IRC log of i18n on 2015-02-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:59:45 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #i18n
14:59:45 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:59:49 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #i18n
14:59:56 [aphillip]
trackbot, prepare teleconference
14:59:58 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
15:00:00 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be 4186
15:00:00 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see I18N_WG()10:00AM scheduled to start now
15:00:01 [trackbot]
Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
15:00:01 [aphillip]
15:00:01 [trackbot]
Date: 12 February 2015
15:00:07 [aphillip]
Chair: Addison Phllips
15:00:11 [aphillip]
ScribeNick: aphillip
15:00:15 [aphillip]
Regrets+ Felix
15:00:27 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:01:02 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard please
15:01:02 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
15:01:03 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
15:01:05 [Zakim]
I18N_WG()10:00AM has not yet started, aphillip
15:01:05 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, aphillip, DennisTan, Steve_Atkin, Leandro, r12a, fantasai, koji, trackbot
15:01:23 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
15:01:23 [Zakim]
I18N_WG()10:00AM has not yet started, aphillip
15:01:25 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, aphillip, DennisTan, Steve_Atkin, Leandro, r12a, fantasai, koji, trackbot
15:02:29 [r12a]
zakim, this is i18n
15:02:29 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; that matches I18N_WG()10:00AM
15:02:46 [r12a]
zakim, who's here?
15:02:46 [Zakim]
On the phone I see DennisTan, +1.813.410.aaaa, aphillip, Richard
15:02:47 [aphillip]
zakim, who is here?
15:02:49 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, aphillip, DennisTan, Steve_Atkin, Leandro, r12a, fantasai, koji, trackbot
15:02:49 [Zakim]
On the phone I see DennisTan, +1.813.410.aaaa, aphillip, Richard
15:02:49 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, aphillip, DennisTan, Steve_Atkin, Leandro, r12a, fantasai, koji, trackbot
15:03:06 [Zakim]
+ +1.408.536.aabb
15:03:07 [aphillip]
zakim, +1.813 is Steve_Atkin
15:03:07 [Zakim]
+Steve_Atkin; got it
15:03:10 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard-home
15:03:10 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
15:03:11 [Zakim]
15:03:11 [Zakim]
15:03:22 [aphillip]
zakim, +1.408 is Leandro
15:03:22 [Zakim]
+Leandro; got it
15:03:57 [r12a]
zakim, drop richard
15:03:57 [Zakim]
'richard' is ambiguous, r12a
15:04:38 [aphillip]
Topic: Agenda
15:05:13 [aphillip]
Topic: Action Items
15:05:21 [aphillip]
15:05:40 [aphillip]
15:05:40 [trackbot]
action-113 -- Richard Ishida to Work on tidying up Additional Requirements for Bidi in HTML & CSS over coming couple of months -- due 2015-02-05 -- OPEN
15:05:40 [trackbot]
15:05:48 [aphillip]
richard: done but for final prep
15:05:54 [aphillip]
... and a few summaries
15:06:01 [aphillip]
... sent email to Aharon asking for text
15:06:06 [aphillip]
... haven't heard back yet
15:06:11 [aphillip]
... did a lot of work on it
15:06:50 [r12a]
15:06:54 [aphillip]
addison: public review?
15:07:03 [aphillip]
richard: no, just updating status
15:07:35 [aphillip]
addison: all, look it over.
15:07:40 [aphillip]
richard: tbds for missing stuff
15:07:50 [aphillip]
... added the google doc as an appendix
15:07:53 [aphillip]
... updated links
15:07:58 [aphillip]
... checked html quotes
15:08:01 [aphillip]
... should be close
15:09:04 [aphillip]
15:09:04 [trackbot]
action-363 -- Addison Phillips to Follow up with membership on hackathon planning for (e.g.) iri/idn or encoding tests -- due 2014-11-07 -- OPEN
15:09:04 [trackbot]
15:09:08 [aphillip]
addison: will write something
15:09:12 [aphillip]
15:09:12 [trackbot]
action-364 -- Richard Ishida to Document how "sticky" language negotiation is done in our pages as an article -- due 2014-11-07 -- OPEN
15:09:12 [trackbot]
15:09:17 [aphillip]
richard: in progress
15:11:19 [aphillip]
15:11:19 [trackbot]
action-399 -- Dennis Tan Tanaka to Update article "an introduction to multilingual web addresses" -- due 2015-02-12 -- OPEN
15:11:19 [trackbot]
15:11:27 [aphillip]
dennis: working on it
15:13:10 [aphillip]
action: richard: send source text for "intro to web addresses" to Dennis
15:13:11 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-401 - Send source text for "intro to web addresses" to dennis [on Richard Ishida - due 2015-02-19].
