15:01:07 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:01:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/15-hcls-irc 15:01:09 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:01:09 Zakim has joined #hcls 15:01:11 Zakim, this will be HCLS 15:01:11 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:01:12 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 15:01:12 Date: 15 April 2015 15:01:30 zakim, who is here? 15:01:30 sorry, dbooth, I don't know what conference this is 15:01:31 On IRC I see RRSAgent, dbooth, twamarc, Lloyd, Tony, egonw, jimi_, TallTed, trackbot, cloudcell_, ericP 15:01:33 zakim, ipcaller is lloyd 15:01:33 sorry, Lloyd, I do not recognize a party named 'ipcaller' 15:01:49 Zakim, this is hcls 15:01:49 sorry, ericP, I do not see a conference named 'hcls' in progress or scheduled at this time 15:05:48 present: dbooth, ericP, Lloyd, twamarc, Tony 15:06:16 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=ITS_RDF_ConCall_Agenda#DRAFT_Agenda_for_21-Apr-2015 15:06:31 o discuss: Element ordering. Some possibilities: 15:06:32 rdf:List 15:06:32 Ordered List Ontology 15:06:32 Collections Ontology 15:06:33 Simple List Conventions 15:06:33 ACTION: Tony to show an example of his and Grahame's approaches side-by-side 15:06:33 Error finding 'Tony'. You can review and register nicknames at . 15:06:34 http://wiki.hl7.org/images/2/25/FHIR_RDF_Sample_side_by_side_comparisons.pdf 15:07:22 agenda+ ShExpressivity 15:07:55 Topic: ShEx expressivity 15:08:01 -> http://www.w3.org/2015/ShExpressivity V&T questionnaire 15:08:16 eric: Questionnaire on validation and translation (above link) 15:11:07 eric: Please answer the questionnaire to say what expressivity you need 15:11:46 Topic: FHIR Element ordering 15:13:25 Ordered List Ontology: http://smiy.sourceforge.net/olo/spec/orderedlistontology.html 15:13:43 Collections Ontology: http://www.essepuntato.it/lode/owlapi/http://purl.org/co/ 15:14:13 Simple List Conventions: http://goo.gl/8PNuAG 15:20:33 rhausam has joined #HCLS 15:23:36 mscott has joined #hcls 15:28:46 lloyd: extensions may depend on ordering, so ordering of all extensions must also be kept in the RDF 15:31:20 http://smiy.sourceforge.net/olo/spec/orderedlistontology.html 15:31:50 [[ 15:31:53 PREFIX dc: 15:31:53 PREFIX ex: 15:31:53 PREFIX mo: 15:31:53 PREFIX olo: 15:31:54 PREFIX xsd: 15:31:54 SELECT ?item ?index { 15:31:56 ex:FunkyPlaylist olo:slot [ olo:index ?index ; olo:item ?item ] . 15:32:00 } ORDER BY ?index 15:32:02 # If this were done using Simple List Conventions, 15:32:04 # the query would be: 15:32:06 # SELECT ?item ?index { 15:32:08 # ex:FunkyPlaylist list:item ( ?item ?index ) . 15:32:10 # } ORDER BY ?index 15:32:12 ]] 15:35:00 AGREED: We need to retain explicit order info for extensions in RDF, and for anything with cardinality more than one. Otherwise we should lean on the schema to determine order when reserializing back to XML from RDF. 15:35:32 There’s a way to answer a question like “Give me the second treatment of this patient” with limit and offset: SELECT ?treatment { ?treatment a :Treatment ; :ends ?date } ORDER BY ?date LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1 15:40:55 Simple List Conventions: http://goo.gl/8PNuAG 15:44:29 Topic: Tony's side-by-side comparison of Grahame and Tony's approaches 15:44:30 http://wiki.hl7.org/images/2/25/FHIR_RDF_Sample_side_by_side_comparisons.pdf 15:44:53 https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/157514853 15:44:53 Access Code: 157-514-853 15:46:07 present+ Claude RobHausam mscott 15:47:47 tony: my approach uses anonymous instances, plus fhir:value . 15:49:04 marc: Benefit of the first example is to use the URI. 15:49:43 tony: but the anon instance allows extensions to appear 15:50:59 lloyd: JSON uses Coding.system and Coding._system (for extensions) , but better to use anon instance. 15:51:30 second github example: 15:51:30 [[ 15:51:31 @prefix loinc: . 15:51:31 :resource a fhir:Observation; 15:51:31 fhir:Observation.code [ 15:51:31 fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [ 15:51:33 fhir:Coding.system ; 15:51:35 fhir:Coding.code "54411-4"; 15:51:37 fhir:Coding.display "Rh immune globulin given Qualitative"; 15:51:39 ex:concept loinc:54411-4; 15:51:41 ]; 15:51:43 fhir:CodeableConcept.text "Rh immune globulin"; 15:51:45 ]. 15:51:47 ]] 15:55:22 claude: If we point to an instance then we should use SKOS 16:01:55 tony's example: 16:01:56 [[ 16:01:56 @prefix loinc: . 