18:57:39 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:57:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/02/05-shapes-irc 18:57:41 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:57:41 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:57:43 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:57:43 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 18:57:44 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:57:44 Date: 05 February 2015 18:58:14 kcoyle has joined #shapes 18:58:22 SimonSteyskal has joined #shapes 19:00:31 Dimitris has joined #shapes 19:00:39 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:00:39 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has not yet started, Arnaud 19:00:39 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:00:41 On IRC I see Dimitris, SimonSteyskal, kcoyle, Zakim, RRSAgent, Labra, cygri, SteveS, BartvanLeeuwen, Arnaud, rhiaro, sandro, ericP, trackbot 19:00:47 zakim, this is shapes 19:00:47 ok, Arnaud; that matches DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM 19:00:50 + +1.919.300.aabb 19:00:57 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:00:57 On the phone I see ??P3, ??P4, ??P2, +1.510.435.aaaa, Arnaud, +1.919.300.aabb 19:01:09 zakim, aaaa is me 19:01:10 +kcoyle; got it 19:01:10 -??P2 19:01:24 + +30694579aacc 19:01:32 +??P11 19:01:45 zakim, +30694579aacc is me 19:01:45 +Dimitris; got it 19:02:01 zakim, aabb is me 19:02:01 +cygri; got it 19:02:23 -??P4 19:02:25 zakim, who's on the phone? 19:02:25 On the phone I see ??P3, kcoyle, Arnaud, cygri, Dimitris, ??P11 19:02:26 +[IBM] 19:02:30 +pfps 19:02:35 zakim, [ibm] is me 19:02:35 +SteveS; got it 19:02:41 ??P3 is labra 19:02:45 +??P13 19:02:52 Zakim, ??p13 is me 19:02:52 +BartvanLeeuwen; got it 19:02:53 +Arthur_Ryman 19:02:54 Zakim, P11 is me 19:02:54 sorry, ericP, I do not recognize a party named 'P11' 19:02:58 +??P4 19:02:58 Zakim, ??P11 is me 19:02:59 +ericP; got it 19:03:04 zakim, ??P4 is me 19:03:04 +SimonSteyskal; got it 19:03:20 ArthurRyman has joined #shapes 19:03:23 hsolbrig has joined #shapes 19:03:26 Zakim, who is here? 19:03:27 On the phone I see ??P3, kcoyle, Arnaud, cygri, Dimitris, ericP, SteveS, pfps, BartvanLeeuwen, Arthur_Ryman, SimonSteyskal 19:03:29 On IRC I see hsolbrig, ArthurRyman, hknublau, Dimitris, SimonSteyskal, kcoyle, Zakim, RRSAgent, Labra, cygri, SteveS, BartvanLeeuwen, Arnaud, rhiaro, sandro, ericP, trackbot 19:03:37 +[IPcaller] 19:03:40 zakim, ??P3 is labra 19:03:40 +labra; got it 19:03:58 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 19:03:58 +hknublau; got it 19:04:08 micheld has joined #shapes 19:04:18 +[IPcaller] 19:04:57 +michel 19:05:02 scribe: BartvanLeeuwen chair: Arnaud agenda: http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.02.05 19:05:06 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 19:05:06 +hsolbrig; got it 19:05:32 Topic: Admin subtopic: Minutes from previous meetings 19:05:42 http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-shapes-minutes.html 19:06:12 http://www.w3.org/2015/01/29-shapes-minutes.html 19:06:24 RESOLVED: Minutes of 22 January approved 19:06:31 RESOLVED: Minutes of 29 January approved 19:07:00 subTopic: F2F 19:07:02 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/F2F2 19:07:47 Arnaud: We are still looking for someone to pickup the bill for food / drinks 19:09:10 Topic: Tracking of Actions and Issues 19:09:02 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/pendingreview 19:09:15 Issue-9 19:09:15 Issue-9 -- S7 does not appear to have a story -- pending review 19:09:15 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/9 19:10:05 peter: delete the story 19:10:18 PROPOSED: close ISSUE-9, deleting S7 19:10:20 pfps has joined #shapes 19:10:34 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-9, deleting S7 19:10:45 Issue-17 19:10:45 Issue-17 -- S19 and S20 need information to distinguish from ontology recognition -- pending review 19:10:45 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/17 19:11:05 pfps: this is about UI, since its in the charter my objection is not relevant 19:13:04 PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-17, as is (would still be nice to have an example) 19:13:21 RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-17, as is (would still be nice to have an example) 19:14:12 Arnaud: could we close more issues like this, there are still considerable amount of issues which require more data 19:14:58 There is an easy solution for these. If the proposers don't fix their story then it should be dropped. 