18:01:32 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:01:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/07-shapes-irc 18:01:34 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:01:36 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:01:36 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM scheduled to start now 18:01:37 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:01:37 Date: 07 May 2015 18:01:40 Zakim, ??p5 is me 18:01:41 I already had ??P5 as ??P5, BartvanLeeuwen 18:01:50 q- 18:01:58 ack ??p5 18:02:44 Zakim, ??p5 is BartvanLeeuwen 18:02:44 I already had ??P5 as ??P5, ericP 18:02:46 Dimitris has joined #shapes 18:02:48 Zakim, who's here? 18:02:48 I notice DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has restarted 18:02:50 On the phone I see pfps, [IPcaller], TallTed, ericP, aryman, kcoyle, ??P5 18:02:50 On IRC I see Dimitris, RRSAgent, kcoyle, Zakim, pfps, hsolbrig, aryman, BartvanLeeuwen, TallTed, Arnaud, rhiaro, trackbot, ericP 18:02:57 Zakim, ??p5 is really BartvanLeeuwen 18:02:57 +BartvanLeeuwen; got it 18:03:02 cygri has joined #shapes 18:03:29 zakim, code? 18:03:29 the conference code is 742737 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), cygri 18:03:40 +[IPcaller.a] 18:03:46 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 18:03:46 +cygri; got it 18:03:59 +Dimitris 18:03:59 Zakim, [ is hsolbrig 18:04:00 +hsolbrig; got it 18:04:06 zakim, mute me 18:04:06 cygri should now be muted 18:04:31 -1 18:04:54 +??P18 18:05:24 SimonSteyskal has joined #shapes 18:05:33 Zakim, ???P18 is SimonSteyskal 18:05:34 sorry, ericP, I do not recognize a party named '???P18' 18:05:38 Zakim, ??P18 is SimonSteyskal 18:05:38 +SimonSteyskal; got it 18:05:45 Labra has joined #shapes 18:06:23 scribebick: TallTed 18:06:32 +[IPcaller] chair: ericP agenda: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.05.07 regrets: Arnaud 18:06:34 scribenick: TallTed 18:06:41 Zakim, [ is Labra 18:06:41 +Labra; got it 18:06:44 zakim, [IPCaller] is labra 18:06:44 sorry, Labra, I do not recognize a party named '[IPCaller]' 18:06:48 topic: Admin 18:07:01 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 30 April Telecons: http://www.w3.org/2015/04/30-shapes-minutes.html 18:07:02 minutes look OK to me 18:07:16 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 30 April Telecons: http://www.w3.org/2015/04/30-shapes-minutes.html 18:07:45 next meeting: 2015.05.14 18:08:42 topic: Tracking of actions & issues 18:08:50 ack me 18:09:07 action-19? 18:09:07 action-19 -- Richard Cyganiak to Add requirement(s) for RDF collections to address ISSUE-46 -- due 2015-04-30 -- PENDINGREVIEW 18:09:07 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/actions/19 18:09:24 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2015May/0017.html PROPOSED: Open ISSUE-47 and ISSUE-48 18:12:42 +1 open both 18:12:47 +1 to opening 47 18:12:52 +1 18:12:57 +1 to opening 48 as well 18:13:02 +1 18:13:10 +1 18:13:41 +1 to open 48 RESOLVED: Close ACTION-19 RESOLVED: Open ISSUE-47 and ISSUE-48 18:17:48 ISSUE-47? 18:17:48 ISSUE-47 -- Can SPARQL-based constraints access the shape graph, and how? -- open 18:17:48 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/47 18:18:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 18:18:55 On the phone I see pfps, hsolbrig, TallTed, ericP, aryman, kcoyle, BartvanLeeuwen, cygri, Dimitris, SimonSteyskal, Labra 18:16:20 topic: SHACL spec 18:19:31 topic: ISSUE-37 18:19:36 issue-37? 18:19:36 issue-37 -- Naming of node kind facet -- open 18:19:36 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/37 18:20:29 +q 18:21:14 ack kcoyle 18:21:37 q+ 18:21:57 kcoyle: what does facet mean here? 18:22:18 ack next 18:22:48 aryman: "facet" here refers to the different kinds of things which can be used to define constraints -- "facets of a constraint" 18:23:08 +q 18:23:23 hknublau has joined #shapes 18:24:35 ericP: are these all the facets we can think of? 18:24:45 +[IPcaller] 18:25:01 Zakim, [IPcaller] is me 18:25:01 +hknublau; got it 18:25:14 ack SimonSteyskal 18:25:28 aryman: no, there are others. e.g., may want to require a literal be from a list of values 18:25:47 q+ 18:26:05 ack next 18:26:44 q+ 18:26:58 ack next 18:27:55 q+ to propose really long names until we resolve names 18:28:13 TallTed: there are too many variables in flux here -- each of these impacts the others, so deciding on one at a time doesn't work. we need sets to consider against each other, even if that starts with a lot of sets. 18:28:57 cygri: we don't need to focus on this now. let the editors pick a set, and people can argue against those later, if there are issues. 