13:14:20 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 13:14:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-irc 13:15:01 Zakim, space for 15 for 180 minutes? 13:15:03 sorry, ericP; could not schedule an adhoc conference; passcode overlap; if you do not have a fixed code you may try again 13:18:35 Tony has joined #HCLS 13:19:57 Zakim, space for 15 for 100 minutes? 13:19:58 ok, ericP; conference Team_(hcls)13:19Z scheduled with code 4257 (HCLS) for 100 minutes until 1459Z 13:24:36 TallTed has joined #hcls 13:29:43 Team_(hcls)13:19Z has now started 13:29:51 +ericP 13:30:10 BrianPech has joined #hcls 13:31:24 +bpech 13:33:54 +Tony 13:35:17 +rhausam 13:35:38 Tony has joined #HCLS 13:37:49 Lloyd has joined #HCLS 13:39:48 rhausam has joined #HCLS 13:50:11 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_OSV7VKS60hb3lObTdodGFwcUk/view?usp=sharing 13:50:21 thanks Rob 13:50:28 that should work for the slides - sorry for the delay! 13:54:37 present: Andy SteYou're only choppy when we talk too. 13:56:18 Present: Bill de Beaubren, Viet Nguyen, David Parker, Michael Vanderzel, Stephen Royce, Emory Fry, Claude Nanjo, Charlie mead, Lloyd McKenzie, Grahame Grieve, John Moehrke, Esteban Aliverti, Paul Knapp 13:56:38 (not sure that worked . . .) 13:59:30 MacTed has joined #hcls 13:59:55 MacTed has joined #hcls 14:01:16 rhausam_ has joined #HCLS 14:01:54 having some wifi and/or internet glitches - seems OK now 14:02:03 are you hearing Lloyd OK? 14:02:10 TallTed has joined #hcls 14:05:33 Can you hear us? 14:05:51 Yes, we hear you now 14:07:00 Claude has joined #hcls 14:09:20 are you hearing Charlie Mead? 14:09:41 Charlie Mead: Working with a group in France involved in the use of semantic technologies and making info available through APIs. 14:10:03 Have most of major terminologies modeled as RDF and working on defining disease graphs. 14:11:38 This group would be interested in collaborating but do they have a way to collaborate. They are not involved in the functional aspect of software but are interested in providing the knowledge that drives the functionality. 14:12:28 (e.g., modeling drug-drug interactions, etc...). They are not really into clinical care but more interested in the infrastructure that supports the use of such knowledge. 14:13:06 ...including clinical knowledge. 14:13:42 Emory: Asked Charlie to describe the terminology graph work they are doing. 14:14:39 Charlie: 5 main terminologies represented as Top Quadrant RDF terminology graphs using EVN 14:15:05 They are then building relationships between their terminologies in EVN. 14:19:38 Claude: There are similar efforts done in a number of areas. For instance, some of the work done by the VA seems very similar. 14:24:32 dbooth has joined #hcls 14:24:55 +DBooth 14:24:56 who is here? 14:25:57 Vet: Does NDFRT have an RDF representation? A lot of knowledge exists there. 14:26:26 Emory: No but two years ago Conor Dowlings provided an RDF representation of NDFRT but it is probably dated now. The approach is feasible though. 14:27:19 Emory to Eric: What about the turkish rule working on a disease ontology? 14:27:33 Charlie: A smart group. Eric, what is their name for IRC? 14:27:53 Rob: They might be interested in what we are doing. 14:28:32 Emory: Started a WG to start to restructure the SNOMED tree in a more structure ontology but it did not keep its momentum. 14:28:56 Charlie: This group could bring a lot of knowledge to this group. 14:29:37 They have worked on mappings between terminologies. All of it open source. IMI? 14:29:54 Will reach out to this group. 14:30:01 SALUS group 14:30:08 SALUS - an IMI project. 14:30:30 Claude to David: How well can you hear? 14:30:44 Great 14:31:02 q+ 14:32:21 David: Could we get someone from SALUS group to talk to our group? 14:32:46 Charlie: Suggests that we read up on what they have done for background prior to this call. 14:32:55 Rob: Is there a link? 14:33:05 ACTION: Charlie to contact someone from SALUS group about presenting to this group 14:33:05 Error finding 'Charlie'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:33:06 Charlie: Do a search for this group 14:33:52 Here is their information: http://salusproject.eu/ 14:34:42 Future work: 14:34:46 dbooth: What priorities after FHIR? 14:34:54 1. Terminology mappings/alignment 14:35:12 2. How to align info models with terminologies 14:35:27 Grahame: No standards on terminology representation in RDF. 14:35:40 Need an authoritative RDF representation of this terminology. 