IRC log of tt on 2014-11-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:59:54 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #tt
14:59:54 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:59:56 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:59:56 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #tt
14:59:58 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be TTML
14:59:58 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute
14:59:59 [trackbot]
Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference
14:59:59 [trackbot]
Date: 13 November 2014
15:00:18 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started
15:00:24 [Zakim]
15:00:51 [Zakim]
15:01:04 [atai]
atai has joined #tt
15:01:15 [nigel]
Present: pal, nigel, atai
15:01:22 [nigel]
Regrets: glenn, courtney
15:01:25 [nigel]
chair: nigel
15:01:28 [tmichel]
tmichel has joined #tt
15:01:34 [nigel]
Present+ tmichel
15:01:37 [tm]
tm has joined #tt
15:01:59 [Zakim]
15:02:00 [Frans]
Frans has joined #tt
15:02:08 [nigel]
Present+ Frans
15:02:10 [Zakim]
15:03:27 [Zakim]
15:03:37 [tmichel]
zakim, ??P19 is me
15:03:37 [Zakim]
+tmichel; got it
15:05:24 [nigel]
scribeNick: nigel
15:05:34 [nigel]
Topic: This meeting
15:05:40 [nigel]
group: no other business
15:06:05 [pal]
pal has joined #tt
15:07:36 [nigel]
nigel: Notes no meeting on 25th December and 1st January
15:08:22 [nigel]
tmichel: We have agreement to publish the FPWD of WebVTT; I'm still waiting on the announcement.
15:08:57 [nigel]
... I publish the document in place, and then the web master adds the links, which is the publication process, as well
15:09:10 [nigel]
... as making the announcement and putting on W3C home page.
15:09:32 [nigel]
Topic: IMSC 1 review comments
15:11:11 [nigel]
nigel: Our plan for today is to go through all the comments and if we can move them all to Resolved then send replies.
15:11:27 [nigel]
... In order to do that we'll need to agree a response deadline for the commenter, which goes into the emails.
15:11:54 [nigel]
pal: I've had some comments from Andreas and Nigel, which I think are editorial only. I propose to edit them in place now.
15:12:20 [nigel]
pal: First one is a typo from nigel - double 'use'.
15:12:56 [nigel]
pal: For a future agenda, we should consider the general move to git instead of Mercurial, so when Glenn's present it
15:13:00 [nigel]
... would be good to discuss that.
15:13:22 [nigel]
Frans: +1 to using git
15:14:10 [nigel]
pal: Another from Nigel: for LC-2977. You're proposing to add conformance language and use the term "normal rendering"
15:14:25 [nigel]
... I'm concerned with using "normal rendering" which isn't defined.
15:15:28 [nigel]
... SHALL vs NOT SHALL - I don't think that's needed but could be okay.
15:15:35 [mike]
mike has joined #tt
15:16:02 [nigel]
nigel: The bigger point is that "no impact on presentation" could be misinterpreted as "no presentation" which isn't what we mean.
15:16:16 [Zakim]
15:16:17 [jdsmith]
jdsmith has joined #tt
15:16:19 [nigel]
pal: This was a response to Andreas's point - I'd actually prefer to remove the sentence altogether.
15:16:19 [Zakim]
15:16:29 [nigel]
Present+ Mike, jdsmith
15:18:09 [nigel]
andreas: From a practical point of view the text as written could be intepreted as requiring that forcedDisplay must be set to true for everything.
15:18:28 [nigel]
pal: That's only the case if displayForcedMode is true.
15:19:04 [nigel]
andreas: If you set the external parameter to true and none of the content has an applicable forcedDisplay attribute then
15:19:07 [nigel]
... nothing is shown.
15:19:17 [nigel]
pal: That's right - by default displayForcedOnlyMode is false.
15:19:45 [nigel]
andreas: The practical implication is that authors might always set forcedDisplay to true.
15:20:13 [nigel]
mike: It's important to note the relevant external context here, in which a track may be selected and displayed or not displayed.
15:22:22 [nigel]
... The forcedDisplayMode forces the deselected text content to play in specific circumstances.
