces of it. have a lot to do about providing semantics for graphics and robots at the moment. if we have ideas for navigation, that will be welcome. 16:26:53 MC: in the short term, what will be done will be more in the category of techniques. the rest is further down the road 16:27:24 q? 16:27:26 q+ 16:28:03 MC: so far, nothing SVG specific 16:28:24 ... gap analysis originally against WCAG. 16:28:32 LS: it will need a phase 2 16:29:54 next item 16:30:02 ack r 16:30:06 next item 16:30:21 zakim, next item 16:30:21 agendum 3 was just opened, Lisa_Seeman 16:30:28 discussion: when will aria modules be ready 16:30:29 zakim, take up item 3 16:30:29 agendum 3. "right term for aria "function"" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:30:45 -> http://www.w3.org/2015/04/draft-aria-charter Draft ARIA charter 16:31:48 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2015May/0046.html 16:32:00 ack richardschwerdtfeger 16:32:08 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Syntax_for_adaptable_links_and_buttons 16:32:21 In terms of charter: if the coga group splits, we will joint work between groups 16:32:27 *MC: 16:33:25 LS: the idea is to have aria like semantics where people could list the function/task, importance, numbers free alterntive text, etc. 16:35:24 Rich: wouldn't make it a role, but aria-function, or aria-task 16:36:12 q? 16:37:11 LS: prefers the term function, in case we need the term task later on 16:37:22 prosal for aria-function 16:37:33 +1 16:37:34 does anyone object or has alternative suggestions? 16:37:36 +1 16:38:18 q+ 16:38:42 RS: will be a joint deliverable for the aria group and whichever group COGA is joined to 16:38:45 LS: 16:40:02 q- 16:40:02 action: Lisa to right up the aria proposal as requirment and add aria-function 16:40:02 Created ACTION-104 - Right up the aria proposal as requirment and add aria-function [on Lisa Seeman - due 2015-05-25]. 16:40:04 will need 1) aria-function; 2) aria-importance; 3) number free text, 4) non literal 16:40:47 q? 16:40:50 http://www.w3.org/2015/04/draft-aria-charter 16:40:52 MC: should focus on on requirements rather than semantics 16:41:51 Rich: timelines - in charter, working draft by 2017 16:42:43 LS: need it by November 2015, as WCAG need it for then 16:43:13 if we don't push for that day, any changes will be in next version 16:44:39 RS: need it to be reviewed by both groups by that date 16:45:27 LS: 1st public working draft by Nov 2015 16:46:21 ...we have 5 volunteers making JSON scripts, including out of W3C 16:46:35 ... believes it will take one year further 16:47:29 ...November 2015: first working draft. November 2016: CR 16:47:57 RS: do you believe it will go quickly from CR to recommendation? 16:48:26 q? 16:48:31 LS: 5 different organisations implementing 16:49:02 Janina: better early than late, so better be careful with the dates 16:49:31 LS: fine with longer gap between 1st working draft and CR 16:49:47 Michael: how long will it be in CR? 16:50:15 RS: guess 6 months - August 2017 16:52:33 1st public working draft: november 2015. CR draft: January 2017. PR draft: Jan 2018. 16:53:07 PR: May 2018. gives longer for multiple CRs 16:53:55 Michael: April 2018 for recommendation 16:54:06 LS: concerned with wcag 16:54:45 MC: wcag recommends techniques twice a year 16:56:04 ... timelines for WCAG extensions are seperate issue 16:57:57 LS: concerned with WCAG extensions. could they use techniques in working draft 16:58:37 Rich: Regrets for next 2 weeks as I am on vacation 16:59:18 MC: it will be in recommendations. we could have recommendations not dependant on aria 16:59:37 LS: such techniques will be horrible 17:00:42 MC: wcag had some horrible techniques. strongly disrecommends teqhniques that rely only on one technology 17:01:10 LS: would like aria to see how much it could be synched 17:02:33 MC: do not depend on one technology for wcag 17:02:36 SC 17:03:11 rrsagent, make logs public 17:03:21 rrsagent, create minutes 17:03:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/18-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 17:04:02 zakim, please part 17:04:02 Zakim has left #coga 17:04:15 rrsagent, please par 17:04:15 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please par', Lisa_Seeman. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:04:18 rrsagent, please part 17:04:18 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/05/18-coga-actions.rdf : 17:04:18 ACTION: Lisa to right up the aria proposal as requirment and add aria-function [1] 17:04:18 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/05/18-coga-irc#T16-40-02-1