14:48:20 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:48:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/04/08-annotation-irc 14:48:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:48:22 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:48:24 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:48:24 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 14:48:25 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:48:25 Date: 08 April 2015 14:49:20 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0008.html 14:49:37 fjh has changed the topic to: annotation code 2666 ; agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0008.html 14:50:00 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:50:04 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:51:36 Regrets+ Luc_Moreau, Paolo_Ciccarese, Kyrce_Swenson 14:51:47 Present+ Davis_Salisbury 14:52:27 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 14:54:27 fjh_ has joined #annotation 14:54:51 Jacob has joined #annotation 14:56:57 RayD has joined #annotation 14:57:17 TimCole has joined #annotation 14:57:22 present+ Ray_Denenberg 14:57:37 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has now started 14:57:43 +[IPcaller] 14:57:44 zakim, ipcaller is me 14:57:45 +fjh; got it 14:58:26 +Doug_Schepers 14:58:35 +TimCole 14:58:49 Present+ Doub_Schepers, Tim_Cole 14:58:55 s/Doub/Doug/ 14:59:33 ScribeNick: Tim_Cole 14:59:35 Present+ Jacob_Jett 14:59:43 + +1.202.707.aaaa 15:00:00 zakim, aaaa is RayD 15:00:01 +RayD; got it 15:00:18 zakim, who is here? 15:00:19 On the phone I see fjh, Doug_Schepers, TimCole, RayD 15:00:20 On IRC I see TimCole, RayD, Jacob, fjh_, Zakim, RRSAgent, azaroth, fjh, dauwhe, renoirb_, ivan, KevinMarks, shepazu, MarkS, stain, dwhly, JakeHart, Mitar, bret, nickstenn, 15:00:20 ... bigbluehat, csillag_, rhiaro, trackbot 15:00:24 +dauwhe 15:00:29 + +1.650.274.aabb 15:00:34 present+ Dave_Cramer 15:00:37 Matt_Haas has joined #annotation 15:00:38 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:00:57 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #annotation 15:01:14 +Matt_Haas 15:01:18 zakim, aabb is dwhly 15:01:18 +dwhly; got it 15:01:26 +azaroth 15:01:30 tilgovi has joined #annotation 15:01:37 Present+ Matt_Haas 15:01:57 +Bill_Kasdorf 15:02:27 +[IPcaller] 15:02:43 -[IPcaller] 15:03:44 zakim, dial ivan-voip 15:03:44 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:03:46 +[IPcaller] 15:03:46 +Ivan 15:03:58 schema.org community group, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Apr/0001.html 15:04:02 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:04:02 +tbdinesh; got it 15:04:14 fjh: announcement - schema.org community group has been formed. 15:04:25 present +TB_Dinesh 15:04:34 q+ 15:04:44 +[IPcaller] 15:05:04 shepazu: primarily for vocabulary / ontology geeks, if you're interested in schema.org, 15:05:07 takeshi has joined #annotation 15:05:10 Present+ Dan_whaley 15:05:30 ... and you're concerned with development of ontology(ies) that might be used for annotations, you may want to join this CG 15:05:42 q? 15:05:50 ... a good way for the community to help drive development of schema.org 15:06:20 + +1.864.787.aacc 15:06:39 q+ 15:07:00 ack ivan 15:07:31 ivan: at the moment, it is not really acceptable to make normative references to schema.org vocabulary 15:07:55 ... this is relevant to us given our discussion about using schema.org terms instead of dublin core terms 15:08:11 + +1.603.313.aadd 15:08:28 ... there have been discussions between W3C and schema.org for many months, formation of CG is a first step in dealing with this issue. 15:08:28 q+ 15:08:32 ack rayd 15:09:06 RayD: the issue came up a few weeks ago about classes for annotation bodies 15:09:25 ... DC classes worked well for most but not all; schema.org had a better class 15:09:52 + +1.914.980.aaee 15:09:52 ivan: for the time being let's not worry too much about the choice between DC and schema.org 15:10:08 might want to add note to doc on this dublin core vs schema.org so it is not forgotten 15:10:12 IIRC, there was at least one example where the opposite was true...text comes to mind but I might be mis-remembering which media type it was. 15:10:15 ... we can reasonably hope this will not be an issue by the time we are ready to propose recommendation. 15:10:18 Present+ Randall_Leeda 15:10:20 zakim, where is 864? 15:10:20 North American dialing code 1.864 is South Carolina 15:10:26 yep 15:10:29 Present+ Randall_Leeds 15:10:30 sorry... 15:10:32 judell has joined #annotation 15:10:34 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:10:40 s/sorry...