15:56:33 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 15:56:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-irc 15:56:35 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:56:35 Zakim has joined #html-a11y 15:56:37 Zakim, this will be 2119 15:56:37 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 56 minutes ago 15:56:38 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:56:38 Date: 19 February 2015 15:56:39 agenda? 15:58:47 Chair: chaals 15:58:47 agenda+ Agenda revision? (until :05) 15:58:47 agenda+ action item review - https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open 15:58:47 agenda+ Longdesc decision? 15:58:47 agenda+ Canvas specification 15:58:47 agenda+ HTML after5 plan - http://darobin.github.io/after5/html-plan.html and Work items 16:00:04 darobin has joined #html-a11y 16:00:34 WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has now started 16:00:41 +[IPcaller] 16:00:53 zakim, call chaals-es 16:00:53 ok, chaals; the call is being made 16:00:54 +Chaals 16:00:54 +[IPcaller.a] 16:01:08 Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is me 16:01:08 +darobin; got it 16:01:17 +JF 16:01:30 zakim, [ipcal is léonie 16:01:30 +léonie; got it 16:01:36 +Joanmarie_Diggs 16:02:09 JF has joined #html-a11y 16:02:50 zakim, pick a scribe 16:02:50 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JF 16:03:04 Judy has joined #html-a11y 16:03:10 scribe: JF 16:03:26 agenda? 16:03:30 +Judy 16:03:36 +??P27 16:03:50 zakim, ??p27 is janina 16:03:50 +janina; got it 16:03:51 zakim, ??P27 is me 16:03:51 I already had ??P27 as janina, janina 16:04:02 zakim, take up item 5 16:04:02 agendum 5. "HTML after5 plan - http://darobin.github.io/after5/html-plan.html and Work items" taken up [from chaals] 16:04:17 +Liam 16:04:25 CM: welcomes Robin 16:04:53 CM: looking to formulate plans for the next months, so we need a plan. Robin has some thoughts to offer 16:05:09 http://darobin.github.io/after5/html-plan.html 16:05:12 RB: happy to share, and can return to future calls to discuss further as required 16:05:30 +[IPcaller] 16:05:39 RB: 13 - 15 page document linked. Suggest a deeper read off-line 16:05:50 Regrets+ Aardrian 16:05:55 IanPouncey has joined #html-a11y 16:05:59 high-level plan is to work to make html more creative, exciting, etc. 16:06:23 much of the energy over the past months was to ship html5, now we can expand 16:06:40 one objective is to reduce overhead in the production of the spec - required a lot of resources 16:06:42 +[IPcaller.a] 16:06:52 Zakim, IPcaller.a is me 16:06:52 +IanPouncey; got it 16:07:25 RB: idea now is to shift the efforts of the work on newer more interesting content 16:07:55 one of the big changes is to have more smaller groups to work on the effort. 16:08:12 idea is anything that is feature focused would be done in a smaller group 16:08:31 q+ 16:08:47 to avoid chaos, there will be a master plan/map, but the idea is to allow smaller groups to work 16:08:59 another key point will be how to deal with bugs 16:09:33 propose to deliver bugs to WHAT WG, and have an escalation path through the html wg 16:09:54 for groups who are unhappy with this, then will address more directly 16:09:58 Q+ 16:10:03 q- later 16:10:09 one thing to avoid is to avoid bug dupes 16:10:29 As far as new features - goal is to have a smaller spec, not a larger one 16:10:40 SteveF has joined #html-a11y 16:11:12 may look to split-off the spec - for example if someone is working a a feature, it may be extracted and worked on as an extension spec 16:11:13 q+ 16:11:21 q- later 16:11:29 q+ 16:11:35 ack jf 16:11:40 scribe: chaals 16:11:58 JF: You talked about possibility of bugs traveling in parallel paths. How do you manage that? 16:12:44 RB: Idea is not to have them in parallel. If it is something WHATWG will handle, send it there, if you don't want to do that, don't like the resolution or it is on something like longdesc that isn't in WHATWG, then we'll move it to HTML (or file it there to start) 16:13:11 … instead of having two groups trying to figure out what each other were doing, and wasting a lot of time on redundant work. 16:13:27 … and confusing people… 16:13:33 q+ 16:13:39 scribe: JF 16:13:49 q+ 16:13:58 ack ste 16:15:05 SF: to provide a practicle example, points to performance requirements for ARIA, and yet they have created a new version which will be used [inaudible], at the same time the requiremens which are all in the HTML API mapping section 16:15:22 that current section in the ARIA section will include the few bits around roles, etc. 16:15:34 but the API mapping requirements will be ported off 16:15:43 RB: progress on that now 16:15:46 ack me 16:16:18 CM: there has been some time shopping this around - the HTML group has been quite open to feedback 16:16:20 html api mappings 1.0 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html 16:16:24 this seems to be a good balance 16:16:55 one question: for groups such as this, what do we anticipate what we need to track and monitor? 