IRC log of aapi on 2014-11-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

19:51:40 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #aapi
19:51:40 [RRSAgent]
logging to
19:51:42 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs member
19:51:42 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #aapi
19:51:44 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be WAI_PF
19:51:44 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM scheduled to start in 9 minutes
19:51:45 [trackbot]
Meeting: Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference
19:51:45 [trackbot]
Date: 11 November 2014
19:52:06 [clown]
chair: Joseph_Scheuhammer
19:52:33 [clown]
agenda: this
19:52:38 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1185: (Joseph, Cynthia) Review edits: UIA Express and UIA mappings for role=heading/aria-level using heading paragraph style.
19:52:44 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1463: (All) Keep getComputedRole() and getComputedLabel() on radar (methods of Element).
19:52:50 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1442: (All) Mapping for new aria-current: Create and assign action(s) for core-aam.
19:53:00 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1391/ISSUE-435: (All) Mapping for new role="text": Create and assign action(s) for core-aam.
19:53:12 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1492/ISSUE-671: (Cynthia, Joseph) Review Joseph's solution for widgets re: aria-invalid and its token values.
19:53:21 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1509: (Joseph): Document distinction between atk and at-spi and why they are combined in core-aam.
19:53:27 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1445/ISSUE-661: (Cynthia) Investigate ideal mapping for role presentation in tables and lists.
19:53:32 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-1104: (Cynthia) Define the UIA mapping for aria-describedby when the element does not exist in the accessibility tree such as when css: display:none applies.
19:53:38 [clown]
agneda+ ACTION-1322: (Jon) Make some examples for aria-hidden="false" (including a hidden live region).
19:53:44 [clown]
agenda+ Continue with ACTIONs/ISSUEs for core-aam 1.1:
19:53:49 [clown]
agenda+ be done.
19:55:27 [Zakim]
WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM has now started
19:55:34 [Zakim]
19:55:44 [clown]
zakim, GVoice is Joseph_Scheuhammer
19:55:44 [Zakim]
+Joseph_Scheuhammer; got it
19:55:51 [clown]
zakim, I am Joseph_Scheuhammer
19:55:51 [Zakim]
ok, clown, I now associate you with Joseph_Scheuhammer
19:56:52 [Zakim]
20:01:05 [Zakim]
20:02:36 [bgaraventa1979]
bgaraventa1979 has joined #aapi
20:03:07 [bgaraventa1979]
zakim, aaaa is Bryan_Garaventa
20:03:07 [Zakim]
sorry, bgaraventa1979, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa'
20:03:27 [bgaraventa1979]
zakim, I am Bryan_Garaventa
20:03:27 [Zakim]
ok, bgaraventa1979, I now associate you with Bryan_Garaventa
20:03:54 [Zakim]
20:04:34 [joanie]
scribenick: joanie
20:04:59 [joanie]
Zakim, take up item 1
20:04:59 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "ACTION-1185: (Joseph, Cynthia) Review edits: UIA Express and UIA mappings for role=heading/aria-level using heading paragraph style." taken up [from clown]
20:05:20 [clown]
20:05:20 [cyns]
cyns has joined #aapi
20:05:20 [trackbot]
action-1185 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Look into UIA Express and UIA mappings for role=heading to check for heading paragraph style. -- due 2014-10-28 -- PENDINGREVIEW
20:05:20 [trackbot]
20:05:25 [joanie]
JS: This is request for Cynthia. I put some stuff in role heading as per action-1185.
20:05:29 [clown]
20:05:34 [joanie]
JS: I want to make sure that what I put there is ok.
20:05:49 [clown]
20:06:00 [joanie]
JS: I put it under (the above).
20:06:27 [joanie]
JS: If you look at the MSAA and UIA under aria-level, you see [reads].
20:06:31 [joanie]
CS: That looks good.
20:06:45 [joanie]
RESOLUTION: Close action-1185 as complete.
20:06:59 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
20:06:59 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "ACTION-1463: (All) Keep getComputedRole() and getComputedLabel() on radar (methods of Element)." taken up [from clown]
20:07:12 [joanie]
JS: This is just to keep other people apprised of the situation.
20:07:33 [joanie]
20:07:33 [trackbot]
action-143 -- Alfred S. Gilman to Approach ChrisW about visiting PFWG F2F -- due 2008-06-11 -- CLOSED
20:07:33 [trackbot]
20:07:40 [clown]
20:07:40 [trackbot]
action-1143 -- Cynthia Shelly to (1) identify what pattern that invalid is mapped to (2) to see if it's implemented for widget roles -- due 2013-02-01 -- CLOSED
20:07:40 [trackbot]
20:07:44 [joanie]
20:07:50 [clown]
20:07:50 [trackbot]
action-1463 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Keep issue-427 on radar for aapi meetings -- due 2014-10-13 -- OPEN
20:07:50 [trackbot]
20:07:54 [joanie]
20:07:57 [clown]
20:08:06 [clown]
20:08:06 [trackbot]
issue-427 -- Need a way for application to find out what role has been applied to or computed for an element -- open
20:08:06 [trackbot]
20:08:33 [joanie]
JS: This has to do with a couple of new methods on elements.