15:13:39 [aphillip]
15:13:39 [trackbot]
action-400 -- Addison Phillips to Follow up with new es-402 owner for status of es i18n work -- due 2015-02-12 -- OPEN
15:13:39 [trackbot]
15:13:46 [aphillip]
close action-400
15:13:46 [trackbot]
Closed action-400.
15:14:08 [aphillip]
addison: wrote to rick waldron
15:14:09 [Zakim]
15:14:14 [r12a]
zakim, drop richard
15:14:14 [Zakim]
Richard is being disconnected
15:14:15 [Zakim]
15:14:21 [r12a]
zakim, dial richard-home
15:14:21 [Zakim]
ok, r12a; the call is being made
15:14:22 [Zakim]
15:14:23 [aphillip]
... will write again for further status
15:14:29 [aphillip]
Topic: Info Share
15:14:40 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:15:37 [aphillip]
Topic: RADAR and Active Work Review
15:15:45 [aphillip]
15:16:46 [aphillip]
Steve: looked over linked data patch
15:16:51 [aphillip]
... schedule for upcoming call
15:16:58 [aphillip]
addison: add to next week's agenda
15:17:19 [aphillip]
Steve: will shepherd Latin Layout Requirements
15:17:35 [aphillip]
15:20:02 [aphillip]
Topic: qa-no-language needs update
15:20:09 [aphillip]
15:20:35 [aphillip]
15:20:57 [somnath]
somnath has joined #i18n
15:20:58 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:21:14 [aphillip]
richard: would like to publish and make live, unless someone has comments?
15:21:24 [aphillip]
... basically I brought it up to date
15:21:35 [aphillip]
... pushed XML and XML Schema out to "advanced topics"
15:21:56 [aphillip]
... said that lang couldn't be null, but you can in HTML5 so now fixed
15:22:17 [aphillip]
objections to publishing?
15:22:21 [aphillip]
(none noted)
15:22:33 [aphillip]
action: richard: make new version of qa-no-language live
15:22:33 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-402 - Make new version of qa-no-language live [on Richard Ishida - due 2015-02-19].
15:22:49 [aphillip]
Topic: XLST 3.0 I18N-ISSUE-394
15:22:57 [aphillip]
15:27:33 [aphillip]
action: addison: write to xslt folks asking if bug 27615 is likely to be addressed, e.g. do they have plans for a future edition
15:27:33 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-403 - Write to xslt folks asking if bug 27615 is likely to be addressed, e.g. do they have plans for a future edition [on Addison Phillips - due 2015-02-19].
15:28:01 [aphillip]
Topic: Charmod-Norm edits
15:28:08 [aphillip]
15:29:29 [aphillip]
addison: made these edits
15:34:18 [aphillip]
addison: Applications -> specification
15:34:43 [aphillip]
richard: applications too. much of the pain is when doing e.g. in page search
15:34:50 [aphillip]
... may have different case for identifiers
15:35:09 [aphillip]
... IDN bans these
15:35:59 [aphillip]
addison: stringprep removes them?
15:36:19 [aphillip]
... need to add a section to searching block
15:36:59 [aphillip]
richard: pass by unicode
15:37:46 [aphillip]
dennis: utr46 discusses a few of these
15:38:10 [aphillip]
... idna 2003 v. 2008 different for ZWJ, ZWNJ, etc.
15:38:23 [aphillip]
... can check if they are valid in IDNA
15:38:48 [aphillip]
action: dennis: check on zwj and friends in IDNA so that we can document in charmod-norm
15:38:48 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-404 - Check on zwj and friends in idna so that we can document in charmod-norm [on Dennis Tan Tanaka - due 2015-02-19].
15:40:00 [aphillip]
addison: will word smith, add requirement for string searching
15:40:27 [aphillip]
Topic: LTLI updated draft?