16:17:02 conformance requirements for ARIA in HTML https://specs.webplatform.org/html-aria/webspecs/master/ 16:17:05 RB: yes, we have already seen that kind of feedback 16:17:22 the goal is to produce a map of what is being worked on where 16:17:41 which would be part of the beginning of the spec 16:17:52 ack me 16:18:01 want to also ask groups to outline how they want to work, and how to provide feedback 16:18:19 RB: also talking about how to properly document extension specs 16:18:27 including how to do some self-monitoring 16:18:42 which would aid prior to a horizontal review 16:18:59 this is the plan, and there will be hickups, but this is the general idea 16:19:06 ack ju 16:19:30 JB: appreciate this discussion and that W3C Team addressing some earlier concerns 16:19:46 also welcome the division between Task Forces and Community Groups 16:20:14 important to have some coordinated oversight to address efforts across multiple channels 16:20:29 there is a scalability concern with a proliferation of CGs 16:20:56 steps to work and ensure that CGs can ensure a11y 16:21:49 final point: concern around documents coming from CGs labeled "final", with the assumption that specs are fully baked (but not had a11y review, for example) 16:22:24 RB: we are aware of this, and it is being tracked. People should not move towards "final" prior to multi-group review 16:22:33 q? 16:22:36 JB: yes, there are may options, but appreciate serious review 16:22:39 ack ja 16:23:30 s/"final"/"final specification" rather than "final report"/ 16:24:15 JS: want to focus on bug process. Appreciate attempt to make it more responsive, but note that re: a11y - starting at WHAT WG opens possibility of concern 16:24:34 WHAT WG does not have the same depth of a11y participation 16:24:52 q+ to respond on bug process 16:25:05 would be far more comfortable if other groups also started bugs at W3C - concern over history of annimosity with WHAT WG 16:25:14 +1 to Janina 16:25:41 RB: agree with that sentiment. do not want to create a situation where people avoid filing bugs for fear of fallout 16:25:52 agree that a11y area may bve one of those areas 16:26:28 in terms of general policy - it would be not that we are making an exception for a11y, but to extend that to any group who may have similar concerns 16:26:49 there are other groups with similar concerns based on history 16:27:06 -darobin 16:27:07 cak me 16:27:12 RB: hoping to see further feedback (on list)] 16:27:12 ack me 16:27:12 chaals, you wanted to respond on bug process 16:27:32 CM: part of the issue about building trust - you need to step forward 16:27:49 there are many people who file bugs in many places 16:28:18 q+ 16:28:38 CM: we run the risk of over-processizing this 16:28:49 file the bug where it best makes sense 16:28:54 q+ 16:29:02 ack jan 16:29:02 +1 to Chaals. 16:29:08 s/cak me// 16:29:13 Q+ to ask about tracking bugs in a space we are less effective 16:29:26 +1 to chaals 16:29:37 agenda? 16:29:38 JS: don't want to run the world, but we want to avoid repeating previous actions 16:29:48 q+ to mention some discussion w/ Jeff 16:30:21 ack ju 16:30:21 Judy, you wanted to mention some discussion w/ Jeff 16:30:36 JB: have a few thoughts on the bug-tracking issue 16:30:58 html wg is refreshing their work, so it may be interesting to see how this evolves 16:31:18 have been discussing this with Jeff as well as to how this would work/look 16:31:30 html wg is responsible to ensure that bug tracking is working 16:31:43 it may be difficult to track a by-pass route 16:31:59 q+ to point out filing direct with HTML is not an escalation or bypass, it is one of the two possible initial options for filing a bug. 16:32:11 one possibility would be to establish a success criteria on how bugs are being processed 16:32:38 JB: but hear significant concerns around bug tracking 16:32:44 ack JF 16:32:44 JF, you wanted to ask about tracking bugs in a space we are less effective 16:32:52 scribe: chaals 16:33:22 JF: To echo some of what Judy said, I am concerned there is an appearance of two places to file bugs. 16:33:54 … true we cannot control the world, but unless there is a process that says any accessibility bug filed at WHAT-WG comes to the attention of this task force, we will need to monitor those bugs or things will slip through. 