IRC log of fx on 2015-02-10
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 22:08:45 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #fx
- 22:08:45 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 22:08:54 [ed]
- RRSAgent, stay
- 22:11:22 [dbaron]
- dbaron has joined #fx
- 22:11:53 [ed]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 22:12:06 [ed]
- RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight
- 22:12:58 [ed]
- Meeting: FXTF F2F, Sydney 2015
- 22:13:04 [ed]
- Chair: ed
- 22:14:25 [glazou]
- glazou has joined #fx
- 22:14:30 [liam]
- liam has joined #fx
- 22:14:39 [iank]
- iank has joined #fx
- 22:14:41 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #fx
- 22:14:56 [cyril]
- cyril has joined #fx
- 22:15:03 [glazou]
- Zakim, this meetings spans over midnight
- 22:15:03 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'this meetings spans over midnight', glazou
- 22:15:24 [cyril]
- Zakim, this meeting spans over midnight
- 22:15:25 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'this meeting spans over midnight', cyril
- 22:15:33 [nikos]
- nikos has joined #fx
- 22:15:43 [dino]
- dino has joined #fx
- 22:16:09 [cyril]
- RRSAgent, this meeting spans over midnight
- 22:16:09 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'this meeting spans over midnight', cyril. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 22:16:19 [dbaron]
- RRSAgent, this meeting spans midnight
- 22:16:29 [heycam]
- RRSAgent, this is FXTF
- 22:16:29 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'this is FXTF', heycam. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 22:16:43 [heycam]
- ScribeNick: heycam
- 22:16:44 [heycam]
- Scribe: Cameron
- 22:16:51 [plinss]
- zakim, this is fxtf
- 22:16:51 [Zakim]
- sorry, plinss, I do not see a conference named 'fxtf' in progress or scheduled at this time
- 22:17:18 [ed]
- Agenda: (Wednesday)
- 22:17:55 [heycam]
- Topic: css3-ui
- 22:18:07 [kwkbtr]
- kwkbtr has joined #fx
- 22:18:19 [gregwhitworth]
- gregwhitworth has joined #fx
- 22:18:26 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #fx
- 22:18:35 [Florian]
- Florian has joined #fx
- 22:22:54 [heycam]
- 22:22:58 [tantek]
- hello
- 22:23:00 [tantek]
- 22:23:15 [tantek]
- [css3-ui] box-sizing and replaced element intrinsic width and/or ratios
- 22:23:36 [tantek]
- regarding this issue:
- 22:23:51 [heycam]
- tantek: the first email I posted a couple of test cases
- 22:24:16 [heycam]
- ... each has an HTML file and three SVG elements
- 22:24:33 [heycam]
- ... the first one we should bring up is the replaced element test case
- 22:24:34 [rbyers]
- rbyers has joined #fx
- 22:24:51 [heycam]
- ... it shows what happens in three different cases of embedding SVG as an image that has intrinsic width and ratio, or just intrinsic width, or just intrinsic ratio
- 22:24:58 [heycam]
- ... and what happens when you apply the max-height property to it
- 22:25:06 [heycam]
- ... shows interaction of CSS 2.1 width computations and embedding replaced SVG element
- 22:25:23 [heycam]
- ... I want to start with this example because it's all stuff that should "just work" across browsers, btu we found differences that merit questions
- 22:25:29 [heycam]
- ... before we decide what box-sizing should do in these cases
- 22:25:40 [roc]
- roc has joined #fx
- 22:25:41 [heycam]
- [florian projects replaced-element-001.html]
- 22:25:49 [Tav]
- Tav has joined #fx
- 22:26:00 [stakagi]
- stakagi has joined #fx
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- stakagi has joined #fx
- 22:26:57 [heycam]
- tantek: in doing these tests we didn't find any differences between Blink and Safari
- 22:27:27 [heycam]
- ... there are some interesting things going on here
- 22:27:28 [dbaron]
- dbaron has joined #fx
- 22:27:34 [heycam]
- ... I put the style rules that are taking place at the top
- 22:27:39 [heycam]
- ... that apply to each SVG element
- 22:27:46 [heycam]
- ... then the SVG markup inline so you can see what the source is
- 22:27:57 [heycam]
- ... my understanding is that the top row should all be yellow square
- 22:28:00 [heycam]
- ... 150x150 px
- 22:28:04 [heycam]
- ... it looks like IE is doing the wrong thing there
- 22:28:05 [murakami_]
- murakami_ has joined #fx
- 22:28:08 [heycam]
- ... by not maintaining the aspect ratio
- 22:28:11 [heycam]
- ... that's in the SVG file
- 22:28:18 [heycam]
- ... first, I want to verify that that's correct and that it's a bug in IE
- 22:28:26 [heycam]
- fantasai: so the specified width is 100px?
- 22:28:29 [heycam]
- tantek: no the intrinsic width is
- 22:28:35 [heycam]
- fantasai: and the specified width is not specified?
- 22:28:39 [heycam]
- tantek: correct
- 22:28:49 [heycam]
- dbaron: and it has a viewBox such that it has an intrisic ratio of 1:1
- 22:29:04 [heycam]
- Florian: and there is max-height: 100px that shouldn't take effect
- 22:29:10 [heycam]
- ... but if you look at IE it seems to be doing something
- 22:29:17 [heycam]
- ... both IE and safari are doing strange things on the bottom
- 22:29:51 [heycam]
- tantek: I want to check with SVG people that these cases are buggy in the browsers
- 22:30:00 [tantek]
- 22:30:14 [SimonSapin]
- SimonSapin has joined #fx
- 22:30:57 [heycam]
- gregwhitworth: in Edge the top yellow one is fixed, the bottom one is the same as Firefox/Presto
- 22:31:01 [jun]
- jun has joined #fx
- 22:31:05 [heycam]
- Florian: so that confirms the IE cases I'm looking at are bugs
- 22:31:11 [heycam]
- ... IE11
- 22:31:20 [AndreyR_]
- AndreyR_ has joined #fx
- 22:31:27 [heycam]
- tantek: so latest IE11 and latest Safari are buggy in handling intrinsic ratio, but not intrinsic width/height
- 22:31:41 [heycam]
- ... and Chrome does the same as Safari, so Blink/WebKit must be the same
- 22:31:45 [heycam]
- dbaron: Safari is buggy on the third case
- 22:31:54 [fantasai]
- fantasai has joined #fx
- 22:32:06 [xidorn]
- xidorn has joined #fx
- 22:32:39 [smfr]
- smfr has joined #fx
- 22:32:41 [heycam]
- heycam: we had a big discussion about SVG sizing last year at a F2F
- 22:32:54 [heycam]
- ... I don't remember the details except that we resolved on Firefox's behaviour modulo some corner cases
- 22:33:27 [heycam]
- tantek: so Edge has these fixed, and I'm hoping that WebKit/Blink can fix the third sub-test
- 22:33:54 [heycam]
- ... so this isn't the actual issue I want to discuss; just want to get a baseline about which behaviour is correct
- 22:34:08 [heycam]
- ed: I think the behaviour on the left side is what we want
- 22:34:56 [heycam]
- krit: people who are very familiar with this topic are not in this room so I would like to consult them
- 22:35:58 [heycam]
- ACTION: Dirk to confirm that the Firefox/Presto behaviour of this SVG sizing test is correct and get back to Tantek
- 22:35:59 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-87 - Confirm that the firefox/presto behaviour of this svg sizing test is correct and get back to tantek [on Dirk Schulze - due 2015-02-17].