// 15:10:47 q? 15:10:54 ack azaroth 15:10:59 fjh: we should add a note to our previous discussion about DC and schema.org terms 15:11:13 Present: Jon Udell (Hypthesis) 15:11:31 q+ 15:11:49 azaroth: we should be sure to track this issue; but for now should we assume that schema.org will be available for normative reference by time we are ready 15:12:14 q+ 15:12:17 ... azaroth proposes we should do this, but keep an issue in github or as a note in the doc. 15:12:35 fjh: suggest keeping a note in the doc. 15:12:38 ack fjh 15:13:06 ack RayD 15:13:11 ... not sure what should be the default for now, but as long as we note it, may not make much difference. 15:13:29 fjh_ has joined #annotation 15:13:30 Zakim: I am +1.864.787.aacc 15:13:39 zakim, aacc is bigbluehat 15:13:39 +bigbluehat; got it 15:13:40 RayD: we should not be shy about defining OA properties when a normative reference not available 15:13:46 s/Zakim: I am.*// 15:14:05 ... and then right before we ready to propose a recommendation we can switch to schema.org if available. 15:14:13 I might 15:14:24 Tim and Jacob as well 15:14:26 me too 15:14:32 I'm on the schema.org CG 15:14:43 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:14:43 -tbdinesh 15:14:52 proposed RESOLUTION: 18 March 2015 minutes are approved, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Mar/att-0064/minutes-2015-03-18.html 15:15:01 RESOLUTION: 18 March 2015 minutes are approved, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Mar/att-0064/minutes-2015-03-18.html 15:15:14 Topic: Face to Face Meetings 15:15:23 q+ 15:15:27 ack RayD 15:15:28 +[IPcaller.a] 15:15:35 fjh: any thing we need to know about logistics, etc. 15:15:42 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:15:42 +tbdinesh; got it 15:15:46 Is the conference sold out? I’m sorry to say, that I cannot attend. 15:15:48 RayD: what is process for developing agenda and when will we see it. 15:16:15 fjh: we will work on it this week. Will include robust anchoring, continuation of data model, ... 15:16:49 q+ 15:17:32 dwhyl: room is available at 8 AM and we can go as late as we want. 15:17:38 csillag has joined #annotation 15:18:07 + + 15:18:12 +1 to /starting/ at 9 15:18:14 shepazu: officially 9 to 5 (and that's when we can count on wireless being available) 15:18:26 zakim, aaff is me 15:18:26 +csillag; got it 15:18:35 and many thanks to Dan for getting everything sorted out! 15:18:43 -[IPcaller.a] 15:19:15 dwhly: lunch will be in the room to coordinate better with another event taking place same day 15:19:18 +1 for Thai! 15:19:38 Hack Days :) 15:19:46 fjh: IAnnotate Thursday & Friday, followed by hackfest Sat and Sun 15:19:52 https://hypothes.is/blog/i-annotate-hack-days/ 15:20:01 +[IPcaller] 15:20:03 fjh: people should respond to IAnnotate questions 15:20:11 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:20:13 +tbdinesh; got it 15:21:13 dwhly: everyone attending IAnnotate should have gotten email with questions; please provide feedback on tracks and what will be most useful 15:21:29 iannotate agenda page https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ML3u4hmCF2oeIFNG3To4L1NBjqWnYQ37vYJ5Y2eLUdY/edit 15:22:23 Or if you're not a developer 15:22:39 RSVP for Hack Days is here http://www.meetup.com/SFOpenAnnotation/events/221577503/ 15:22:54 ... the hack days will be useful for developers who want space to work on annotations in the company of other developers; there will be a barbeque Saturday night at Dan's 15:22:56 and yes, you don't have to be a developer to attend 15:23:32 ..was there any news about travel assistance..? Sorry for not being in the loop, I've been very busy :( 15:23:50 bigbluehat: people who are not developers also welcome to try stuff out, look over shoulders, help with user feedback, the more people who can do hands on the better 15:24:18 dwhly: thanks 15:24:31 topic: TPAC 15:25:00 http://www.w3.org/2015/11/TPAC/ 15:25:02 azaroth: we put down 15 people for a meeting of annotation WG; closer to time we will clarify 15:25:36 topic: Social Web 15:26:15 q+ 15:26:21 Zakim, mute me 15:26:21 dauwhe should now be muted 15:26:23 fjh: we've established a relationship, made clear to the WG what's important to us, they are still in formative stages 15:26:53 ... we should have interoperability, but not clear if we will share classes and properties 15:26:58 ack shepazu 15:27:31 zakim, mute me 15:27:31 csillag should now be muted 15:27:57 ack ivan 15:28:32 ivan: re Social WG, a concern is that we don't yet have a clear idea of the 2 WGs plans on the protocol issue 15:28:37 q+ 15:28:57 q+ 15:28:59 ... what does Annotation WG plan to do on protocol on issue and what direction do we plan to go? 15:29:17 ack azaroth 15:29:22 ... we have had some discussions with LDP WG, but nothing final, we need to decide. 