15:00:33 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:00:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/06-hcls-irc 15:00:35 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:00:35 Zakim has joined #hcls 15:00:37 Zakim, this will be HCLS 15:00:37 ok, trackbot; I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM scheduled to start now 15:00:38 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 15:00:38 Date: 06 May 2015 15:00:59 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has now started 15:01:06 +DBooth 15:03:12 Lloyd has joined #HCLS 15:03:40 Call running long. Should be on in ~2min 15:03:44 ok 15:03:54 rhausam has joined #HCLS 15:05:16 + +1.801.810.aaaa 15:05:29 zakim, aaaa is rhausam 15:05:29 +rhausam; got it 15:06:29 +ericP 15:08:16 Topic: Blank nodes and OWL reasoning: inherent problem or tool limitation? 15:08:36 My followup with Bijan Parsia: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2015May/0001.html 15:10:11 dbooth: Could also leave the blank nodes in, and blindly skolemize *all* blank nodes. 15:10:41 ... Grahame is concerned about the burden that turning these into URIs would place on RDF generation. 15:12:03 can you state again what Bijan's proposal was? where the functional property was to be used? 15:12:26 Rob, Bijan's reply: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2015May/0001.html 15:16:21 http://hl7-fhir.github.io/rdf.html 15:16:42 http://hl7-fhir.github.io/rdf.html# 15:18:58 dbooth: We want to be able to infer that the blank node instance of fhir:Observation.code is a loinc:54411-4; 15:19:27 ... based on fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:uri.value ] ; and fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:code.value "54411-4" ]; 15:19:59 +[IPcaller] 15:19:59 zakim, ipcaller is lloyd 15:20:00 +lloyd; got it 15:22:23 lloyd: Linkage to a concept is a combination of fhir:Coding.system and fhir:Coding.code and sometimes fhir:Coding.version 15:23:12 lloyd: The version may or may not be indicated and may or may not be relevant. Orthogonal issues. 15:23:22 ... Some say what the version is, some don't. 15:23:44 ... Plus version is a string, and there is not consistency in the string representation. 15:24:15 ... In some code systems the meaning can change between versions, and it is subjective whether you care about the meaning change between versions. 15:25:09 ... Ideally you would have the concept inferred from system, version and code. 15:25:36 ... And you'd have relationships between the concepts, and the version would have a fixed set of values. 15:26:33 ... If you have code x and version y, the version must be one of ten possibilities, so that if the concept is equivalent in all 10 versions, then you know what it is. 15:27:19 ... Some will assert LOINC changes meaning between versions; others say no. Depends on how much you care about the details. 15:27:33 Rob: SNOMED is pretty well behaved. ICD is not. 15:30:46 dbooth: Postpone deciding how to handle these blank nodes until eric has tried function and inverse function a bit more. 15:31:16 ACTION: Eric to try functional and inverse functional properties to see if they fix the blank node problem. 15:31:16 Created ACTION-25 - Try functional and inverse functional properties to see if they fix the blank node problem. [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2015-05-13]. 15:32:41 Topic: ISSUE-10: How to represent codeableconcept, coding and code? should all three be constraints on a common rdf type? 15:34:40 lloyd: Define a common concept for the three, then define three constraints. 15:35:04 dbooth: Need something in the instance for round tripping. 15:35:12 lloyd: Could be indicated in the type. 15:37:03 dbooth: We need to see three FHIR XML examples, with their corresponding RDF. 15:39:11 http://hl7-fhir.github.io/datatypes-examples.html# 15:40:00 15:40:00 15:40:00 15:40:00 15:40:01 15:40:01 15:40:03 15:41:28 http://hl7.org/fhir/2015May/auditevent.html 15:43:18 lloyd: click UML and look at Event. It has type CodeableConcept, subtype CodeableConcept, outcome code, and purposeOfEvent Coding. 