14:55:59 RRSAgent has joined #csvw 14:55:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-csvw-irc 14:56:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:56:01 Zakim has joined #csvw 14:56:03 Zakim, this will be CSVW 14:56:03 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_CSVWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 14:56:04 Meeting: CSV on the Web Working Group Teleconference 14:56:04 Date: 25 March 2015 15:00:18 zakim, code? 15:00:18 the conference code is 2789 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), gkellogg 15:00:30 jtandy has joined #csvw 15:01:08 DATA_CSVWG()11:00AM has now started 15:01:15 +Annette 15:01:17 +??P4 15:01:21 zakim, I am ??P4 15:01:21 +gkellogg; got it 15:01:24 zakim, Annette is me 15:01:24 +ivan; got it 15:02:51 JeniT has joined #csvw 15:02:56 +??P13 15:03:04 zakim, ??P13 is me 15:03:04 +jtandy; got it 15:03:30 +[IPcaller] 15:03:45 -jtandy 15:03:55 I'll try another method 15:04:34 +??P14 15:04:42 zakim, ??P14 15:04:42 I don't understand '??P14', jtandy 15:04:47 zakim, ??P14 is me 15:04:47 +jtandy; got it 15:07:02 http://bit.ly/19OJSLq 15:08:55 scribe: Jeremy Tandy 15:08:57 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/389 15:09:03 scribenick: jtandy 15:09:19 JeniT: #389 - just a hangover - take out the relevant text 15:09:25 gkellogg: agreed 15:09:39 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/391 15:09:42 ivan: [will do the necessary action] 15:09:51 JeniT: next - #391 15:10:09 gkellogg: we have some additional types of properties that [don't fit] 15:10:24 ... there's the foreign key 15:10:35 ivan: that's a separate issue 15:11:04 gkellogg: true - but still "reference" isn't a defined as a particular property type 15:11:17 ... #398 and #391 are overlapping 15:11:26 ... [lists a few of the properties] 15:11:52 ivan: but they clearly are a given type of property - so it's just an editorial thing 15:12:14 gkellogg: "references" (from foreign key) should be an object property 15:12:29 ivan: [is checking what his diagram says] 15:12:52 JeniT: the diagram already shows it as an object property 15:13:11 JeniT: editor action; agree with gkellogg's characterisation 15:13:31 gkellogg: [...] @language and @base have always bothered me 15:13:40 ... these are _really_ properties 15:13:55 JeniT: once merging is done, these have disappeared 15:14:12 ivan: and they don't appear in the diagram 15:14:31 gkellogg: how useful is the "top level properties" section 15:14:41 ... could it go in the JSON-LD description? 15:14:41 +1 to Jeni 15:14:57 JeniT: this needs to be here - some folks won't look at JSON-LD stuff 15:15:13 gkellogg: [...] probably ok as it is then 15:15:22 ... lets treat them as atomic properties 15:15:32 ivan: should they be in the diagram? 15:15:53 JeniT: depends on how you're characterising the diagram 15:16:04 gkellogg: perhaps have @context ... 15:16:20 ... with @language and @base as separate items 15:16:22 [...] 15:16:41 [discussion on how the diagram should look] 15:17:27 see http://w3c.github.io/csvw/metadata/index.html#metadata-format for the diagram 15:18:18 JeniT: I suggest putting a separate box labelled @context with properties @base and @language 15:18:23 ivan: I will do that 15:18:44 JeniT: [updates the issue] 15:19:16 JeniT: is @type an atomic property or link property 15:19:37 gkellogg: link properties resolve according the base - this is not the case for @type 15:19:39 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/393 15:19:40 JeniT: ok 15:19:50 JeniT: next - #393 15:19:58 gkellogg: events catching up with us 15:20:39 ... tableSchema takes on two different characteristics depending on usage 15:21:06 ... suggest changing the usage in foreignKey to schemaReference 15:21:22 ... [discussion based on text of issue] 15:21:55 JeniT: agreement all around 15:22:10 ivan: [updates the labels on the issue] 15:22:22 JeniT: schemaReference sounds correct 15:22:35 gkellogg: need to update the namespace doc and the metadata doc 15:22:38 