18:57:22 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:57:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/12-shapes-irc 18:57:24 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:57:24 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:57:26 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:57:26 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 18:57:27 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:57:27 Date: 12 February 2015 18:58:47 kcoyle has joined #shapes 18:58:50 TallTed has joined #shapes 19:00:30 zakim, who is here? 19:00:30 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has not yet started, Labra 19:00:32 On IRC I see TallTed, kcoyle, Zakim, RRSAgent, Labra, Dimitris, pfps, hknublau, SimonSteyskal, SteveS, Arnaud, rhiaro, sandro, ericP, trackbot 19:00:33 michel has joined #shapes 19:01:05 zakim, this is shapes 19:01:05 ok, Arnaud; that matches DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM 19:01:08 +michel 19:01:26 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:01:27 On the phone I see ??P12, [IPcaller], pfps, Dimitris, kcoyle, Arnaud, michel 19:01:41 zakim, [IPCaller] is labra 19:01:41 +labra; got it 19:01:46 zakim, ??P12 is me 19:01:46 +SimonSteyskal; got it 19:03:37 +EricP 19:04:01 scribe: michel 19:04:01 i'm here 19:04:06 chair: Arnaud 19:04:20 agenda: http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.02.12 19:04:39 +[OpenLink] 19:04:46 Zakim, [OpenLink] is temporarily me 19:04:46 +TallTed; got it 19:04:55 Zakim, mute me 19:04:56 TallTed should now be muted 19:06:54 ericP: some stuff ericP said 19:07:03 ... some more inane crap 19:07:04 topic: Minutes of last meeting 19:07:14 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 5 February Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/02/05-shapes-minutes.html 19:07:18 minutes look fine by me 19:07:50 RESOLVED: Approve minutes of the 5 February Telecon: http://www.w3.org/2015/02/05-shapes-minutes.html 19:08:13 arnaud: no teleconference calll next week 19:08:28 ... we will have our f2f 19:08:41 ... asks everybody to indicate whether and how they will participate 19:08:47 ... feedback on agenda is welcome 19:08:49 (I am not able to join the voice via Skype - it doesn’t react to the conference code). 19:09:35 F2F: https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/F2F2 19:10:01 hsolbrig has joined #shapes 19:10:54 It might be nice to have some time devoted to discussion of underlying issues. Maybe that is the point of the morning of the first Wednesday? 19:11:24 arnaud: will cover issues in the tracker 19:11:25 +[IPcaller] 19:11:45 q+ 19:11:50 ack pfps 19:12:17 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 19:12:17 +hsolbrig; got it 19:12:29 peter: lots of discussion of shapes vs classes recently, will wed be the time to discuss? 19:12:53 arnaud: yes that's the plan. two proposals on the table. hoping to focus on this and come to resolution 19:13:44 peter: each proposal has a different idea to what is a shape is. 19:14:07 ... getting hung up on what goes into a proposal rather than what is in the proposal itself 19:14:20 ... ldom suggests that shapes are classes 19:14:40 ... constraints proposal suggests that shapes are not classes, but both are not sufficiently explicit 19:14:47 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:15:16 arnaud: how to link to shapes, classes, etc 19:15:34 ... please feel free to propose any additional topics for discussion 19:16:00 pfps: will put together a document to "get us out of the weeds" 19:16:59 arnaud: feel free to raise issues as you see fit 19:17:10 topic: actions and issues 19:17:42 arnaud: no actions pending review 19:17:57 ... no open actions 19:18:27 ... no issues pending review or raised 19:18:40 +[IPcaller] 19:18:44 topic: user stories/use cases 19:18:51 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 19:18:51 +hknublau; got it 19:19:10 arnaud: issues on user stories were not being addressed 19:19:15 ... contacted individuals responsible 19:20:28 ... S6 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/8 19:21:27 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S6:_Closed-world_recognition_for_e.g._for_partial_ontology_import 19:21:46 ... unsure who is responsible 19:22:47 hknublau: not Dean or me 19:23:06 ... check with Ralph 19:23:33 arnaud: issue 13 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/13 19:23:42 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S12:_App_Interoperability 19:24:19 ... Sandro responded - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2015Feb/0126.html 19:24:37 pfps: will incorporate in user story 19:25:14 arnaud: Dean has responses to inquiries 19:25:30 pfps: user stories need to be fixed or removed 19:25:44 arnaud: will communicate this 19:26:17 topic: working draft 19:26:18 http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-ucr/ 19:27:01 kcoyle: 80-90% done 19:27:17 arnaud: hope that next week we can make progress on the remaining issues 19:27:25 ... have a clear plan to publish this draft 19:28:02 ... please read the document, we need to know the issues to discuss at the meeting 19:28:25 topic: requirements 19:28:43 arnaud: proposed a set of requirements for approval 19:29:05 ... pfps was expressing concerns, we agreed to remove it altogether 19:29:15 ... requirements were addressed 19:29:44 er - concerns were mostly addressed - 19:29:54 PROPOSAL: Approve requirements 2.5.2, 2.5.4, 2.5.10, 2.5.11, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.4, 2.9. 