15:43:53 ... When the type is only code, the system is already fixed. 15:44:54 http://hl7.org/fhir/2015May/auditevent-example.xml.html 15:45:10 that example always seeems to use system and code. 15:46:30 AuditEvent/event/type is a codable concept 15:46:32 lloyd: starting with AuditEvent go to AuditEvent / event / type (CodeableConcept) 15:46:42 AuditEvent/event/outcome is a code 15:46:54 AuditEvent/source/type is a concept 15:47:51 s/type is a concept/type is a coding/ 15:47:52 s/concept/coding/ 15:48:48 Topic: FHIR XML to RDF transformation 15:49:06 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLS/ClinicalObservationsInteroperability/FHIR#OWL_representation_of_FHIR_Schema fhir-rdf pipeline 15:49:48 ACTION: Lloyd to propose RDF versions of the above 3 FHIR XML examples 15:49:48 Error finding 'Lloyd'. You can review and register nicknames at . 15:52:40 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLS/ClinicalObservationsInteroperability/C-CDA#Mapping_to_FHIR example of ShEx extension 15:52:43 eric: This page is about tooling that reads FHIR spec and writes XSLT, which translates FHIR XML to FHIR RDF. 15:53:21 ... And it generates ShEx also, for going back to FHIR XML. 15:54:46 ... The teal colored material in the last link is the ShEx extension 15:54:56 -> https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/blob/master/generic/fhir-shapes.shex#L2274 GenX for FHIR/RDF -> FHIR/XML 15:55:25 ... that converts ORIM RDF to FHIR RDF. 15:56:00 eric: Here's what it looks like in ShEx for FHIR RDF. 15:57:02 ... GenX instructions generate FHIR XML. 15:57:38 -> http://www.w3.org/2013/ShEx/FancyShExDemo?schemaURL=test/GenX/schema.shex&dataURL=test/Issue-pass-date.ttl demo of GenX 15:57:40 ... I've tried it on small pieces and it works. 15:57:55 http://www.w3.org/2013/ShEx/FancyShExDemo?schemaURL=test%2FGenX%2Fschema.shex&dataURL=test%2FIssue-pass-date.ttl&starting-nodes=%3CIssue1%3E&colorize=true 15:58:35 eric: in this example you have the schema with GenX instructions for creating DOM tree. 15:58:51 ... Then RDF in the middle. Then validation info on the right. 15:59:08 ... Click popup there, under Validation messages. 16:00:44 ... ShEx approach is concise, though we might use the reference library instead of ShEx. 16:00:50 q+ 16:01:23 lloyd: Reference libraries will end up being used by most supporters. If we include anything else other than the ref libraries then implementers won't touch it. 16:01:43 ... We also want a single authoritative implementation that we've tested the hell out of. 16:02:06 ... But we could also have this out there. 16:02:52 ... Fine to let many flowers bloom, though we may not maintain them all, depending on bandwidth. 16:03:12 ack dbooth 16:03:58 dbooth: May be value in using ShEx initially to enable quicker trials and iteration. 16:04:25 -rhausam 16:05:09 dbooth: The quickest way to try it the better. 16:06:04 lloyd: I suspect that grahame has done some work on the ref impl, but not sure what. 16:06:33 ... Once we're comfortable that the conversions work and we like them, we can push it into the ref impls. 16:07:27 dbooth: should we start looking at a test suite? 16:08:00 eric: I'd like others to help on ShEx also, because it would give me more feedback on how useful it is. 16:08:46 dbooth: I'd like to help on ShEx approach. 16:08:52 my github: dbooth-boston 16:09:35 eric: Send me your github ID if you want to hack on the ShEx approach. 16:10:28 zakim, who is here? 16:10:28 On the phone I see DBooth, ericP, lloyd 16:10:30 On IRC I see rhausam, Lloyd, Zakim, RRSAgent, dbooth, TallTed, cloudcell_, trackbot, ericP 16:10:55 Chair: David Booth 16:12:22 -ericP 16:12:23 -DBooth 16:12:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:12:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/06-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:14:50 -lloyd 16:14:51 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:14:51 Attendees were DBooth, +1.801.810.aaaa, rhausam, ericP, lloyd 16:15:03 Present: dbooth ericP lloyd rhausam 16:15:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:15:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/06-hcls-minutes.html dbooth