- 22:36:28 [shane]
- shane has joined #fx
- 22:36:33 [heycam]
- tantek: so we'll switch to box-sizing-replaced-element-001.html
- 22:36:53 [tantek]
- second test here:
- 22:36:53 [tantek]
- file name box-sizing-replaced-element-001.html
- 22:37:04 [heycam]
- tantek: what the box-sizing property allows you to do is change what width/height properties do
- 22:37:11 [heycam]
- ... you can make them include the borders and padding of the element
- 22:37:21 [heycam]
- ... so if you want to figure out the content width you would subtract the border/padding
- 22:37:30 [heycam]
- ... any question about box-sizing:border-box?
- 22:37:38 [heycam]
- ... (default behaviour is content-box)
- 22:37:54 [tantek]
- 22:38:00 [tantek]
- tantek has left #fx
- 22:38:06 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #fx
- 22:38:13 [tantek]
- hello?
- 22:38:37 [heycam]
- tantek: in this one, because box-sizing is set to border-box, now the 40px solid transparent border kicks in, and cuts out from the max-height
- 22:38:49 [heycam]
- Florian: we still have an SVG file with an intrinsic width of 100 and a viewBox ratio of 1:1
- 22:38:55 [heycam]
- tantek: identical SVG files to the previous test
- 22:39:14 [heycam]
- ... the three subtests are in the same order as the previous test
- 22:39:15 [jet|aus]
- jet|aus has joined #fx
- 22:39:23 [heycam]
- dbaron: I think the firefox behaviour on the second subtest is clearly buggy
- 22:39:41 [heycam]
- ... I think we're applying to the box-sizing to the width that is coming from inside the SVG, which we should not be doing
- 22:39:50 [heycam]
- fantasai: are these embedded cases?
- 22:39:52 [heycam]
- Florian: SVG in <img>
- 22:40:10 [heycam]
- ... as far as we can tell Presto is doing the right thing here
- 22:40:19 [heycam]
- tantek: we think that is the desired result, so we want to check
- 22:40:21 [heycam]
- dbaron: I agree
- 22:40:29 [heycam]
- fantasai: should be equivalent to max-height:110px?
- 22:40:31 [heycam]
- Florian: max-height:70px
- 22:40:46 [heycam]
- tantek: on the first row we have IE and Safari agreeing on the wrong thing
- 22:40:57 [heycam]
- ... so we just want to confirm our assumption on which is right/wrong
- 22:41:08 [heycam]
- fantasai: one thing making it more confusing is that the content box height is different
- 22:41:20 [heycam]
- ... so if you put border:25px max-height:200px you should get the same result as the previous test
- 22:41:31 [heycam]
- ... the boundary of the width of the SVG is 100px, in the prev test you were above that, in this test you're below that
- 22:41:35 [heycam]
- ... so you're triggering different cases
- 22:41:47 [heycam]
- ... I think you should test in all cases above the trigger point, or all below the trigger point
- 22:41:57 [heycam]
- ... the behaviour differenes might be due to something other than max-height
- 22:42:19 [heycam]
- tantek: so we changed just one property to see what happens
- 22:42:26 [heycam]
- fantasai: the numbers you picked made it change more than one thing
- 22:42:30 [heycam]
- tantek: that was unintentional
- 22:42:38 [ed]
- s/ed: I think the behaviour on the left side is what we want/ed: I think the behaviour on the left side (Firefox and Presto) is what we want/
- 22:42:58 [heycam]
- gregwhitworth: Edge is matching Firefox here
- 22:43:41 [heycam]
- tantek: change the border to 25px max-height to 200px
- 22:43:47 [heycam]
- s/tantek/fantasai/
- 22:43:56 [heycam]
- fantasai: we should also test this situation, btw
- 22:44:11 [heycam]
- gregwhitworth: chrome is doing the same as firefox on my windows laptop
- 22:44:22 [heycam]
- ... v40
- 22:44:39 [heycam]
- ... so this may end up being an issue with them talking to our compositor
- 22:44:53 [heycam]
- ... right now on windows, firefox / edge ie / chrome have interop
- 22:44:58 [heycam]
- ... on the second case
- 22:45:04 [dbaron]
- Filed Gecko bug
- 22:45:40 [heycam]
- dbaron: in the second case I believe we have some code that extracts a width that's specified embedded in an SVG, and applies that to the sizing outer of the img element
- 22:45:48 [heycam]
- ... because that's kind of how the sizing algorithm works
- 22:45:59 [heycam]
- ... so we're taking the width from the SVG, applying it to the img element, then applying box-sizing
- 22:46:09 [heycam]
- Florian: so doing the same thing as if the SVG was embedded inline in the HTML?
- 22:46:10 [heycam]
- dbaron: yes
- 22:46:34 [heycam]
- Florian: if that were the case the box would be 20px wide wouldn't it?
- 22:46:34 [heycam]
- ... and it looks more than that
- 22:46:41 [heycam]
- dbaron: yeah...
- 22:46:53 [tantek]
- new test with fantasai suggested changes:
- 22:46:54 [gregwhitworth]
- Windows SVG Test:
- 22:47:04 [heycam]
- dbaron: OK I'm not sure what's happening then. but I think it's buggy.
- 22:47:16 [heycam]
- tantek: I just sent the updated test that fantasai asked for to www-style
- 22:47:27 [tantek]
- file name box-sizing-replaced-element-002.html
- 22:48:03 [heycam]
- dbaron: this would be a lot easier if you emailed the individual files as attachments of the one email
- 22:49:15 [heycam]
- tantek: so now this test has fewer effective changes as -001.htm
- 22:50:16 [heycam]
- fantasai: so this test -002 now looks identical to the first thing we looked at
- 22:50:29 [heycam]
- gregwhitworth: IE edge matches Firefox/Presto here
- 22:50:40 [heycam]
- Florian: which is the same as Safari except for the third case
- 22:50:47 [heycam]
- ... so it's just a bug in Safari
- 22:51:03 [heycam]
- tantek: which is why we wanted to show you without box-sizing, to show the WebKit's handling of intrinsic ratio is buggy
- 22:52:00 [heycam]
- tantek: if we can agree here what behaviour we want florian and I will specify it
- 22:52:16 [heycam]
- Florian: once box-sizing gets involved, if we don't apply min/max width/height it's not explicit, but still not ambiguous
- 22:52:26 [heycam]
- ... but with min/max-width/height, we need to specify something
- 22:52:32 [heycam]
- ... I think Presto has reasonable behaviour
- 22:53:02 [heycam]
- krit: this is something we should clarify with SVG the correct behaviour
- 22:53:05 [heycam]
- Florian: what is missing on the SVG side?
- 22:53:16 [heycam]
- krit: at least consensus on how viewBox etc. should operate on an SVG in <img>
- 22:53:33 [heycam]
- Florian: is there anything other than SVG that can give an intrinsic width, ratio, but no height?