16:01:56 :resource a fhir:Observation; 16:01:56 fhir:Observation.code [ 16:01:57 fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [rdf:type fhir:Coding , 16:02:01 fhir:Coding.system ; 16:02:03 fhir:Coding.code "54411-4"; 16:02:05 fhir:Coding.display "Rh immune globulin given Qualitative"; 16:02:07 ]; 16:02:09 fhir:CodeableConcept.text "Rh immune globulin"; 16:02:11 ]. 16:02:13 ]] 16:03:17 lloyd: the code instance is a member of the LOINC class and the SNOMED class, etc. 16:08:28 lloyd: Observation.code should be an instance of both fhir:Coding and loinc:54411 16:09:10 lloyd: I like that types can be stated explicitly or inferred. 16:10:22 tony: i'm trying to get the same approach to work with fhir:Code 16:12:07 (example 3) 16:12:27 lloyd: I'd like to asee a full coding instance 16:13:27 lloyd: If I have two concepts, one that infers A and the other B, then A and B cannot be disjoint. 16:13:48 eric: Talking with Grahame, he was saying codings are a union 16:14:33 lloyd: no, if you want union you'll need repetition. your concept should be a subclass of all of them. the intersection. 16:14:55 ... If you want to convey laterality and diagnosis, they need to be separate. 16:17:28 eric: Multiple codings (within a codeable concept) are an intersection; multiple codes a union. 16:21:11 lloyd: I'd like to see this in terms of a full coding. 16:21:21 david: And please show the corresponding XML or JSON 16:22:17 TallTed has joined #hcls 16:22:26 lloyd: 1. what's the minimum needed in the instance to allow round tripping? 2. What's the min needed in the instance to support reasoning? 3. What's the full detail we'd want for reasoning? 16:23:13 ... If we only say the code system and code, that's sufficient to figure out the LOINC concept that applies, but it requires complex reasoning to figure that out. 16:23:38 ... Whereas if you say it's loinc:12345 then it shortcuts that reasoning. 16:24:56 ... Also you've got coding with system and code and possibly version, and you may have something that says this coding is a translation of this coding. 16:26:03 ... In the case of a bare code, you only have to send the code over the wire, because the code system and version are fixed in the resource datatype definitions. 16:27:01 ... But for a particular version of FHIR, the attribute with datatype code will be bound to a single valueset. But possibly in a future version of FHIR that enumeration may expand. 16:28:00 ... You're pointing to a valueset and the code system within that is fixed, and the version is fixed for a version of FHIR, then over the wire you only need to say you're an XYZ valueset, and the attribute allows you to infer. 16:28:45 dbooth: how to know what FHIR version applied when the message was sent? 16:28:59 MacTed has joined #hcls 16:29:04 lloyd: The version in theory should not matter, because we're adding new concepts but not changing their meanings. 16:29:46 ... Want for a simple code in an instance is for us to be able to reason against that single code, and codeable concepts the same way. 16:30:58 lloyd: Maybe easier to treat everything as CodeableConcept in RDF -- it may be easier. 16:31:04 eric: Why not do that in XML? 16:31:16 lloyd: Because people get annoyed with deeply nested XML. 16:33:05 dbooth: sounds like a good idea. May need to keep a flag that says whether to reserialize it in the short form. 16:34:45 eric: We could use URIs for codeable concepts that are reused a lot. 16:36:11 lloyd: I'd like status in the RDF to say its a coding that has a code. That allows the reasoning to be in the same structure. 16:38:59 zakim, who is here? 16:39:00 sorry, dbooth, I don't know what conference this is 16:39:01 On IRC I see rhausam, Zakim, RRSAgent, dbooth, Lloyd, jimi_, trackbot, cloudcell_, ericP 16:39:12 :) 16:40:17 (example 4) 16:41:46 github example: 16:41:47 [[ 16:41:47 :resource a fhir:Observation; 16:41:47 fhir:contained fhir:Observation\#23; 16:41:47 fhir:Observation.subject [ 16:41:47 fhir:Reference.reference fhir:Observation\#23 16:41:49 ]. 16:41:51 fhir:Observation\#23 a fhir:Patient; 16:41:53 fhir:Patient.name [ 16:41:55 fhir:text "John Smith 16:41:57 ]. 16:41:59 ]] 16:42:14 lloyd the reference is a string because the URI formation is not completely standard. 16:42:40 s/formation/resolution/ 16:46:12 Zakim, please dial ericP-mobile 16:46:12 I am sorry, ericP; I don't have the necessary resources to dial out right now 16:47:08 orange decided that my conversation was too long, but here's a ladder diagram so you can pretend i'm still there -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-29 18:49:45 Chair: David Booth and EricP 18:49:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:49:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth