08:56:56 RRSAgent has joined #wot 08:56:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/24-wot-irc 08:57:07 zakim, this will be wot 08:57:07 ok, Johannes_Hund, I see UW_WOTIG()5:00AM already started 08:57:38 rrsagent, make logs public 08:58:01 +[IPcaller] 08:58:12 zakim, ipcaller is me 08:58:12 +dret; got it 08:58:18 taki has joined #wot 08:59:33 tidoust has joined #wot 09:00:01 +[IPcaller] 09:00:11 zakim, [IP is me 09:00:11 +taki; got it 09:00:22 +??P3 09:00:28 zakim, ??P3 is me 09:00:28 +tidoust; got it 09:00:53 +??P4 09:01:23 k_nimura1 has joined #wot 09:02:11 dret is Erik Wilde 09:02:37 LJWatson, it's 9681: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_Page#Upcoming_Meetings 09:02:54 zakim, who is here 09:02:54 dret, you need to end that query with '?' 09:02:57 zakim, who is here? 09:02:57 On the phone I see jheuer, dret, taki, tidoust, ??P4 09:02:59 On IRC I see k_nimura1, tidoust, taki, RRSAgent, Zakim, Johannes_Hund, dret, LJWatson, Kangchan, trackbot 09:03:40 zakim, dret is Erik Wilde 09:03:40 I don't understand 'dret is Erik Wilde', dret 09:03:44 +[IPcaller] 09:03:49 Claes has joined #wot 09:03:56 good morning everybody! 09:04:28 zakim, who is making noise? 09:04:37 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 09:04:37 +LJWatson; got it 09:04:39 dret, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 09:05:09 Johannes_Hund has joined #wot 09:06:08 i think i am supposed to present, so i cannot scribe at the same time. 09:06:29 + + 09:07:06 understood. are there no volunteers? 09:07:24 - + 09:08:01 + + 09:08:30 - + 09:09:23 + + 09:09:44 sebastian will join the call and will scribe 09:09:56 i get some audio every 3min. am i missing the action? 09:10:27 zakim, who is here? 09:10:27 On the phone I see jheuer, dret, taki, tidoust, ??P4, LJWatson, + 09:10:29 On IRC I see Johannes_Hund, Claes, k_nimura1, tidoust, taki, RRSAgent, Zakim, dret, LJWatson, Kangchan, trackbot 09:10:48 not many people on the phone, but a few. 09:12:39 +jheuer.a 09:12:50 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Domain_experts 09:13:01 Sebastian has joined #wot 09:13:53 -dret 09:14:19 Johannes_Hund: any question about the agenda? 09:14:36 +[IPcaller] 09:14:51 zakim, IPcaller is me 09:14:51 +dret; got it 09:15:34 http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/92/slides/slides-92-iab-techplenary-2.pdf 09:15:39 dret gives a short overview about the RFC 09:15:41 first agenda point: Report from dret about the RFC 09:16:37 dret: RFC 7452 was published few weeks ago 09:18:04 dret: first section talks about smart object patterns how can they connected 09:18:13 + +358.942.70aadd 09:18:25 - +358.942.70aadd 09:19:06 + +358.942.70aaee 09:21:20 Section 2 of RFC is about connectivity 09:21:29 Section 2.1: D2D 09:21:35 dret: section 2 describes the device 2 device connectivity 09:21:59 Adamu has joined #wot 09:22:22 dret: also device 2 cloud pattern 09:22:31 section 2.2: device2cloud 09:24:18 dsr has joined #wot 09:24:31 +Dsr 09:25:02 dret: you have 2 APIs --> device 2 cloud and cloud to application 09:28:15 dret: section 2.3 describes device to gateway communication pattern 09:28:42 dret: patterns can be combined (e.g. device -> gateway -> cloud) 09:29:37 + +49.303.aaff 09:31:39 dret: section 2.4. describes Back-End Data Sharing Pattern 09:31:46 rob has joined #wot 09:33:39 dret: in general, section 2 describes the different smart object communication patterns 09:33:57 dret: any questions about this patterns? 09:35:33 dret: section 3 addresses the reuse of internet protocols 09:39:15 dret: section 4 is about taking into account the exisiting internet/web 09:40:25 dret: section 4 talks about the deployed internet matters 09:42:31 dret: section 5 is about design for change 09:43:56 -dret 09:44:11 dropped again, but i'm done. i'll be back. 09:44:28 +[IPcaller] 09:44:35 zakim, ipcaller is me 09:44:35 +dret; got it 09:44:36 johannes: any comments or questions about the RFC 7452? 09:45:11 also: any ideas about next steps? 09:45:21 could this be a good example how to proceed with a proposal for WoT? 09:46:13 dave: would it be a good landscape study? 09:46:15 it's not really a landscape study, more an architectural overview and guidance. they have actually few pointers to concrete tech landscape standards. 09:47:31 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Bridging_the_gap_between_the_Web,_the_Web_of_Things_and_the_IoT 09:51:54 +1 09:52:06 zakim, who is here 09:52:06 dret, you need to end that query with '?' 09:52:08 zakim, who is here? 09:52:08 On the phone I see jheuer, taki, tidoust, ??P4, LJWatson, +, jheuer.a, +358.942.70aaee, Dsr, +49.303.aaff, dret 09:52:11 On IRC I see rob, dsr, Adamu, Sebastian, Johannes_Hund, Claes, k_nimura1, tidoust, taki, RRSAgent, Zakim, dret, LJWatson, Kangchan, trackbot 09:53:18 dave: devide use cases and assign members to them or do it randomly? 09:54:34 dave: work on the use cases in detail duing the f2f 09:56:47 claus: write use cases in wiki or via mail? 09:59:03 dave: sent a mail 09:59:34 s/sent/send/ 10:00:50 dave: will send a registration form for the f2f 10:01:25 thanks everybody! 10:01:26 -dret 10:01:28 - +358.942.70aaee 10:01:28 - + 10:01:30 -tidoust 10:01:31 - +49.303.aaff 10:01:32 -taki 10:01:34 -??P4 10:01:34 -jheuer.a 10:01:35 -jheuer 10:01:39 -LJWatson 10:01:42 rrsagent, make minutes 10:01:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/24-wot-minutes.html dsr 10:01:51 -Dsr 10:01:51 UW_WOTIG()5:00AM has ended 10:01:51 Attendees were jheuer, dret, taki, tidoust, LJWatson, +, +, +, +358.942.70aadd, +358.942.70aaee, Dsr, +49.303.aaff 11:14:38 LJWatson has joined #wot 11:55:45 Zakim has left #wot 12:02:34 tidoust has joined #wot 14:07:56 dsr has joined #wot 15:42:30 tidoust has joined #wot 16:39:26 tidoust has joined #wot