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/issues/398 15:22:46 ivan: i will update the diagrma 15:22:55 s/diagrna/diagram/ 15:23:12 JeniT: next #398 15:23:51 gkellogg: easiest thing is to add some text on the array property of "foreignKeys" 15:24:06 ... describing how to normalise these values 15:24:21 JeniT: look at the definition of foreignKey 15:24:26 ... [looking for ref] 15:24:40 http://w3c.github.io/csvw/metadata/#table-foreignKeys 15:25:08 gkellogg: this should be "schema foreignkeys" 15:25:11 JeniT: yep 15:25:18 gkellogg: I'll fix that 15:25:33 ... need to tighten up the language here 15:26:00 ... schemaReference [discussed earlier] will be a link property 15:26:20 ... [... discussed the normalisation algorithm] 15:26:47 JeniT: I think for the normalisation that for objects you go into the objects and nornalise them 15:26:58 ... otherwise you get stuck on schemas 15:27:11 gkellogg: yes - but the wording is not [clear] enough 15:27:28 JeniT: [updates the issue to reflect the new text] 15:27:37 s/new/recommended/ 15:27:59 JeniT: "Agreed on telcon: normalisation language needs to include normalising properties of objects, including properties of objects in arrays." 15:28:21 ivan: so - JeniT and gkellogg have some editor action, I must update the diagram 15:28:29 ... then we reach equilibrium 15:28:34 JeniT: yes 15:28:45 ... what are Ivan's publication constraints? 15:28:59 ivan: we publish on tue and thu 15:29:16 ... we can't assume the web master can review on easter monday 15:29:35 ... we can say that the docs are ready by Friday 27th for internal review 15:29:38 JeniT: yes 15:29:48 gkellogg: I can do all my updates today 15:29:59 ivan: how much time do we need to re-read the doc 15:30:16 gkellogg: many of my issues relate to reading through the doc 15:30:30 ... still need the line by line review tho 15:30:44 JeniT: we need telcon signoff with quorum 15:30:51 ivan: can do by email 15:31:05 q+ to ask ivan about the outstanding PR 15:31:22 JeniT: shall we aim for publication on 14th april? 15:31:28 ivan: that would work 15:31:56 JeniT: 9th would be ok - but would that give enough time for making changes following editorial review 15:32:19 ivan: can we get jürgen and davide to read with their fresh eyes - 15:32:42 ... we will not see the errors [because we read what we think it says] 15:32:51 q+ 15:33:06 ... can we get all the docs through snapshot / respec by 9/10th 15:33:14 ... and let the web master review 15:33:26 JeniT: we can confirm this at our meeting on 8april 15:33:44 ivan: would like a decision so that I can notify the web master that things are coming 15:33:58 ivan: this is an internal milestone - but we need to show wide review 15:34:21 ... can JeniT and danbri create a list of the groups in W3C who we need to review 15:34:31 ... security, internationalisation 15:34:46 JeniT: also some TAG level issues - inclined to ask their review too 15:35:01 ivan: we're not at last call yet - this is good 15:35:08 ... we can get the issues early 15:35:18 JeniT: how long before we can go to LC? 15:35:32 ivan: difficult to say; depends on the response 15:35:39 ... sometime in Junish 15:35:48 ... also depends on the implementations 15:36:03 ... if we get into LC with 2 implementations then LC can be very quick 15:36:21 ... we should reach out to those people who said they would implement 15:36:26 ... make sure they are ready 15:36:44 JeniT: others too - adam retter , raphael 15:36:54 ivan: we should be noisy when we publish 15:37:05 gkellogg: they will need to provide the test suite 15:37:28 ivan: let's list the test suite in the blog communication 15:37:48 JeniT: lets tell people that we have the start of the test suite; please add more tests as you go 15:38:06 ... please write additional tests and contribute as you go 15:38:08 gk 15:38:38 gkellogg: my main worry is that we'll have too many tests - there are many variations 15:38:59 gkellogg: there's a reference to data package spec in the docs - is this still correct 15:39:41 JeniT: let's change this ref to say that it's "based on" rather than still close to 15:40:20 JeniT: also inclined to change Rufus to be an author rather than editor on this spec 15:40:42 ivan: shall we add anyone else 15:40:53 JeniT: what about ivan - credit for the diagram 15:41:02 ivan: i'll sleep better! 