- 22:53:58 [heycam]
- Florian: the spec says if you have an intrinsic width, do this. if you have width and ratio, do this. ...
- 22:54:04 [heycam]
- tantek: CSS has explicit clauses for each of these cases
- 22:54:17 [heycam]
- krit: this is with intrisic width and ratio, but not intrinsic height?
- 22:54:18 [heycam]
- Florian: yes
- 22:54:24 [heycam]
- ... we haven't got to intrinsic height but no width yet
- 22:54:38 [heycam]
- krit: ok then the left two browsers are right
- 22:55:01 [heycam]
- cyril: in the cases where the square is a rectangle and not a square, do you know if there's a bug in the rendering of the SVG and the aspect ratio is not preserved...
- 22:55:17 [heycam]
- ... and the box is filled with the SVG content?
- 22:55:33 [heycam]
- dino: for all three we need a circle in the SVG to see whether the bottom one is being clipped or stretched
- 22:56:02 [heycam]
- Florian: so can we use something other than SVG for testing here?
- 22:56:03 [heycam]
- tantek: no
- 22:56:19 [heycam]
- dino: as Dirk is saying, it's not well defined. it also has its own rules for preserving aspect ratio internally inside its viewBox.
- 22:56:40 [heycam]
- tantek: we're trying to look at this from the point of view that implementations are converging, so we'd like to follow them
- 22:56:47 [heycam]
- dbaron: I think this is well defined now
- 22:56:49 [heycam]
- tantek: in SVG?
- 22:57:02 [heycam]
- fantasai: I remember the SVG WG saying that it's totally clear, or that they would fix it
- 22:57:09 [heycam]
- ... so either that didn't happen or someone's confused
- 22:57:16 [heycam]
- krit: in this case we also didn't discuss object-fit
- 22:57:22 [heycam]
- Florian: that's not involved yet. but we will discuss that later.
- 22:57:39 [heycam]
- krit: that is the case for inline SVG. for <img> we haven't had the discussion yet.
- 22:57:58 [heycam]
- ... we likely should have the same rules for inline and in <img>
- 22:58:10 [heycam]
- Florian: the way they start interacting with CSS is different
- 22:58:19 [heycam]
- tantek: the width attribute in inline is not intrinsic but specified
- 22:58:25 [heycam]
- ... so that's very different for these sizing computations
- 22:59:03 [fantasai]
- width/height in an inline SVG is both specified and intrinsic size
- 22:59:22 [fantasai]
- SVG specifies that it's the intrinsic size, and CSS specifies that it's the specified style
- 23:00:08 [Tav]
- 23:00:34 [heycam]
- Tav: these are some tests I made from a few years ago, with SVG sizing in img, iframe, etc.
- 23:01:51 [heycam]
- dbaron: what are we trying to accomplish right now?
- 23:02:29 [heycam]
- Florian: tantek and I have an idea on patching the spec that seems reasonable. we want to see if it matches reality and that others agree.
- 23:02:35 [heycam]
- ... if none of the browsers is doing the right then, then...
- 23:02:43 [heycam]
- dbaron: what are the questions about how to integrate box-sizing?
- 23:02:50 [heycam]
- Florian: as long as you don't involve max-height/width, it's easy
- 23:03:05 [heycam]
- ... once you have a bit of an algorithm and lots of rules for width height, it doesn't say which width height to work on
- 23:03:15 [heycam]
- dbaron: I think that algorithm should be interpreted as working on content box sizes
- 23:03:23 [hyojin_]
- hyojin_ has joined #fx
- 23:03:29 [heycam]
- ... there might be other implementation bugs that are worth discussing separately
- 23:03:47 [heycam]
- ... I think the box-sizing spec update should be done because that's how it should work
- 23:04:09 [heycam]
- fantasai: is there any question in what you want to specify?
- 23:04:28 [heycam]
- Florian: unless someone strongly believes a non-Presto behaviour is right, no
- 23:04:50 [heycam]
- fantasai: that's fine
- 23:04:56 [heycam]
- tantek: we didn't expect this many bugs :-)
- 23:05:03 [heycam]
- dbaron: the SVG sizing stuff is pretty recently specced
- 23:06:48 [TabAtkins]
- Just found out the <iframe src=foo.svg> sizes itself to the SVG's intrinsic dimensions, rather than 300x150 like the spec says.
- 23:07:00 [TabAtkins]
- WTF explicitly changing sizing rules without telling the WG about it.
- 23:07:06 [TabAtkins]
- Sorry, *in Safari*.
- 23:07:17 [TabAtkins]
- dino: ^^^ ???
- 23:07:36 [heycam]
- gregwhitworth: on windows, the very first test is similarly buggy in firefox/presto/IE
- 23:07:55 [heycam]
- tantek: the concern is that we if we have bugwards compat on this purple case, that's worrisome, because we think Presto's behaviour is correct
- 23:08:03 [fantasai]
- TabAtkins: Why do you think the spec says to make it 300x150?
- 23:08:12 [heycam]
- ... presto is treating the intrinsic width all by itself, and because there's nothing in the dimensions that apply to the width computations at all, ...
- 23:08:16 [heycam]
- Florian: there is no constraint on the width
- 23:08:27 [cyril]
- email sent with updated svg tests (including a circle), please consider the second email (the first one had a wrong radius value)
- 23:08:31 [heycam]
- ... in the height dimension it shrinks down to 70
- 23:08:37 [heycam]
- tantek: there's no intrinsic ratio, so they're computed separately
- 23:08:37 [TabAtkins]
- fantasai: Because the spec doesn't specify where to take dimensions from for <iframe>?
- 23:08:44 [fantasai]
- It's a replaced element
- 23:08:46 [cyril]
- 23:08:51 [fantasai]
- Just like an image
- 23:08:54 [heycam]
- Florian: this purple subtest has no intrinsic ratio
- 23:09:06 [heycam]
- ed: do you have enough to go on here?
- 23:09:27 [fantasai]
- There is nothing in any spec that says <iframe> (as a tag) is style differently from <object> or <img>. No tag-specific behavior is specified anywhere.
- 23:10:14 [hober]
- fantasai++
- 23:10:19 [heycam]
- tantek: firefox sets the width to 47px, which is very odd
- 23:10:58 [heycam]
- gregwhitworth: since I don't know about SVG I'm completely ok with this
- 23:11:05 [heycam]
- dbaron: the weird Firefox behaviour is not related to box-sizing
- 23:11:21 [heycam]
- ... if I remove the box-sizing, remove the max-height, change the border, I get the same output
- 23:11:43 [heycam]
- dbaron: this might be coming from default sizing not being 300x150, for SVG
- 23:12:10 [heycam]
- dbaron: if you work through that long list of rules, the way max-height applies doesnt always preserve the intrinsic ratio
- 23:12:15 [heycam]
- Florian: on the second one there's no intrinsic ratio
- 23:12:19 [heycam]
- dbaron: or doesn't always preserve the things you want
- 23:12:29 [heycam]
- ... if I change the max-height to height, you get the expected behaviour
- 23:12:42 [heycam]
- ... I think therei s something in the spec rules that gives the 47px result
- 23:12:54 [heycam]
- fantasai: I think the only weird cases are when you're balancing conflicting requirements
- 23:13:06 [heycam]
- Florian: but in this case we're not over constrained
- 23:14:22 [heycam]
- fantasai: let's resolve the behaviour on we want, not on "what Presto does"
- 23:14:30 [heycam]
- SimonSapin: is this looking at CSS 2.1?
