19:58:07 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 19:58:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/03/20-DPUB-irc 19:58:28 zakim, will be DPub_Dpub 19:58:28 I don't understand 'will be DPub_Dpub', clapierre 19:58:41 zakim, this will be DPub_Dpub 19:58:41 ok, clapierre, I see DPUB_DPUB A1()4:00PM already started 19:58:51 rrsagent, make logs public 20:00:30 +Liam 20:02:59 zakim, who is here? 20:02:59 On the phone I see Tzviya, George_Kerscher, clapierre, Liam 20:03:01 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, clapierre, tzviya, tm, Karen, liam, rego, dkaplan3, plinss, iank, mihnea_____, trackbot 20:04:54 astearns has joined #dpub 20:06:36 [we do have a W3C poll system too, WBS] 20:08:07 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/showwb 20:08:42 Charles will send out a poll to change the time for our A11Y DPUB weekly meetings 20:11:31 canonical fragement identifier 20:13:42 http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/ 20:16:01 Tzviya: two issues, mapping to a print page 20:16:38 … defining content within a certain box, page in ebook / slide etc. 20:17:04 … how to number the sides, term page is used for both 20:17:22 George referring to inkpage 20:20:04 http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/UseCase_Directory#Pagination.2FDOM_interaction 20:29:36 -Tzviya 20:46:46 positional location of text to indicate different speakers, etc. 20:47:10 phonetic spellings of proper nows (maybe indi work in w3c?) 20:48:07 s/nows/nouns/ 20:49:25 how does layout improve comprehension? 20:50:16 -Liam 20:50:18 -George_Kerscher 20:50:19 DPUB_DPUB A1()4:00PM has ended 20:50:19 Attendees were Tzviya, George_Kerscher, clapierre, Liam 20:50:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:50:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/03/20-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 20:53:56 rrsagent, bye 20:53:56 I see no action items