16:59:47 RRSAgent has joined #socialig 16:59:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-socialig-irc 16:59:58 eprodrom has joined #socialIG 17:00:09 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has now started 17:00:17 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has ended 17:00:18 Attendees were 17:00:25 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has now started 17:00:34 +[IPcaller] 17:00:35 -[IPcaller] 17:00:35 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has ended 17:00:36 Attendees were [IPcaller] 17:00:45 aaargh .. when I use code 76244 I'm told I'm the only one in conference 17:00:51 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has now started 17:00:58 +??P0 17:01:10 lehawes has joined #socialIG 17:01:12 oops! 17:01:20 re-dialing 17:01:25 please rejoin 17:01:34 +[IPcaller] 17:01:36 Zakim, IPcaller is hhalpin 17:01:36 +hhalpin; got it 17:01:52 +Ann 17:01:55 +Lloyd_Fassett 17:01:58 Hi Ann 17:02:18 chair: AnnB 17:02:24 AdamB has joined #socialIG 17:02:53 + +1.978.238.aaaa 17:03:01 +AdamB 17:03:02 hi lloyd! 17:03:16 lloyd, could you scribe as elf did it at the WG conference? 17:03:22 + +1.313.594.aabb 17:03:28 +Arnaud 17:03:35 Zakin, +1.978.238.aaaa is lehawes 17:03:45 tantek has joined #socialig 17:03:52 Zakim, +1.978.238.aaaa is lehawes 17:03:52 sorry, harry, I do not recognize a party named '+1.978.238.aaaa' 17:03:53 EdK has joined #socialIG 17:03:58 Zakin, aaa is lehawes 17:04:04 Zakim, +1.978.238.aaaa is lehawes 17:04:04 sorry, lehawes, I do not recognize a party named '+1.978.238.aaaa' 17:04:09 Zakim, aaaa is lehawes 17:04:09 sorry, harry, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 17:04:27 Ed or lehawes, want to scribe? 17:04:33 Zakim, .aaaa is lehawes 17:04:33 lehawes, harry i did it already :) 17:04:34 sorry, lehawes, I do not recognize a party named '.aaaa' 17:04:37 Lloyd_Fassett has joined #socialig 17:04:39 I'm on my way in 17:04:41 Zakim, who's on the call? 17:04:41 On the phone I see elf-pavlik, hhalpin, Ann, Lloyd_Fassett, lehawes, AdamB, EdK, Arnaud 17:04:54 Thanks, Elf! 17:04:56 I can scribe this week 17:05:04 thanks EdK! 17:05:05 scribenick: EdK 17:05:06 +eprodrom 17:05:08 scibe: EdK 17:05:14 scribe: EdK 17:05:16 hi 17:05:18 scribenick: EdK 17:05:26 Zakim, who's on the call? 17:05:26 On the phone I see elf-pavlik, hhalpin, Ann, Lloyd_Fassett, lehawes, AdamB, EdK, Arnaud, eprodrom 17:05:40 I think I like that Zakim knows my phone number 17:05:48 rrsagent, make records public 17:05:57 dromasca has joined #socialIG 17:06:42 +dromasca 17:06:42 http://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/2015-01-21 17:06:51 agenda: http://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/2015-01-21 17:07:05 Arnaud has joined #socialig 17:07:09 topic: Approval of Minutes of 3 & 17 December 2014 Teleconf 17:07:10 First item on agenda is to approve minutes from last meetings. 17:07:18 PROPOSE: Approve minutes http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-socialig-minutes.html 17:07:32 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes http://www.w3.org/2014/12/17-socialig-minutes.html 17:07:43 RESOLVED: approved http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-socialig-minutes.html 17:07:50 RESOLVED: http://www.w3.org/2014/12/17-socialig-minutes.html 17:08:38 Standard meeting is every other week, opposite weeks are for working time. 17:09:15 last week Lloyd and Ann discussed vocabulary. consider engaging with professional ontologists as a side project. 17:09:54 yes, next on agenda 17:09:58 tantek, already there https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialig/2015-01-21#Agenda_2 17:10:08 topic: Move to #social for meetings? 17:10:19 Ann had volunteered Julie Martin at Boeing for discussing Boeing's vocabulary, would need to confirm with her agreement to help. 17:10:21 +1 it simplifies things and more people are in #social 17:10:26 Thank you AnnB elf-pavlik 17:10:44 I like the idea of moving both IG and WG to "social" on IRC 17:10:53 PROPOSED: Move from #socialig to #social 17:10:55 + 17:10:56 +1 17:11:00 +1 17:11:05 +1 17:11:09 RESOLVED: Move from #socialig to #social 17:11:09 starting next meeting 17:11:29 q+ re: tracker 17:11:47 Yes, it's reserved this time at every single week 17:11:47 I wonder whether lawyers will have a problem with that... 17:11:49 Ann mentioned the social IRC channel is active all week, not just for meetings. 