15:58:04 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:58:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-hcls-irc 15:58:06 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:58:06 Zakim has joined #hcls 15:58:08 Zakim, this will be HCLS 15:58:08 ok, trackbot, I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM already started 15:58:09 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 15:58:09 Date: 16 December 2014 15:58:28 +DBooth 15:58:39 zakim, who is here? 15:58:39 On the phone I see +1.604.250.aaaa, +1.978.794.aabb, DBooth 15:58:41 On IRC I see RRSAgent, knapp, Tony, dbooth, TallTed, cloudcell, trackbot, ericP 16:01:01 Ingeborg has joined #HCLS 16:01:09 mscottm has joined #hcls 16:01:13 +Kerstin_Forsberg 16:01:33 Regrets: Lloyd_McKenzie Hans_Cool 16:01:50 + +1.801.949.aacc 16:01:52 + +1.678.999.aadd 16:01:56 + +1.202.528.aaee 16:02:02 Kerstin_Forsberg has joined #HCLS 16:02:02 zakim, aaaa is knapp 16:02:03 +knapp; got it 16:02:10 zakim, aabb is Tony 16:02:11 +Tony; got it 16:02:24 zakim, aacc is rhausam 16:02:27 +rhausam; got it 16:02:43 zakim, aadd is Brian_Peck 16:02:44 zakim aaee is ingeborg 16:02:44 +Brian_Peck; got it 16:02:56 +ericP 16:02:59 zakim, aaee is Ingeborg 16:02:59 +Ingeborg; got it 16:03:05 bpech has joined #hcls 16:03:22 RHausam has joined #HCLS 16:03:27 zakim Brian_Peck is really bpech 16:03:36 zakim, Brian_Peck is really bpech 16:03:37 +bpech; got it 16:03:57 + + 16:03:57 + +1.415.537.aagg 16:04:11 zakim, aaff is Charlie 16:04:11 +Charlie; got it 16:04:40 Zakim, aagg is cecil 16:04:40 +cecil; got it 16:04:40 zakim, aagg is Cecil 16:04:42 sorry, dbooth, I do not recognize a party named 'aagg' 16:04:53 + +31.88.445.aahh 16:05:10 Zakim, aahh is mscottm 16:05:10 +mscottm; got it 16:05:11 Cecil has joined #HCLS 16:05:19 +[IPcaller] 16:05:23 charlie has joined #HCLS 16:05:24 zakim, who is here? 16:05:24 On the phone I see knapp, Tony, DBooth, Kerstin_Forsberg, rhausam, bpech, Ingeborg, ericP, Charlie, cecil, mscottm, [IPcaller] 16:05:27 On IRC I see charlie, Cecil, RHausam, bpech, Kerstin_Forsberg, mscottm, Ingeborg, Zakim, RRSAgent, knapp, Tony, dbooth, TallTed, cloudcell, trackbot, ericP 16:05:36 charlie, [IPcaller] is claude 16:05:54 \ 16:06:21 scribenick: ericP 16:06:22 Topic: Approval of Minutes 16:06:23 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=ITS_RDF_Concall_Minutes_20141209 16:07:06 RESOLVED: approve http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=ITS_RDF_Concall_Minutes_20141209 as a record of the dec 9 call 16:07:43 Topic: Action Item Review 16:07:51 ACTION: Tony to find out more details about how iCat handles ICD-11 ont and report back [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-hcls-minutes.html#action01] -- PENDING 16:07:51 Error finding 'Tony'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:08:04 ACTION: Guoqian to figure out whether he can share URI conventions for ICD-11 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/25-hcls-minutes.html#action07] -- PENDING 16:08:04 Created ACTION-12 - Figure out whether he can share uri conventions for icd-11 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/25-hcls-minutes.html#action07] -- pending [on Guoqian Jiang - due 2014-12-23]. 16:08:53 + +1.617.498.aaii 16:08:56 ACTION: Kerstin and Ingeborg to prepare a status and future state ideas for PhUSE-FDA work [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-hcls-minutes.html#action05] -- PENDING 16:08:56 Error finding 'Kerstin'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:09:00 dbooth: i have Frederick @@1 to speak on @@2 16:09:15 Vipul has joined #HCLS 16:09:41 Zakim, +1.617.761,6200 is Vipul 16:09:41 sorry, Vipul, I do not recognize a party named '+1.617.761,6200' 16:09:47 ACTION: Tony and all to decide on a wiki for Term Info work [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-hcls-minutes.html#action09] -- DONE 16:09:48 Error finding 'Tony'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:09:53 