14:14:02 RRSAgent has joined #eo 14:14:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-irc 14:14:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:14:04 Zakim has joined #eo 14:14:06 Zakim, this will be 3694 14:14:06 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:14:07 Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference 14:14:07 Date: 13 May 2015 14:14:23 Chair: Shawn 14:16:06 Scribe: yatil 14:16:14 Scribe: EricE 14:16:19 scribenick: 14:16:21 scribenick: yatil 14:16:35 Topic: Introductions around the table 14:16:51 [Everyone introducing themselves] 14:18:15 present: Brent, Kevin, Wayne, Sharron, Wilco, EricE, Howard, James_Green, Shawn 14:18:33 Topic: Agenda 14:18:55 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_May_2015 14:22:23 Topic: Quickref User Feedback 14:22:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/UT_May_2015/Session_Feedback/Quickref -> Quickref User Feedback 14:26:38 q+ to say floating left menu 14:28:34 q+ to ask if people found search and filter 14:33:41 SME - went back and forth between filter dialog and main interface to try to figure out what had happened & what had changed 14:34:07 s/SME /SME[Brent's] 14:35:58 ISSUE: links that go out vs expand 14:35:58 Created ISSUE-2 - Links that go out vs expand. Please complete additional details at . 14:37:17 q+ to say later -- tangent: line length 14:37:37 No tangents, shawn! 14:46:51 present + Shadi 14:52:52 s/present + Shadi// 14:52:56 present+ Shadi 14:53:36 q+ to say techniques (description from top of previous) 15:08:53 kevin has joined #eo 15:09:36 q+ to say 101 first 15:15:10 Sharron has joined #eo 16:01:28 q? 16:27:04 yatil has joined #eo 16:39:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:39:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-minutes.html yatil 16:39:57 s/Scribe: yatil// 16:41:14 s/No tangents, shawn!// 16:41:30 topic: WCAG Report Tool Feedback 16:45:42 q+ to say that I had another participant. 17:40:53 yatil has joined #eo 17:53:39 ack y 17:53:39 yatil, you wanted to say that I had another participant. 18:05:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:05:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-minutes.html yatil 18:34:55 Joshue has joined #eo 18:59:27 Joshue has joined #eo 18:59:46 Sharron has joined #eo 19:12:05 yatil has joined #eo 19:13:35 Wayne has joined #eo 19:14:46 This methodology describes the steps that are common to processes for comprehensive evaluation of the extent of conformance of websites. 19:15:38 This wording is not as important as the concept that what EM gives you is more important than the fact that it comes from EM. 19:16:29 The EM methodology should be built into the text and to explain the workflow. 19:23:20 +1 Wayne! 19:57:29 Zakim has left #eo 20:59:02 ack shawn 20:59:29 Zakim has joined #eo 20:59:34 ack shawn 21:16:00 yatil has joined #eo 21:16:13 q+ James 21:16:19 q+ Shawn 21:16:24 q+ Wilco 21:16:28 q+shadi 21:16:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:16:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-minutes.html yatil 21:17:16 Topic: Roadmap Feedback 21:17:46 [Tangential discussion about short-time help.] 21:18:17 s/[Tangential/[loooong Tangential 21:18:24 ack j 21:18:39 s/[loooong Tangential/[important loooong Tangential 21:19:02 ack shawn 21:20:02 Shawn: I think we got that in the “Improving” document! 21:20:04 http://www.w3.org/WAI/impl/improving#strategic 21:20:07 Eric: I agree. 21:21:02 q? 21:21:16 ack shadi 21:21:49 Wayne: Starting a long term plan is one of the best risk mitigation help. 21:22:18 Shadi: I don’t think telling people that starting with a plan is helping too much. 21:22:59 ack wilco 21:23:16 … I don’t think we have that content, not the three week timeframe, but it is going into the right direction. 21:24:14 Wilco: There are orgs that need to monkey patch but you have to make sure that it doesn’t stop there, there should be something that is setting you up to get the long term planning started. 21:25:54 s/I don’t think telling people that starting with a plan is helping too much./I don’t think just telling people that starting with a plan is helping too much, we need short-time solutions as well. 21:40:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:40:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-minutes.html yatil 21:41:20 kevin-mobile has joined #eo 21:41:57 s/yatil, you wanted to say that I had another participant.// 21:42:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:42:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-minutes.html yatil 21:43:25 s|https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/UT_May_2015/Session_Feedback/Quickref -> Quickref User Feedback|-> Quickref User Feedback https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/UT_May_2015/Session_Feedback/Quickref 21:43:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:43:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/13-eo-minutes.html yatil 21:44:55 Topic: Video 21:46:07 Shadi: We had feedback and have updated the video. We want also highlight cross-benefits, make accessibility more tangible and innovative. Demonstrate broader benefits. Also technical things, for example audio descriptions. 21:46:44 … Focus on designers and devs changed to more general audience that is unaware of the importance of accessibility. 21:47:43 … Videos are accompanied by text, the stories are text and videos. 2-3 paragraphs, 30-40 seconds. 21:47:59 q+ to say longer text stories and short video clip 21:48:26 … Format: Have some kind of a punch line would help. 21:51:47 ack shawn 21:51:47 shawn, you wanted to say longer text stories and short video clip 21:53:41 kevin-mobile has joined #eo 21:54:20 ac2 0e 21:54:23 ack me 21:54:33 s/ac2 0e/ 23:14:37 yatil has joined #eo