15:40:35 [aphillip]
15:42:01 [aphillip]
addison: further edits of the top section with definitions
15:42:09 [aphillip]
... would like to publish new WD soon-ish
15:42:34 [aphillip]
Topic: Bopomofo/zhuyin accent positioning
15:42:46 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:43:11 [aphillip]
Topic: Indic script initial cap
15:43:41 [aphillip]
richard: sent response (see on public-i18n-indic list) asking more question of somnath
15:43:43 [somnath]
15:43:49 [aphillip]
ack somnath
15:44:43 [r12a]
15:45:00 [somnath]
need few days time for resolving feedback from richard. early next week podsible
15:45:19 [aphillip]
thanks somnath
15:45:44 [aphillip]
Topic: time zone thread on www-international@
15:46:11 [aphillip]
15:46:56 [aphillip]
addison: in this thread cameron jones suggests using bcp47 language tags for time zone
15:52:59 [aphillip]
Topic: AOB?
15:53:15 [aphillip]
koji: at last tpac
15:53:37 [aphillip]
... notes for justification
15:54:51 [aphillip]
richard: is this about where to put notes about justification and that sort of thing?
15:55:01 [Leandro]
Need to sign out - til next week
15:55:05 [aphillip]
... fantasai said it would be nice to have a wiki about that
15:55:05 [Zakim]
15:55:20 [aphillip]
richard: we have two things
15:55:29 [r12a]
15:55:52 [aphillip]
... first a wiki page pointing to requirements, specs, and tests at w3c
15:56:03 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
15:56:07 [r12a]
15:56:22 [aphillip]
richard: that's tying existing documents
15:56:24 [r12a]
15:56:28 [aphillip]
... more recently I made the above
15:56:34 [aphillip]
... which is waiting to be filled in, really
15:56:44 [aphillip]
... parking space for information about typography
15:57:02 [aphillip]
... so two articles about justification in arabic currently
15:57:10 [aphillip]
... three if you count urdu
15:57:19 [aphillip]
... if anyone on this call or reading minutes have additional information
15:57:29 [aphillip]
... but layout of latin or non-latin scripts
15:57:40 [aphillip]
... want to make sure they are good/reliable articles
15:57:46 [aphillip]
... but welcome input
15:58:15 [aphillip]
koji: wasn't clear from tpac minutes what kind of articles were discussed
15:58:20 [aphillip]
richard: this is more recent
15:59:21 [aphillip]
koji: what kind of documents you were discussing?
15:59:31 [aphillip]
addison: need to refresh our memories
15:59:31 [Zakim]
15:59:32 [DennisTan]
I have to drop off. Thank you and good bye
16:00:06 [aphillip]
richard: created first as a "checklist" for layout requirements
16:00:17 [aphillip]
... offshoot from visit to china
16:00:29 [aphillip]
... second wiki I did because of ebook discussion
16:00:46 [aphillip]
... been meaning to do something
16:00:51 [aphillip]
... not a response to tpac
16:02:08 [aphillip]
Topic: AOB?
16:02:24 [Zakim]
16:02:25 [Zakim]
16:02:27 [Zakim]
16:02:28 [Zakim]
16:02:28 [Zakim]
I18N_WG()10:00AM has ended
16:02:28 [Zakim]
Attendees were DennisTan, +1.813.410.aaaa, aphillip, Richard, +1.408.536.aabb, Steve_Atkin, koji, Leandro
16:02:58 [aphillip]
Present: Addison, Richard, Steve, Dennis, Koji, Leandro, Somnath (via IRC)
16:03:02 [aphillip]
Regrets+ JcK
16:03:07 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:03:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
16:03:29 [aphillip]
Scribe: Addison Phillips
16:04:20 [aphillip]
16:04:26 [aphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:04:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate aphillip
16:04:57 [aphillip]
rrsagent, bye
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items saved in :
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: richard: send source text for "intro to web addresses" to Dennis [1]
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: richard: make new version of qa-no-language live [2]
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: addison: write to xslt folks asking if bug 27615 is likely to be addressed, e.g. do they have plans for a future edition [3]
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: dennis: check on zwj and friends in IDNA so that we can document in charmod-norm [4]
16:04:57 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:04:59 [aphillip]
zakim, bye
16:04:59 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #i18n