14:17:52 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:17:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/29-annotation-irc 14:17:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:17:54 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:17:56 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:17:56 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 43 minutes 14:17:57 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:17:57 Date: 29 April 2015 14:48:17 fjh has joined #annotation 14:48:32 fjh has joined #annotation 14:48:36 fjh_ has joined #annotation 14:49:06 trackbot, start telecon 14:49:08 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:49:10 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:49:11 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 14:49:11 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:49:11 Date: 29 April 2015 14:52:40 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:53:39 azaroth has changed the topic to: agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0136.html ; Zakim 2666 14:55:39 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0136.html 14:56:02 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:56:06 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:57:49 Janina has joined #annotation 14:58:01 TimCole has joined #annotation 14:58:12 Jacob_ has joined #annotation 14:58:32 present+ Jacob_Jett 14:58:54 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has now started 14:59:01 paoloC has joined #annotation 14:59:01 +azaroth 14:59:02 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 14:59:14 naod has joined #annotation 14:59:28 Matt_Haas has joined #annotation 14:59:33 +TimCole 14:59:42 Kyrce has joined #annotation 14:59:53 +[IPcaller] 14:59:58 zakim, ipcaller is me 14:59:58 +fjh; got it 15:00:03 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:00:04 zakim, who is here? 15:00:04 On the phone I see azaroth, TimCole, fjh 15:00:06 On IRC I see Kyrce, Matt_Haas, naod, tbdinesh, paoloC, Jacob_, TimCole, Janina, azaroth, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, renoirb, dauwhe, ivan, shepazu, JakeHart, nickstenn, rhiaro, csillag, 15:00:06 ... oshepherd, bret, ujvari_, dwhly, bigbluehat, stain, judell_, Mitar, KevinMarks, trackbot 15:00:14 +Matt_Haas 15:00:29 Present+ Matt_Haas 15:00:29 zakim, dial ivan-voip 15:00:30 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:00:30 +Ivan 15:00:31 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 15:00:47 +[IPcaller] 15:00:53 +dauwhe 15:00:57 + +1.201.236.aaaa 15:01:17 Present+ Dave_Cramer 15:01:19 zakim, aaaa is me 15:01:19 +Kyrce; got it 15:01:24 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:01:24 sorry, tbdinesh, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:01:27 + +1.617.588.aabb 15:01:32 +Doug_Schepers 15:01:33 Present+ Kyrce_Swenson 15:01:41 Present+ Janina_Sarol 15:01:50 Regrets+ Benjamin_Young, Kristof_Csillag, Bill_Kasdorf 15:02:01 Present +TB_Dinesh 15:02:04 zakim, who is here? 15:02:04 On the phone I see azaroth, TimCole, fjh, Matt_Haas, Ivan, [IPcaller], dauwhe, Kyrce, +1.617.588.aabb, Doug_Schepers 15:02:07 On IRC I see Kyrce, Matt_Haas, suskudarli, tbdinesh, paoloC, Jacob_, TimCole, Janina, azaroth, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, renoirb, dauwhe, ivan, shepazu, JakeHart, nickstenn, rhiaro, 15:02:07 ... csillag, oshepherd, bret, ujvari_, dwhly, bigbluehat, stain, judell_, Mitar, KevinMarks, trackbot 15:02:11 Present+ Susan_Uskudarli 15:02:16 + +1.202.707.aacc 15:02:18 zakim, who is here? 15:02:18 On the phone I see azaroth, TimCole, fjh, Matt_Haas, Ivan, [IPcaller], dauwhe, Kyrce, +1.617.588.aabb, Doug_Schepers, +1.202.707.aacc 15:02:19 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 15:02:20 On IRC I see Kyrce, Matt_Haas, suskudarli, tbdinesh, paoloC, Jacob_, TimCole, Janina, azaroth, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, renoirb, dauwhe, ivan, shepazu, JakeHart, nickstenn, rhiaro, 15:02:20 ... csillag, oshepherd, bret, ujvari_, dwhly, bigbluehat, stain, judell_, Mitar, KevinMarks, trackbot 15:02:26 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:02:31 +[Ugent] 15:02:35 zakim, Ugent is me 15:02:35 +bjdmeest; got it 15:02:42 zakim, aabb is paoloC 15:02:43 +paoloC; got it 15:02:45 renoirb has left #annotation 15:02:47 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 15:02:49 RayD has joined #annotation 15:02:52 zakim, where is 202? 15:02:52 North American dialing code 1.202 is District of Columbia 15:03:02 zakim, aacc is RayD 15:03:02 +RayD; got it 15:03:06 + +1.650.274.aadd 15:03:23 present+ Ray_Denenberg 15:03:36 zakim, where is 650? 