18:59:18 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 18:59:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-irc 18:59:20 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 18:59:20 Zakim has joined #shapes 18:59:22 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 18:59:22 ok, trackbot; I see DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 18:59:23 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 18:59:23 Date: 08 January 2015 18:59:30 you beat me to it! 19:00:13 if only zakim would let me in... 19:00:35 zakim hung up on me, not very friendly! 19:01:00 is there a pointer to the ShEx tutorial from the WG wiki? 19:01:02 zakim, this is shapes 19:01:02 ok, Arnaud; that matches DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM 19:01:10 zakim, who's on the call? 19:01:10 On the phone I see ??P1, ericP, [IPcaller], pfps, Arnaud, Arthur_Ryman 19:01:19 ArthurRyman has joined #shapes 19:01:25 zakim, ??P1 is me 19:01:25 +SimonSteyskal; got it 19:01:28 hknublau has joined #shapes 19:01:30 + +30694579aaaa 19:02:01 Zakim, +30694579aaaa is dimitris 19:02:01 +dimitris; got it 19:02:25 zakim, who's on the call? 19:02:25 On the phone I see SimonSteyskal, ericP, [IPcaller], pfps, Arnaud, Arthur_Ryman, dimitris 19:02:51 + +1.510.435.aabb 19:02:53 -SimonSteyskal 19:03:11 zakim, aabb is me 19:03:11 +kcoyle; got it 19:03:12 Zakim, [IPcaller] is labra 19:03:12 +labra; got it 19:03:18 + +1.919.306.aacc 19:03:20 +[IPcaller] 19:03:28 zakim, aacc is me 19:03:28 +SteveS; got it 19:03:29 +??P1 19:03:33 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 19:03:33 +hknublau; got it 19:03:49 zakim, ??P1 is me 19:03:49 +SimonSteyskal; got it 19:04:26 zakim, who's on the call? 19:04:26 On the phone I see ericP, labra, pfps, Arnaud, Arthur_Ryman, dimitris, kcoyle, SteveS, hknublau, SimonSteyskal 19:04:51 Anamitra has joined #SHAPES 19:05:29 i can scribe 19:05:53 scribe: kcoyle chair: Arnaud agenda: http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2015.01.08 19:06:02 http://www.w3.org/2008/04/scribe.html topic: Admin 19:06:50 minutes look fine 19:07:34 Resolved: Minutes of 12 December 2014 approved 19:08:01 Arnaud: next call Jan 15 topic: Tracking of actions & issues 19:08:25 Arnaud: no open actions, but lots of issues 19:08:47 ... anyone can raise an issue; group decides whether to open or not 19:09:20 ... last call agreed to freeze user stories at this time; but there are issues, which have been raised 19:10:15 AxelPolleres has joined #shapes 19:10:31 ... proposes that we accept and open issues; maybe not have to discuss every one; stories authors can respond 19:11:18 ... suggested process: owners of stories should be first to address issue and offer resolution 19:11:37 q+ to ask whether we are in the "User Stories" section of the meeting 19:11:42 ack pfps 19:11:42 pfps, you wanted to ask whether we are in the "User Stories" section of the meeting 19:12:28 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/raised 19:12:46 q+ 19:12:47 +??P27 19:13:00 Zakim, ??P27 is me 19:13:00 +AxelPolleres; got it 19:13:02 PROPOSED: open in bulk the 15 raised issues on User Stories 19:13:05 I'm fine with opening all these issues :-) 19:13:22 ack ArthurRyman 19:13:31 ArthurRyman: Q: grandfathering in these issues? 19:13:55 Arnaud: without getting into detail; do we accept these as open issues? 19:14:16 I think that what is under consideration here is whether there is some reason not to open these issues. 19:14:37 +1 19:14:44 Arnaud: issues are open unless there is an objection to one 19:14:47 +1 19:14:49 +1 19:14:50 +1 19:15:12 +1 19:15:47 +1 19:15:47 +1 19:15:48 +1 19:15:50 +1 19:16:15 +ε 19:16:10 RESOLVED: open in bulk the 15 raised issues on User Stories 19:16:59 q+ to talk about the importance of the user stories and the important of getting the user stories fixed quickly 19:17:26 Arnaud: Owners now need to address issue and see if it can be resolved topic: User stories 19:17:32 ack pfps 19:17:32 pfps, you wanted to talk about the importance of the user stories and the important of getting the user stories fixed quickly 19:18:06 pfps: Process is dragging on; would be good to get user stories in publishable shape by next week; then editor of that doc can complete task 19:18:28 ...