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/HCLS/ClinicalObservationsInteroperability/C-CDA C-CDA -> RDF page 16:09:55 Zakim, help 16:09:55 Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot for more detailed help. 16:09:56 Rob: I did that action 16:09:58 Some of the commands I know are: 16:09:58 xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx 16:09:58 if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted 16:09:58 xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx 16:09:58 I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx 16:09:58 xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group 16:09:59 xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx 16:09:59 who's here? - lists the participants on the phone 16:09:59 who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted 16:09:59 mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#) 16:09:59 unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61# 16:10:00 is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present 16:10:00 list conferences - reports the active conferences 16:10:01 this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx 16:10:01 excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel 16:10:01 I last learned something new on $Date: 2013-03-03 19:18:47 $ 16:10:08 Claude has joined #hcls 16:10:28 Zakim, +1.617.761.6200 is I 16:10:29 sorry, Vipul, I do not recognize a party named '+1.617.761.6200' 16:10:30 https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/157514853 16:10:45 Please join the gotomeeting 16:10:48 ACTION: Tony and Rob to report their plan on High-level concept mapping to RDF work [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-hcls-minutes.html#action08] -- DONE 16:10:48 Error finding 'Tony'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:10:52 Zakim, +1.617498.8797 is Vipul 16:10:52 sorry, Vipul, I do not recognize a party named '+1.617498.8797' 16:11:01 Thanks Claude 16:11:17 Topic: FHIR Ontology review with Cecil Lynch 16:11:22 https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/157514853 16:12:18 ACTION: Eric and Joshua to report on C-CDA RDF representations work plan [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-hcls-minutes.html#action07] 16:12:18 Created ACTION-13 - And joshua to report on c-cda rdf representations work plan [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2014/11/18-hcls-minutes.html#action07] [on Eric Prud'hommeaux - due 2014-12-23]. 16:12:29 DONE 16:12:40 Tony: Will send email to the list. 16:13:06 -< http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=TermInfo_FHIR_Ontology_HL7_ITS_RDF_W3C_HCLS_COI 16:13:07 topic: Cecil Lynch's FHIR Ontology review 16:13:31 -> http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=TermInfo_FHIR_Ontology_HL7_ITS_RDF_W3C_HCLS_COI 16:14:15 s/-< http/-> http/ 16:14:22 Cecil: followed lloyd's point that we need an automated, repeatable way to do this 16:16:15 ... i've used TBC to import XML Schema into RDFS and OWL 16:16:24 cecil: I imported XML Schema of FHIR into RDF/OWL using TopBraid Composer. 16:16:37 To David: Could we reserve 5 min at the end of the meeting to discuss plans for Jan meeting in San Antonio? 16:16:48 claude, good idea 16:16:56 Sorry, Eric - must be dyslexic this morning. :) 16:17:40 ... you can tell composer to import schema and optionally instance data 16:17:55 ... i pointed all of the FHIR XSDs in a package 16:18:02 cecil: I pointed it to all of the XSDs and it imported all of them. 16:18:13 ... you can have it prefix the object properties with a "has..." 16:18:20 ... Also imported all of the datatypes 16:18:43 ... everything drills down to privimage types like [21090] Code 16:18:43 ... It's faithful to the XML Schemas, in an automated way. 16:18:58 ... follows lloyd's goal to completely import the FHIR spec 16:19:07 ... The potential downside is that it brings in EVERYTHING, giving a complex model. 16:19:11 ... downside: you get a complex model 16:19:38 ... We've built tooling around HL7, OWL interface to Jena API, and we want all the detail. 