- 23:14:35 [heycam]
- tantek: yes, plus box-sizing
- 23:15:08 [SimonSapin]
- (as opposed to the CSS Images module)
- 23:15:35 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: We will patch the CSS 2.1 width computations to specify it uses content width, which is implied but not explicit (which we assume will get Presto's behaviour).
- 23:15:50 [tantek]
- 23:16:14 [heycam]
- Topic: Interaction between overflow, positioning and filters
- 23:16:25 [roc]
- 23:16:51 [heycam]
- roc: this is basically a spec issue, as to what should be rendered
- 23:16:55 [heycam]
- ... right now specs don't really say
- 23:17:01 [heycam]
- ... and it's tricky to fix, there's no obvious way to fix it
- 23:17:05 [fantasai]
- CSS2.1: “This property specifies the content width of boxes. ”
- 23:17:19 [heycam]
- ... if you look at the fiddle, what we have is there's a div container with overflow hidden, but it could be any clipping
- 23:17:23 [heycam]
- ... it has a filter on it, in this case a blur
- 23:17:25 [fantasai]
- CSS2.1 is very clear that it's talking about content widths.
- 23:17:26 [heycam]
- ... and a couple of elements inside
- 23:17:34 [dbaron]
- FWIW, I can explain where the 47px comes from
- 23:17:35 [heycam]
- ... one of the elements is position:fixed (but also happens with position:absolute)
- 23:17:47 [heycam]
- ... the positioned div is not supposed to be clipped by the element that has overflow:hidden
- 23:18:00 [heycam]
- ... but it's in a filter and some of the content of the filtered image should be clipped, while some shouldn't
- 23:18:04 [heycam]
- ... it's really unclear how to render this example
- 23:18:12 [smfr]
- to me this is a pretty fundamental failure to spec the interactions between the clipping tree (which follows containing blcok) and the z-order tree
- 23:18:15 [fantasai]
- dbaron, go ahead, I'm very curious :)
- 23:18:16 [heycam]
- ... if you bring it up in Chrome or Firefox, you get a rendering where both of the elments are clipped
- 23:18:27 [heycam]
- ... in particular the yellow one is clipped to the overflow:hidden element, but technically it shouldn't be
- 23:18:39 [cyril_]
- cyril_ has joined #fx
- 23:18:41 [heycam]
- ... you can't say it's not clipped, since with the blur, some pixels have contributions from both the blur and the yellow divs
- 23:18:46 [heycam]
- ... it's unclear what the visual result should be
- 23:19:05 [heycam]
- ... there's no way to preserve the behaviour that one of these elements is clipped, one is not, but they're filtered together
- 23:19:06 [dbaron]
- Without the max-height, the SVG should be 100px wide and 150px tall, since the default size is 300px x 150px, and the SVG has a width=100 that overrides the 300. Then the max-height:150px with the box-sizing is equivalent to max-height: 70px... and when we apply the max-height, we scale the image down by its ratio, so the 150px -> 70px and 100px -> 47px (in the same ratio). So the bug is that we're incorrectly scaling down by ratio in that case, I believe.
- 23:19:21 [heycam]
- ... the problem does not arise for opacity, that's because opacity commutes with clipping
- 23:19:30 [heycam]
- ... if you clip then opacity, it's the same as opacity then clip
- 23:19:32 [heycam]
- ... not true for general filters
- 23:19:45 [heycam]
- ... because opacity commutes, you can push it down, and get the results you'd expect
- 23:19:49 [heycam]
- ... but with filters you can't
- 23:20:09 [heycam]
- ... what gecko and chrome are doing is rendering the contents to a buffer, applying the filter, then because the filtered element is in overflow:hidden, we clip the filtered result
- 23:20:13 [heycam]
- ... the question is what to spec
- 23:20:25 [heycam]
- ... try to explain that behaviour, or we introduce some restrictions on the interactions between filters and overflow:hidden and positioning
- 23:20:28 [heycam]
- ... so that it's well defined
- 23:20:34 [heycam]
- ... is the problem clear?
- 23:21:09 [heycam]
- ... we could directly specify what Chrome/Firefox are doing, and one way to do that would be to say that overflow clips --- right now overflow:hidden clips every descednatn for which it is a containing block
- 23:21:59 [Florian]
- Florian has joined #fx
- 23:22:09 [heycam]
- ... we could say it clips every descednatn for which it's a containing block plus it clips all descendants of elements that have a filter
- 23:22:24 [heycam]
- ... that's option #0 (I didn't put that in my email)
- 23:22:37 [heycam]
- ... option #1 from my email is that filter is like transform, becomes a containing block for positioned elements
- 23:22:40 [heycam]
- ... so they can't escape from the filter
- 23:22:49 [heycam]
- ... so the current definition of overflow:hidden would mean it applies to them
- 23:23:02 [heycam]
- ... option #2 is you could say the filter doesn't affect the positioned descendant, it can escape the filter
- 23:23:16 [heycam]
- ... so filters only apply to things for which the filtered element is the containing block
- 23:23:20 [heycam]
- dino: so the yellow element would not be filtered
- 23:23:26 [heycam]
- roc: yes
- 23:23:52 [heycam]
- Tav: I'm a little confused. the way I think about it, if you take something that's being filtered -- if you have an image and you move/animate it, you don't want to see side effects
- 23:24:55 [heycam]
- dino: simon prefers filtering winning over the overflow
- 23:25:02 [heycam]
- ... so stacking context is more important overflow
- 23:25:11 [heycam]
- ... so not the choice where yellow div is not filtered
- 23:25:14 [heycam]
- roc: I'm for option #1
- 23:25:28 [heycam]
- ... if we can make filters a container for positioned descendants
- 23:25:33 [heycam]
- ... there's some web compat risk, not a whole lot
- 23:26:29 [heycam]
- heycam: would you often want positioned things inside filtered elements? maybe not.
- 23:26:37 [heycam]
- dino: simon says sucks opacity and filters are not treated the same
- 23:26:48 [heycam]
- roc: it does kind of suck
- 23:26:54 [heycam]
- ... I don't have any alternative to that
- 23:27:00 [heycam]
- dino: with blending, we don't have the same issue?
- 23:27:05 [heycam]
- roc: no, because blending commutes with clipping
- 23:27:17 [heycam]
- ... if you have an opacity:0 pixel, blending can't turn that into something that is not opacity:0
- 23:27:53 [heycam]
- krit: not yet
- 23:28:00 [heycam]
- roc: if we add all the porter duff modes then it would be an issue
- 23:28:06 [heycam]
- ... we could change blend modes now, to force the same behaviour
- 23:28:10 [heycam]
- ... that would guard us in the future
- 23:28:16 [heycam]
- Tav: option #1 makes sense to me
- 23:28:31 [heycam]
- dino: I agree with making blending operate the same, and doing that now
- 23:29:11 [heycam]
- roc: we've been talking about adding an escape hatch for transforms
- 23:29:17 [heycam]
- ... so transforms are not a positioning container
- 23:29:28 [heycam]
- ... if we do that we could have keyword on transforms
- 23:29:39 [heycam]
- krit: all blend modes we implement use src-over compositing
- 23:30:16 [heycam]
- krit: I don't think we want to combine blend modes with other compositing modes
- 23:30:39 [heycam]
- roc: if we introduce other compositing modes, will it be in mix-blend-mode or a different property?