20:08:40 [clown]
20:08:40 [joanie]
JS: The work has been moved to the HTML group.
20:08:51 [joanie]
JS: James filed the above bug.
20:09:15 [joanie]
JS: I brought this up because there were a number of associated actions for each company to talk to their browser teams.
20:09:37 [joanie]
CS: I have an ongoing conversation with the IE team and expect to have good information soon.
20:09:38 [clown]
20:09:38 [trackbot]
action-1462 -- Cynthia Shelly to Discuss computed role with ie team -- due 2014-10-13 -- CLOSED
20:09:38 [trackbot]
20:09:48 [joanie]
JS: That would be 1462. We can reopen it.
20:10:28 [joanie]
JS: It's now open again and 9 December is the due date.
20:10:32 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
20:10:32 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "ACTION-1442: (All) Mapping for new aria-current: Create and assign action(s) for core-aam." taken up [from clown]
20:10:41 [clown]
20:10:41 [trackbot]
action-1442 -- Léonie Watson to Create spec. text for aria-currentfor="IDREF" and aria-current="true/false", related to issue-587 -- due 2014-10-13 -- OPEN
20:10:42 [trackbot]
20:10:55 [joanie]
JS: There is an aria-current attribute which is nearly written (the spec text for it)
20:11:07 [joanie]
JS: We're going to have to put in the accessibility APIs.
20:11:29 [joanie]
JS: I would like to open actions for Joanie, Cynthia, and David to explore how to map this in there respective accessibility APIs.
20:11:36 [joanie]
CS: That makes sense.
20:11:42 [joanie]
JS: [creates actions]
20:11:43 [clown]
action: Cynthia to investigate the proper UIA mappings for aria-current
20:11:43 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1527 - Investigate the proper uia mappings for aria-current [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2014-11-18].
20:12:04 [clown]
action: David Bolter to investigate the proper IA2 mappings for aria-current
20:12:04 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1528 - Bolter to investigate the proper ia2 mappings for aria-current [on David Bolter - due 2014-11-18].
20:12:19 [clown]
action: Joanie to investigate the proper ATK/AT-SPI mappings for aria-current
20:12:19 [clown]
20:12:19 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1529 - Investigate the proper atk/at-spi mappings for aria-current [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2014-11-18].
20:12:58 [joanie]
20:12:58 [trackbot]
issue-587 -- Consider allowing the aria-selected state on any focusable element, or add a new attr like aria-active or aria-current -- open
20:12:58 [trackbot]
20:13:47 [joanie]
JS: [Associates new actions with issue-587]
20:14:43 [joanie]
JS: The default due date is Nov 18. You can change it to whatever you want.
20:14:58 [joanie]
JS: Although, do you think it will make it into the next working draft?
20:15:08 [joanie]
CS: That seems iffy. Who is writing it up?
20:15:14 [joanie]
JS: Léonie.
20:15:22 [joanie]
CS: If she's doing it, then it's likely it will make it.
20:15:28 [joanie]
JS: Then we need the mappings in a week.
20:15:43 [joanie]
CS: That is unlikely to happen for UIA. There may be architectural changes.
20:15:57 [joanie]
CS: January or February is a more reasonable time frame for me.
20:16:30 [joanie]
JS: [Updates due date to 31 January for Cynthia's]
20:18:07 [joanie]
JD: I will look at ATK to see if this can be reasonably mapped using existing API.
20:18:23 [joanie]
JD: If it cannot, I'm tempted to say make it an object attribute for now.
20:18:28 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
20:18:28 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "ACTION-1391/ISSUE-435: (All) Mapping for new role="text": Create and assign action(s) for core-aam." taken up [from clown]
20:18:36 [joanie]
JS: There's a new role text.
20:18:57 [joanie]
JS: Again, we'll need to map it. So I'm proposing that the same three people investigate it and suggest a mapping for it.
20:19:06 [joanie]
JS: [Writing up actions]
20:19:13 [clown]
action: Cynthia to investigate UIA mapping of role="text"
20:19:13 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1530 - Investigate uia mapping of role="text" [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2014-11-18].
20:19:26 [clown]
action: David Bolter to investigate IA2 mapping of role="text"
20:19:26 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1531 - Bolter to investigate ia2 mapping of role="text" [on David Bolter - due 2014-11-18].