15:22:37 [nigel]
nigel: We need to find an alternate form of words that addresses the editorial issue here.
15:23:09 [nigel]
pal: I'm happy to a) remove the last sentence or b) keep as it is but not c) use the term "normal rendering".
15:23:32 [nigel]
nigel: I'm not happy with leaving as is.
15:23:54 [nigel]
andreas: can we use something like "all other combinations ... do not change the computed presentation" or something like that?
15:24:17 [nigel]
pal: Glenn was adamant that this parameter should have no impact on other computed values - let's not introduce another problem.
15:26:07 [nigel]
nigel: How about removing the additional sentence and replacing "If the value of" in the previous sentence with "If, and only if, the value of" ...
15:26:44 [nigel]
andreas: Yes, that works.
15:26:54 [nigel]
pal: Okay, I've captured that.
15:27:07 [nigel]
15:27:30 [nigel]
pal: The resolution text does not need to be changed because it points to the latest editor's draft.
15:27:53 [nigel]
pal: Next is LC-2973
15:27:59 [nigel]
15:28:32 [nigel]
andreas: I like the solution in 6.2 but in 6.3 what we want to say here is that the namespace defined by W3C can only
15:28:52 [nigel]
... be added to by W3C and no other entities. The last sentence says that all undefined names in these namespaces are
15:29:08 [nigel]
... reserved for future standardisation by the W3C. I'm not sure if that's quite the right term.
15:29:15 [nigel]
pal: I copied exactly what was in TTML1.
15:29:39 [nigel]
andreas: Okay, if everyone understands the intended meaning then I'm fine with that. The only proposal is to add that
15:30:21 [nigel]
pal: I tried to do exactly what TTML1 already does so at least it's the same.
15:30:33 [nigel]
s/The proposal is to add that/
15:30:57 [nigel]
pal: Next one is LC-2982
15:31:06 [nigel]
15:33:03 [nigel]
andreas: I think we've already worked on this (forced display). I was just thinking about the impact on authors for using
15:33:20 [nigel]
... the feature. I think it's correct as it says, and I have no further proposal for a change.
15:33:36 [nigel]
pal: The last one with a comment is LC-2978
15:33:43 [nigel]
15:34:13 [nigel]
pal: I think Andreas suggested that the section 2 Document Conventions should be a direct link to the section in TTML1
15:34:17 [nigel]
... rather than a general link?
15:34:22 [nigel]
andreas: Yes
15:34:53 [nigel]
pal: The challenge is I think the conventions aren't only in the TTML1 document conventions section. For example
15:35:31 [nigel]
... the XML representation is in TTML1 §2.3, but the way styling attributes are specified is in the styling section inline.
15:35:40 [nigel]
... So I wanted to cast a wider net rather than a narrower one.
15:36:55 [nigel]
nigel: I can't see anything defining a document convention in TTML 1 §8 Styling
15:37:23 [nigel]
pal: That's right - we're using the same convention as the styling attribute tables in TTML1 §8 but it isn't clearly
15:37:44 [nigel]
... defined anywhere even in TTML1. I don't think we can link to only one place.
15:38:03 [nigel]
andreas: The main reason for the comment was about the XML representation, where the bold attribute format is
15:38:11 [nigel]
... defined as 'required'.
15:38:27 [nigel]
pal: So we can add 'in particular see section 2.3 for the specification of the XML representation of elements'?
15:38:31 [nigel]
andreas: +1
15:39:24 [nigel]
pal: [edits in place with slight tweaks to the above wording for precision]
15:39:34 [nigel]
pal: I think that covers all the comments.
15:40:13 [nigel]
nigel: In that case I think we can set all the comments to one kind of Resolved or another.
15:40:24 [nigel]
pal: I don't know how to pick the different types of Resolved!
15:41:13 [nigel]
tmichel: They're resolved within the WG then we need the agreement from the commenter.
15:41:18 [nigel]
15:42:21 [nigel]
nigel: I think we have to choose the appropriate Resolved-[yes|partial|no] status on a comment by comment basis.
15:42:27 [nigel]
jdsmith: That makes sense to me.