18:29:21 q? 18:29:24 ack next 18:29:25 ericP, you wanted to propose really long names until we resolve names 18:30:16 +q 18:30:20 ericP: one thing we could do for safety is to use painfully clear names, e.g., RdfSyntaxNodeKind, so search-and-replace later, when we figure out what simpler names we like, is easy 18:30:34 ack next 18:30:56 q+ 18:31:02 ack next 18:31:26 Dimitris: test suite development demands more stability than that would give us 18:31:51 cygri: we're not far enough along to deliver that much stablity... 18:34:41 ericP: maybe TallTed can pivot the naming under consideration. 18:35:23 ACTION: TallTed to arrange https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Facet_Property_Names to have a table of aspects of contraints (X) and coherent proposals (Y) 18:35:23 Created ACTION-21 - Arrange https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/facet_property_names to have a table of aspects of contraints (x) and coherent proposals (y) [on Ted Thibodeau - due 2015-05-14]. 18:35:48 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/42 18:36:01 topic: issue-42 18:36:05 issue-42? 18:36:05 issue-42 -- Adding sh:notEqual to potential datatype properties? -- open 18:36:05 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/42 18:36:26 q+ 18:37:02 q+ 18:37:36 SimonSteyskal: basically sh:notEqual syntactic sugar to remove need to bracket with sh:maxExclusive, sh:minExclusive 18:37:48 ack next 18:37:52 ... could also handle with SPARQL, if that's available 18:39:06 cygri: slippery slope here. easy to say "notEqual to a constant" but it's also easy to imagine more complex comparatives than that constant -- another property, some complex relationship, etc. 18:39:36 +q 18:39:46 ack SimonSteyskal 18:39:46 +q 18:39:59 ... how common is this use case? if very common, then perhaps sugar makes sense; if not so common, better to push to extension mechanism 18:40:34 +q 18:40:45 ack next 18:41:17 q- 18:41:44 -> https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/41 issue 41 18:42:22 *a common use case is owl property disjointness* 18:43:11 Labra: supports not equal as part of core 18:43:24 q+ 18:43:48 q+ 18:43:51 aryman: my concern is complexity of evaluation of potentially complex expression 18:45:19 SimonSteyskal: origin was railway domain, where two values could not be equal 18:45:44 ack next 18:46:14 ack TallTed 18:46:36 TallTed: we are already evaluating comparisons...so we could also evaluate negatively as well 18:47:50 ack next 18:48:22 q+ 18:48:23 TallTed: so 41 and 42 are explicitly about paths... changes consideration 18:48:35 q+ 18:48:37 q+ 18:49:08 cygri: question here seems more how to decide core vs not-core/extension 18:50:12 ack next 18:50:45 ack next 18:51:04 cygri: which should be based on commonality of requirement/need, according to charter and otherwise 18:51:44 ack next 18:51:56 aryman: grey area exists, too, depending on complexity of implementation even for lightly-required feature 18:52:33 Labra: concedes there are more complexities than first thought, so this may belong in extension rather than core 18:52:45 q? 18:54:56 q+ 18:55:13 ACTION: Simon to propose a "more compelling" use case for = and != for property paths (Issue-41, Issue-42) 18:55:14 Created ACTION-22 - Propose a "more compelling" use case for = and != for property paths (issue-41, issue-42) [on Simon Steyskal - due 2015-05-14]. 18:57:27 q+ 18:57:42 ack next 18:57:55 ack next 18:58:26 +q 18:58:31 +q 18:58:37 [[ back and forth about supporting Property Paths in general, and what was intended by these issues ]] 18:59:13 ack next 18:59:28 pfps has joined #shapes 18:59:53 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Named_Shapes 19:00:16 hsolbrig: question about uniqueness requirements for Named Shapes 19:01:06 ack next 19:01:41 SimonSteyskal: both issues could certainly be realized through extension mechanism; just wanted to raise the question of whether these were worth putting into core 19:02:55 ACTION: Simon to write up semantics (eq, ne, and any other constraint aspect) in the face of zero-or-more results to a property path 19:02:55 Created ACTION-23 - Write up semantics (eq, ne, and any other constraint aspect) in the face of zero-or-more results to a property path [on Simon Steyskal - due 2015-05-14]. 19:03:37 topic: issue-23 19:03:38 issue-23? 19:03:38 issue-23 -- Shapes, classes and punning -- open 19:03:38 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/23 19:03:42 -> http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/23 ISSUE-23: Shapes, classes and punning 19:03:50 kcoyle has joined #shapes 19:08:41 q+ 19:08:51 ack next 19:09:00 q+ 19:09:36 ack next 19:10:36 [[ classes are not shapes ... mixing them is potentially troublesome ... but some want to mix them in some ways ]] 19:10:44 +q 19:10:51 ack next 19:11:45 q+ 19:12:08 ack next 19:12:45 hknublau: my starting point in ldom had no shapes, classes were sufficient. ontology developers who must define both a person and personshape may just laugh at us. 19:14:56 q+ 19:15:00 +q 19:15:04 cygri: summarizes three viewpoints: 1) class and shape are different, and if we blend them, bad things will happen. 