15:48:58 RRSAgent has joined #mobile-a11y 15:48:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-mobile-a11y-irc 15:49:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:49:00 Zakim has joined #mobile-a11y 15:49:02 Zakim, this will be WAI_MATF 15:49:02 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_MATF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 15:49:03 Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:49:03 Date: 19 February 2015 15:49:37 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2015Feb/0020.html 15:50:09 chair: Kathleen_Wahlbin 15:50:53 agenda+ consensus to publish FPWD of Note: Mobile Accessibility 15:50:55 agenda+ Status of the Document questions 15:50:56 agenda+ comments from EOWG (changes will be included in a future version of the note) 15:50:58 agenda+ ARIA techniques & mobile 15:51:31 regrets+ Jan_Richards 15:58:50 WAI_MATF()11:00AM has now started 15:58:57 +Kim_Patch 15:59:29 +Alan_Smith 15:59:55 +TomB 16:01:22 Detlev has joined #mobile-a11y 16:02:06 marcjohlic has joined #mobile-a11y 16:02:32 TomBabinszki has joined #mobile-a11y 16:02:50 +Detlev 16:03:22 +Marc_Johlic 16:03:57 scribe: Detlev 16:04:09 + +1.978.760.aaaa 16:04:32 +Jeanne 16:05:02 +??P32 16:05:21 -Jeanne 16:05:25 - +1.978.760.aaaa 16:05:44 ack me 16:06:17 Alan_Smith has joined #mobile-a11y 16:06:28 Kathy apologizes due to snow emergency 16:06:55 Zakim, take up next 16:06:55 agendum 1. "consensus to publish FPWD of Note: Mobile Accessibility" taken up [from Kim] 16:07:10 ack me 16:07:29 Zakim, take up item 3 16:07:29 agendum 3. "comments from EOWG (changes will be included in a future version of the note)" taken up [from Kim] 16:07:50 ack me 16:08:28 Jeanne knows where commenrs are - checking 16:09:05 http://w3c.github.io/Mobile-A11y-TF-Note/ 16:09:27 (Michael checking github for note comments) 16:09:59 Kim: We got approval to publish note 16:10:20 Kim: Version will be published as draft 16:10:41 Kim: Comments can be worked through then 16:11:43 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Mobile_Accessibility_Note_-_EOWG_Review_Feb_2015 16:11:57 MC found something on EO mailing list 16:12:32 (everyone taking a few minute to read comments) 16:14:29 jon_avila has joined #mobile-a11y 16:14:50 + +1.703.637.aabb 16:14:57 zakim, I am aabb 16:14:57 +jon_avila; got it 16:15:00 MJ: Wondering about techniques that are "poor development and UX practices" 16:15:31 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Mobile_Accessibility_Note_-_EOWG_Review_Feb_2015 16:16:50 q+ 16:16:51 q? 16:16:59 One comment: "Mobile" screen size is the wrong term 16:17:11 "viewport?" 16:17:27 MJ: alternatives more wordy 16:17:40 JA: Physical screen size also important 16:18:50 JA: Is comment specific to place, or general? 16:18:52 q- 16:19:04 Kim: probably wider 16:19:43 Kim: Can't see a better version 16:20:07 AS: The browser viewport not the desktop as a whole 16:20:24 TomBabinszki has joined #mobile-a11y 16:22:30 jeanne has joined #mobile-a11y 16:22:32 How about appending the bullet w/ part of her sentence: "web pages utilizing responsive design can transition into a "mobile" screen size even on a desktop/laptop when the browser viewport is resized or zoomed in" 16:22:55 +Jeanne 16:23:05 JA: We want to express the commonality between different environments like desk 16:23:35 q? 16:23:51 JA: likes Marcs suggestion 16:24:15 +1 16:24:19 rrsagent, make minutes 16:24:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-mobile-a11y-minutes.html jeanne 16:24:26 MJ: quotes were used ti indicate that mobile was not to be taken literally 16:24:26 I like Marc's revision as well. 16:24:28 * 16:24:36 1+ 16:25:37 RESOLUTION: Take Marc's suggestion above top amend 1.1 16:26:14 rrsagent, make logs public 16:26:41 Zakim, take up item 1 16:26:41 agendum 1. "consensus to publish FPWD of Note: Mobile Accessibility" taken up [from Kim] 16:27:24 +1 16:27:25 +1 16:27:28 +1 16:27:34 +1 16:27:34 +1 publish 16:27:38 +1 16:27:55 RESOLUTION: Note published as first public working draft 16:28:16 Zakim, take up next 16:28:16 agendum 2. "Status of the Document questions" taken up [from Kim] 16:28:59 JS: We asked for feedback to getting input on where we should go 16:30:32 JS: explaining feedback questions 16:31:42 JS: 2nd Queston: is info helpful for developers? 