15:58:46 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 15:58:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/12-dpub-irc 15:59:31 HeatherF has joined #dpub 15:59:41 tmichel has joined #dpub 16:00:15 Vlad has joined #dpub 16:00:17 trackbot, start telecon 16:00:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:00:21 Zakim, this will be dpub 16:00:21 ok, trackbot, I see DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM already started 16:00:22 Meeting: Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 16:00:22 Date: 12 January 2015 16:00:29 +dauwhe 16:00:39 +azaroth 16:00:42 -??P12 16:00:49 regrets: Charles LaPierre, Bill Kasdorf, Alan Stearns, Ivan Herman, Peter Krautzberger, Phil Madans, Luc Audrain, Tim Cole, Laura Fowler, Susanne Keohane, Michael Miller 16:00:54 +Vlad 16:00:56 -Karen_Myers 16:00:56 +??P12 16:01:06 bjdmeest has joined #dpub 16:01:15 +??P9 16:01:21 I'm usually IP_Caller (or some such thing) to start - not sure how to fix it since I came on before the trackbot? 16:01:24 +Markus 16:01:31 Zakim, ??P9 is me 16:01:31 +shinyu; got it 16:01:35 +[Ugent] 16:01:36 Zakim, +??P12 is me 16:01:37 sorry, kwkbtr, I do not recognize a party named '+??P12' 16:01:41 zakim, Ugent is me 16:01:41 +bjdmeest; got it 16:01:46 -??P12 16:01:47 Morning :) 16:01:52 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:01:56 +??P12 16:02:04 Zakim, +?PP12 is me 16:02:04 sorry, kwkbtr, I do not recognize a party named '+?PP12' 16:02:13 Zakim, ?PP12 is me 16:02:13 sorry, kwkbtr, I do not recognize a party named '?PP12' 16:02:21 +Karen_Myers 16:02:22 Zakim, PP12 is me 16:02:22 sorry, kwkbtr, I do not recognize a party named 'PP12' 16:02:33 zakim, who is here? 16:02:33 On the phone I see [Safari], [Safari.a], Tzviya, [IPcaller], dauwhe, azaroth, Vlad, shinyu, Markus, bjdmeest, ??P12, Karen_Myers 16:02:33 Zakim, ??P12 is me 16:02:36 On IRC I see bjdmeest, Vlad, tmichel, HeatherF, RRSAgent, Zakim, aylaStein, shinyu, liza, tzviya, azaroth, kwkbtr, mgylling, dauwhe_, rego, Karen, liam, dkaplan3, astearns, iank__, 16:02:36 ... mihnea_____, plinss, trackbot 16:02:36 +kwkbtr; got it 16:02:39 +??P26 16:02:41 Zakim, Safari is me 16:02:41 +dkaplan3; got it 16:02:51 zakim, ??P26 is me 16:02:51 +tmichel; got it 16:03:05 Zakim, Safari.a is me 16:03:06 +liza; got it 16:03:08 scribenick: tzviya 16:03:23 + +1.217.300.aaaa 16:04:18 That's Ayla Stein 16:04:20 Thank you! 16:04:22 kwbtr: joining from Vivliostyle for first time 16:04:25 zakim, aaaa is Ayla 16:04:25 +Ayla; got it 16:04:29 * Approval of last week's minutes [1] 16:04:30 * Cancel call next week? (MLK day in US) 16:04:31 * Move to public wiki: https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/W3C_specs_for_DPUB 16:04:32 * Houdini project: digital publishing requirements 16:04:35 This is Toru Kawakubo from Vivliostyle 16:04:40 Welcome Vivliostyle! 16:05:18 last week's minutes: http://www.w3.org/2014/12/22-dpub-minutes.html 16:05:20 +madi 16:05:21 approved 16:05:31 Yes 16:05:36 Safari's off 16:05:40 No preference on my part. 16:05:48 sadly, Stanford is open 16:05:49 MIT is closed 16:05:54 UIUC is closed 16:05:58 Monotype is closed 16:06:03 MLK day in USA: cancel meeting 16:06:14 madi has joined #dpub 16:06:57 topic: W3C publications relevant to publishing 16:07:31 Markus: Thierry and Ivan recommend moving https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/W3C_specs_for_DPUB to public wiki 16:08:21 tmichel: currently, the document is on DPUB IG wiki, question is whether to move this to public wiki that is editable by anyone with an account 16:08:44 ...or should we keep it restricted to W3C/DPUB IG members? 16:09:20 ...and, is IG satisfied with content? 