15:29:48 q+ 15:29:53 q+ 15:29:59 azaroth: I have not had time to get back to protocol issue due to press of other work; will have updated version by end of this week. 15:30:22 re social web, we need an example of annotation in a social web context 15:30:33 ... assumes the submission of binary data is out of scope, this makes the LDP implementation much easier (only have to worry about RDF) 15:30:53 ... so we should be able to write a very thin LDP layer to post and retrive what they need. 15:31:13 s/we need/is there/ 15:31:27 ... so in moving forward, I would recommend that we give people something to react to (re LDP) and if people are dismayed we should get alternatives 15:32:03 fjh: may be beneficial to thrash a bit for a brief while 15:32:04 q? 15:32:09 ack RayD 15:32:17 q- 15:32:50 RayD: if the question is whether we are going to go forward with the protocol, the protocol is critical -- sounds of agreement from others 15:33:09 q+ 15:33:30 q+ to note query vs CRUD 15:33:31 ... also prefer the container approach for annotation, see RayD's email on this 15:33:37 ack ivan 15:33:50 ivan: Definitely should make protocol 15:34:37 ... but we have 3 different approaches: from scratch, align with LDP, or go along with Social WG approach 15:34:41 q+ 15:34:54 ... we must make a choice between these 3 general approaches fairly soon 15:35:08 1+ 15:35:13 s/1+// 15:35:15 q+ 15:35:18 ... to get there we need to know more about each of these approaches, so far only have begun fleshing out the LDP approach 15:35:59 q+ 15:36:03 Social WG is currently analyzing their own set of options (currently 3): LDP, micropub, and pump.io (based on AS 1.0) 15:36:03 fjh: we don't know enough about the Social WG approach, but would like to get a little further on LDP approach and then talk to Social WG 15:36:10 they don't have a "clear winner" yet 15:36:46 q? 15:36:48 ... (re RayD) the case has merit, but question about what specific work is needed to make it possible. 15:36:48 ack fjh 15:36:50 ack azaroth 15:36:50 azaroth, you wanted to note query vs CRUD 15:36:56 if our WG is interest in / pursuing LDP (or either of the others), that could serve as an additional +1 for that protocol. 15:37:39 azaroth: note the distinction between simple CRUD, which is handled by LDP easily and simply, but the search operations (which will be essential) will need an additional layer 15:37:52 I’m suggesting we focus and simplify the LDP protocol doc, then share with social web to explore their view based in that info 15:38:05 ... regardless of underlying CRUD methodology is, we will likely have some domain-specific query requirements to deal with 15:38:30 ... we will need to deal with the CRUD issues and then get on to query issues 15:38:53 might consider separating search as well 15:38:54 q? 15:38:57 ack RayD 15:39:08 ... I've looked at the options being considered by Social WG; someone needs to look at how we might use their non-LDP options for annotation 15:39:31 ack bigbluehat 15:39:32 RayD: possible to read protocol document without having to understand the whole of LDP document 15:39:57 bigbluehat: Rob presented most of my main points well, 15:40:16 q+ 15:40:29 ... our work with Social WG tells us that they still are in early stages -- they will have a f2f in Europe in July and then at TPAC 15:40:50 ... so we should stay in touch as they make a decision, and then a joint f2f at TPAC would be good 15:41:07 ... but right now that are also at an early stage. 15:41:32 ... LDP may be most mature in terms of deployment and being ready for spec writing 15:42:03 ... still some confusion in micropub world, and limited efforts to resolve some of these confusion 15:42:36 ... so we need to keep in close communication with Social WG through the summer and leading up to TPAC 15:42:49 ... pump.io biggest contribution is around federation 15:43:12 ... Social WG is trying to map all of these to their use cases; we may want to do the same thing for our use cases. 15:43:14 q? 15:43:19 q+ 15:43:55 ivan: can we try not to put ourselves in just a waiting position, but rather be proactive at looking at the other options being considered by Social WG 15:44:04 +1 to Ivan 15:44:21 ... we need a better sense of whether these approaches can work for our annotation use cases. 15:44:41 ... this would allow us to go back to Social WG and maybe influence their decision. 15:44:56 q+ to agree w/ Ivan, we can help SWG's choice by being informed w/ use cases 15:44:57 +1 to *not* waiting until TPAC to engage...didn't mean to imply that 15:45:06 q? 15:45:07 ... we need a clear idea about whether any of these other approaches will work for us now 15:45:12 point was to engage *now* and close the loop at TPAC 15:45:31 sorry bigbluehat , I may have misunderstood you 15:45:42 ack ivan 15:45:43 fjh: we should probably focus next week or so on closing the circle on LDP protocol document 15:45:46 I think we are violently agreeing... 