20:19:37 [clown]
action: Joanie to investigate ATK/AT-SPI mapping of role="text"
20:19:37 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1532 - Investigate atk/at-spi mapping of role="text" [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2014-11-18].
20:19:48 [clown]
20:19:48 [trackbot]
action-1531 -- David Bolter to Bolter to investigate ia2 mapping of role="text" -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
20:19:48 [trackbot]
20:19:58 [joanie]
JS: Does anyone want me to adjust the due dates?
20:22:34 [joanie]
JD: It's worth noting that this role might not apply to just text.
20:22:55 [clown]
20:22:57 [joanie]
JD: So mapping it directly to an existing platform text role might not make sense.
20:23:31 [joanie]
JD: In ATK, we are creating a new "generic/static" role.
20:23:55 [joanie]
JS: Do you want a different due date, Joanie?
20:23:59 [joanie]
JD: No I'm good.
20:24:27 [joanie]
CS: I just updated my and David's actions with a link to the thread (from the public-pwfg list)
20:24:42 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
20:24:42 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "ACTION-1492/ISSUE-671: (Cynthia, Joseph) Review Joseph's solution for widgets re: aria-invalid and its token values." taken up [from clown]
20:24:52 [clown]
20:24:52 [trackbot]
action-1492 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate issue 671 and propose a solution that is clear for widgets -- due 2014-09-30 -- OPEN
20:24:52 [trackbot]
20:24:54 [joanie]
JS: This is one that I'm nearly finished with.
20:25:36 [joanie]
JS: I wrote a response to the issue and proposed changes for the mapping guide.
20:25:53 [joanie]
JS: David and James are fine with my proposal.
20:25:54 [clown]
Expose 'false' in IsDataValidForForm property
20:25:59 [joanie]
JS: I think Joanie is too.
20:26:06 [joanie]
CS: Yeah, that looks good.
20:26:15 [joanie]
CS: Exposing false looks better to me.
20:26:42 [joanie]
JS: Ok, that means I can make those edits for 1492 and will do so sometime in the next week.
20:26:59 [joanie]
regrets+ Richard_Schwerdtfeger
20:27:16 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
20:27:16 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "ACTION-1509: (Joseph): Document distinction between atk and at-spi and why they are combined in core-aam." taken up [from clown]
20:27:28 [joanie]
JS: I've done that! I finished it this morning.
20:27:29 [clown]
20:27:29 [trackbot]
action-1509 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Document distinction between atk and at-spi and why they are combined in core-aam -- due 2014-10-27 -- CLOSED
20:27:29 [trackbot]
20:27:37 [joanie]
JS: And I think I closed the action already.
20:27:58 [joanie]
JS: If you want to see it, I'll have to find a link for you.
20:28:00 [clown]
20:28:05 [joanie]
JS: This (the above) is close.
20:28:19 [joanie]
JS: There's a note at the end of that section. [Reads from note]
20:28:36 [joanie]
JS: If Joanie wants to look at that, she can do so.
20:30:01 [joanie]
JD: Looks fine to me.
20:31:10 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
20:31:10 [Zakim]
agendum 7. "ACTION-1445/ISSUE-661: (Cynthia) Investigate ideal mapping for role presentation in tables and lists." taken up [from clown]
20:31:21 [clown]
20:31:21 [trackbot]
action-1445 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate the ideal uai mapping for role presentation in tables and lists. -- due 2014-08-22 -- OPEN
20:31:21 [trackbot]
20:31:27 [joanie]
JS: This came due this week. I'm just wondering how the progress is.
20:31:45 [joanie]
CS: Give me another week.
20:32:10 [joanie]
Zakim, next item.
20:32:10 [Zakim]
agendum 8. "ACTION-1104: (Cynthia) Define the UIA mapping for aria-describedby when the element does not exist in the accessibility tree such as when css: display:none applies."
20:32:13 [Zakim]
... taken up [from clown]
20:32:22 [clown]
20:32:22 [trackbot]
action-1104 -- Cynthia Shelly to Define what the accessibility API mapping is for UIA on aria-describedby in section 5.5.1 table when the element does not exist in the accessibility tree such as when css: display:none applies -- due 2014-10-21 -- OPEN
20:32:23 [trackbot]
20:32:28 [joanie]
JS: This one I need ... I'd really like to get this one resolved.
20:32:44 [joanie]
JS: Reminder, you can have describedby point to something with role="none"
20:33:03 [joanie]
JS: How do we handle something which points to nothing.
20:33:12 [joanie]
CS: I need to revisit this with the dev.
20:33:29 [joanie]
CS: Next week.
