15:14:32 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:14:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-annotation-irc 15:14:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:14:34 Zakim has joined #annotation 15:14:36 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:14:36 ok, trackbot; I see DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM scheduled to start in 46 minutes 15:14:37 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:14:37 Date: 03 December 2014 15:15:37 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Nov/0133.html 15:15:45 ivan has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Nov/0133.html 15:16:02 Chair: Frederick 15:22:43 s/Frederick/Frederick_Hirsch 15:23:02 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch 15:23:44 Topic: Administrative (Scribe selection, agenda review, announcements) 15:23:51 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:23:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:24:29 Regrets+ Rob_Sanderson 15:47:26 fjh has changed the topic to: annotation agenda (revised) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0007.html 15:47:46 s;Agenda:.*;Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0007.html; 15:47:57 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0007.html 15:48:28 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:48:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:49:10 zakim, who is here? 15:49:12 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has not yet started, fjh 15:49:12 On IRC I see RRSAgent, dauwhe, fjh, KevinMarks, ivan, Morbus, Mitar, shepazu, nickstenn, oshepherd, MarkS, dwhly, stain_, rhiaro, renoirb, bigbluehat, JakeHart, trackbot 15:49:58 Regrets+ Markus_Gylling 15:54:17 MGU has joined #annotation 15:54:55 paoloC has joined #annotation 15:55:00 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has now started 15:55:07 +Doug_Schepers 15:55:33 +PaoloC 15:55:55 +??P8 15:56:11 Zakim, ??P8 is MGU 15:56:11 +MGU; got it 15:56:58 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:57:40 zakim, code? 15:57:40 the conference code is 2666 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), fjh 15:57:44 +azaroth 15:57:55 +[IPcaller] 15:58:01 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:58:01 +fjh; got it 15:58:33 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:58:35 +[IPcaller] 15:58:38 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:58:45 Zakim, ipcaller is me 15:58:45 +nickstenn; got it 15:59:01 Regrets- Rob_Sanderson 15:59:11 zakim, who is here? 15:59:11 On the phone I see Doug_Schepers, PaoloC, MGU, azaroth, fjh, nickstenn 15:59:13 On IRC I see TimCole, azaroth, paoloC, MGU, Zakim, RRSAgent, dauwhe, fjh, KevinMarks, ivan, Morbus, Mitar, shepazu, nickstenn, oshepherd, MarkS, dwhly, stain_, rhiaro, renoirb, 15:59:13 ... bigbluehat, JakeHart, trackbot 15:59:15 +dauwhe 15:59:16 +TimCole 15:59:16 Present+ Maxence_Guesdon 15:59:26 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:59:26 Present+ Dave_Cramer 15:59:28 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:59:32 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:59:32 Present+ Nick_Stenning 15:59:38 Present+ Tim_Cole 16:00:09 zakim, who is here? 16:00:09 On the phone I see Doug_Schepers, PaoloC, MGU, azaroth, fjh, nickstenn, dauwhe, TimCole 16:00:11 On IRC I see TimCole, azaroth, paoloC, MGU, Zakim, RRSAgent, dauwhe, fjh, KevinMarks, ivan, Morbus, Mitar, shepazu, nickstenn, oshepherd, MarkS, dwhly, stain_, rhiaro, renoirb, 16:00:12 ... bigbluehat, JakeHart, trackbot 16:00:18 zakim, dial ivan-voip 16:00:18 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:00:19 +Ivan 16:00:29 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:00:54 Matt_Haas has joined #annotation 16:01:02 Present+ Ivan_Herman 16:01:13 +[Ugent] 16:01:19 zakim, Ugent is me 16:01:20 +bjdmeest; got it 16:01:28 fjh: can we include the call number + extension as a tel: URL in the agenda mails? :) would be handy! 16:01:34 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:01:36 + +1.864.787.aaaa 16:01:48 Present+ Benjamin_Young 16:01:58 +Matt_Haas 16:02:11 zakim, aaaa bjdmeest 16:02:11 I don't understand 'aaaa bjdmeest', fjh 16:02:13 +present Matt_Haas 16:02:21 zakim, aaaa is bjdmeest 16:02:21 +bjdmeest; got it 16:02:22 rayd has joined #annotation 16:02:32 present+ matt_Haas 16:02:40 what's the command to associate # + name? 16:02:40 s/+present Matt_Haas// 16:02:48 present+ Matt_Haas 16:02:49 thanks! 