17:11:54 Doing so can only help communication and ambient awareness between the two groups 17:11:57 harry, it might be worth checking with Wendy 17:12:04 sorry, microphone still not working, waiting for Lenovo to deliver a new computer 17:12:10 wseltzer, ^ 17:12:22 q? 17:13:02 question - do we need more time for working groups other than the opposite week? 17:13:08 +1 keep it weekly for now IG / TF meetings alternating 17:13:15 I don't think we need other reserved times for IG. This time works well and can be used every other week by a task force 17:13:20 Larry - other meetings tend to be ad hoc and scheduled based on sub-team member availability. 17:13:51 why do we need another telecon? 17:13:58 +q 17:14:54 still need to smooth out/document how to get an ad hoc dial-in. 17:14:59 We do not need to talk to W3C lawyers, we just need to make sure trackbot also is associates this telecon with #social 17:15:11 Lloyd agreed to document this. 17:15:40 q? 17:15:44 ack elf-pavlik 17:15:44 elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss tracker 17:15:45 should be possible with the same IRC channel, will check 17:15:55 since you have trackbot start/end meetings 17:16:08 Elf noted that we had been looking to use Tracker and this could conflict with combining IRC channels. 17:16:16 harry, can you take ACTION for that? 17:16:49 the email has already been sent to adminreq 17:17:05 better to answer that question now then later 17:17:11 Arnaud - in favor but with a lot of IP issues recently, we should just double check with Wendy (legal) to make sure there isn't a conflict/issue. 17:18:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-socialig-minutes.html elf-pavlik 17:18:51 Ad-hoc phone requests take time because it takes admins to tackle, usually only do for regular meetings. Can ask Zachim in IRC to request a room for # users, will get a dial-in code right then and there. 17:19:14 present: elf-pavlik, hhalpin, Ann, Lloyd_Fassett, lehawes, AdamB, EdK, Arnaud, eprodrom, dromasca 17:19:16 lehawes_ has joined #socialIG 17:19:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-socialig-minutes.html elf-pavlik 17:19:29 -lehawes 17:19:42 *Zachim* Zakim 17:20:07 s/Zachim/Zakim 17:20:22 ACTION: elf-pavlik to ask wseltzer about possible legal issues with using #social irc channel 17:20:22 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 17:20:27 I am listneing 17:20:29 harry, ^ 17:20:42 Yes, I am 99% sure there are no legal issues 17:20:57 IPR commits are to WG members, thus mailing list restrictions 17:21:11 I have no idea why the tracker didn't work this time 17:21:46 works fro me to hear from evan first 17:21:56 s/fro/for 17:22:04 Ann - switch sequence of agenda, Evan to review social API 17:22:11 Anyways, we'll reset tracker when we move to #social 17:22:12 topic: Social API functional requirement process (WG ACTION-25) 17:22:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-socialig-minutes.html elf-pavlik 17:22:33 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API 17:23:14 +lehawes 17:23:15 Evan - WG and IG agreed part of charter is to provide http based API for social software 17:23:40 Began discussing what APIs are and how to make it work, there were a variety of ideas 17:24:26 Took as a strategy cataloging social APIs, went through those, analyzed them for payloads, data objects, functionality of API 17:24:42 Striving to define what a social API should do 17:24:47 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API/Patterns 17:25:09 q+ re: documenting features broadly used in Diaspora & Friendica 17:25:16 Went through more than a dozen APIS, including Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare 17:25:33 plus open source 17:25:40 ack Arnaud 17:26:36 Did analysis, in telecons reviewers went through the APIs for familiarity and understanding of what social APIs are 17:26:48 really interesting, too! 17:26:52 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API/Requirements 17:27:23 Now at a point where reviewed enough to move on to next stage, which is to take the functionality seen, look at commonalities and craft a set of requirements 17:28:15 As of yesterday, the updated list of requirements are on the wiki in an informal fashion at the moment. 17:28:56 Hope is next WG meeting on Tuesday will discuss and strive for consensus for approval or define another iteration or formality 17:29:22 Goal after requirements are approved by WG will be to solicit candidate definitions 17:29:47 Have some submissions already but can't really judge until requirements are agreed upon. 17:29:51 At first glance of the draft Social API Requirements, I see a glaring hole: profiles! Perhaps we should take a look at existing use cases for profiles and see if we can derive requirements? What does everyone think of that approach? 17:30:08 +1 profiles! 