#2 user stories are important; group has to address that user story 19:18:40 ... otherwise story could be vetoed 19:19:20 Arnaud: No editor yet assigned/volunteered. Wiki page is previsional document that will need to be edited and formatted 19:19:46 ... some of the issues may be addressed by the editor 19:20:00 q+ to put forward a modest proposal 19:20:04 +q 19:20:18 ack pfps 19:20:18 pfps, you wanted to put forward a modest proposal 19:20:25 in the interest of making progress, I will volunteer in the absense of others 19:20:40 pfps: will volunteer, as long as only approved things ever get in it 19:20:42 i volunteer (maybe under the supervision of axel) ;) 19:21:16 ericP: what does approved mean? will editor be gatekeeper of content and edits? 19:21:38 pfps: if a story has comment on it, it is not finished 19:21:48 ... wiki can have more than the finished note 19:22:24 ack kcoyle 19:22:43 kcoyle: i think i could edit this doc but i don't know about the formatting. example? 19:22:51 kcoyle: do we have an example? 19:22:52 q+ 19:23:46 ericP: two levels: layout, and mechanics of editing (html? restack?) structure: look in TR pages for interesting examples 19:24:16 my editing philosophy would be to not include any at risk stuff - everything in the note is at risk in some sense, as we don't know what is possible yet 19:24:17 ... this doc will probably be use cases and requirements; in the end we'll want to connect those 19:24:27 ack AxelPolleres 19:25:02 AxelPolleres: normal to have sections in working docs that have 'at risk' info 19:25:28 pfps: adding to doc eliminates reason to finish stores 19:25:35 ... stories 19:26:01 fair enough. 19:26:08 (for this specific document) 19:26:48 Simon also volunteered, right? 19:27:05 yes 19:27:08 I can help as well, recently doing some LDP drafts 19:27:17 with the process and using the tools, that is 19:27:20 but I'm as experienced as karen ;) 19:27:46 in some sense, the editors get to decide what information goes in the document and how it is presented 19:27:54 Arnaud: Karen and Simon will be editors 19:27:57 I'm fine with html 19:28:08 but I can query Axel as my knowledge base 19:28:16 I've come to like ReSpec much better than I thought that I would :-) 19:28:31 in LDP we used ReSpec to do the LDP-UCR doc, located at: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/default/ldp-ucr.html 19:28:56 Eric is a *resource* for the WG - we should feel free to (ab)use him 19:29:29 ACTION: Simon and Karen will be the editors. They will develop the document by ?? 19:29:31 Created ACTION-6 - And karen will be the editors. they will develop the document by ?? [on Simon Steyskal - due 2015-01-15]. 19:29:38 q+ 19:29:50 Arnaud: process: only transfer things with no issue open 19:29:51 ack pfps 19:30:17 pfps: if editors wish a different process, I'm fine. But everyoone needs to get their stories into good shape 19:30:34 q+ 19:30:36 Arnaud: story owners need to address issues 19:30:42 ack ArthurRyman 19:30:54 ArthurRyman: How do you respond to an issue? 19:31:09 Arnaud: you can edit the wiki directly 19:31:13 There should be firm understanding that at some point only clean user stories will be in the note. 19:31:29 q+ 19:31:32 ... if you have addressed the issue, mark the issue as pending in issue list 19:31:39 ack pfps 19:32:01 q? 19:32:02 pfps: also a good idea to respond to the email to make visible that you hav edone something 19:32:30 ... not clear if editing issue sends an email 19:33:02 TOPIC: Requirements document 19:33:24 Arnaud: we have long list of proposed requirements (done by Holger); need people to review requirements and endorse them 19:33:45 ... http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/Requirements 19:33:55 I see that there are third endorsements where the third endorser has not changed the status 19:34:11 Arnaud: added status line for names 19:34:28 It's not too bad scanning the document, looking for nice colours. 