15:03:36 North American dialing code 1.650 is California 15:03:45 present+ dan_whaley 15:04:04 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:04:04 +tbdinesh; got it 15:04:06 zakim, aadd is dwhly 15:04:06 +dwhly; got it 15:04:57 scribenick: Kyrce 15:05:05 + +1.434.971.aaee 15:05:26 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 15:05:51 present+ davis_salisbury 15:06:08 Topic: Minutes 15:06:38 fjh: suggest we not approve minutes this week, wait until next week and give people time to review them. 15:06:41 http://www.w3.org/2015/04/22-annotation-minutes.html 15:06:54 F2F summary - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0157.html 15:07:29 fjh: sent message with summary of f2f. one day meeting in conjunction with the iAnnotate conference. Looked at LDP work because people had gone to the LDP f2f. much relates to what we are doing 15:08:24 fjh: update regarding social web which is a solid proposal based on LDP. then talked about client API all linked from link in chat. Decided to proceed with what Nick had done. Lower level js apis are appropriate rather than trying to complicate. 15:08:32 q+ 15:09:14 nick’s message on text offsets https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0158.html 15:09:15 fjh: publishing: markup is best. RangeFinder API had some questions. Lots of algorithm choices doesn't necessarily help. Overall- check the minutes, all of this is there. 15:09:30 I Annotate, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ML3u4hmCF2oeIFNG3To4L1NBjqWnYQ37vYJ5Y2eLUdY/view 15:09:32 +stain 15:09:34 q? 15:09:35 fjh: iAnnotate. A lot of good stuff. There is a page with a summary. 15:09:37 ack TimCole 15:10:08 q+ 15:10:39 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/dpub.html#footnote 15:10:49 q+ 15:11:06 TimCole: so regarding the footnote issue. there was a call on Monday. as per HTML working group, holding off on footnote pending accessibility. Ancillary attributes and elements. We may want to look at that and the proposed area draft. Draft was published around April 20. This is current thinking. 15:11:28 ack shepazu 15:12:24 raised potential footnote element in HTML during DPub IG call. 15:12:40 the sense is that adding this element to HTML is on hold (for various reasons) 15:13:22 one of them being that footnote is a role in WAI-ARIA and both DPub and HTML want to see what happens with that 15:13:40 q? 15:13:46 ack ivan 15:13:58 Kyrce has joined #annotation 15:14:03 we may want to look at how this is proposed for implementation in the Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module April 20 draft 15:14:22 q+ to ask about ideas on the way forward 15:14:50 ivan: fundamental discussions between formatting & prototocols wg and digital publishing community 15:14:50 Ivan: referring back to the ARIA reference. Discussion around this. Cannot say when document will move on and how. No technical details here at the moment. We should not rely on it for this working group. 15:14:58 ack azaroth 15:14:58 azaroth, you wanted to ask about ideas on the way forward 15:15:09 q+ 15:15:36 q+ 15:15:40 Azaroth: Ways forward with HTML based for innovations. Should we try to work with the ARIA group and get a role attribute value defined rather than going up to HTML level. or microformats or what 15:15:41 q+ 15:15:48 ack ivan 15:15:50 q- later 15:16:06 Hixie on footnotes in HTML: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2008Apr/0198.html 15:16:50 Ivan: So does come back to the discussion we had with publishing community. The publishing community has had the notion of structural semantics. They need a way to implement. That's something that community needs. Close to a hundred different notions for the educational market 15:18:01 q+ to ask about accessibility of annotations in aria 15:18:23 Ivan: The current work roles to use the ARIA role…. should role attribute only be used for accessibility? or for something larger (eg structurual semantics). If we don't use it then they have to define something new. If this happens, the notions that the digital publishing groups may work for these as well as Rob said. But I have no idea what direction they will take. We should wait. 15:18:48 Ivan: Driven by accessibility not by browser vendors exclusively. All together. 15:18:53 q? 15:18:57 ack paoloC 15:19:11 http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/wiki/RDFa 15:20:20 paoloC: I don't know about accessibility. We have been experimenting with RDFa. It's not easy. It's a bit ugly at times. Worked with Ivan. Not knowing what is going on in the next six months with other groups, we should keep on top of RDFa and the microdata—and how it can be formalized. Also a backup no matter what happens in other groups. Why not have this also? 15:20:25 ack shepazu 15:20:25 +1 to Paolo ; remaining informed and keeping options open is good 15:20:47 suggest concrete ways in which would differ from