16:02:56 bigbluehat: == Benjamin Young 16:03:04 no worries! :) 16:03:13 + +1.202.707.aabb 16:03:15 mapping number to handle automatically https://www.w3.org/1998/12/bridge/info/name.php3 16:03:17 +Kyrce 16:03:44 zakim, where is 202? 16:03:45 North American dialing code 1.202 is District of Columbia 16:03:48 Kyrce has joined #annotation 16:03:58 zakim, aabb is rayd 16:03:58 +rayd; got it 16:04:08 zakim, who is here? 16:04:08 On the phone I see Doug_Schepers, PaoloC, MGU, azaroth, fjh, nickstenn, dauwhe, TimCole, Ivan, bjdmeest, bjdmeest.a, Matt_Haas, rayd, Kyrce 16:04:10 On IRC I see Kyrce, rayd, Matt_Haas, bjdmeest, TimCole, azaroth, paoloC, MGU, Zakim, RRSAgent, dauwhe, fjh, KevinMarks, ivan, Morbus, Mitar, shepazu, nickstenn, oshepherd, MarkS, 16:04:10 ... dwhly, stain_, rhiaro, renoirb, bigbluehat, JakeHart, trackbot 16:04:13 present+ Ray_Denenberg 16:04:20 zakim, pick a victim 16:04:22 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose rayd 16:04:35 zakim, pick a victim 16:04:35 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose nickstenn 16:04:42 zakim, pick a victim 16:04:43 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose MGU 16:04:58 Sorry, y english is not good enough :-( 16:05:03 zakim, who is here? 16:05:03 On the phone I see Doug_Schepers, PaoloC, MGU, azaroth, fjh, nickstenn, dauwhe, TimCole, Ivan, bjdmeest, bjdmeest.a, Matt_Haas, rayd, Kyrce 16:05:06 On IRC I see Kyrce, rayd, Matt_Haas, bjdmeest, TimCole, azaroth, paoloC, MGU, Zakim, RRSAgent, dauwhe, fjh, KevinMarks, ivan, Morbus, Mitar, shepazu, nickstenn, oshepherd, MarkS, 16:05:06 ... dwhly, stain_, rhiaro, renoirb, bigbluehat, JakeHart, trackbot 16:05:28 zakim, pick a victim 16:05:30 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose TimCole 16:05:47 scribenick: TimCole 16:06:27 revised agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0007.html 16:07:03 fjh: reviewed the agenda 16:07:44 updated scribe list https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Scribe_List 16:07:54 Topic: Minutes Approval 16:08:03 proposed RESOLUTION: 19 November 2014 minutes approved: http://www.w3.org/2014/11/19-annotation-minutes.html 16:08:12 +1 16:08:18 q+ 16:08:28 ack shepazu 16:08:45 shepazu: other groups don't do minutes approval on the call 16:09:10 fjh: would prefer to keep doing it on the call 16:09:21 +[IPcaller] 16:09:39 RESOLUTION: 19 November 2014 minutes approved: http://www.w3.org/2014/11/19-annotation-minutes.html 16:09:49 Topic: Annotating Specs 16:09:59 Call for implementations and participation, see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Nov/0137.html 16:10:02 Present+ Jake_Hartnell 16:10:25 community group, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Nov/0130.html 16:10:29 fjh: Doug sent out email requesting implementation ideas / details 16:10:40 ... also a message went to CG 16:11:16 shepazu: we want to be able to annotate our (W3C) own specs 16:11:30 ... we want to start with Annotator 16:11:40 ... we want to use other tools as they come forward 16:12:02 ... discussion about which tool should not be something on which we spend time 16:12:13 ... so we formed a spec annotation CG 16:12:42 ... if you are interested in the software aspects (as distinct from standardization), should join the CG 16:13:04 ... so please offer other tools, multiple implementations, ... 16:13:08 Jacob has joined #annotation 16:13:27 present+ Jacob_Jett 16:13:30 fjh: One thing we need to know when we can start annotating, and if there are instructions for doing it 16:13:50 shepazu: we hope to be ready by Friday 16:14:04 ... this will be done on Webplatform.org 16:14:37 ... when you select something you will see the side bar 16:14:52 ... annotate in using the sidebar (after logging in). 16:15:18 fjh: any questions? 