16:09:52 markus: if one of us would like to update, we can edit in the wiki 16:10:08 tmichel: we will keep an eye on it if it is a public space 16:10:49 review the document until the next call 16:10:51 +1 16:11:05 +1 16:11:07 +1 16:11:11 +1 16:11:31 pkra has joined #dpub 16:11:49 next call in two weeks 16:11:58 markus: homework for IG to review/edit the document until next call, at which point we will make public 16:12:01 I'll volunteer to explicitly review it 16:12:20 People should also voice if they are not satisfied with moving the document to a public wiki 16:12:31 topic: project Houdini 16:12:40 (I'd like to write a blog post with some narrative around it when it's public anyway, so this will be good homework) 16:13:13 dauwhe: Project Houdini is very technical 16:13:27 ...initial meeting is in Australia 7-8 Feb 16:13:38 ...joint meeting between CSS WG and TAG 16:14:26 ...objective of task force is to explain the magic of layout on the web 16:15:08 ...people are starting to look for ways of extending CSS in the same way that HTML can be extended via ShadowDOM, JS, etc 16:15:19 ...to date this has been impossible 16:15:50 +regrets Frederick Hirsch 16:16:01 ...one aspect of this is the BoxTree API 16:16:33 ...people have been creating numerous nested boxes and positioning them 16:16:44 ...Boxtree provides a model for that 16:16:45 +regrets David Stroup 16:17:09 ,,,Another part is a method of manipulating the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) 16:17:51 ...there is interest in rewriting the CSSOM from scratch as the existing model is difficult 16:18:20 ...one thought for this meeting is to get an idea of what people want from this effort 16:18:37 ...one example that came up last week is font metrics 16:19:00 darn I want to dial in now... 16:19:15 q+ 16:19:29 +Liam 16:19:32 wiki https://wiki.css-houdini.org/main 16:19:39 mailing list: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-houdini/ 16:20:03 markus: when is the meeting? 16:20:21 q? 16:20:25 dauwhe: 7 - 8 Feb, adjacent but separate from CSS WG 16:20:28 ack tzviya 16:20:41 Tzviya: I am wondering from DigPub perspective, is there anything you need from us? 16:20:49 …Our most pressing issue is Fragmentation issues 16:20:56 …Brady wrote something up 16:21:04 …Ivan is concerned things not get lost in the shuffle 16:21:11 …What is it that we should be doing? 16:21:14 Dave: I am not sure on that 16:21:19 …I will be there, Peter there 16:21:39 …This use case is definitely going to get some attentoion 16:21:45 …not sure yet what direction 16:21:55 -Karen_Myers 16:22:14 Dauwhe: some of information is coming from Google 16:22:29 ...there will be some loud voices making sure that pagination is address 16:22:41 markus: help me understand scope of Houdini 16:23:01 +Karen_Myers 16:23:02 ...accessing a refreshed CSS with JS is one thing, boxtree is another 16:23:28 ...would a fundamental issue such as pagination be scripted, not declarative? 16:23:30 Karen_ has joined #dpub 16:23:47 dauwhe: some of ideas are heavily influenced by extensible web manifesto 16:24:04 ...which advoactes for experimenting 16:24:29 Brady’s pagination requirements page: https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Pagination_Requirements 16:24:32 ...and polyfilling. The polyfills can evolve into standars 16:24:59 extensible web manifesto https://extensiblewebmanifesto.org/ 16:26:00 q? 16:26:08 TabAtkins: We'll nail things down more explicitly in the first meeting, but the idea is that our current approach of delivering a new layout mode every 5 years or so isn't sustainable; they're too complex and the whole thing is too slow. Beyond core "layout modes" (like Flexbox, etc) there's a lot of other stuff that generally falls under the rubric of "box-tree manipulation" (like Regions, and the constellation of functionality surrounding their 16:26:08 core concept, like running headers, footnotes, etc.) which, again, takes a long time to go from "idea" to "usable on mass-market websites". 16:26:20 TabAtkins: While there's still value in finding the highest-impact stuff in this realm and standardizing it with CSS syntax, we feel that for CSS to continue to be viable in the future, we need to open up these sorts of APIs to developers more directly, allowing them to define their own layout managers/etc with lower-level box-creation/manipulation primitives. This TF's goal is to figure out how to do this in a way that's compatible with the perf 16:26:20 concerns of today's and tomorrow's browsers. 