15:41:08 ... what about danbri 15:41:24 JeniT: not really - you could list the entire WG for contribution 15:41:43 ivan: we should have the WG acknowledged for all 4 specs 15:41:53 gkellogg: i'll take care of that 15:42:04 ... all - or active members? 15:42:11 ivan: active 15:42:15 ... here's the list 15:42:28 ... danbri 15:42:38 ... davide 15:42:58 not phila 15:43:20 ivan: anatasia - yes 15:43:35 ... she helped danbri 15:43:44 ... paul downey - no 15:43:57 ... alf eaton - yes 15:44:12 Fukuno, Taisuke - no 15:44:26 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=68238 15:44:40 Gutteridge, Christopher 15:45:00 - yes 15:45:07 Herman, Ivan 15:45:16 [laughter] 15:45:29 - no :-) 15:45:29 Hu, Chunming 15:45:36 [I propose YES for ivan] 15:45:56 - no 15:45:56 ngram, William ( - yes 15:46:05 Kellogg, Gregg - yes 15:46:18 Konstantopoulos, Stasinos - yes 15:46:34 Mannens, Erik - no 15:47:02 Mannens, Erik - yes 15:47:10 Metcalf, Christopher 15:47:14 JeniT: Erik did turn up to the f2f - am inclined to include 15:47:38 - no 15:47:48 Noriega, Alfonso 15:47:49 s/to include/not to include/ 15:47:52 -no 15:47:57 JeniT: don't include yet - but Christopher Metcalf could be an implementor 15:47:59 Polleres, Axel - yes 15:48:09 Pollock, Rufus -yes 15:48:09 I said Erik *should* be included because of coming to the F2F 15:48:29 Retter, Adam - yes 15:48:29 Seaborne, Andy - yes 15:48:42 Simonis, Ingo 15:48:56 - no 15:49:01 Stephan, Eric ( - yes 15:49:10 Tandy, Jeremy - yes 15:49:18 Tennison, Jeni - maybe 15:49:25 Thomas, Mathew 15:49:36 no 15:49:59 Troncy, Raphaël - no 15:50:01 Umbrich, Jürgen - yes 15:50:10 ZERGAOUI, Mohamed - no 15:50:40 + Yakov - yes 15:50:47 q+ 15:50:56 q- 15:51:04 Tim Finin ? 15:51:38 JeniT: also go through the contributors in the UC doc 15:51:47 ivan: gkellogg - will you take care of this? 15:51:59 gkellogg: yes - but will pass to JeniT & ivan etc. for review 15:52:21 ack jtandy 15:52:21 jtandy, you wanted to ask ivan about the outstanding PR and to 15:52:39 https://github.com/w3c/csvw/pull/395 15:53:16 ivan: will check for consistency 15:53:47 gkellogg: formally the "json" datatype is uppercase, with a lowercase alias 15:54:17 JeniT: lowercase is the term we use in the datatype property for consistency with others; xml, html 15:54:31 ... capitalised version is used elsewhere 15:54:56 gkellogg: in the namespace I've defined them as uppercase with a lowercase alias 15:55:04 ivan: what to use in the doc? 15:55:17 ... in the diagram? 15:55:27 ... is the diagram ok as it? 15:55:45 q+ to ask about email on list about linked-csv to rdf 15:56:29 [discussion about upper and lowercase datatype names] 15:57:14 JeniT: [this] is very confusing ... you're not supposed to have the uppercase versions in the metadata 15:57:23 ivan: think the metadata doc is ok as it 15:57:38 gkellogg: keep the namespace doc the same 15:57:52 gkellogg: also need to move forward on the validation tests 15:58:08 ... positive validation tests should have json and rdf output 15:58:20 ... negative validation tests return errors 15:58:27 JeniT: one or more errors 15:58:31 ... agreed 15:58:34 ack jtandy 15:58:34 jtandy, you wanted to ask about email on list about linked-csv to rdf 15:59:13 JeniT: thanks! enjoy holidays ... 15:59:23 ... I won't be around next week 15:59:24 -gkellogg 15:59:25 -JeniT 15:59:25 -ivan 15:59:35 -jtandy 15:59:35 DATA_CSVWG()11:00AM has ended 15:59:35 Attendees were gkellogg, ivan, jtandy, JeniT 15:59:49 trackbot, end telcon 15:59:49 Zakim, list attendees 15:59:49 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 15:59:57 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:59:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/25-csvw-minutes.html trackbot 15:59:58 RRSAgent, bye 15:59:58 I see no action items