16:15:41 azaroth: to clarify this will be a copy on webplatform.org rather than the master on w3c 16:16:37 shepazu: we will encourage editor drafts on webplatform.org, but will also be able to annotate on w3c.org 16:17:06 Topic: Data Model FPWD 16:17:17 Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish FPWD of Data Model Completed, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0000.html 16:17:27 Transition request sent, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2014OctDec/0182.html (member only) 16:17:38 fjh: no objections to publishing FPWD 16:17:57 ... we want to get this published before the moritorium 16:17:59 Topic: Data Model namespace and context 16:18:28 oa namespace, JSON-LD context http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0001.html 16:18:41 fjh: perhaps we can just change the landing page to reflect that we are now managing the context 16:19:00 azaroth: we can update the context URI separately from the namespace 16:19:25 ... this would leave the previous context URI for the CG and would put the WG context at new URI 16:19:32 q+ 16:19:41 ack Ivan 16:19:52 ivan: we can work out the details by email 16:19:59 +1 to rob sending email to list with details 16:20:15 ... Rob will write down his idea in detail and he and Ivan will make this happen 16:20:16 ACTION: azaroth and ivan to discuss the details of migration offline 16:20:17 Created ACTION-2 - And ivan to discuss the details of migration offline [on Robert Sanderson - due 2014-12-10]. 16:20:24 Topic: Robust Anchoring 16:20:34 +[IPcaller.a] 16:20:42 fjh: do we have anything new? 16:20:52 shepazu: there is a lot to talk about. 16:21:02 ... how do we wan to approach this? 16:21:15 ... people on the call who want to talk about the topic 16:21:28 ... if not, Doug will introduce it on the email list 16:21:51 fjh: Maybe an email to the list and then a discussion on a call might be best. 16:22:22 q+ 16:22:27 shepazu: wondering if people on the call today that have an interest in robust anchoring 16:22:28 ack paoloC 16:22:30 +1 16:22:50 interested, not sure whether off call preparation is needed 16:22:55 believe so 16:23:13 +1 to pre-call prep 16:23:13 +1 to having concrete proposal to work from 16:23:20 paoloC: best to introduce and raise concrete examples to help frame productive discussion 16:23:31 q+ 16:23:47 ack ivan 16:24:10 shepazu: volunteers to put together an initial draft for discussion 16:24:24 ivan: would like to hear more about what implementations do now 16:24:35 q+ 16:24:44 ... what are the approaches, experience, positive and negative 16:25:02 ... experience is a good place to start 16:25:02 action: shepaz to provide robust anchoring architecture draft on list to give start 16:25:02 Error finding 'shepaz'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:25:14 action: shepazu to provide robust anchoring architecture draft on list to give start 16:25:14 Created ACTION-3 - Provide robust anchoring architecture draft on list to give start [on Doug Schepers - due 2014-12-10]. 16:25:23 q+ 16:25:40 ack azaroth 16:26:04 azaroth: there are a large number of examples from CG and elsewhere to draw on 16:26:05 ack paoloC 16:26:31 paoloC: would be happy to share experience gleaned over several years 16:27:23 paoloC: we should be able to annotate HTML 16:27:32 ... not easy to handle for several reasons 16:27:50 ... for example the same document in different clients has different byte count, etc. 16:28:10 ... so we use prefix and suffix to what you are annotating 16:28:32 ... prefix and suffix a certain number of characters 16:28:48 ... if subsequent re-matching works, then all good 16:28:58 q+ 16:29:01 ... if not, increase length of prefix and suffix 16:29:25 ... works for some changes elsewhere in the document if these don't change the prefix and suffix 16:29:54 ... when match fails (because of document change) our client just shows the annotation on the side (orphaned) 16:30:26 ... the idea of prefix and suffix also works well for cross-format use cases (annotate PDF, display in HTML) 16:30:37 paoloC: handles dom processing to convert tags to strings as needed 16:30:44 ... we have developed rules of thumb over time 16:31:05 ack shepazu 16:31:28 ... as Web pages become more complex, and as CSS affects presentation, so we try not to cross sections when calculating prefix and suffix 16:31:45 ... sometimes may only be able to have a suffix 16:32:16 ... these have been tuned on scientific papers, wikipedia, other content that our users annotate 16:32:54 q+ to ask about rules of thumb documentation 16:33:05 shepazu: questions - when trying to reanchor an annotation, do you change the context? 