19:14:59 ArthurRyman: lets discuss the issues on the call, this way people will have to show up and explain 19:15:20 Arnaud: this is a time issue, it takes a lot 19:16:20 ArthurRyman: keep it only on 5 minutes max topic: User stories 19:16:28 q+ 19:16:39 ack ??P11 19:16:45 Actually I think that the document is ready for FPWD as is. FPWDs don't have to be polished or even agreed-on by everyone. 19:16:59 ack ArthurRyman 19:17:20 ArthurRyman: its a great idea to get something in shape with a good lead time 19:17:24 Even if there are open issues the document can be published. It would be nice to note that there are open issues against a story, but that's not even necessary. 19:17:26 ArthurRyman: before the F2F 19:17:37 ArthurRyman: we need a bit of time, so put it on the agenda 19:17:57 Arnaud: peter suggested its good enough for a FPWD 19:18:28 Arnaud: for people new to W3C process, FPWD are not visible on the TR list 19:19:14 Arnaud: from a time pov we are behind, we should have published the FPWD in December 2014 19:19:37 Arnaud: a FPWD does not imply a commitment 19:19:58 +OpenLink_Software 19:19:59 SimonSteyskal: we at least want to clean up stories a bit 19:20:06 TallTed has joined #shapes 19:20:23 SimonSteyskal: we havent agreed on requirements yet 19:20:40 Having a proposed FPWD ready next week would be the right timing to make a decision at the F2F and publish immediately afterwards. 19:20:48 SimonSteyskal: should we include them, and note we didn't make any decisions 19:21:23 q+ 19:21:31 ack Labra 19:21:46 Labra: I wanted to ask if my user story could be added 19:21:50 Zakim, who's here? 19:21:50 On the phone I see labra, kcoyle, Arnaud, cygri, Dimitris, ericP, SteveS, pfps, BartvanLeeuwen, Arthur_Ryman, SimonSteyskal, hknublau, hsolbrig, michel, OpenLink_Software 19:21:52 Zakim, who is on the call? 19:21:54 On IRC I see TallTed, pfps, micheld, hsolbrig, ArthurRyman, hknublau, Dimitris, SimonSteyskal, kcoyle, Zakim, RRSAgent, Labra, cygri, SteveS, BartvanLeeuwen, Arnaud, rhiaro, 19:21:54 ... sandro, ericP, trackbot 19:21:54 On the phone I see labra, kcoyle, Arnaud, cygri, Dimitris, ericP, SteveS, pfps, BartvanLeeuwen, Arthur_Ryman, SimonSteyskal, hknublau, hsolbrig, michel, OpenLink_Software 19:22:00 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 19:22:00 +TallTed; got it 19:22:02 Zakim, mute me 19:22:02 TallTed should now be muted 19:22:06 Labra: pfps asked about constraints, thats why I added my story 19:22:09 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S38_Describing_and_Validating_Linked_Data_portals 19:22:47 PROPOSED: add S38 to the the User Stories 19:22:48 +1 to add it 19:22:50 +1 19:23:02 it's quite generic, so not reason to not have it 19:23:04 +1 19:23:08 +1 19:23:08 +1 19:23:09 +1 19:23:09 +1 19:23:12 +1 19:23:33 RESOLVED: Add S38 to the the User Stories - status approved 19:24:20 Topic: Requirements 19:24:33 Arnaud: I'm proposing a new set of requirements to be approved 19:24:48 Arnaud: I've updated the wiki with those who got approved last week 19:25:11 PROPOSAL: Approve requirements 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.5.10, 2.5.11, 2.6, 2.6.11, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.7.4, 2.9 19:25:18 q+ 19:25:32 ack pfps 19:25:46 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/ShapeRequirements#Declarations_of_Member_Properties 19:25:48 pfps: all the of the 2.5 ones are still hung up on the declaration issue 19:27:36 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Declarations_of_Member_Properties_at_Classes 19:27:56 ericP: pfps, is your concern that we’re making ontological assertions rather than shape assertions? 19:28:01 pfps: yes. 19:28:14 q+ 19:28:26 ack ArthurRyman 19:28:49 ArthurRyman: I want to propose a wording change, if we replace declaration with 'description of expected' 19:29:08 q+ 19:29:10 pfps: there are a lot of wording changes to be made in the document then. 19:29:28 ack kcoyle 19:29:52 kcoyle: If I could understand this I would voulendteer to get the requirements in our document 19:30:02 kcoyle: I have no idea what you talking about 19:30:30 pfps: if I was making a wording change, I would say 'constraints on properties' or shapes 19:31:19 q+ 19:32:29 Arnaud: we need a new wording which does not imply that we are talking about modeling 19:32:35 ack ArthurRyman 19:33:03 ArthurRyman: if we can get a substitute declaration then we should put it on top of the document 19:33:35 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/ShapeRequirements#Assertions_of_Member_Properties 19:33:37 ArthurRyman: that declaration is not meant as a modeling language 19:36:20 Arnaud: doest assertions works for you ? 