17:30:46 -dromasca 17:31:15 Goal is to have first public working draft for a MArch meetup, may not actually be a FPWD but a clear proposal that can be discussed toward that direction 17:32:07 It seems like the draft requirements do a good job of covering common social gestures (i.e. Like, Follow...). Will have to examine in more detail to see if any are missing. 17:32:09 q? 17:32:13 Edit wiki or send suggestions to Evan to help mature the requirements 17:32:21 ack elf-pavlik 17:32:21 elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss documenting features broadly used in Diaspora & Friendica 17:32:57 q+ 17:34:20 ack AnnB 17:34:51 q+ 17:34:59 q+ 17:35:10 Would be good to get Tencent and others more involved 17:35:14 I proposed documenting requirements based on what people use daily in Diaspora and Friendica and make sure that our specs cover them so they can migrate their software to specs we publish 17:35:22 tencent joined WG, but this meeting time is hard for Asian members 17:35:39 based on meeting during 31C3 from which I will still share more detailed feedback 17:35:44 AnnB wonders if the list is representative of global tools, or should we reach out somehow for Japan, China centric tools 17:35:50 However, happy to send them an email to take a look at something once we have a draft API 17:35:58 the offices can translate sometimes if we ask 17:37:40 Evan suggests at least looking at Tencent, might be able to find others and run through automatic translators to do comparisons - if the APIs are published. 17:39:28 notes that I just reset trackbot to aim at #social, and it seems to work fine 17:39:52 q? 17:39:56 the reset seemed to fix the issue with this channel, which was an issue with /IG being a redirect 17:40:00 ack Lloyd_Fassett 17:41:18 Lloyd asked if there were indicators about shared vocabularies during the analysis. 17:42:00 ACTION: test action 17:42:00 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 17:42:31 trackbot, this is SOCIG 17:42:31 Sorry, harry, I don't understand 'trackbot, this is SOCIG'. Please refer to for help. 17:42:49 Evan's initial perspective was there wasn't much in the way of shared vocabulary, was some common terms (inbox, stream, etc.) 17:43:13 ACTION eprodrom examine APIs for Yandex, Vkontakte, Sina Weibo, Tencent, and/or RenRen 17:43:13 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 17:43:22 trackbot, associate this channel with #socialig 17:43:34 Could have been some commonality, but wasn't a big part of the study. 17:45:39 trackbot, start meeting 17:45:39 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 17:46:01 q? 17:46:07 ack lehawes_ 17:46:16 I doubt systeam will customize tracker for us, but we can ask 17:47:08 I'll file a sysreq@w3.org to see if we can do this, otherwise we may want to keep separate IRC channels 17:47:20 Summarize: may see some shared vocabularies that are common but a larger portion may be uncommon and likely not as useful. 17:47:42 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has been moved to #social by harry 17:48:15 q? 17:48:19 Evan -- we lost you! 17:48:31 Aww crud 17:48:34 I'll be right back 17:48:36 Evan, just dial back in 17:48:36 :) 17:48:36 k 17:48:45 Lloyd also suggested that within an API it is directed at a specific ecosystem, and as we consider interaction between ecosystems that context becomes something to think through. 17:49:30 lehawes_ ? 17:50:29 Larry wondered if looking at enterprise-centric tools/APIs, we might find some unique functionality. 17:50:54 Zakim, move SOCIG to here 17:50:54 ok, elf-pavlik; that matches T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM 17:50:56 Notes that we cannot have a separate IRC channel if we want our own tracker 17:51:11 Notes that we cannot have a *shared* IRC channel if we want our own tracker 17:51:12 otherwise, this confuses the bots 17:51:15 Ann suggested she and Adam need to help by documenting Boeing's internal API in the context of these requirements. 17:51:38 So, as I highly doubt systeams will customize this for us, let's just revisit the decision. 17:51:42 agenda+ 17:51:51 Evan suggested that Open Social had been capturing some of those. 17:51:54 agenda+ revisit IRC channel 17:52:10 Larry suggested Yammer and SocialCast. 17:52:11 AnnB, ^ 17:52:42 Ed notes that the top tools include Jive and Tibbr. 17:52:47 q+ re: revisit IRC channel resolution because of tracker collision 17:52:54 https://developer.yammer.com/restapi/ might be a good place to start 17:53:16 q? 17:54:00 ack? 17:54:02 ack elf-pavlik 17:54:03 elf-pavlik, you wanted to discuss revisit IRC channel resolution because of tracker collision 17:54:31 basically, tracker can't handle two groups with same IRC channel 17:55:39 thank you eprodrom for this update on Social API! 17:55:41 API requirements: 17:55:43 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Social_API/Requirements 17:56:22 evan@e14n.com 17:56:27 Evan - closeout; it will help if everyone will review and comment on the requirements. Feedback can be by editing wiki document, use discussion page on wiki, and/or send Evan email. 