16:19:44 ... at accenture, we've built tooling to use this with NLP, with links to Jena API 16:19:51 ... But for human mapping you might not want all of this complexity. 16:20:06 ... you need to examine whether you need this level of detail 16:20:51 ... [examining AdverseReaction] 16:21:01 q+ to ask about round tripping 16:21:42 charlie: i'm just staring with a company in paris which is the medication info provider for the french government 16:21:50 Charlie: I'm just starting with a Paris company, medication provider for French Gov, committed to semantic infra, using TBC. 16:22:02 ... Will be talking about importaing FHIR specs. 16:22:17 ... we have a call tomorrow with john hayden to talk about about the import from FHIR specs 16:22:39 ... Asked cecil if FHIR spec XSDs can be imported directly. 16:22:57 ... Also emailed Eric about his approach. 16:23:37 Eric: I'm driving this from XML Schema and Cecil is, so the only differences (aside from cosmetics) should be where I've customized toward the RDF-natural way to do things. 16:23:55 Cecil: I had it add "has" to predicates. 16:24:01 ... does ericP/Josh's instance map correspond to Cecil's schema? 16:24:25 ericP: in principle, apart from our customizations and coin flips in the parameters 16:24:29 Cecil: agreed 16:24:35 Tony: I looked at TBC and didn't use it, but got the specs on the XML->RDF transforms that they use. 16:24:45 Tony: i haven't seen a transform for a sequence yet 16:24:59 ... sequence is interesting. 16:25:19 Tony: I suspect that we need to transform both the schema and the profile, to get more specific. 16:25:21 ... looking at the high level, we need to transform the schema and the profile. 16:25:59 ... If you define a link as being a reference, which is the explicit XML, what you want is that it's resolved to the patient. 16:26:00 ... if you define a link as a reference (which is the explicit XML), what you want is that it's resolved to the patient 16:26:06 egonw has joined #HCLS 16:26:09 s/patient/patient resource/ 16:26:15 Cecil: ...to the patient resource. 16:26:40 Tony: so the resource is the referent in the XML the way the XML defines the reference. 16:26:53 ... so we need it to be reasoner-friendly 16:27:15 Cecil: I did generate an ont to do it that way, but you need to bring in the target resource. 16:27:46 Eric: I have a lab test for a patient, XML reference strcuter with attribute having a URL for that subject. 16:27:54 Cecil: i did that using TBC 16:28:15 Tony: the question is how do you get a reference that the reasoner can actually deail with 16:28:28 ... this should be fine apart from the specific resource 16:28:36 ... i believe those are in the profile 16:28:38 Tony: This looks fine other than the specific type of Resource -- how to restrict it to a patient reference. 16:28:49 cecil: Let me switch to a different ontology. 16:29:01 Cecil: looking at a 2.5 message spec 16:29:12 ... looks a little different, but same idea 16:29:18 ... sucked in the schema 16:29:21 cecil: this is an HL7 2.5 spec 16:29:31 ... you have PID segemtn and patient content 16:29:48 ... this was build to model the lab domain for biosurveillance 16:29:54 ... This was built to model the data for biosurveilllance 16:30:05 ... so i have an OBX and instance data that fits this model. 16:30:21 ... that's done with terminology bindings 16:30:41 q+ 16:31:12 Cecil: drilling down on the instance data, i see the properties of that LOINC code 16:31:23 ... this is how you'd bind that instance data to the schema 16:31:36 ... this is fully machine-processable 16:31:55 ... in practice, we don't do with with inference 'cause it would take forever 16:32:19 cecil: once you have validated your ont, you can do instance data inference some other way. 16:33:09 eric: A difference from the way Tony versus Josh and I took, in one case we did mechanical transformation and we did not dig into the coding systems -- terminology layer. 