19:36:26 just drop "assertions of" 19:36:46 q+ 19:37:10 ack ArthurRyman 19:38:00 q+ 19:38:24 ack Labra 19:38:28 +1 to arnauds proposal 19:38:29 Arnaud: my proposal remove both assertion / declaration of 19:38:32 +1 19:38:38 +q 19:38:45 ack kcoyle 19:39:19 I would propose description instead of declaration/assertion 19:39:23 kcoyle: if we drop declarations, is association with class still okay ? 19:39:30 Fine by me 19:39:40 +1 19:40:14 Arnaud: I see light at end of the tunnel, but we need to change the document like ericP did in his version. 19:40:29 all? or just 2.5 family 19:40:40 Arnaud: postpone the approval of the requirements to next week 19:41:12 ericP: I made some substantial changes in the document, I might have misinterpreted something 19:41:32 Arnaud: separate the 2 issues, make the change we just talked about, and discuss the rest 19:42:27 associating classes with constraints is not a problem for me. 19:43:40 Arnaud: ericP update your document and send it to the mailing list so people can have a look at it 19:43:59 +q 19:44:10 pfps: I take a look at the current document to get the declaration out of it 19:44:19 ack Dimitris 19:45:01 my plan is to edit the current document 19:45:49 asked EricP to add his changes in the original document as comments 19:46:23 I'm not volunteering to work on Eric's changed document 19:46:57 I respectfully decline 19:49:04 https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements#Expressivity:_Literal_Value_Comparison 19:50:04 Topic: Eric's Revised LDOM Proposal 19:50:12 https://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/data-shapes-primer/no-class-templates.html 19:50:23 "LDOM (Name and Acronym TBD) is an RDF-based modeling language"? 19:50:58 "LDOM (Name and Acronym TBD) fills the role of schema language for linked data"? 19:51:24 "LDOM declarations"? 19:52:32 "LDOM models" 19:52:49 "LDOM definitions"? 19:53:36 q+ 19:53:41 ack pfps 19:54:10 q+ 19:54:38 pfps: my problem is that it stil looks like a modelling language 19:54:47 ack cygri 19:54:52 pfps: not a shape defenition language 19:55:05 cygri: I'm not sure the rework addresses the core issues 19:55:56 cygri: If I have a language which puts contraints I can do modeling with it 19:56:35 cygri: how does this connect to existing modelling languages 19:56:40 q+ 19:56:46 ack ArthurRyman 19:57:06 ArthurRyman: there is a dif between a modeling and a contraint language 19:57:54 q+ 19:58:09 ArthurRyman: RDF provides the data model, RDFS/OWL put more information about inference on it, we still need a language to put constraints on the RDF data 19:58:26 cygri has joined #shapes 19:58:41 cygri: we could use a constraint language for modeling, although awkward, it would work 19:58:54 +1 19:59:20 ArthurRyman: we can use shapes there were inferencing is not used 19:59:26 +1 to the point that it doesn’t matter if we call it a modelling language or not 20:00:08 ArthurRyman: we are creating the analog of xmlschema for rdf 20:00:17 ack hsolbrig 20:00:46 hsolbrig: any modeling has a metamodel of some sort, and a set of rules that apply to the meta model 20:02:10 q+ to propose that i go through ripping out "model" 20:02:13 Arnaud: it is clear that this issue is fundamental to our work 20:02:26 ack ericP 20:02:26 ericP, you wanted to propose that i go through ripping out "model" 20:03:31 I expect that the edits will end up back at ... SPIN. 20:03:43 -Arthur_Ryman 20:03:45 -SimonSteyskal 20:03:47 -SteveS 20:03:48 -kcoyle 20:03:48 -pfps 20:03:50 -hknublau 20:03:50 -Dimitris 20:03:51 -cygri 20:03:53 -michel 20:04:18 -BartvanLeeuwen 20:04:19 -hsolbrig 20:04:23 -Arnaud 20:04:25 -TallTed 20:04:27 -ericP 20:05:05 -labra 20:05:07 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has ended 20:05:07 Attendees were pfps, +1.510.435.aaaa, Arnaud, +1.919.300.aabb, kcoyle, Dimitris, cygri, SteveS, BartvanLeeuwen, Arthur_Ryman, ericP, SimonSteyskal, labra, hknublau, michel, 20:05:07 ... hsolbrig, TallTed Present: pfps, Arnaud, kcoyle, Dimitris, cygri, SteveS, BartvanLeeuwen, Arthur_Ryman, ericP, SimonSteyskal, labra, hknublau, michel, hsolbrig, TallTed 20:13:00 Dimitris has left #shapes 20:55:41 SteveS has joined #shapes 21:19:11 cygri has joined #shapes 23:39:37 Zakim has left #shapes