20:33:41 [joanie]
Zakim, next item.
20:33:41 [Zakim]
agendum 9. "Continue with ACTIONs/ISSUEs for core-aam 1.1:" taken up [from clown]
20:34:03 [clown]
20:34:03 [trackbot]
action-842 -- Cynthia Shelly to Create a diagram to support section 1.2 A11Y vs DOM tree -- due 2014-11-04 -- OPEN
20:34:03 [trackbot]
20:34:30 [joanie]
CS: I made progress on this during TPAC. I need to transfer it from paper to electronic format.
20:34:39 [joanie]
CS: December 16th.
20:35:17 [clown]
20:35:17 [trackbot]
action-1254 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Work with WebApps working group to ensure that DOM spec states when a keydown event is consumed/cancelled that the corresponding keypress event is also cancelled. -- due 2014-10-27 -- OPEN
20:35:17 [trackbot]
20:35:32 [joanie]
JS: [Reads over action-1254]
20:35:57 [joanie]
CS: Is this still true? Or is it overcome by events?
20:36:15 [joanie]
JS: I'm seeing there's a couple of notes in here to look for a test case and test it.
20:36:24 [joanie]
JS: James Craig thinks it might already work.
20:36:38 [joanie]
CS: I would start with Travis L from Microsoft.
20:37:09 [joanie]
CS: If there is a test, he'd know where it is
20:38:29 [joanie]
JS: I'll check with him.
20:38:40 [joanie]
JS: I'll try for two weeks.
20:39:02 [clown]
20:39:02 [trackbot]
action-1373 -- Cynthia Shelly to Create a test case for when aria-posinset and aria-setsize are provided explicitly on some but not all elements. -- due 2014-10-21 -- OPEN
20:39:02 [trackbot]
20:39:27 [joanie]
CS: December 16th on this one too.
20:39:33 [joanie]
JS: It sounds like it's just markup.
20:39:35 [joanie]
CS: It is.
20:39:50 [clown]
20:39:50 [trackbot]
action-1457 -- Cynthia Shelly to Ask Michael to create 1.1 testharness -- due 2014-07-03 -- OPEN
20:39:50 [trackbot]
20:40:03 [joanie]
CS: I think he did that.
20:40:08 [clown]
20:40:08 [joanie]
JS: He added a tracker.
20:40:26 [joanie]
CS: In ARIA 1.0 there was a thing with all the test cases. Did he create one of those?
20:40:30 [joanie]
JS: [Looks]
20:40:33 [clown]
20:40:48 [joanie]
JS: This (above) is the root page for the test harness, and there's only 1.0 there.
20:40:53 [joanie]
CS: Ok, I'll do that right now.
20:44:56 [joanie]
action: Joanie to investigate and possibly create a minimal/skeleton JavaScript AT-SPI2 listener with the aim of automating the 1.1 tests.
20:44:57 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-1533 - Investigate and possibly create a minimal/skeleton javascript at-spi2 listener with the aim of automating the 1.1 tests. [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2014-11-18].
20:45:05 [clown]
20:45:05 [trackbot]
action-1533 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Investigate and possibly create a minimal/skeleton javascript at-spi2 listener with the aim of automating the 1.1 tests. -- due 2014-11-18 -- OPEN
20:45:05 [trackbot]
20:46:02 [clown]
20:46:03 [trackbot]
action-1492 -- Cynthia Shelly to Investigate issue 671 and propose a solution that is clear for widgets -- due 2014-09-30 -- OPEN
20:46:03 [trackbot]
20:46:17 [joanie]
CS: We looked at that one earlier.
20:46:25 [joanie]
JS: That is my action now. Let me update that.
20:46:44 [joanie]
JS: I want this one done for next week.
20:47:05 [joanie]
JS: We've gone over everything that is overdue.
20:47:10 [joanie]
JS: Floor is open.
20:47:16 [clown]
20:54:41 [clown]
20:55:05 [joanie]
21:00:35 [Zakim]
21:18:10 [Zakim]
21:18:12 [Zakim]
21:18:12 [Zakim]
21:18:14 [Zakim]
WAI_PFWG(AAPI)3:00PM has ended
21:18:14 [Zakim]
Attendees were Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs, Bryan_Garaventa, [Microsoft]
21:19:00 [joanie]
Zakim, part
21:19:00 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #aapi
21:19:16 [joanie]
present+ Cynthia_Shelly
21:19:26 [joanie]
present- [Microsoft]
21:19:43 [joanie]
RRSAgent, make minutes
21:19:43 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joanie
21:20:01 [joanie]
RRSAgent, make minutes public
21:20:01 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', joanie. Try /msg RRSAgent help
21:20:48 [joanie]
RRSAgent, stop