19:50:27 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 19:50:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-sdw-irc 19:50:29 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:50:29 Zakim has joined #sdw 19:50:31 Zakim, this will be SDW 19:50:31 ok, trackbot, I see DATA_SDWWG()4:00PM already started 19:50:32 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 19:50:32 Date: 25 March 2015 19:51:17 +[IPcaller] 19:51:23 ok, I am in! 19:51:29 zakim, [ip is me 19:51:29 +kerry; got it 19:54:10 phila has changed the topic to: This is the IRC channel for the discussion around SSN, Time and Coverage. Agenda https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon201503025a 19:54:17 chair: kerry 19:54:48 Meeting: SDW Weekly - Session on Requirements for SSN, Time and Coverages 19:55:04 FransK has joined #sdw 19:55:47 +[IPcaller] 19:55:48 zakim, [ is me 19:55:48 +phila; got it 19:55:56 +??P0 19:57:01 zakim, who is here? 19:57:01 On the phone I see DanhLePhuoc, kerry, phila, ??P0 19:57:02 FransK_ has joined #sdw 19:57:03 On IRC I see FransK, Zakim, RRSAgent, DanhLePhuoc, kerry, BartvanLeeuwen, phila, trackbot 19:57:14 zakim, drop ??P0 19:57:14 ??P0 is being disconnected 19:57:17 -??P0 19:58:07 scribe: DanhLePhuoc 19:58:15 scribeNick: DanhLePhuoc 19:58:55 LarsG has joined #sdw 19:58:56 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 19:59:08 SimonCox has joined #sdw 19:59:08 DanhLePhuoc: like this 19:59:25 +??P0 19:59:39 zakim, ??p0 is me 19:59:39 +LarsG; got it 19:59:48 +??P3 19:59:59 zakim, ??P3 is me 19:59:59 +FransK_; got it 20:00:01 -kerry 20:00:40 zakim, please mute me 20:00:40 LarsG should now be muted 20:00:43 Sorry, wrong channel,,, I will leave 20:00:54 + +61.3.925.2.aaaa 20:00:54 -FransK_ 20:00:57 +[IPcaller] 20:01:02 zakim, [ip is me 20:01:02 +kerry; got it 20:01:27 zakim, aaaa is me 20:01:27 +SimonCox; got it 20:02:53 CoryHenson has joined #sdw 20:03:14 -phila 20:03:32 before we get going, what is link to irc cheat-sheet? 20:03:43 +ahaller2 20:03:59 +[IPcaller] 20:04:04 If someone can point me to it I could scribe, but will need it alongside 20:04:16 MattPerry_ has joined #sdw 20:05:17 MattPerry has joined #sdw 20:05:30 regrets: Rachel Heaven, Jitao Yang 20:06:04 + +1.412.390.aabb 20:06:06 agenda? 20:06:19 Zakim, aabb is me 20:06:19 +CoryHenson; got it 20:06:23 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon201503025a 20:06:32 Alejandro_Llaves has joined #sdw 20:06:53 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon201503025a for todays agenda 20:07:07 +MattPerry 20:07:12 SimonCox: Do you mean http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/Teleconference_cheat_sheet 20:08:04 http://www.w3.org/2015/03/04-sdw-minutes.html 20:08:42 present+ DanhLePhuoc 20:09:53 kerry: postpone the minutes approval 20:10:18 MattPerry and ahaller2 were there ... 20:10:34 kerry: pattern call 20:10:40 patent 20:10:46 s/pattern/patent 20:11:09 Karl_G has joined #sdw 20:11:15 kerry: any one have anything to report for patent call? 20:11:51 kerry: in last f2f, we keep working on UCs 20:11:53 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Working_Use_Cases 20:11:54 + +1.650.724.aacc 20:12:18 +1.650.724.aacc is Karl_G 20:12:34 kerry: continues from the last work done from last f2f 20:13:41 kerry: this group will be working on SSN, Coverave and Time Ontology, ... 20:14:15 s/Coverave/Coverage/ 20:14:22 kerry: Alejandro_Llaves will be coordinating the documenting 20:14:32 q? 20:15:57 kerry: next f2f is recommended in 6 months, at TPC in Saporo, 20:16:13 s/TPC/TPAC 20:16:33 kerry: ACTION: will be discuss the next f2f in next call 20:17:00 CoryHenson: TPAC is too close to ISWC 2015 20:17:10 How about Australia @MattPerry? ! 20:17:24 zakim, please unmute me 20:17:24 LarsG should no longer be muted 20:17:26 s/will be discuss the/will discuss in the 20:18:14 TPACs are always one week before or after the ISWC, never managed to convince the W3C to move it ;-) 20:18:18 kerry: ISWC 2015 will be in US, there will be a lot people going there, including Matt, Danh, .... 20:19:01 11- 15 october, bethleme iswc 20:19:06 s/be a lot/be a lot of 20:19:16 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 20:19:21 equally hard 20:19:36 +1 for ISWC 20:19:40 yes, equally hard (depends on where in the US...) 20:19:48 +1 for ISWC 20:19:54 +1 for ISWC 20:20:12 unable to make either 20:20:18 s/bethleme/Bethlehem 20:20:29 +1 for ISWC 20:20:36 +1 TPAC or ISWC 20:20:45 +0 20:21:38 +[IPcaller.a] 20:21:38 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Working_Use_Cases#Droughts_in_geological_complex_environments_where_groundwater_is_important_.28Best_Practice.2C_Time.2C_SSN.2C_Coverage.29 20:21:38 Unlikely to be at TPAC 20:21:47 zakim, [ is me 20:21:47 sorry, phila, I do not recognize a party named '[' 20:21:53 zakim, ipcaller.a is me 20:21:53 +phila; got it 20:22:05 kerry: we will continue from the UC 