IRC log of aria-apg on 2015-05-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

17:00:01 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg
17:00:01 [RRSAgent]
logging to
17:00:03 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs member
17:00:03 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #aria-apg
17:00:05 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be WAI_PF
17:00:05 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot, I see WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM already started
17:00:06 [trackbot]
Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference
17:00:06 [trackbot]
Date: 11 May 2015
17:00:32 [jamesn]
s/Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference/Meeting: ARIA APG TF/
17:00:40 [jamesn]
rrsagent, make log world
17:00:47 [jamesn]
zakim, who is on the call?
17:00:47 [Zakim]
On the phone I see James_Nurthen, Ann_Abbott
17:00:55 [Zakim]
17:01:03 [Zakim]
17:01:10 [jamesn]
zakim, clear agenda
17:01:10 [Zakim]
agenda cleared
17:01:18 [jamesn]
Agenda+ Discuss goals for next working draft
17:01:18 [jamesn]
Agenda+ Slider examples from John
17:01:18 [jamesn]
Agenda+ Listbox pattern
17:01:19 [janina]
zakim, who's on the phone?
17:01:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see James_Nurthen, Ann_Abbott, Matt_King, ??P6
17:01:22 [annabbott]
annabbott has joined #aria-apg
17:01:27 [jamesn]
agenda+ webex
17:01:29 [janina]
zakim, ??P6 is me
17:01:29 [Zakim]
+janina; got it
17:01:46 [jamesn]
17:01:57 [jongund]
jongund has joined #aria-apg
17:02:35 [mattking]
mattking has joined #aria-apg
17:03:04 [Zakim]
17:03:31 [Zakim]
17:04:13 [jamesn]
zakim, who is on the call?
17:04:13 [Zakim]
On the phone I see James_Nurthen, Ann_Abbott, Matt_King, janina, [IPcaller], Jon_Gunderson
17:04:24 [LJWatson]
[IPcaller] is me
17:04:25 [jamesn]
zakim, IPcaller is Leonie
17:04:25 [Zakim]
+Leonie; got it
17:05:23 [jamesn]
scribe: jamesn
17:05:50 [jamesn]
zakim, take up item 4
17:05:50 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "webex" taken up [from jamesn]
17:06:45 [jamesn]
js: w3c will be decomissioning zakim at end of june at the latest
17:06:51 [jamesn]
js: for timebeing will be moving to webex
17:07:12 [jamesn]
js: we are asked to transition to that and make sure done soon
17:07:27 [jamesn]
js: most groups have a surprise
17:07:37 [jamesn]
js: trial in a week without a critical agenda
17:07:46 [jamesn]
js: maybe try next week or week after
17:08:09 [jamesn]
js: will be aconference code for this call. It will stay the same week to week but have no control over the 9 digit code
17:08:15 [jamesn]
js: several ways to access
17:08:34 [jamesn]
js: android, iOS and windows mobile clients are reasonably accessible
17:08:45 [jamesn]
js: browser plugins are not very accessible
17:08:54 [jamesn]
js: there is also a direct dial 617 access number
17:09:08 [jamesn]
js: the international numbers do not work for the MIT service
17:09:39 [jamesn]
js: once you use the mobile or web interface you can either use the client directly to access the voip or you can ask to be called at any numnber internationally
17:09:46 [jamesn]
js: that is pretty much it
17:09:52 [jamesn]
js: will continue to use irc
17:10:14 [jamesn]
js: includes zakim for agenda and queues but to tie-in
17:10:25 [jamesn]
js: need to type presence into zakim when join
17:10:33 [Zakim]
17:10:40 [jamesn]
js: present+ james_Nurthen for example
17:10:55 [jamesn]
js: worth doing early as may take some getting used to
17:11:24 [jamesn]
mk: lets do ASAP to get the hiccups worked out early'
17:11:48 [jamesn]
js: once we have the conference code there will be a page for this meeting
17:11:56 [jamesn]
js: best via email
17:12:22 [jamesn]
js: not sure if there was a callout over skype or sip
17:12:59 [jamesn]
js: dial in number will change
17:13:54 [bgaraventa1979]
bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria-apg
17:14:03 [jamesn]
jn: if you need a client then download it in advance
17:14:26 [bgaraventa1979]
zakim, I am Bryan_Garaventa
17:14:26 [Zakim]
ok, bgaraventa1979, I now associate you with Bryan_Garaventa
17:14:51 [jamesn]
js: they have also promised better accessibility of the web plugins etc.