16:33:32 paoloC: did some experimentation a few years ago 16:33:40 ... first you tests right away 16:33:58 ... then when you come back 6 months it no longer works 16:34:29 ... you may be able to make a good guess, but often for scientific papers not always a good idea 16:34:59 shepazu: poetry, lots of repetition, so you need to know which instance 16:35:03 paoloC: issue is that same word might appear often in technical paper, so hard to anchor without more information 16:35:13 paoloC: even worse for legal documents 16:35:16 shepazu: also music lyrics 16:35:43 ... other tools use different approaches that may be better for such situations 16:35:54 q+ 16:35:58 q? 16:37:00 shepazu: not clear about approaches that work well for increasingly modern dynamic documents 16:37:16 ... so not sure how much literature has dealt with these newer, very dynamic documents 16:37:59 q+ 16:38:07 ... if an annotation engine wants to say this annotation would be better anchored with new anchors, do we still keep the old anchors? 16:38:56 paoloC: most of the problems last few years have arisen trying to keep up, i.e., because of increasingly dynamic documents 16:39:19 ... because of all the javascript now being used by publishers - making things harder 16:39:29 are ads a problem? 16:39:32 ... but sometimes you can get api access to the base document 16:39:44 ... not able to annotate flash 16:40:05 ... technological challenge is great, things change 16:40:45 ... re keeping track of new selectors, we have to be careful to track provenance, e.g., we have to keep track of what was initially annotated. 16:40:47 q- 16:40:58 ack fjh 16:40:58 fjh, you wanted to ask about rules of thumb documentation 16:40:59 +1 to the danger of changing selectors in some domains 16:41:09 ... it can be dangerous to change exactly what was annotated and the original selectors 16:41:24 fjh: Paolo, do you have documentation we can share 16:41:58 paoloC: some documentation shared with hypothes.is previously 16:42:24 paoloC: work with static docs, but javascript becomes a problem 16:43:00 paoloC: an example of changes is how images are handled 16:43:21 ... used to be a fixed size, now the image size changes when you mouse over 16:43:45 ack nickstenn 16:43:53 ... so the annotation client alters the behavior of the page so that the image is always fixed size. 16:44:29 nickstenn: what comes to mind in listening to this is how hard this is to do in general 16:44:52 ... we need to keep in mind a number of considerations that haven't yet been raised 16:44:58 q+ 16:45:17 ... how do these approaches work in non-Western languages 16:45:35 q- 16:45:44 ... not convinced we know what we're doing well enough to standardize 16:46:09 q? 16:46:29 fjh: we should continue this discussion on the list, unless someone has a contribution now that we need to get started 16:47:35 zakim, who is making noise? 16:47:41 -Doug_Schepers 16:47:45 fjh, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Doug_Schepers (15%), fjh (43%), [IPcaller.a] (45%) 16:48:11 +Doug_Schepers 16:48:19 fjh: we don't yet have a robust definition of robust anchoring, but we understand that to make annotation work, we need to lay out the landscape 16:48:41 lets take this to the list 16:48:44 ???: for example versioning control; I anchor one version and that may be important 16:48:58 ... that's all we can say at this point 16:49:16 s/???/Dinesh/ 16:49:32 My position: we should focus on what support we need in APIs and model for robust anchoring, rather than talking about algorithms 16:49:39 Topic: Use Cases 16:49:48 Call for use cases http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Nov/0128.html 16:50:07 fjh: we have the call for use cases for Rob. We need to decide who else to send that call to. 16:50:10 +1 to broader sharing 16:50:11 cross-format annotations http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0005.html and http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2014Dec/0006.html 16:50:20 ... we have from Paolo the cross-format use