19:35:19 Arnaud: tag requirements status using color 19:35:36 ... more activity on this needed! 19:35:58 ... add your name to the ones you endorse/think are important 19:36:16 ACTION: everyone endorse requirements in list 19:36:16 Error finding 'everyone'. You can review and register nicknames at . 19:37:01 There is no reason not to have a first version of the US&R documents being only User Stories 19:37:39 Arnaud: use cases and requirements may be same document 19:38:00 Dimitris, can you look at https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S7:_Different_shapes_at_different_times.2C_or_different_access_at_the_same_time. to see if your comment applies also to https://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/wiki/User_Stories#S4:_Issue_repository ? 19:38:35 pfps propsed deleting and i'd second if that didn't leave your text homeless. 19:38:42 TOPIC: Short description of the basic operation of each proposed solution 19:39:24 I'm willing to put together a wiki page that has this information 19:39:29 q+ to voice some confusion 19:39:35 Arnaud: pfps: how do proposals function at lower level? This got no response. We should add a wiki page for this type of description 19:39:38 ack ericP 19:39:38 ericP, you wanted to voice some confusion 19:39:58 ericP, yes I deleted the comment 19:40:09 ericP: During the chartering process asked questions about semantics of shape expressions 19:40:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2014Dec/0251.html 19:40:21 ... not sure how to square that with email questions 19:40:44 pfps: no sure what shape expressions are supposed to validate; not clear where resource shapes validate 19:40:51 q+ 19:41:16 ... for all proposals need a story that explains what they are trying to do, functionally 19:42:06 Arnaud: this will probably bring up questions of terminology 19:42:21 ... look at Peter's email and try to describe something similar for their own proposal 19:43:02 pfps: this is your chance to put your technology forward for discussion; for all technologies, even those not included in final 19:43:16 Arnaud: like the elevator speech for your proposal 19:43:25 ACTION: Eric, for ShEx 19:43:25 Error finding 'Eric,'. You can review and register nicknames at . 19:43:31 q? 19:43:34 ack ArthurRyman 19:43:37 ACTION: Arthur for resource shapes 19:43:37 Created ACTION-7 - For resource shapes [on Arthur Ryman - due 2015-01-15]. 19:44:03 ArthurRyman: to pfps, please clarify what is unclear 19:44:24 pfps: for OWL, take RDF graph and colleciton of constraints that are validated against RDF graph 19:44:33 q+ to say i believe pfps's examples are focused on discovery 19:45:03 ack ericP 19:45:03 ericP, you wanted to say i believe pfps's examples are focused on discovery 19:45:47 ericP: the issue here is that Peter's doc is focused on discovery; other schema languages are agnostic to discovery 19:47:31 pfps: has to be something that a program can 'have in hand' 19:48:11 q+ 19:48:17 ericP: ShEx and ResShapes very similar in how this works 19:48:42 ack ArthurRyman 19:49:17 ArthurRyman: confirms th eprocessing model: have node, apply ResShape 19:49:53 ... volunteers to write formal semantics of group decision 19:50:52 ACTION: Dimitris write up RDFUnit processing 19:50:52 Created ACTION-8 - Write up rdfunit processing [on Dimitris Kontokostas - due 2015-01-15]. 19:51:42 pfps, do you see http://www.w3.org/2013/ShEx/FancyShExDemo?schemaURL=test/Issue-inheritance/schema.shex&dataURL=test/Issue-inheritance/pass-user-employee.ttl&colorize=true as giving you a thumbs up? 19:51:44 TOPIC: Definition of "Resource" Arnaud: arthur and peter were to figure this out 19:51:53 q+ 19:52:02 ack pfps 19:52:05 Arnaud: can we conclude what the email thread brought up 19:52:25 pfps: pfps and ArthurRyman have clarified differences in understanding 19:52:48 ... that concludes what resource shapes mean by resource 19:53:06 ericP: what do we call nodes in graph, and what do we call non-literal? 