17:56:27 eprodrom, public-socialweb-comments@w3.org ? 17:56:54 Thank you Evan!! 17:57:34 We should probably keep this channel if we want a separate tracker 17:57:44 Back to Tracker/IRC issue; if we combine channels we may not be able to have separate trackers, suggest we stay separate until we test and resolve. 17:57:46 if we don't want to use tracker, it doesn't matter 17:58:00 PROPOSAL: Continue with #socialig to keep tracker 17:58:11 RESOLVED: Keep with #socialig in order to use tracker 17:58:18 AnnB, 2min or you can propose extending meeting 17:58:24 Ann reiterates that people can hang out in the other channel to keep abreast of the work 17:59:03 Call for any task force reportouts. 17:59:30 side note Zakim will not kick out people at end of hour, just won't let people join or re-join. 17:59:33 fyi, the syntax to get a phone bridge on the fly is: zakim, room for for minutes? if you don't specify the minutes you will get 60 minutes 18:00:36 Larry: Use cases - no activity over the holidays. One approach could be to review WG API requirements and help prioritize use cases that help that effort. 18:01:29 cross fingers MarkC can come back 18:01:52 I don't believe that the Architecture TF has even met officially 18:04:32 Lloyd - Vocabulary. Suggestion had been that Activity streams has been most active, other task forces not highly engaged to work on vocabulary. Interested in working with Boeing to see what is sharable from that effort. 18:05:20 jasnell has joined #socialig 18:05:29 we use it in inSite 18:05:48 Hi James 18:05:57 EdK: Ford put an information management team in place in 2014, including people concerned with vocabulary. He needs to circle around with them and learn more about what they are doing. 18:07:15 Ann: maybe there is a manufacturing-focused vocabularly? 18:07:31 I have to leave, thanks everyone 18:07:42 -eprodrom 18:07:53 Zakim, who's on call? 18:07:53 I don't understand your question, elf-pavlik. 18:08:00 s/vocabularly / vocabulary / 18:08:03 Zakim, who's on the call? 18:08:03 On the phone I see elf-pavlik (muted), hhalpin, Ann, Lloyd_Fassett, AdamB, EdK, Arnaud, lehawes 18:08:04 thanks for chairing Anne! 18:08:04 EdK: He and Lloyd will talk about vocabulary specifics after Ed has investigated. 18:08:12 Thanks all! 18:08:13 meeting adjourned 18:08:14 thank you AnnB! 18:08:22 -AdamB 18:08:22 Bye everyone, and thanks! 18:08:24 -EdK 18:08:24 RRSAgent, generate minutes 18:08:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-socialig-minutes.html harry 18:08:25 -Lloyd_Fassett 18:08:28 -Arnaud 18:08:29 -lehawes 18:08:54 trackbot, end meeting 18:08:54 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 18:08:59 Yep, had to figure out tracker issue 18:09:09 the minutes are generated, will send to list, elf- can you put in wiki? 18:09:14 I'm not sure if Ed knows how to do that 18:09:14 thanks to elf and harry for their testing of Tracker 18:09:18 RRSAgent, generate minutes 18:09:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/21-socialig-minutes.html elf-pavlik 18:09:40 -Ann 18:09:42 -elf-pavlik 18:09:43 just add it to wiki, I just sent to list Elf 18:09:46 -hhalpin 18:09:48 T&S_SOCIG()12:00PM has ended 18:09:48 Attendees were elf-pavlik, hhalpin, Ann, Lloyd_Fassett, +1.978.238.aaaa, AdamB, lehawes, +1.313.594.aabb, Arnaud, EdK, eprodrom, dromasca 18:10:00 harry, we don't do it in IG! 18:10:12 ah, ok, - then less work :) 18:10:17 :) 18:10:43 harry, but tracker still didn't work here today 18:10:59 if you could, please cc me on the email to system team 18:11:16 trackbot, associate this channel with #socialig 18:11:34 harry, http://www.w3.org/Social/track/actions/open 18:12:02 where do we find IG tracker? 18:12:20 WG: http://www.w3.org/Social/track/ 18:12:23 IG: ? 18:12:40 http://www.w3.org/Social/InterestGroup/track/ 18:12:57 but not working until next meeting it appears, as it was confused with WG tracker 18:13:35 harry, http://www.w3.org/Social/InterestGroup/track/options 18:13:42 IRC Channel 18:13:42 #social (connect) 18:14:13 yep, it has to be manually reset to move back to #socialig 18:14:17 that should happen by next meeting 18:14:32 same as in http://www.w3.org/Social/track/options 18:14:49 back? when did it move away from #socialig 18:15:32 trackbot, status 18:15:32 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 18:56:31 jasnell has joined #socialig