- 23:30:42 [heycam]
- nikos: suggested to be in a separate property
- 23:30:54 [heycam]
- roc: in that case we don't need to add restrictions for mix-blend-mode now
- 23:31:25 [heycam]
- ... so that new property would need to create a container for positioned elements
- 23:31:59 [heycam]
- ... so we won't change mix-blend-mode behaviour, but will do it for filters
- 23:32:21 [heycam]
- heycam: you could restrict this filter behaviour for only some predefined filter keywords
- 23:32:29 [heycam]
- roc: I don't feel like we want to do somethign taht complicated
- 23:32:40 [smfr]
- heycam: ick, what if you animate between them?
- 23:33:05 [heycam]
- smfr indeed, the position of elements could change when you change the filter behaviour
- 23:33:39 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: non-none values of filter induce a containing block for all positioned descendants
- 23:34:01 [heycam]
- ACTION: Erik to make non-none values of filter induce a containing block for all positioned descendants
- 23:34:02 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-88 - Make non-none values of filter induce a containing block for all positioned descendants [on Erik Dahlström - due 2015-02-17].
- 23:34:15 [heycam]
- -- 15 min break, back at 10:49 --
- 23:37:34 [hyojin__]
- hyojin__ has joined #fx
- 23:49:20 [sgalineau]
- sgalineau has joined #fx
- 23:57:51 [smfr]
- sgalineau: it’s break time
- 23:58:00 [smfr]
- sgalineau: scones and cream
- 23:58:01 [sgalineau]
- doh. carry on :)
- 00:00:20 [sgalineau]
- smfr: scones are very important.
- 00:00:48 [smfr]
- background: jam 100% 100%, cream 200% 200%;
- 00:01:00 [shane]
- Anyone in Sydney: please RSVP for dinner tonight! I need numbers and menu preferences by 12. The venue is Redoak (, at 7:00pm. Use this form:
- 00:02:32 [sgalineau]
- you had me at boutique beer
- 00:03:09 [sgalineau]
- smfr: overflow: visible?
- 00:03:42 [liam]
- sgalineau: overflow: burp
- 00:03:50 [hober]
- fx
- 00:03:53 [liam]
- wait, is that for scones or beer? :)
- 00:06:38 [stakagi]
- stakagi has joined #fx
- 00:07:08 [shane]
- beer scone spiders - why not have both?
- 00:07:12 [heycam]
- Topic: Canceling and interrupting transitions
- 00:07:16 [heycam]
- 00:08:28 [kwkbtr]
- kwkbtr has joined #fx
- 00:08:42 [jun]
- jun has joined #fx
- 00:08:54 [heycam]
- dbaron: let's postpone until after lunch
- 00:09:32 [heycam]
- Topic: Filter Effects CR
- 00:10:11 [Rossen]
- Rossen has joined #fx
- 00:10:25 [krit]
- 00:10:34 [heycam]
- krit: this is the disposition of comments document
- 00:11:22 [plinss]
- 00:11:46 [heycam]
- krit: we have some open issues still in the spec
- 00:11:53 [heycam]
- ... one of them is error handling in general with filter effects
- 00:12:16 [krit]
- 00:12:34 [heycam]
- ... here's a test for error handling
- 00:12:43 [heycam]
- ... the filter property can take a url, which references a <filter> element
- 00:12:48 [heycam]
- ... what happens if the url is invalid
- 00:12:57 [dbaron]
- or alternatively
- 00:13:00 [heycam]
- ... if it's invalid then I think it's clear that we should ignore the setting of the filter property, and fall back to the default
- 00:13:03 [heycam]
- ... that's standard CSS behaviour
- 00:13:16 [heycam]
- ... what if it's valid syntax but does not reference a filter, or the ID doesn't exist
- 00:13:21 [heycam]
- ... behaviour is different between browsers
- 00:13:27 [heycam]
- ... SVG 1.1 said that the filtered element disappears
- 00:13:39 [heycam]
- ... there were objections that this might not be the preferred behaviour
- 00:13:56 [heycam]
- ... firefox does what SVG 1.1 says, so if you apply filter:url(#badID) then it makes the object disappear
- 00:14:03 [heycam]
- ... other browsers ignore the filter
- 00:14:34 [heycam]
- heycam: I think Firefox should display the element normally, i.e. ignore the filter
- 00:15:08 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: If a filter references a missing ID or an element that is not a <filter>, the element is rendered normally as if filter:none
- 00:15:39 [heycam]
- krit: the next problem is, what happens if the URL is valid, you reference an element, it exists, but now you have certain filter effects in it and they take an input that doesn't exist
- 00:15:44 [heycam]
- ... e.g. <feGaussianBlur in="invalid">
- 00:16:01 [heycam]
- ... SVG 1.1 makes the whole filtered element disappear
- 00:16:06 [heycam]
- ... WebKit does that, as Firefox does
- 00:16:10 [heycam]
- ... Blink does something different
- 00:16:51 [heycam]
- krit: or you could reference the previous filter effect (i.e. default in="" value) or default SourceGraphic
- 00:17:02 [heycam]
- dino: or make the primitive use transparent black as input
- 00:17:04 [heycam]
- roc: yes
- 00:17:18 [heycam]
- krit: if you make a mistake in the filter chain, it's not going to give you a result you want
- 00:17:56 [heycam]
- krit: if you reference a filter input that doesn't exist, that could kill the whole processing of the filter
- 00:18:05 [liam]
- [having the element not rendered means you can't easily right-click on it and "inspect" to debug the problem]
- 00:18:54 [heycam]
- krit: I don't think we should just make transparent black for that primitive's input
- 00:18:57 [heycam]
- Tav: I agree with that
- 00:19:12 [heycam]
- nikos: making just one primitive's input transparent black can help you understand where the error is
- 00:19:34 [heycam]
- ed: I think what Presto is doing is following the 1.2T model, which says to take the default value if you have an error in an attribute
- 00:19:39 [heycam]
- krit: which would be the previous filter effect
- 00:19:56 [heycam]
- heycam: I'm fine with disabling the filter
- 00:20:18 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: If a filter primitive references an invalid input, then the whole filter is disabled and the element is rendered normally.
- 00:20:37 [krit]
- 00:20:38 [heycam]
- krit: next, issue #6
- 00:21:02 [heycam]
- ... if someone uses currentColor in feColorMatrix, what is it?
- 00:22:50 [heycam]
- ... the proposal is to have currentColor resolve against the element that is being filtered, not with the value of color on the actual primitive element
- 00:23:05 [heycam]
- Tav: we have context-fill
- 00:23:36 [heycam]
- ... we decided to make that work in all referencing elements, like filter, pattern, etc.