16:33:48 ... But in Tony's we dug in, for obs coding system, snomed code, allergic reaction that is bee sting. 16:34:28 ... What we're looking at here is a combination of mechanical transformation of obs records, followed by extra rules that could be modeled as OWL equiv classes 16:34:48 cecil: Correct, and i have a tool in sourceforge 16:35:12 Cecil: i put a tool up in sourceforge that translate e.g. presence findings into a normal form 16:35:25 ... it has lots of swtiches: 16:35:46 ... .. taking a top-level SNOMED concept and turning things into instances or classes 16:35:49 ... tool lets you build vocabularies (with switches to include skos, etc.), set top level class with terms of instances, and it auto imports snomed, rxnorm, loinc from their native files. 16:35:58 ... .. imports terminologies from their native files 16:36:14 ... You point it to whatever comes and it imports terminologies. 16:36:26 Tony: i use the SNOMED export to classes 16:36:33 ... This allows you to export as classes or as instances. 16:36:50 Tony: That's been a debate: the two ways to represent concepts (as classes vs instances). 16:36:58 ... this brings up the question of modeling classes or instances 16:37:10 cecil: It's a matter of how to model it to use it in a production system. 16:37:37 eric: Is there a clear winner about the better approach? 16:37:42 Cecil: yeah, question of how to model for your use case 16:37:42 cecil: Depends on the use case. 16:38:13 ... TB surveillance system used classes, because in that case there is a generator that writes rules for them, and we use backward chaining in JESS 16:38:18 ... i've modeled as classes for the CDC's turberculosis to then backward-chain in jess 16:38:27 ... everything in that system is classes 16:38:40 ... CDC has a set of OWL classes and we validate against medications the person is taking 16:38:45 ... we validate against instance data for e.g. medication the patient was taking 16:39:29 ... But this one uses instances because it is building value sets where i use a top level concept and I want everything to be an instance: does that value appear in that field? 16:39:48 ... this one is a little different because it's building value sets where i don't care about hierarchy 16:40:15 ericP: so if you're doing a leaf closure, you go straight to instances 16:40:23 dbooth: @@1 16:40:50 Cecil: the real question for the group in general is what are we aiming for? 16:40:56 ... some target use of the ontologies? 16:41:11 david: Like the difference between instance data validation as the RDF Validation WG is working on, versus class level inference like OWL reasoners do. 16:41:29 ... 'cause if you're using it for large-scale data processing, you won't use reasoners. 16:41:33 cecil: None of the OWL reasoners are robust enough for production processing. 16:41:51 ... i'd wrap it up in a jar and add it as a SPOUT in SPARK 16:42:08 Tony: Could also use punning, so we have both instances and classes 16:42:11 Tony: we could be looking at puns where the instance in one is a value in another 16:42:37 Cecil: yep, the code value is the owl:individual 16:42:37 cecil: I did use punning, and that makes it a lot easier to navigate from a machine processing viewpoint. 16:42:59 Tony: so in an instance, you can reference either IRI 16:43:19 topic: FHIR requirements 16:43:24 Topic: FHIR Ontology requirement 16:43:37 http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=FHIR_Ontology_Requirements 16:44:14 dbooth: any comnents about FHIR ontolog reqs? 16:44:26 q+ to say we need to think about sales 16:44:40 Vipul: these reqs are about syntax 16:44:55 Vipul: These requirements are primarily targeted at syntax. Should look at use cases and then look at requirements. 