19:15:04 ... 2) it's debatable whether and how class and shape are different, and potential problems are addressable when/if they arise. 19:15:04 ... 3) class and shape are basically the same, and blending is natural 19:15:06 ack next 19:15:06 problem 1: if shapes are classes then they will be used for ontology modelling 19:15:51 aryman: people wanted something like shapes, but all they had was rdfs and owl, so these were used ... or more correctly, mis-used 19:16:04 +q 19:16:12 ... if you put that into a reasoner, you get unintended answers 19:16:31 ... stardog proposed an alternate semantics for owl 19:16:55 ack next 19:17:05 ... proposals are now about constraints, why go back to inferencing? 19:17:11 aryman, classes can be used for other things than inferencing. 19:17:11 Stardog ICV is not an alternative semantics for OWL as an ontology language, it is a way to define constraints that uses the syntax of OWL 19:18:05 ack next 19:18:12 Dimitris: shapes and classes are different, but we could blur the lines in some ways 19:20:20 hknublau: two topics here -- 1) do we want to support selection of shapes based on rdf:type? already resolved and accepted 19:20:20 ... 2) how can we make the link between classes and shapes to handle that support? easy if they're permitted to overlap (and could have same URI); harder if not, means many more questions must be answered 19:20:57 q+ to ask if the propsal is that having one node identifying a type and a shape but have those definitions kept in seperate graphs 19:22:35 q+ 19:22:41 ack next 19:22:42 ericP, you wanted to ask if the propsal is that having one node identifying a type and a shape but have those definitions kept in seperate graphs 19:22:42 q+ 19:22:43 ack next 19:23:04 ack next 19:23:07 q+ 19:23:37 ack next 19:24:11 +q 19:24:20 TallTed: +1 to harold. both extremes seem bad. giving the choice seems optimal 19:24:34 q+ 19:25:00 +1 to Arthur, the issue not whether classes can or can't be shapes but whether the processors need to do something special for classes that are shapes 19:25:07 ... is sounds like you are saying that by asserting the type arc, i'm imposing that class in all places and times 19:25:21 q+ 19:25:28 ... i think that we're closing withing a topic 19:25:34 s/topic/context 19:25:55 s/imposing that class/imposing that shape on that class/ 19:25:55 ack next 19:26:42 aryman: "what does it mean for a shape to be a class?" 19:27:16 q- 19:27:37 hknublau: the meaning is the same as if you define a shape identically to the class for which you're defining that shape... 19:27:42 q+ 19:27:56 hknublau: it's basically syntactic sugar 19:28:09 ack next 19:29:08 ack next 19:29:30 -hsolbrig 19:29:36 aryman: it's very common in RDF to have links that refer to resources in other graphs 19:30:23 ... say a bug report, and reference is a test case. :hasRelatedTestCase :xyz, :xyz a :testCase 19:30:33 Yes, another problem is just what it means to be a class? Is it a direct rdf:type link to rdfs:class? Can there be rdfs:subClassOf links involved? Can there be rdfs:subPropertyOf links involved? There will be complaints about any of these options. 19:31:38 aryman, you can do that with subclasses. 19:32:26 bye 19:32:29 ADJOURNED 19:32:31 -pfps 19:33:02 -BartvanLeeuwen 19:41:47 hknublau has left #shapes 19:42:37 -SimonSteyskal 19:42:39 -ericP 19:42:39 -Dimitris 19:42:42 Dimitris has left #shapes 19:42:44 -aryman 19:55:26 -kcoyle 19:56:25 -hknublau 19:56:26 -TallTed 19:56:26 -cygri 19:56:34 -Labra 19:56:36 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has ended 19:56:36 Attendees were pfps, ericP, aryman, TallTed, kcoyle, BartvanLeeuwen, cygri, Dimitris, hsolbrig, SimonSteyskal, Labra, hknublau 19:57:00 very sneaky, Labra ;-) 20:03:16 trackbot, end meeting 20:03:16 Zakim, list attendees 20:03:16 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 20:03:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:03:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/07-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 20:03:25 RRSAgent, bye 20:03:25 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/05/07-shapes-actions.rdf : 20:03:25 ACTION: TallTed to arrange https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Facet_Property_Names to have a table of aspects of contraints (X) and coherent proposals (Y) [1] 20:03:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/05/07-shapes-irc#T18-35-23 20:03:25 ACTION: Simon to propose a "more compelling" use case for = and != for property paths (Issue-41, Issue-42) [3] 20:03:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/05/07-shapes-irc#T18-55-13 20:03:25 ACTION: Simon to write up semantics (eq, ne, and any other constraint aspect) in the face of zero-or-more results to a property path [4] 20:03:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/05/07-shapes-irc#T19-02-55