29 20:22:33 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PSnpJYQDgsdgZgPJEfUU0EhVfgFFYGc1WL4xUX9Dunk/edit#gid=0 20:23:12 works fine for me 20:23:18 I can see it 20:23:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:24:01 zakim, please mute me 20:24:01 LarsG should now be muted 20:25:00 +q on distinguishing requirements for different deliverables 20:25:10 acl ale 20:25:14 ack ale 20:25:14 Alejandro_Llaves, you wanted to comment on distinguishing requirements for different deliverables 20:26:46 -SimonCox 20:27:01 Alejandro_Llaves: the spreadsheets will be helped to relate the UCs with the deliverables, so, please links them 20:27:02 q? 20:27:17 can u hear me? 20:27:52 +SimonCox 20:27:59 ?q 20:28:02 q? 20:28:46 SimonCox: should add the comments directly to the spreadsheets? 20:28:57 kerry: please put comments there 20:29:08 s/be helped/will help 20:29:20 q? 20:29:52 kerry: this is just the draft version, a more elaborated version will be created 20:30:30 ?q 20:30:33 q? 20:30:45 ACTION: Alejandro_Llaves will add one more column about model, sensor... 20:30:45 Error finding 'Alejandro_Llaves'. You can review and register nicknames at . 20:31:11 +q 20:31:27 -kerry 20:31:31 -q 20:32:01 can u hear me? 20:32:37 +[IPcaller.a] 20:32:41 Alejandro_Llaves: I added the requirements yesterday, please check them again and give comments 20:32:46 zakim, [ip is me 20:32:46 sorry, kerry, I do not recognize a party named '[ip' 20:33:00 zakim, [Ip is me 20:33:00 sorry, kerry, I do not recognize a party named '[Ip' 20:33:13 zakim, ipcaller.a is kerry 20:33:13 +kerry; got it 20:33:26 q? 20:35:24 kerry: should we add the dynamic update requirements ? 20:35:30 +1 20:36:59 kerry: make dynamic sensor data as a new requirement at column AE 20:37:44 q? 20:37:46 - +1.650.724.aacc 20:39:49 q? 20:40:05 q? 20:40:16 kerry: time series is added column T ( see coverage) 20:41:33 kerry: move the applications 20:41:52 s/move/move to 20:43:43 +1 20:43:56 +1 20:43:58 +1 20:44:46 q? 20:45:42 UC #30 is an exemplar of the requirement to consider sampling protocol as part of the observation process. Sampling was not considered in SSN, but is an integral aspect of O&M 20:47:11 medim resolution global grid for coverage use case 20:47:37 And the key aspect of sampling-features is their relationship to the real-worl features that they are designed to assist in characterizing. 20:47:48 s/medim/medium/ 20:48:27 s/worl/world 20:52:47 q? 20:53:15 SimonCox: UC31. Bush fire is only related to one requirement, similar to UC1 20:54:17 s/UC1/Best practice 31 20:54:27 s/UC31/Best practice 31 20:56:04 q+ 20:57:05 q? 20:57:44 q- 21:00:05 zakim, list participants 21:00:05 As of this point the attendees have been DanhLePhuoc, [IPcaller], kerry, phila, LarsG, FransK_, +61.3.925.2.aaaa, SimonCox, ahaller2, +1.412.390.aabb, CoryHenson, MattPerry, 21:00:08 ... +1.650.724.aacc 21:00:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:00:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-sdw-minutes.html phila 21:00:16 Spatial sampling complexes are ubiquitous in environmental observation campaigns. 21:00:55 Various dimensionalities involved and interlinked 21:02:17 +q on UC contributors to add comments to the spreadsheet 21:02:52 -kerry 21:02:55 q? 21:03:02 ack ale 21:03:02 Alejandro_Llaves, you wanted to comment on UC contributors to add comments to the spreadsheet 21:03:21 i just lost voice 21:03:27 alex -- can you do that pls? 21:03:46 -CoryHenson 21:03:48 Alejandro_Llaves: I wanted to add that, as Simon was doing, contributors can look for requirements that may be missing 21:04:04 ... that can be done offline 21:04:11 UC contributers -- please look for missing requirements against your use cases.. 21:04:16 I was merely adding 'comments' to cells in the spreadsheet where I thought Alejandro should make mods to the grid. 21:04:21 and add as comments on the ss 21:04:29 a simple "yes" in the right cell will do 21:04:39 Bye! 21:04:43 bye 21:04:45 -SimonCox 21:04:45 Bye 21:04:46 thanks, bye! 21:04:47 -phila 21:04:51 Do this for use cases discussed so far (no need for those we have not yet talked about)... 21:04:52 -ahaller2 21:04:54 -MattPerry 21:04:56 -LarsG 21:04:59 se ya! 21:04:59 trackbot, end meeting 21:04:59 Zakim, list attendees 21:04:59 As of this point the attendees have been DanhLePhuoc, [IPcaller], kerry, phila, LarsG, FransK_, +61.3.925.2.aaaa, SimonCox, ahaller2, +1.412.390.aabb, CoryHenson, MattPerry, 21:05:01 o-o 21:05:02 ... +1.650.724.aacc 21:05:07 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:05:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-sdw-minutes.html trackbot 21:05:08 RRSAgent, bye 21:05:08 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-sdw-actions.rdf : 21:05:08 ACTION: Alejandro_Llaves will add one more column about model, sensor... [1] 21:05:08 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-sdw-irc#T20-30-45