16:34:09 … we shouldn't be relying on people trying to figure out where to file bugs. 16:34:09 q+ 16:34:12 ack me 16:34:12 chaals, you wanted to point out filing direct with HTML is not an escalation or bypass, it is one of the two possible initial options for filing a bug. 16:34:57 CM: 2 comments: 1 there are 2 places to file bugs today - there are 2 groups working on HTML, Doing a lot of duplicate work is expensive. There is a general concern over bug tracking 16:35:35 the current/old way was to triage html wg bugs, be same for new bugs on whatwg no? 16:35:45 CM: any bug fix proposed by WHAT WG will be reviewed by the HTML WG 16:35:49 ack liam 16:36:02 s/reviewed by/passing through/ 16:36:08 LQ: do not expect saying that there are 2 places to file bugs 16:36:21 there should be a single site to file bugs, and a single site to track bugs 16:36:26 +1 to liam 16:36:33 ack leonie 16:36:36 ack lj 16:36:41 w3c owns w3c bugzilla, that is where the bugs are filed 16:36:45 LW: believe bug tracking *is* in one place 16:36:50 W3C bugzilla 16:36:50 +1 to Liam, that proposal would then put the onus on who the bug is assigned to 16:36:52 [then it's not a problem :-) ] 16:36:56 ack me 16:37:13 CM: encourage people to read the plan, and note that it changes. May want to invite Robiun back 16:37:21 the other part of this is the work plan 16:37:44 we are looking to issue a CfC to decide whqt this group will work on - roughly a charter of what we will be doing here 16:37:54 the wish-list wiki is where we are documenting this 16:38:01 q+ 16:38:22 there is a specific issue aropund the work on ARIA - this group is not being actively worked on here. 16:38:24 ack jan 16:38:50 we can either ask to move that here, or we can leave it to operate outside of this TF 16:39:29 JS: work is happening on the API mapping by Steve and Jason - it is bigger than just ARIA 16:40:09 CM: asking steve if work is happening, andif so, where? 16:40:46 SF: there is activity - Jason and I have done some work. When there is something to post, I post it to this WG (as well as PF) 16:41:16 SF: do not need to be in the TF to work on the doc. If you have contributions you can file a bug or send an email 16:42:48 CM: part of the W3C process is to ensure that a11y work is being tracked. If PF is tracking efforts already, then does this group need to track the same work? 16:43:25 SF: suggest that the expertese is in the HTML WG and the PF WG 16:44:15 JS: would agree. Concern that PF being asked to track issues that are not a11y related - happier to see that continue being worked on in this TF 16:44:30 q+ 16:44:31 PF decided to move all issues related to HTML to this TF 16:44:37 ack me 16:45:07 SF: people can contribute and provide feedback - if we can facilitate that we are ahead 16:45:16 q+ 16:45:39 CM: comment and suggestion: as a browser vendor and content creator - minimizing the number of things and places to track is a good thing 16:45:58 propose we place the documents up as proposed work items, and see what feedback we get 16:45:58 ack ju 16:46:25 agenda? 16:46:55 [Judy does not see harm in maintaining a lightweight tracking list, but doesn't want to debate it further] 16:47:00 -[IPcaller] 16:47:01 CM: this group is formally tasked with tracking all of the a11y issues for HTML 16:47:20 Present+ SteveF 16:47:29 zakim, take up item 4 16:47:29 agendum 4. "Canvas specification" taken up [from chaals] 16:47:30 zakim, take up item 4 16:47:31 agendum 4. "Canvas specification" taken up [from chaals] 16:47:52 q+ 16:48:22 JS: there has been some activity this week (drawFocus) - advances at Google. Dominic was asking some questions around specific code, under code-review at G now. 16:48:39 No news on the single Firefox bug; Joanie is also looking at support in WebKit 16:48:52 JS: for one week now we've been making excellent progress 16:48:54 ack me 16:48:57 CM: good news! 16:49:26 CM: is that Chrome code or Chromium code? if Chromium then it is also picked up by Yandex and Opera 16:49:36 JS: Good question - will need to verify 16:49:49 CM: what is the status of hitRegion? 