16:44:57 ... we should go back to real-world use cases and then go to reqs 16:45:08 ... that approach was successful in the COI group 16:45:34 1. It must be possible to round-trip instance data from XML/JSON through RDF representation 16:45:57 q- 16:46:44 Eric: We have one shot to impress people with how cool RDF is in the clinical domain, if we want to focus our efforts, we want to pick something that is achievable and differentiates the value proposition that shows benefits of using RDF over XML or JSON, etc. 16:46:59 +1 16:47:07 dbooth: 1 seems like MUST 16:47:11 +1 16:48:03 +1 16:48:10 ericP: is this met by round-tripping just to XML, counting on the compiles XML-JSON mapping 16:48:19 Vipul: can it be lossless? 16:48:59 dbooth: whether it's lossless or not has to be viewed through the lense of what is semantically significant according to the spec 16:49:16 Tony: the translated XML instance data has to be parsable 16:49:17 +1 16:49:34 ... e.g. TBC sequences doesn't parse 16:49:53 2. We want to be able to represent instances as RDF and Profiles as OWL/RDFS 16:49:58 +1 16:50:08 +1 16:51:42 3. Syntax needs to be "safe" when dealing with modifier extensions 16:51:44 +1 16:52:12 QUESTION: What is meant by "syntax"? RDF has several serializations. What syntax do you mean? 16:53:05 Eric: You can have extensions, so before interpreting results you need to check whether there are modifying extensions. 16:55:03 Topic: January HL7 16:55:34 Does anyone know the FHIR Link for "Version 2" - on Claims and Adminstrative Processes? 16:55:46 Can someone please post this here? 16:55:49 Thanks! 16:57:11 Paul: We could do Q1 or Q2 Monday for RDF subgroup. 16:57:15 Tony: Remote access? 16:57:31 Tony: We can try, with skype, but HL7 doesn't provide it. 16:57:43 Rob: I have audio hardware I can bring. 16:58:09 David: Who will be coming to San Antonio? 16:58:21 Answers: Claude, Paul, Cecil, Charlie, David 16:58:36 ... Rob 16:58:37 -Kerstin_Forsberg 16:58:44 ... Brian 17:00:18 -cecil 17:00:45 Tony: Out Dec 23 17:00:52 Charlie: Out Dec 23 and 30 17:01:09 - +1.617.498.aaii 17:01:36 -bpech 17:01:40 -knapp 17:02:23 Eric: I won't be able to attend the San Antonio, but I would love for people to be able to run the FHIR transformations that either Cecil or I have done. 17:02:48 -Ingeborg 17:02:51 -Tony 17:02:58 -rhausam 17:02:59 -Charlie 17:03:03 ADJOURNED 17:05:43 zakim, who is here? 17:05:43 On the phone I see DBooth, ericP, mscottm (muted), [IPcaller] 17:05:45 On IRC I see Claude, Vipul, charlie, Cecil, RHausam, bpech, mscottm, Zakim, RRSAgent, knapp, dbooth, TallTed, cloudcell, trackbot, ericP 17:06:31 -> https://github.com/jmandel/fhir-rdf/blob/master/generic/tests/other-nonmon.xml from 17:07:00 -> https://github.com/jmandel/fhir-rdf/blob/master/generic/tests/other-nonmon.xml to 17:07:19 -> https://github.com/jmandel/fhir-rdf/blob/master/generic/tests/other-nonmon.ttl#L15 to 17:08:01 -[IPcaller] 17:08:03 -mscottm 17:08:03 -DBooth 17:08:04 -ericP 17:08:04 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 17:08:04 Attendees were +1.604.250.aaaa, +1.978.794.aabb, DBooth, Kerstin_Forsberg, +1.801.949.aacc, +1.678.999.aadd, +1.202.528.aaee, knapp, Tony, rhausam, ericP, Ingeborg, bpech, 17:08:04 ... +, +1.415.537.aagg, Charlie, cecil, +31.88.445.aahh, mscottm, [IPcaller], +1.617.498.aaii 17:11:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:11:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:12:18 Chair: David Booth and Paul Knapp 17:15:09 Present: David_Booth, Kerstin_Forsberg, Paul_Knapp, Tony_Mallia, Rob_Hausam, EricP, Ingeborg, Brian_Pech, Charlie_Mead, Cecil_Lynch, Scott_Marshall, Claude_Nanjo, Vipul_Kashyap 18:08:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:08:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:56:40 i/Topic:/Screen shots from Cecil's FHIR ontology discussion: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2014Dec/0002.html 18:57:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:57:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 19:37:08 Zakim has left #hcls 19:51:43 s/Topic: FHIR Ontology review with Cecil Lynch// 20:14:53 s/topic: FHIR requirements// 20:14:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:14:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/16-hcls-minutes.html dbooth