14:59:33 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 14:59:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/10-DPUB-irc 14:59:45 zakim, will be DPub_Dpub 14:59:45 I don't understand 'will be DPub_Dpub', clapierre 14:59:59 zakim, this is DPub_Dpub 14:59:59 ok, clapierre; that matches DPUB_DPUB A1()11:00AM 15:00:11 rrsagent, make logs public 15:00:57 zakim, who is here? 15:00:57 On the phone I see George_Kerscher, clapierre, +1.617.235.aaaa 15:00:59 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, clapierre, ivan, plinss, Karen_, iank, ShaneM, astearns, liam, mihnea_____, rego, deborahGU, trackbot 15:04:31 We may want to put in a blanket statement in our Note in regards to epub that most of these will apply except for Flash and PDF which are not allowed in EPUB documents. 15:07:45 WCAG A11Y DPUB CSS Techniques 15:07:45 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fL9REi-bEvzvL17I4QQWkgNUPAMyIOlndG-Yg3DolrQ/edit?usp=sharing 15:07:45 15:07:45 C9: Using CSS to include decorative images 15:07:46 No 15:07:46 Susann 15:07:46 Background Images that go behind text or in container areas. 15:07:47 C28: Specifying the size of text containers using em units 15:07:47 No 15:07:47 Susann 15:07:48 em are not necessary but can be used. If it were easy to select em or pt, that might be nice. 15:07:48 C29: Using a style switcher to provide a conforming alternate version 15:07:48 No 15:07:49 Susann 15:07:49 I hate this idea. Make your 1 version right. 15:07:49 C15: Using CSS to change the presentation of a user interface component when it receives focus 15:07:50 No - but this is a powerful customization that is constantly being used on the web. 15:07:50 Susann 15:07:50 Styling a unique experience by highlighting focused items in a special way. 15:07:51 15:07:51 C7: Using CSS to hide a portion of the link text 15:07:51 Unclear 15:07:52 Susann 15:07:52 ? - I've never seen this. Short links? 15:07:52 C12: Using percent for font sizes 15:07:53 Unclear 15:07:53 Susann 15:07:53 This allows the font size to grow according to your default font. You can set a default text font at 12pt and then all other fonts are a percentage of this. If you change the default, the whole document can change. 15:07:53 C22: Using CSS to control visual presentation of text 15:07:53 Unclear 15:07:53 Susann 15:07:54 Visual Presentation is unclear 15:07:54 C23: Specifying text and background colors of secondary content such as banners, features and navigation in CSS while not specifying text and background colors of the main content 15:07:54 Unclear 15:07:55 Susann 15:07:55 Style per sections of a page? 15:07:55 C26: Providing options within the content to switch to a layout that does not require the user to scroll horizontally to read a line of text 15:07:56 Unclear 15:07:56 Susann 15:07:56 This does not seem stylistic and can be also achieved with column widths and layout CSS, etc 15:07:57 C30: Using CSS to replace text with images of text and providing user interface controls to switch 15:07:57 Unclear 15:07:57 Susann 15:07:58 ? Unclear what this means 15:07:58 C14: Using em units for font sizes 15:07:58 Unclear - I would not think so. Just need one standard for font sizes. 15:07:59 Susann 15:07:59 Assigning font sizes in EM rather thatn PT 15:08:43 For C9 Background images Yes it should apply. 15:10:21 C28 Yes this is relavent. 15:15:49 fjh has joined #dpub 15:15:50 C29: Using a style switcher to provide a conforming alternate version 15:16:09 We are not sure, we need to bring this up with DPUB broader group. 15:17:18 C15: Using CSS to change the presentation of a user interface component when it receives focus 15:17:57 Yes this is required for DPUB to be aware of this. 15:19:47 C7: Using CSS to hide a portion of the link text - Yes 15:20:21 C12: Using percent for font sizes - Yes 15:20:51 C22: Using CSS to control visual presentation of text - Yes 15:21:44 C23: Specifying text and background colors of secondary content such as banners, features and navigation in CSS while not specifying text and background colors of the main content - Yes 15:22:56 C26: Providing options within the content to switch to a layout that does not require the user to scroll horizontally to read a line of text - Yes 15:24:35 C30: Using CSS to replace text with images of text and providing user interface controls to switch - No 15:26:14 C14: Using em units for font sizes - Yes 15:27:25 C27: Making the DOM order match the visual order - Yes 15:28:20 Client Side Scripting Techniques 15:34:03 SCR24: Using progressive enhancement to open new windows on user request - No 15:35:28 fjh_ has joined #dpub 15:35:28 SCR28: Using an expandable and collapsible menu to bypass block of content - Yes 15:36:00 tmichel has joined #dpub 15:37:26 SCR30: Using scripts to change the link text - No 15:38:29 SCR29: Adding keyboard-accessible actions to static HTML elements - Yes 15:40:30 SCR1: Allowing the user to extend the default time limit - Yes, but TestTaking issues need to be addressed 15:42:46 SCR14: Using scripts to make nonessential alerts optional - Yes, test taking warning, asides, etc. 15:43:36 SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert - Yes 15:44:41 SCR21: Using functions of the Document Object Model (DOM) to add content to a page - Yes (George : java script inserted into correct position in DOM to match visual with logical reading order) 15:47:35 SCR22: Using scripts to control blinking and stop it in five seconds or less - Yes it is relevant but should only be used in special cases where relevant (Ship signaling each other example) 15:47:41 SCR31: Using script to change the background color or border of the element with focus - Yes 15:48:19 SCR32: Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the DOM - Yes 15:49:24 SCR33: Using script to scroll content, and providing a mechanism to pause it - Yes - auto scroll for reading / pausing 15:50:40 SCR35: Making actions keyboard accessible by using the onclick event of anchors and buttons - Yes 15:51:04 SCR36: Providing a mechanism to allow users to display moving, scrolling, or auto-updating text in a static window or area - Yes 15:54:08 SCR37: Creating Custom Dialogs in a Device Independent Way - Yes 15:54:48 fjh_ has joined #dpub 15:58:33 SCR27: Reordering page sections using the Document Object Model - Yes (Log in to book as Teacher/Student) 16:01:10 - +1.617.235.aaaa 16:01:12 -George_Kerscher 16:01:12 -clapierre 16:01:12 DPUB_DPUB A1()11:00AM has ended 16:01:13 Attendees were George_Kerscher, clapierre, +1.617.235.aaaa 16:01:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/10-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 16:02:36 rrsagent, bye 16:02:36 I see no action items