- 00:24:09 [heycam]
- krit: I'd like to delay putting anything in the filters spec for this
- 00:24:14 [heycam]
- ed: I think that's fine with me
- 00:24:35 [heycam]
- heycam: happy to do that later
- 00:25:08 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: Defer context-fill usage in Filter-specific properties until level 2 of Filters.
- 00:25:11 [krit]
- file:///Users/dschulze/Documents/fxtf-drafts/filters/issues-lc-2015.html#issue-8
- 00:25:18 [heycam]
- ... next is issue #8
- 00:25:36 [heycam]
- ... luminance has fixed colour matrix values. in most places they have 3 digits after the dot, in some places they have 4
- 00:25:45 [heycam]
- ... the request was to have 4 digits everywhere, instead of just 3
- 00:26:23 [krit]
- 00:27:12 [heycam]
- heycam: so it's using 4 digits in the luminance matrix, but 3 in the other types
- 00:27:20 [heycam]
- krit: any objection to using 4 digits everywhere?
- 00:27:24 [heycam]
- (none heard)
- 00:27:50 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: The feColorMatrix pre-defined matrices should all use 4 digits after the decimal point.
- 00:28:09 [heycam]
- krit: next, issue #11
- 00:28:10 [krit]
- file:///Users/dschulze/Documents/fxtf-drafts/filters/issues-lc-2015.html#issue-11
- 00:28:28 [astearns]
- 00:28:41 [heycam]
- ... if you have objectBoundingBox units, and you try to use say 47em, what does that mean?
- 00:29:17 [heycam]
- ... not clear what element the ems are resolved to px
- 00:29:59 [heycam]
- heycam: I guess they should be resolved against the font-size of the element they're on
- 00:30:15 [heycam]
- ed: not sure if this needs to be mentioned in the spec
- 00:30:34 [heycam]
- ... could put a note that these values will give useless results [as they're much > 1]
- 00:31:43 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: Make it clear that em units on filterUnits-affecting attributes are resolved against font-size on the same element; and we'll add a note mentioning that it won't do anything useful for you.
- 00:31:54 [heycam]
- (unless you use very small em values of course)
- 00:32:00 [liam]
- [the note should explain why, as there are cases where it works]
- 00:32:16 [krit]
- 00:32:20 [liam]
- (yes - I think that's not uncommon)
- 00:32:20 [heycam]
- krit: finally, issue #12
- 00:32:25 [heycam]
- ... I thought we already discussed this and decided
- 00:32:47 [heycam]
- Tav: specularExponent is used in two different places
- 00:32:57 [heycam]
- ... just adding a note to say that two uses of this are different
- 00:33:02 [heycam]
- krit: I think I made that change already
- 00:33:43 [heycam]
- krit: now, how do we want to proceed with the spec. should we continue with a WD or should we publish a CR of it?
- 00:35:01 [heycam]
- ed: any objections to publishing as CR after the edits are done?
- 00:35:03 [heycam]
- (none heard)
- 00:35:15 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: Publish a CR of Filters spec (under the new process).
- 00:35:27 [heycam]
- Topic: CSS Blending PR
- 00:35:33 [heycam]
- krit: I'm speaking for Rik who can't be here
- 00:35:46 [heycam]
- ... we already had a resolution to PR at TPAC, but there was one issue that forced us to have another CR
- 00:35:51 [heycam]
- ... there haven't been any complaints since then
- 00:36:05 [heycam]
- ... Rik is working on the necessary documents to get to PR, and I'd like to have the resolution from the WG to go to PR
- 00:36:14 [heycam]
- ChrisL: implementation report with two passes for everything?
- 00:36:26 [heycam]
- krit: we do have 2 implementaitons for each feature and Rik is preparing that implementation report
- 00:37:34 [heycam]
- ChrisL: shouldn't need a resolution of the WG
- 00:37:48 [heycam]
- Florian: we could resolve that we think the test suite is sufficiently extensive
- 00:37:54 [heycam]
- ... that passing it is meaningful
- 00:37:59 [heycam]
- ... and then we you pass it everything is fine
- 00:38:13 [heycam]
- ChrisL: what's the test coverage like?
- 00:38:17 [heycam]
- Tav: including SVG?
- 00:38:23 [heycam]
- krit: yes we have tests covering each section
- 00:39:07 [krit]
- 00:39:33 [heycam]
- krit: the other part of the test suite are the canvas tests that were published with philip's test suite
- 00:40:28 [heycam]
- krit: what do the CR exit criteria say?
- 00:40:33 [heycam]
- s/krit/ChrisL/
- 00:41:10 [plinss]
- 00:42:10 [heycam]
- ChrisL: the SotD section says that CR must last until at least March 17
- 00:43:46 [ChrisL]
- ChrisL has joined #fx
- 00:44:03 [heycam]
- Tav: you have some SVG specific tests, but you don't test each of these things in both HTML and SVG?
- 00:44:59 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #fx
- 00:45:16 [heycam]
- Tav: it'd be nice if each of these actually linked to the tests
- 00:45:20 [plinss]
- 00:46:02 [heycam]
- krit: I will ask Rik to provide the necessary documents
- 00:46:08 [heycam]
- ChrisL: it looks like they're all HTML tests?
- 00:46:58 [heycam]
- Tav: I am concerned we're not testing enough applying to SVG elements
- 00:47:11 [heycam]
- ChrisL: there are some broken links too
- 00:49:12 [ChrisL]
- links like ../support/* should be support/*
- 00:49:18 [heycam]
- Tav: would be good for pure SVG documents so I can provide results for Inkscape
- 00:50:10 [heycam]
- ACTION: Dirk to ask Rik to produce SVG versions of the blending tests.
- 00:50:10 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-89 - Ask rik to produce svg versions of the blending tests. [on Dirk Schulze - due 2015-02-18].
- 00:51:01 [cyril_]
- scribe: Cyril
- 00:51:05 [cyril_]
- scribeNick: cyril
- 00:51:16 [cyril_]
- Topic: Colored font palette control
- 00:51:28 [cyril_]
- heycam: I sent an email to www-style about this
- 00:51:37 [heycam]
- 00:51:48 [cyril_]
- heycam: in the latest version of hte OpenType spec
- 00:52:03 [cyril_]
- ... which reached a stage where only editorial changes can be made
- 00:52:16 [cyril_]
- ... there is 3 types of colourful glyphs:
- 00:52:22 [cyril_]
- ... bitmap format like PNG
- 00:52:36 [cyril_]
- ... vector format reusing existing glyf and cff table glyphs
- 00:52:45 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: was it extended to CFF ?