15:42:59 [nigel]
tmichel: The three options will show on the final disposition document with green/yellow/red colour coding
15:43:29 [nigel]
pal: When the comments are resolved, how do we notify the commenter?
15:48:18 [nigel]
nigel: If it's okay I will decide on the status for each one, and then we can send the replies.
15:48:26 [nigel]
... We need a feedback date though.
15:48:36 [nigel]
pal: I propose by next Thursday so we have the status by the next meeting.
15:49:07 [nigel]
tmichel: My notes do say 'if the comment meets the commenters request then we should put resolved-yes' etc.
15:49:31 [nigel]
... so before sending the response we have to set this status. Then there's another box for the commenter to agree.
15:49:38 [nigel]
... So there are two different levels.
15:49:43 [nigel]
nigel: I'll set the statuses.
15:50:12 [nigel]
nigel: When I've done that I'll send thierry an email asking for the replies to be reviewed and sent.
15:50:22 [nigel]
tmichel: That's fine, then I'll track the responses from the commenters.
15:50:36 [nigel]
nigel: And we'll set a reply-by date of Thursday 20th November.
15:51:04 [nigel]
pal: I've checked in the modification to the tip, incorporating all the changes from today.
15:51:23 [nigel]
15:51:23 [trackbot]
action-349 -- Nigel Megitt to Submit imsc 1 to itu-r working party 6b by 10th november -- due 2014-11-10 -- PENDINGREVIEW
15:51:23 [trackbot]
15:51:37 [nigel]
close action-349
15:51:37 [trackbot]
Closed action-349.
15:51:46 [nigel]
15:51:46 [trackbot]
action-348 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Thank dvb for input re lc-2983 -- due 2014-11-13 -- OPEN
15:51:46 [trackbot]
15:52:36 [nigel]
pal: I suggest it is more efficient for you to do this Nigel.
15:53:27 [nigel]
nigel: I suggest we just use the Replies to Comments here with Resolution-yes. If you can do action-348 by adding the
15:53:37 [nigel]
... thank you message to LC-2983 then I'll just go ahead with that.
15:53:42 [nigel]
pal: Thanks, I'll do that.
15:54:07 [nigel]
Topic: Note on TTML versions
15:54:12 [nigel]
15:54:12 [trackbot]
action-344 -- Cyril Concolato to Draft a wg note explaining the differences and relationships between the various versions of ttml -- due 2014-11-03 -- OPEN
15:54:12 [trackbot]
15:54:35 [nigel]
15:54:56 [nigel]
nigel: Cyril has done this and checked it in. The group should review this and propose any edits needed.
15:55:03 [nigel]
close action-344
15:55:03 [trackbot]
Closed action-344.
15:55:38 [nigel]
Topic: Change Proposals
15:56:26 [nigel]
nigel: I've sent a survey email out about CP25 and hope to raise it as an agenda item next week.
15:57:16 [nigel]
Action: nigel Set the status of the IMSC 1 Review comments
15:57:16 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-350 - Set the status of the imsc 1 review comments [on Nigel Megitt - due 2014-11-20].
15:57:41 [Zakim]
15:57:43 [Zakim]
15:57:45 [Zakim]
15:57:47 [Zakim]
15:57:51 [nigel]
nigel: Adjourns meeting. Thanks everyone - our next meeting is 1 hour, at the usual time next week.
15:57:57 [Zakim]
15:58:00 [Zakim]
15:58:27 [nigel]
rrsagent, make logs public
15:58:31 [nigel]
rrsagent, generate minutes
15:58:31 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate nigel
16:01:21 [nigel]
s/The only proposal is to add that/
16:01:31 [nigel]
s|s/The proposal is to add that/|
16:07:04 [nigel]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:07:04 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate nigel
16:08:10 [nigel]
ScribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics
16:08:12 [nigel]
rrsagent, generate minutes
16:08:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate nigel
17:05:00 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, tmichel, in SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM
17:05:02 [Zakim]
SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended
17:05:02 [Zakim]
Attendees were pal, nigel, Andreas, Frans, tmichel, Mike, jdsmith
17:29:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #tt