19:30:13 q+ 19:30:18 ack pfps 19:30:45 pfps: 2.5.4 has been changed 19:31:16 ... after objection was raised 19:31:59 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Property_Type 19:32:29 ericP: had changed a few as a result of discussion 19:33:03 it's a wiki.... change history exists 19:33:04 pfps: property datatype 19:33:29 ... now 2.5.3 19:34:47 arnaud: ericP and hknublau 19:36:01 ericP: we should re-examine property datatype, property type, node rdf type and make sense of it 19:36:43 hsolbrig: numbering is very fragile 19:37:14 ... mediawiki uses tags, we should too 19:37:28 ericp: maybe we can work to get this functioning properly 19:37:39 cygri has joined #shapes 19:38:10 PROPOSAL: Approve requirements 2.5.2,2.5.10, 2.5.11, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.4, 2.9 19:38:41 +1 19:38:48 +1 19:38:53 +1 19:39:13 +1 19:39:17 +1 19:39:18 +1 19:39:21 +1 19:39:36 RESOLVED: Approve requirements 2.5.2,2.5.10, 2.5.11, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.4, 2.9 19:39:51 arnaud: discuss 2.5.3 19:40:10 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Property_Datatype 19:41:40 pfps: restriction should read - if you have a restriction xsd:integer, you could have xsd:int; as it is stated now it could fail 19:42:03 ... went from the value that the literal means to the syntactic form of the literal 19:42:34 ericP: two proposals: 1. you can constrain a property to have a literal with a particular datatype 19:43:22 ... 2. you can constain a property to a inferred datatype (?) 19:43:53 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-datatypes XSD type herarchy 19:44:05 s/herarchy/hierarchy/ 19:44:47 pfps: the xml schema - basic datatypes are disjoint 19:45:17 arnaud: request that interested parties discuss offline 19:45:29 proposal: have both restriction by datatype and by value 19:45:41 ericP: do people like restrict to xsd:integer and the byte does match, or rather that it does not match? 19:45:57 q+ 19:45:58 hsolbrig: prefers the latter. more work for implementers, but less work for users 19:46:03 I think they're both necessary... 19:46:08 ericP: i though the opposite... 19:46:14 s/though/thought 19:46:17 ack kcoyle 19:46:23 can 19:46:27 can't unmute 19:47:10 kcoyle: in the datatypes that we'll be working with, simply limiting to a particular datatype would be sufficient, without looking at the value 19:47:18 ... used for providing forms for input 19:47:29 I am also in favor of the simple direct matching. 19:47:46 I don't understand - validation always has the value available 19:47:47 and if I remember correctly, Arthur was too 19:47:52 if I require an xsd:integer, even though in many senses xsd:byte might be thought a sub-set of xsd:integer, this might not be so for me. 19:47:57 ksolbrig: if you receive an instance of a datatype of "byte", but would that pass a constraint that specifies an "integer" 19:47:58 I am also in favor of strict matching but we can have both as different types of restrictions 19:48:15 i second karen on that 19:48:21 Well, XML Schema datatypes says that xsd:byte is a subset of xsd:integer 19:48:51 hsolbrig: if you restrict to xsd:integer, then xsd:byte should validate 19:49:21 Let’s add both variations and let people vote? 19:49:36 I think that both are needed 19:49:56 it's similar to what i was articulating from choosing a specific term in a hierarchy versus using any inferred subtype 19:50:55 q+ 19:51:03 topic: Eric's proposal 19:51:11 arnaud: revision of Holger's proposal a few weeks ago 19:51:50 ... had a straw poll to determine where people stand 19:51:59 I have mentioned several issues that I have even with the current version of the document. 19:52:00 ... have spent more time talking about it 19:52:40 ... a vote on the proposal is meant to stimulate discussion as a starting point 19:52:47 STRAWPOLL: Does Eric's proposal look to you like a good starting point? 19:53:36 +1 19:53:38 +1 19:53:40 +1 19:53:44 +1 19:53:45 +1 19:53:50 -0 19:53:55 +0 (don't really understand) 19:54:14 0 (didn't have time to read in detail) 19:54:23 0 (fine as a discussion base of course) 19:54:27 -0 lots of work is still needed 19:54:42 +0 (only skimmed) 19:55:52 topic: Holger's proposal 19:56:04 arnaud: shape selectors 19:56:09 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Shape_Selectors 19:56:14 +q 19:56:29 ack hsolbrig 19:56:54 hsolbrig: clarification on meeting agenda 19:57:03 ack hknublau 19:57:40 hnublau: appears to be two approaches - use rdf:type, or separate data structure 19:58:09 ... other WG have tried to accomodate both 19:58:26 ... we may not know what is the best approach 19:58:33 ... came up with a generalization 19:58:42 ... the validation can be parameterized 19:59:51 ... one of the main motiviations to have shapes separate from classes is to avoid clashes. 20:00:31 ... users may want to be able to slice and dice across dimensions 20:00:38 ... add their own properties in their own namespace 20:00:47 ... mixture of these shape selectors could be possible 20:01:20 pfps: disagree with the approach; we will end up with different input... challenging for users 20:01:53 arnaud: we'll get more opportunities to discuss this 20:02:36 -hsolbrig 20:02:38 -labra 20:02:40 I agree with Peter, but this is the last resort if we fail to compromise and have vetoes 20:02:42 -TallTed 20:02:43 -SimonSteyskal 20:02:44 -michel 20:02:44 -pfps 20:02:45 -Arnaud 20:02:48 -kcoyle 20:02:50 -Dimitris 20:03:03 -EricP 20:03:13 Dimitris has left #shapes 20:08:04 disconnecting the lone participant, hknublau, in DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM 20:08:05 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has ended 20:08:05 Attendees were pfps, Dimitris, kcoyle, Arnaud, michel, labra, SimonSteyskal, EricP, TallTed, hsolbrig, hknublau 21:13:45 cygri has joined #shapes