17:17:19 [jamesn]
jn: mail will be sent later this week with all the details
17:17:42 [jamesn]
zakim, close this item
17:17:42 [Zakim]
agendum 4 closed
17:17:43 [Zakim]
I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
17:17:43 [Zakim]
1. Discuss goals for next working draft [from jamesn]
17:17:48 [jamesn]
zakim, take up item 1
17:17:48 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Discuss goals for next working draft" taken up [from jamesn]
17:18:15 [jamesn]
mk: on the current draft which we hurried at the end
17:19:16 [jamesn]
mk: we wiped out all the bugs on the simple patterns with the exceptions of listbox and autocomplete but what we didn't do were examples for all of them. The plan for last fall was to go through all the basic widgets then move to the more omplex
17:19:29 [jamesn]
mk: didnt talk about example dev in priorities
17:19:46 [jamesn]
mk: good to do in parallel with other work and can review as they come up
17:20:07 [jamesn]
mk: but should set up a target for examples for the next working draft
17:20:45 [jamesn]
mk: get the examples for the pattern that we documented in this working draft. while working on those examples can work on the doc side of the next 8-10 patterns
17:21:02 [jamesn]
mk: maybe some who have focus on doc could switch focus to examples for next working draft
17:21:34 [jamesn]
jn: work for MC
17:21:52 [jamesn]
mk: thought was easier after first one
17:23:27 [jamesn]
js: up to group to decide how often to publish heartbeats
17:24:04 [jamesn]
js: no need for call for consensus formally but in PF we do. HTML don't have call for consensus for a heartbeat
17:24:21 [jamesn]
js: you can decide how many uptakes etc are enough to be sufficient
17:24:33 [jamesn]
js: they could be relatively minor
17:24:45 [jamesn]
mk: wish we could go to automated heartbeats
17:25:05 [jamesn]
js: there will be a conversation about auto publication
17:25:20 [jamesn]
js: michael thinks there are some gaps in the tooling
17:25:35 [jamesn]
js: do we want to not have CFC's for heartbeats
17:25:49 [jamesn]
js: that is to be decided after the charter is in place
17:26:28 [jamesn]
mk: I would like to get a heartbeat out sooner than thanksgiving
17:27:30 [jamesn]
jn: no objections if the work for michael is not too much
17:27:58 [jamesn]
mk: would like something meaningful by the4 end of the summer
17:28:25 [jamesn]
jn: every 3 months heartbeat
17:28:52 [jamesn]
jn: end of july target last edits
17:29:01 [jamesn]
jn: aim for heartbeats every 3 monthsw
17:29:15 [jamesn]
mk: keep priority of working though patterns
17:29:31 [jamesn]
mk: there are still some logical levels of complexity to work through
17:30:05 [jamesn]
mk: i think i have aleraqdy done some work in prioritising
17:30:17 [jamesn]
mk: put out for review to suggestr the next 6-8 patterns
17:30:39 [jamesn]
mk: ALSo some other sections being referenced and do something with those in the next update
17:31:43 [jamesn]
mk: feel like going in with a knife and taking care of the old primer content
17:31:55 [jamesn]
jn: no objections from me
17:31:59 [jamesn]
lw: +1
17:32:55 [jamesn]
mk: would be great to get Ian to help on some of these
17:33:22 [jamesn]
mk: if it goes well could have basic patterns covered
17:33:38 [jamesn]
jg: want to work on more examples - let me know what are the priorities
17:33:56 [jamesn]
mk: any that we have finished the reviews are candidaTES
17:34:33 [jamesn]
jg: if you like the examples i have done i will get Jemma to work on some of them
17:34:45 [jamesn]
jg: also someone else has stuff we might be able to use
17:38:00 [jamesn]
jn: will work on a wiki page to track the practicves
17:38:51 [jamesn]
zakim, next item
17:38:51 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Slider examples from John" taken up [from jamesn]
17:39:32 [jamesn]
jg: been updating what the AT does
17:40:04 [jamesn]
jg: horizontal read as left-right slider in JAWS
17:42:06 [jamesn]
(discussion of the examples and how they are reading)
17:46:37 [jamesn]
(editorial discussions)
17:49:02 [jamesn]
bg: IE11 is ignoring the valuetext and speaking the valuenow
17:56:26 [jamesn]
mk: is there some way we can make it really easy to just pull out the code for one of these sliders if they wanted to pull out the source code
17:57:32 [jamesn]
jg: the vertical slider css and js are different from the text slider
17:57:46 [jamesn]
jg: the js in in seperate files for each type of slider
17:59:03 [jamesn]
jg: i want the examples to be standalone
17:59:11 [jamesn]
jg: so i can use them in training
17:59:27 [Zakim]
18:04:57 [Zakim]
18:05:08 [jamesn]
zakim, list attendees
18:05:08 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been James_Nurthen, Ann_Abbott, Matt_King, janina, Jon_Gunderson, Leonie, Bryan_Garaventa
18:05:12 [Zakim]
18:05:13 [Zakim]
18:05:14 [Zakim]
18:05:14 [Zakim]
18:05:16 [Zakim]
WAI_PFWG(ARIA)1:00PM has ended
18:05:16 [Zakim]
Attendees were James_Nurthen, Ann_Abbott, Matt_King, janina, Jon_Gunderson, Leonie, Bryan_Garaventa
18:05:21 [jamesn]
rrsagent, make minutes
18:05:21 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jamesn
19:25:55 [jamesn]
jamesn has joined #aria-apg
20:12:23 [jamesn]
jamesn has joined #aria-apg
21:15:54 [jnurthen]
jnurthen has joined #aria-apg