19:53:59 hknublau: I believe that there is no problem; in the specifications we should consistently used "IRI or blank node"; not use "resource" because overloaded 19:54:11 q+ 19:54:30 ... other open issue is what to do with URI rdfs:resouce as range of property 19:54:54 ... delay decision until we have a specific language candidate, because that will change the context 19:55:14 ack pfps 19:55:46 pfps: disagree. group should use the word resource as used in w3c docs, and rdfs:resource as in RDF docs 19:55:53 +q 19:56:19 ack hknublau 19:57:01 hknublau: the terminology that is ten years old has not passed the test of time; we should not continue with things that do not work, have not become mainstream 19:57:39 ... a new language is opportunity to propose a more intuitive use, with explanation of context 19:57:55 ... propose that rdf:Resource should exclude literals 19:58:01 holger, well, the most recent RDF spec is from feb 2014… I don’t think we can/should change terminology from there, if so, that would have been an issue to be raised in the RDF 1.1 WG 19:58:04 q+ 19:58:11 ack AxelPolleres 19:58:33 -AxelPolleres 19:58:43 oops, I broke up... 19:58:57 AxelPolleres: there is a group looking at terminology 19:59:00 wanted to say: don’t think it’s our task to redefine RDF terminology. 19:59:21 that has been done by the RDF 1.1 group, which closed its work a year ago. 19:59:26 pfps: RDF 1.1 declined to change terminology; this should be out of scope for this group 19:59:29 (not 10 years ago) 19:59:51 I'm not happy using resource in the way that it is defined by W3C, but I'm not going to use it in other ways. 20:00:23 q+ 20:00:34 hknublau: still think it will depend on the context of the solution; defer for later 20:00:42 ack pfps 20:01:30 pfps: would never agree to using RDF terminology in a way different from RDF standard; no need to wait 20:02:16 this said, if we can find some *really simpler* terminology, and explain in the doc how it relates to RDF standard terminology, I have no objections, but I am not sure this is what we are chartered for. 20:02:39 -Arthur_Ryman 20:02:40 -kcoyle 20:02:40 -hknublau 20:02:41 -SimonSteyskal 20:02:41 -dimitris 20:02:43 -labra 20:02:43 -Arnaud 20:02:48 Sure, we could have something like constraints:whatever 20:02:51 Dimitris has left #shapes 20:02:52 -ericP 20:02:53 trackbot, end meeting 20:02:53 Zakim, list attendees 20:02:53 As of this point the attendees have been ericP, pfps, Arnaud, Arthur_Ryman, SimonSteyskal, dimitris, +1.510.435.aabb, kcoyle, labra, +1.919.306.aacc, SteveS, hknublau, AxelPolleres 20:03:01 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:03:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 20:03:02 RRSAgent, bye 20:03:02 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-actions.rdf : 20:03:02 ACTION: Simon and Karen will be the editors. They will develop the document by ?? [1] 20:03:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-irc#T19-29-29 20:03:02 ACTION: everyone endorse requirements in list [2] 20:03:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-irc#T19-36-16 20:03:02 ACTION: Eric, for ShEx [3] 20:03:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-irc#T19-43-25 20:03:02 ACTION: Arthur for resource shapes [4] 20:03:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-irc#T19-43-37 20:03:02 ACTION: Dimitris write up RDFUnit processing [5] 20:03:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/01/08-shapes-irc#T19-50-52 20:03:03 -pfps 20:03:09 -SteveS 20:03:10 DATA_RDFWG()2:00PM has ended 20:03:10 Attendees were ericP, pfps, Arnaud, Arthur_Ryman, SimonSteyskal, dimitris, +1.510.435.aabb, kcoyle, labra, +1.919.306.aacc, SteveS, hknublau, AxelPolleres present: ericP, pfps, Arnaud, Arthur_Ryman, SimonSteyskal, dimitris, kcoyle, labra, SteveS, hknublau, AxelPolleres