14:35:50 Becomes a nightmare. 14:39:30 11179 14:40:04 Grahame: There should be a canonical representation for each terminologies rather than everyone defining their own OWL models for each terminology 14:40:50 Claude: Could we go further and define a common framework so that when terminologies publish, they publish into a common knowledgebase. 14:41:36 Charlie: Could we leverage some of the work done by the community to help us get there. 14:42:36 Perhaps this group proposes and helps develop this framework provided terminology SDOs agree to support. 14:43:59 emory: How to contribute to use of RDF for modeling or knowledge mgmt? VA is working on concept mgmt . . . KBs to use for CDS or other. 14:44:14 Emory: How can this SWG contribute to adoption of RDF? VA is begining to discuss and implement a 'concept-relationship-service' - KBs that can be called within business logic and CDS used within care plans for instance. To the extent that this is an example of value using RDF, it might be something that WG might wish to get behind and coordinate with VA. 14:44:15 ... WG might get behind that and coordinate w VA. 14:45:35 charlie: RDF allows domain experts for the first time to talk w IT folks about the same graph for the first time. 14:45:54 Thanks David for taking notes 14:46:40 emory: I've observed that too. Ability to communicate w the engineers about the data. 14:48:01 charlie: IBM vocab for routes and dosages 14:48:15 ... Can do a model that everybody understands. 14:49:01 q+ 14:49:41 dbooth: Need to standardize the standards to have authoritative RDF representations. 14:50:30 ack dbooth 14:54:54 -bpech 14:54:55 q+ 14:56:02 ack ericP 14:56:24 ack next 14:56:42 charlie: 11179 got traction because a lot of orgs said "how do we do this?" and people said just use 11179. 14:58:43 claude: why not leverage experience of IHTSDO? Represent the precoord term in consistent way using postcoord equiv. If you do not provide overarching ont, then everyone has to do that coord themselves. 14:58:45 q+ 15:01:03 Thank you to everyone on the phone for participating. 15:01:05 ack dbooth 15:01:09 dbooth: I agree that an uber ont will eventually emerge, but: (a) it is very difficult to know what it should be in advance; and (b) it is socially problematic to try to impose one from the outset. I think we need to go through some bottom-up pain to get there. 15:01:41 egombocz has joined #HCLS 15:05:43 -Tony 15:05:56 -DBooth 15:06:13 -ericP 15:06:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:06:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 15:06:32 -rhausam 15:06:33 Team_(hcls)13:19Z has ended 15:06:33 Attendees were ericP, bpech, Tony, rhausam, DBooth 15:10:51 rrsagent, make logs public 15:25:08 Meeting: Healthcare and Life Sciences, Paris F2F 15:25:27 Chair: Claude Nanjo and Rob Hausam 15:26:31 i/drive.google/Topic: RDF subgroup introduction 15:30:00 i/Working with/Topic: Future directions 15:30:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:30:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 15:30:23 s/who is here?// 15:30:47 s/Claude to David: How well can you hear?// 15:31:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:31:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 15:33:56 Present+ Andy Stechin 15:34:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:34:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 15:35:00 s/Andy Stechin/Andy_Stechin/ 15:35:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:35:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:04:09 Zakim has left #hcls 18:13:53 s/pain/experience and pain/ 18:13:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:13:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:21:38 Present+ Brian_Pech David_Booth Tony_Mallia 18:21:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:21:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:24:27 Present+ Eric_Prud'hommeaux 18:24:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:24:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/11-hcls-minutes.html dbooth