15:45:52 likely :) 15:45:59 ... Do we have a volunteer to look at one or both of these other approaches 15:46:19 ack fjh 15:46:22 ... regarding search, was assuming this is a separate doc with its own complexity 15:46:41 q? 15:46:57 azaroth: yes, search should be separate from protocol, both because it does not build on LDP and because you might want to implement separately 15:47:14 ack shepazu 15:47:17 ... did not mean to imply a single protocol spec that encompasses both 15:47:51 +1 to separate to search spec 15:48:01 shepazu: Doug thinks we should develop in parallel where possible 15:48:03 +1 to working in parallel as Doug notes 15:48:23 ... the protocol spec will inform data model, as well robust anchoring, etc. 15:48:48 ... we should make sure the pieces work well together before we release anything in final form 15:49:15 my comment is that if we have a draft protocol doc in the next week that should help, not suggesting we wait long time 15:49:23 ... the charter contains several specs that need to work together 15:49:47 +1 to concrete proposals 15:49:51 +1 15:49:52 ... members of this working group should feel free to put ideas out there in a form others can react to 15:50:40 Same 15:50:46 s/same// 15:50:47 q? 15:50:50 ... if you have the will and the time to look at one of our deliverables and think you can help develop and bring to the table some concrete ideas, you should do so 15:51:00 ack azaroth 15:51:01 azaroth, you wanted to agree w/ Ivan, we can help SWG's choice by being informed w/ use cases 15:51:08 ... please bring your ideas to Doug, Ivan and the Chairs 15:51:21 q+ 15:51:38 azaroth: agree with what Doug said, and will be responsive if you need some help 15:52:19 ... work on protocol has to respond to use cases, and agree with ivan that we can potentially help Social WG because we have overlapping use cases 15:52:48 +1 to fjh 15:52:52 fjh: you don't need to formally edit a document in order to get your concrete ideas on the table -- text to the list is a good start 15:53:02 -csillag 15:53:28 +??P36 15:53:33 zakim, p36 is me 15:53:33 sorry, csillag, I do not recognize a party named 'p36' 15:53:41 zakim, P36 is me 15:53:41 sorry, csillag, I do not recognize a party named 'P36' 15:53:49 zakim, ??P36 is me 15:53:49 +csillag; got it 15:53:52 zakim, mute me 15:53:52 csillag should now be muted 15:53:54 shepazu: you can put proposals onto the email lists, but not as effective as bringing a draft of a spec to the WG 15:54:25 ... people react more to spec drafts and fragments 15:54:42 ... especially now that we have the ability to annotate specs 15:55:08 ... even very rough spec drafts can be worthwhile putting up 15:55:09 Agree that very rough drafts get more feedback, but we can work together to turn the text from mailing list into that spec 15:55:19 fjh: we can use ReSpec for doing this 15:55:51 Easy forward is to say, as Frederick did, just get it out in text. Then, as Doug said, ask for help and get it into spec form. 15:55:58 +1 to helping the community learn ReSpec and moving things into more solid formats 15:56:05 Don't feel shy about either step. :-) 15:56:09 q? 15:56:11 +1 15:56:13 +1 15:56:14 shepazu: Doug will help turn text into spec, so don't be hesitant or shy because of the formality of spec format 15:56:17 ack fjh 15:56:34 q+ 15:56:43 ack RayD 15:56:57 on the body or on the annotation node 15:57:02 RayD: what is motivation placement topic? 15:57:25 azaroth: the idea that you might be able to put motivation on specific resource rather than just the annotation 15:57:40 fjh: wanted to make sure we closed this topic out 15:57:55 azaroth: let's get consensus on this next week 15:58:16 fjh: adjourn, we will talk next week. 15:58:25 - +1.603.313.aadd 15:58:30 -RayD 15:58:31 -Ivan 15:58:33 -tbdinesh 15:58:34 -Bill_Kasdorf 15:58:34 -dauwhe 15:58:35 -Matt_Haas 15:58:35 -Doug_Schepers 15:58:37 -TimCole 15:58:37 -azaroth 15:58:37 -tbdinesh.a 15:58:38 - +1.914.980.aaee 15:58:40 -bigbluehat 15:58:40 -fjh 15:58:41 -csillag 15:59:00 trackbot, end telcon 15:59:00 Zakim, list attendees 15:59:01 As of this point the attendees have been fjh, Doug_Schepers, TimCole, +1.202.707.aaaa, RayD, dauwhe, +1.650.274.aabb, Matt_Haas, dwhly, azaroth, Bill_Kasdorf, Ivan, tbdinesh, 15:59:02 ... +1.864.787.aacc, +1.603.313.aadd, +1.914.980.aaee, bigbluehat, +, csillag 15:59:08 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:59:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/04/08-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 15:59:09 RRSAgent, bye 15:59:09 I see no action items