case 16:50:38 ... there were use cases from the dpub IG 16:51:31 paoloC: my point of raising cross-format use case is to help us keep in mind interoperability 16:52:04 ... what can be done whether what domeo does makes sense, is a good starting point 16:52:12 q+ 16:52:15 the dpub use cases are all linked from the wiki (and tagged using azaroth's tags) at https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Use_Cases#List 16:52:57 sure 16:52:58 ... Ben Young and I worked on setting up the use case page - use cases should include concrete examples and should be clear about what areas the use case impacts 16:53:12 s/Ben Young/Benjamin Young 16:53:16 s/sure// 16:53:25 sorry for the nit...there's a lot of us :-P 16:53:41 ... the cross-format use cases raises the possibility of annotating an identifier (that might not be a URI) 16:54:15 ... for example annotating a doi or pii, i.e., a work that may have multiple representations, each with their own URL/URI 16:54:48 ... these identifiers are a shortcut for associating an annotation with a work 16:55:16 fjh: we should take this to the list and help us figure out what the WG wants to focus on. 16:55:20 Topic: Discovery 16:56:02 q+ 16:56:09 q+ 16:56:11 fjh: discovery is not explicitly in our charter, so we need to figure out if there's something meaningful that fits with us. Any quick thoughts? 16:56:20 q+ 16:56:22 agree with shepazu 16:56:23 q- 16:56:27 shepazu: thinks discovery is part of the REST API 16:56:39 ... this is being discussed in parallel in the Social WG 16:56:45 good to know, then we should start thinking about this more seriously 16:57:06 ... so we should discuss and coordinate closely with Social WG 16:57:08 q? 16:57:10 ack azaroth 16:57:29 azaroth: agrees discovery is important to do 16:57:57 ack rayd 16:58:14 ... but parts could be deferred until we have better and more use cases to help us understand the scope appropriate for annotation 16:58:40 rayd: summarizing from his email - doesn't want to impose a burden to deal with the full discovery 16:59:08 ... but if we can define a mechanism for notification, i.e., the ability to notify the owner of annotation target 16:59:20 q+ 16:59:39 -dauwhe 16:59:40 ... this would allow the owner of the target to take action as appropriate 16:59:48 ... provided 3 use cases 17:00:04 paoloC: volunteers to copy into the wiki 17:00:10 This sounds familiar. Is it worth looking into the 'expectation' use case again? 17:00:21 ack shepazu 17:00:24 ... will interact with rayd to make sure we don't mis-represent 17:01:08 Topic: Upcoming meetings 17:01:09 shepazu: the diagram we've been using does cover notification - not explicit in the charter, but is something we have discussed before. 17:01:35 proposed RESOLUTION: no teleconference 24 December or 31 December 17:01:40 ... it may not be this WG that ultimately defines the discovery mechanism, but we need to be part of the process. 17:01:57 RESOLUTION: no teleconference 24 December or 31 December 17:02:11 fjh: defer decision on 17 Dec. 17:03:01 Topic: Adjourn 17:03:01 -rayd 17:03:09 -Doug_Schepers 17:03:10 MGU has left #annotation 17:03:10 -TimCole 17:03:10 -[IPcaller.a] 17:03:12 -PaoloC 17:03:12 -Ivan 17:03:13 -bjdmeest.a 17:03:14 -azaroth 17:03:14 -MGU 17:03:15 TimCole has left #annotation 17:03:16 Thanks everyone! 17:03:16 -bjdmeest 17:03:18 -Kyrce 17:03:23 -fjh 17:03:28 -[IPcaller] 17:03:38 rrsagent, draft minuts 17:03:38 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minuts', ivan. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:03:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-annotation-minutes.html ivan 17:03:55 -Matt_Haas 17:03:57 -nickstenn 17:03:58 DPUB_(ANNO)11:00AM has ended 17:03:58 Attendees were Doug_Schepers, PaoloC, MGU, azaroth, fjh, nickstenn, dauwhe, TimCole, Ivan, bjdmeest, +1.864.787.aaaa, Matt_Haas, +1.202.707.aabb, Kyrce, rayd, [IPcaller] 17:04:05 tantek has joined #annotation 17:04:29 trackbot, end telcon 17:04:30 Zakim, list attendees 17:04:30 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 17:04:36 Kyrce has left #annotation 17:04:38 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:04:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/12/03-annotation-minutes.html trackbot