16:27:49 markus: we have dave, alan, peter linss, vivliostyle. is it correct to assume then that we do not need to worry about publishing being dropped on the floor? Do we need to rally? 16:28:07 dauwhe: for now, we are OK. We may need to rally in the future 16:29:05 markus: Brady's use cases (https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Pagination_Requirements) are applicable use cases 16:29:38 markus: at the very least, we need to get Brady and other contributors to flesh out the use cases 16:30:35 action markus talk to Brady about fleshing out the pagination use cases 16:30:36 Created ACTION-44 - Talk to brady about fleshing out the pagination use cases [on Markus Gylling - due 2015-01-19]. 16:31:46 markus: are there any other items that we should prepare to have ready for Houdini? 16:32:33 dauwhe: we might get a lot more capability to intercept and process CSS, which might offer reading systems processing power 16:32:40 ...for things like user style sheets 16:33:29 q+ 16:34:12 markus: it might be a good idea to break the personalization use cases out of brady's use cases and present them separately 16:34:41 q? 16:34:46 ack tzviya 16:35:22 https://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Accessibility_and_Personalization 16:35:48 tzviya: we have use cases related to personalization as regards to accessibility 16:36:22 ...we should try to consolidate the 2 sets of use cases 16:36:53 markus: other topics? 16:37:05 dauwhe: there might be smaller categories 16:37:12 ...math layout for example 16:37:50 ...how does one display chemML in a browser? There might be several things required for polyfills 16:39:06 ...If we started to have access to layout primitives, new things might be possible 16:39:34 Tzviya: Peter Krautzberger probably will have something to add in the area 16:40:08 ,,,issues in STEM often involve extending table rendering, fonts for chemistry, etc 16:40:22 markus: what is a good term? 16:41:11 markus: maybe the best place to start is with Peter K and STEM use cases 16:41:38 ...it does not sound STEM-specific 16:41:59 +1 16:43:57 tzviya: another area that can be difficult is infographics 16:44:07 markus: that might be solved with SVG 16:44:41 markus: we have a meanwhile plan to collect use cases 16:45:24 ...brady on pagination, consolidate personalization, and talk to Peter K about STEM 16:46:01 ...and Dave will be our conduit to CSS WG :) 16:46:29 q+ 16:46:37 ack Karen 16:46:48 karen: is anyone going to Digital Book World? 16:47:06 q+ 16:47:15 ack HeatherF 16:47:25 -kwkbtr 16:48:06 +regrets Brady 16:48:31 +??P12 16:48:50 Zakim, ??P12 is me 16:48:50 +kwkbtr; got it 16:48:59 -[IPcaller] 16:49:00 -Ayla 16:49:00 -liza 16:49:02 -Tzviya 16:49:02 -Markus 16:49:03 -Liam 16:49:03 -bjdmeest 16:49:03 -Vlad 16:49:05 -dauwhe 16:49:07 -dkaplan3 16:49:09 rrsagent, make minutes 16:49:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/12-dpub-minutes.html mgylling 16:49:10 -kwkbtr 16:49:12 -tmichel 16:52:23 -azaroth 16:54:41 kwkbtr has left #dpub 16:55:02 -madi 17:01:35 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/12-dpub-minutes.html tmichel 17:04:45 pkra has joined #dpub 17:23:51 Karen has joined #dpub 17:24:11 -Karen_Myers 17:29:11 disconnecting the lone participant, shinyu, in DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM 17:29:13 DPUB_DPUBIG()11:00AM has ended 17:29:13 Attendees were Tzviya, Karen_Myers, [IPcaller], dauwhe, azaroth, Vlad, Markus, shinyu, bjdmeest, kwkbtr, dkaplan3, tmichel, liza, +1.217.300.aaaa, Ayla, madi, Liam 18:19:14 Karen_ has joined #dpub 18:31:29 pkra1 has joined #dpub 18:59:07 Zakim has left #dpub 19:14:51 pkra has joined #dpub 19:48:44 Karen has joined #dpub 20:17:49 Karen has joined #dpub 20:29:51 Karen_ has joined #dpub 21:12:31 Karen has joined #dpub 21:30:45 pkra has joined #dpub 21:35:37 pkra1 has joined #dpub 21:53:07 Karen has joined #dpub 22:06:35 dauwhe has joined #dpub 22:59:59 dauwhe_ has joined #dpub