- 00:52:50 [cyril_]
- heycam: it was an assumption
- 00:52:53 [cyril_]
- ... might not be
- 00:53:04 [cyril_]
- ... and the 3rd option is embedded SVG document
- 00:53:22 [cyril_]
- ... in the last 2 options they have the option of using a palette
- 00:53:31 [cyril_]
- ... in fact for option 2 it is mandatory
- 00:53:43 [cyril_]
- ... for SVG glyphs it is an option by using CSS variables
- 00:53:53 [cyril_]
- ... some CSS variiables are defined automatically
- 00:54:03 [cyril_]
- ... in the font you can define a number of palettes
- 00:54:13 [cyril_]
- ... but there is no way to select the palette you want
- 00:54:25 [cyril_]
- ... or provide your own custom palette
- 00:54:43 [cyril_]
- ... I thought it moght be a good thing to allow
- 00:54:51 [cyril_]
- ... my email has an actual proposal
- 00:55:12 [cyril_]
- ... for selecting which palette, there would be a new property font-palette referencing the palette by a name
- 00:55:16 [cyril_]
- ... there is no name in the font
- 00:55:34 [cyril_]
- ... the idea would be to map indices to names for a particular font
- 00:55:49 [cyril_]
- ... you don't want to set ffont-palette: 3 and then depend on the font
- 00:56:17 [cyril_]
- dino: I think for these fonts, you know what you're doing
- 00:56:47 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: we don't know what fonts you have on the machine or what fonts are downloaded
- 00:57:50 [cyril_]
- roc: there is an issue with editable content, it is easy for users to add characters that are not in the font
- 00:58:11 [cyril_]
- ... and you can have fallback to system fonts and that might not be what you want
- 00:58:31 [liam]
- [that's true for any font, including woff]
- 00:58:35 [ChrisL]
- we already have that issue with font feature selection, where feature numbers are not portable across different fonts
- 00:58:43 [cyril_]
- dino: the theory is that if you specify the palette you end up with a font that has the right palette ?
- 00:59:28 [cyril_]
- heycam: jdaggett was of the opinion that it should go in font feature values
- 00:59:43 [cyril_]
- dino: it's not a big deal but it might be longer to specify
- 01:00:12 [cyril_]
- ... people might end up with names 'one', 'two' ... for the palettes
- 01:00:53 [liam]
- [could some suggested names be proposed for palette entries? e.g. highlight, shadow, front, layer1, layer2 ? We don't have CSS rules that are conditionally applied dependingon which font is in use]
- 01:01:01 [cyril_]
- heycam: if people were happy with disabling palette selection if you use a fallback selection, I'll be happy
- 01:01:14 [cyril_]
- dino: tab's suggestion is good too
- 01:01:35 [cyril_]
- ... you can use palette name but if the name is a number that's the index then
- 01:02:34 [cyril_]
- roc: we could disable fallback for now and add it later
- 01:02:36 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: reasonnable
- 01:03:06 [cyril_]
- heycam: do people think this should be in the next level of the font spec ?
- 01:03:30 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: it doesn't make sense to put in the current level because it's stable
- 01:03:42 [cyril_]
- heycam: what about adding font palette selection to level 4
- 01:04:03 [cyril_]
- ... and it uses an index to begin with and font fallback disables selection
- 01:04:10 [tantek]
- tantek has joined #fx
- 01:04:12 [cyril_]
- ... and later we can add a more detailed feature
- 01:04:14 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: yes
- 01:04:39 [cyril_]
- resolution: add font palette selection to CSS Fonts level 4
- 01:05:08 [cyril_]
- action: jdaggett to add font palette selection to CSS Fonts level 4
- 01:05:09 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'jdaggett'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 01:05:38 [cyril_]
- heycam: the next step, if we want to, is to specify custom palette values
- 01:06:04 [cyril_]
- ... for my example (in the email), the font creator would provide different fonts
- 01:06:20 [cyril_]
- ... it's normal to have a choice to select the palette
- 01:06:39 [cyril_]
- ... in my optional proposal #2, I added something similar
- 01:06:55 [cyril_]
- ... adds a @font-palette
- 01:07:13 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: I don't think we need the indirection of the @font-palette
- 01:07:42 [cyril_]
- ... we can use directly the font property to specify the color palette
- 01:07:54 [cyril_]
- ... for colors, giving a name is useful
- 01:08:36 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: people asked a long time ago to be able to name colors
- 01:10:05 [cyril_]
- heycam: I'm happy with not having the named palettes and not having the @font-palette rule
- 01:10:51 [cyril_]
- ... does the order of the names and colors in the font-palette property have to match the indices ?
- 01:10:53 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: no
- 01:11:26 [cyril_]
- heycam: what happens if you miss out one of the palette entries ?
- 01:11:40 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: you default to transparent black ?
- 01:11:49 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: no simply black
- 01:11:58 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: I agree I made a big mistake here
- 01:12:36 [cyril_]
- heycam: do we agree we want the feature ?
- 01:12:39 [cyril_]
- Tav: yes
- 01:12:49 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: why don't overload the color property ?
- 01:13:09 [cyril_]
- ... you might to use a palette function
- 01:13:26 [cyril_]
- heycam: what does fill=currentColor on a shape if you have that ?
- 01:14:05 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: color can be used for other usages: stroke, fill, ...
- 01:14:10 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: yes
- 01:14:33 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: not objecting but concerned about how it would evolve
- 01:14:48 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: so if palette is not used, we could default to using the color value
- 01:15:16 [cyril_]
- ed: is it possible to use a palette and override some colors ?
- 01:15:37 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: palette is a preset, you can override it all
- 01:16:02 [cyril_]
- ... we've had that discussion on gradients, overriding some stops, but it's not used
- 01:16:59 [cyril_]
- (chris digresses on Web audio)
- 01:17:23 [glazou]
- glazou has joined #fx
- 01:17:29 [cyril_]
- resolution: we add custom palette support without the @font-palette rule
- 01:17:37 [TabAtkins]
- Assuming that duplicated palette index names take the last one, you can always store a palette in a custom property, and override individual bits by putting them at the end, like "font-palette: var(--my-palette), highlight white;"
- 01:17:58 [cyril_]
- heycam: we'll still name the individual palette entries inside font-feature values
- 01:18:13 [cyril_]
- heycam: the final part in my email, proposal 3
- 01:18:35 [cyril_]
- ... you can specify if one of the predefined palette is appropriate for dark, light, both or neither background
- 01:18:47 [cyril_]
- ... emoji fonts have dark versions and light version
- 01:19:02 [cyril_]
- ... i'm suggesting adding keywords to select the version
- 01:19:10 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: +1
- 01:20:02 [cyril_]
- ... I'm suggesting to name it according to the system it is supposed to be used: lightSomething, darkSomehting
- 01:20:28 [cyril_]
- heycam: you probably always want to use the highcontrast one without analysing the background color
- 01:20:37 [cyril_]
- ... I'm ok with starting with just light and dark
- 01:20:42 [cyril_]
- .. do people agree ?