16:50:08 q+ 16:50:10 JS: will need substantially more work. If we want to mve forward suggest to not wait on hitRegion 16:50:21 suggestion to move that to "level 2" 16:50:31 ack ju 16:50:45 Chairs agreed getting that would justify a level 2 16:51:11 JB: there is still some discussion around this - other suggestion would be to have a 1.1 16:52:04 sugest that the plan be flexible. It is aproblem with going out without hit Region, but... starting to see some complaints on inaccessible Canvas 16:52:17 zakim, take up item 3 16:52:17 agendum 3. "Longdesc decision?" taken up [from chaals] 16:52:54 JB: there are some things complicating the decision process. Have re-escalated this internally. Process suggests that news be announced in 2-3 weeks 16:53:04 there are some concerns that this hasn't happened 16:53:17 it is going to the AC (should be out by tomorrow) 16:53:37 zakim, take up item 2 16:53:37 agendum 2. "action item review - https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open" taken up [from chaals] 16:54:29 LQ: status is - have done more editting and by next weeks meeting we can review the changes 16:54:46 JB: has there been a chance to review the changes 16:55:00 LQ: I am making changes - this TF will need to review 16:55:13 Shane and I will list changes we have done - will report back next week 16:55:32 JS: question was - is there content in this document that is not in the HTML spec? 16:56:00 LQ: do not believe so, but have a verbal confirmation from Steve. F - so believe to be true, but have not had a line-by-line review 16:56:01 close action-296 16:56:01 Closed action-296. 16:56:03 q+ 16:56:20 JS: which is the concern over the changes that you and Shane have been making - perhaps they should be filed as bugs 16:56:27 s/in 2-3 weeks/in 2 weeks or else update provided in 3 weeks http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/#ACReviewAfter 16:56:36 ack me 16:56:47 LQ: exactly, not clear of the value of editing a document that may not be published. it requires major editing 16:57:19 CM: if there is a need to change some of the existing wording and the spec, then having a seperate doc has value 16:57:44 is there significant differances? Do we need to change the HTML docu? 16:57:47 LQ: yes 16:58:10 mostly english language grammar errors - there are also substantive technical errors 16:58:36 CM: will put this into the "suggested doucments to be a deliverable" and see what happens 16:58:57 the work item of fixing the errors in the current guidance is the core, but how we do that remains to see 16:59:36 CM: 2 other action on me. Have posted an email about keyboard access. 17:00:11 rrsagent, make logs public 17:00:21 -léonie 17:00:22 -IanPouncey 17:00:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-minutes.html JF 17:00:24 -Judy 17:00:25 -janina 17:00:25 -Joanmarie_Diggs 17:00:26 [adjourned] 17:00:29 -Liam 17:00:34 zakim, please part 17:00:34 leaving. As of this point the attendees were [IPcaller], Chaals, darobin, JF, léonie, Joanmarie_Diggs, Judy, janina, Liam, IanPouncey 17:00:34 Zakim has left #html-a11y 17:00:51 rrasgent, draft minutes 17:00:56 rrsagent, please part 17:00:56 I see no action items 17:01:12 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 17:01:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-irc 17:01:28 Present+ Chaals, darobin, JF, léonie, Joanmarie_Diggs, Judy, janina, Liam, IanPouncey 17:02:15 i/chaals, you wanted to point out filing direct with HTML/scribe: JF 17:03:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-minutes.html chaals 17:04:02 Present+ Chaals, darobin, JF, léonie, Joanmarie_Diggs, Judy, janina, Liam, IanPouncey 17:04:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:04:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-minutes.html chaals 17:04:54 Present- [IPCaller] 17:05:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:05:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-minutes.html chaals 17:05:28 Regrets+ RichS 17:05:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:05:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/02/19-html-a11y-minutes.html chaals 17:30:30 SteveF has joined #html-a11y 17:51:51 SteveF has joined #html-a11y 18:07:59 JF has left #html-a11y 19:08:13 Judy has joined #html-a11y 19:45:01 liam has joined #html-a11y 20:11:06 SteveF has joined #html-a11y 20:21:06 SteveF_ has joined #html-a11y 20:54:29 janina has joined #html-a11y 20:59:10 newtron has joined #html-a11y 22:11:11 SteveF has joined #html-a11y 23:47:41 newtron_ has joined #html-a11y