16:32:09 q+ 16:32:58 JS: If people have suggestions, that would be good 16:33:26 Kim: Q 2 might be too narrow - we want to reach beyond app developers 16:34:09 JA: There are gov agencies, testers etc who are also addressees 16:34:51 TB: use "designers, developers, and testers"? 16:35:05 JEanne: not to forget policy makers 16:35:20 JA: or come uip with a term that includes everybody 16:35:52 JA: have customers that do not consider mobile scenarios 16:36:26 JA: stuff behind government firewalls 16:36:57 Kim: aren't they also using mobile devices? 16:37:17 JA: mobile may be rules out (cameras, mics) 16:37:29 JS; add policy makers 16:37:50 Kim: differentiate mobile content and mobile apps 16:38:03 JS: we want to make sure that native apps are included 16:39:02 mobile apps or content that can be viewed with mobile devices 16:39:09 AS: Likes Kims suggestion "content that can be viewed on mobile, and mobile apps" 16:39:11 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/WD-mobile-accessibility-mapping-20150224/#sotd 16:39:32 s// 16:39:38 rrsagent, make minutes 16:39:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-mobile-a11y-minutes.html jeanne 16:40:43 Is the format of this information helpful for designers, developers, testers and policymakers of content that can be viewed on mobile, and mobile apps? 16:40:53 JS: rephrasing audience description for notw 16:42:02 Is the format of this information helpful for content, designers, developers, testers and policymakers that can be viewed on mobile, and mobile apps? 16:42:24 JS: Group should approve this today if possible 16:43:51 JS: question whether reframing WCAG techniques is useful for mobile content / app creators? 16:44:46 In Appendix A, is listing potentially applicable existing WCAG 2.0 techniques helpful for mobile content and mobile app developers? 16:44:49 AS: suggests "applicable" (rlevant, useful) 16:45:11 +1 to relevant 16:45:28 In Appendix A, is listing relevant existing WCAG 2.0 techniques helpful for mobile content and mobile app developers? 16:45:48 +1 16:45:55 +1 for relevant 16:46:16 +1 16:46:39 JA: Q4 (is it comprehensive?) could generarte a lot of comment 16:47:13 JA: Are we asking people to contribute stuff beyond WCAG 16:47:41 JS: There is already stuff in the note that cannot be attrivuted to particular SC / guidelines 16:47:55 JS: "related to WCAG principles" 16:48:31 Are there additional accessibility needs in mobile content related to the WCAG principles that we should address? 16:49:01 JA: better say "mobile content" rather than "mobile devices", then link to WCAG principles? 16:49:42 JA: Accessing content in a mobile environment.. to get away from devices? 16:49:48 Are there additional accessibility needs in mobile envirnonment related to the WCAG principles that we should address? 16:50:12 1+ 16:50:36 +1 16:50:45 +1 16:50:54 suggested rewording of #2: 16:50:56 Is the format of this information helpful for designers, developers and testers of content that can be viewed with mobile devices and in mobile apps? Is it useful for policymakers? 16:51:22 +1 16:51:26 +1 16:51:41 -TomB 16:52:33 JS: we have to be careful not to imply that we are changing WCAG 16:53:56 JS: Are there suggestions for any other questions? 16:54:34 JS: people tend nto to answer too specific questions 16:55:10 Kim: Do we cover the issue that content will often be directed both at desktop and mobile? Is that covered? 16:55:35 Alan_Smith has joined #mobile-a11y 16:56:01 Sorry had to drop on one browser and open in another on my tablet 16:59:00 Kim: There was a big discussion on keyboard accessibility for mobile 17:00:24 Have we sufficiently explained why keyboard interface and modality independent controls are needed in the mobile environment? 17:00:39 1+ 17:00:44 +1 17:00:50 +1 17:00:52 _-1 17:01:12 +1 17:03:02 (Discussion on face 2 face at CSUN) 17:03:15 -jon_avila 17:03:18 rrsagent, make minutes 17:03:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-mobile-a11y-minutes.html Detlev 17:03:21 -Alan_Smith 17:03:22 Thanks! 17:03:23 -Jeanne 17:03:25 -Michael_Cooper 17:03:43 -Marc_Johlic 17:04:37 Zakim, list participants 17:04:37 As of this point the attendees have been Kim_Patch, Alan_Smith, TomB, Detlev, Marc_Johlic, +1.978.760.aaaa, Jeanne, Michael_Cooper, +1.703.637.aabb, jon_avila 17:04:46 rrsagent, make minutes 17:04:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-mobile-a11y-minutes.html Detlev 17:07:07 rrsagent, bye 17:07:07 I see no action items