- 01:20:44 [cyril_]
- ChrisL: yes
- 01:21:17 [cyril_]
- resolution: font-palette property will have light and dark keywords to select the first light or dark annotated palette in the font
- 01:21:25 [TabAtkins]
- s/so if palette is not used/so if you omit some palette index names/
- 01:21:43 [cyril_]
- heycam: I'd like to bring a little issue regarding css variables
- 01:22:27 [cyril_]
- ... I tried to implement css variables and palettes
- 01:23:18 [cyril_]
- ... (explaining something about caching)
- 01:23:41 [cyril_]
- ... we could need a non-variable way to indicate palette
- 01:23:50 [cyril_]
- ... I don't know if we can do that
- 01:23:59 [cyril_]
- ... It's a bit late in the open type process
- 01:24:10 [cyril_]
- ... but we might have this problem in other contexts
- 01:24:57 [cyril_]
- TabAtkins: for svg fonts, I see the problem
- 01:25:12 [cyril_]
- ... but using variables in UA specific way is a viloation of the spec anyway
- 01:25:34 [cyril_]
- heycam: it's probably possible to detect that the palette variables are used in a sensible way
- 01:25:54 [cyril_]
- ... but I'm concerned more about the general pattern
- 01:26:17 [cyril_]
- ... like a stroke-width controllable by variables
- 01:27:16 [heycam]
- Scribe: Cameron
- 01:27:18 [heycam]
- ScribeNick: heycam
- 01:27:21 [heycam]
- Topic: text-rendering
- 01:27:31 [heycam]
- roc: this is a google request
- 01:27:48 [heycam]
- ... we got an email from docs people complaining that in Firefox when you zoom the page in google docs, the layout of the text changes
- 01:27:55 [heycam]
- ... the width of the string in css px changes when you zoom in/out of the page
- 01:28:02 [heycam]
- ... turns out this is true in all pages, including chrome in some situations
- 01:28:08 [heycam]
- ... the reason is because of font hinting, in this case
- 01:28:10 [heycam]
- ... there are some other issues
- 01:28:23 [heycam]
- ... with vertical metrics it can also occur if you round line height to pixels
- 01:28:31 [heycam]
- ... they saw this as a bug, though I don't think it is a bug
- 01:28:40 [heycam]
- ... generally you do want to hint on windows, as you want to match OS text rasterisation
- 01:29:13 [heycam]
- ... basically after a short discussion, we determined that the right thing to do would be to make text-rendering:geometricPrecision disable hinting and try to make sure we just use the metrics in the font
- 01:29:20 [heycam]
- ... and render that font with no regard to what the device resolution is
- 01:29:32 [heycam]
- ... then if we do that consistently we can make text rendering device resolution independent
- 01:29:42 [heycam]
- ... as you zoom in/out you'd get the same metrics
- 01:29:45 [heycam]
- ... apparently chrome has or will do this
- 01:30:00 [heycam]
- ChrisL: that seems consistent with what geometricPrecision was designed for
- 01:30:08 [heycam]
- roc: if we do this, then the spec should make this a requirement
- 01:30:31 [heycam]
- roc: this would apply to HTML and SVG
- 01:30:35 [heycam]
- Rossen: when you zoom, what do you mean?
- 01:30:41 [heycam]
- ... user zoom in firefox?
- 01:30:45 [heycam]
- roc: a full page zoom that causes a layout
- 01:30:55 [heycam]
- ... so for any layout-changing zoom
- 01:31:05 [heycam]
- ... (non-layout-changing zoom already doesn't affect text metrics)
- 01:31:24 [heycam]
- Rossen: so this would affect high dpi devices, you're opting in to some level of zoom?
- 01:31:31 [heycam]
- roc: right now you can get different layout on high/lo dpi
- 01:31:39 [heycam]
- ... this would make those layouts consistent with each other
- 01:31:39 [heycam]
- ... and across the web
- 01:31:49 [heycam]
- ... we could make layouts fully consistent across browsers, at least text width
- 01:31:58 [heycam]
- Rossen: I think Ted and Matt Rakow want to make that happen
- 01:32:18 [heycam]
- roc: in Firefox I would make text metrics incl advance widths depend only on the content of the OpenType font
- 01:32:25 [heycam]
- ... the problem is platform APIs apply rounding in different situations
- 01:32:31 [heycam]
- ... I'd like to bypass that and just get data from the font
- 01:32:37 [heycam]
- Rossen: do you have any test cases we could look at?
- 01:32:45 [heycam]
- roc: I'll send you one
- 01:32:57 [heycam]
- ... I should mention that our plan is to continue to render glyphs with subpixel AA where possible
- 01:33:02 [heycam]
- ... eventhough we're not doing any hinting
- 01:33:10 [heycam]
- ... this doesn't mean we need to turn off subpixel AA
- 01:33:16 [heycam]
- ... it's a layout issue, not glyph rendering issue
- 01:33:18 [heycam]
- ... sounds OK?
- 01:33:20 [heycam]
- ChrisL: yes
- 01:33:22 [heycam]
- dino: yes
- 01:34:31 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: text-rendering:geometricPrecision will require that font metrics and text measurement will be independent of the device resolution
- 01:34:43 [heycam]
- ... and zoom level
- 01:35:01 [heycam]
- ACTION: Cameron to make text-rendering:geometricPrecision change
- 01:35:01 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-90 - Make text-rendering:geometricprecision change [on Cameron McCormack - due 2015-02-18].
- 01:35:30 [heycam]
- -- lunch break, 90 mins --
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- 03:03:52 [nikos]
- scribenick: nikos
- 03:03:57 [nikos]
- scribe: Nikos
- 03:04:01 [nikos]
- Topic: Canceling and interrupting transitions
- 03:04:22 [nikos]
- dbaron: There have been some relatively large edits since the WD - but only stuff that implementors would care about
- 03:04:32 [nikos]
- ... such as cancelling and interrupting transitions
- 03:05:01 [nikos]
- ... I think I'm ready to take the spec to new new process CR
- 03:05:06 [nikos]
- ... there's a bunch of issues in bugzilla
- 03:05:16 [nikos]
- ... I made some minor edits and there's a few we should talk about
- 03:05:24 [nikos]
- ... anything that's a new feature is marked to defer to level 2
- 03:05:37 [nikos]
- ... there are a few that are about animating specific value types
- 03:05:44 [nikos]
- ... like images and gradientss
- 03:05:49 [nikos]
- ... those should be deferred to css images
- 03:05:55 [nikos]
- s/gradientss/gradients
- 03:06:18 [nikos]
- dbaron: one question is whether there should be transition rules defined for z-index:auto
- 03:06:20 [dbaron]
- 03:06:38 [nikos]
- ... apparently testing showed that a bunch of engines do transitions between z-index:auto and numbers
- 03:06:49 [nikos]
- ... this may or may not just be a bug related to treating the value as zero
- 03:07:33 [nikos]
- ... the behaviour that was observed was that if tehre was a transition between auto and number there was interpolation as if it were between zero and a number
- 03:07:39 [nikos]
- ... and a jump at the end
- 03:07:54 [nikos]
- ... apparently zero to auto jumps were at both ends
- 03:08:02 [nikos]
- ... do people thing we should have special transition rules for z-index:auto
- 03:08:04 [nikos]
- ... ?
- 03:08:12 [nikos]
- TabAtkins: I'd prefer not, I don't see how to do it properly
- 03:08:33 [nikos]
- dbaron: a special rule would mean that any intermediate interpolation that was not 100% value or the other would treat auto as zero
- 03:09:02 [nikos]
- dino: it looks to me like it's a bug
- 03:09:06 [nikos]
- ... what would you do otherwise?
- 03:09:22 [nikos]
- dbaron: current behaviour says if one value is auto you can't interpolate
- 03:09:29 [nikos]
- dino: think it's just a bug that webkit should fix
- 03:09:30 [ChrisLilley]
- ChrisLilley has joined #fx
- 03:09:34 [nikos]
- ... we don't check that it's auto
- 03:10:01 [smfr]
- that might have compat risk for webkit but we should fix it (maybe with the non-prefixed transition, dino)